Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: George Wilkins
Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
Not Peer Reviewed

The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)

Painfull Aduentures
of Pericles Prince of
The true History of the Play of Pericles as it was
lately presented by the worthy and an-
cient Poet Iohn Gower.
Printed by T.P. for Nat: Butter.
To the Right Worshipfull and most woorthy Gentleman Maister Henry Fermor, one of his Maiesties Justices of Peace for the 0.5Countie of Middlesex, health and eternall happinesse.
Right woorthy Sir, Opinion, that in these daies wil make wise men fooles, and the most fooles (with a little helpe of their owne arrogancie) seeme wise, hath made me 0.10euer feare to throw my selfe vpon the racke of Censure, the which euerie man in this latter Age doth, who is so ouer hardie to put his witte in print. I see Sir, that a good coate with rich trappings gets a gay Asse entraunce in 0.15at a great Gate (and within 'a may stalke freely) when a ragged philosopher with more witte shall be shutte foorth of doores: notwithstanding this I know Sir, that Vertue wants no bases to vpholde her, but her owne kinne. In which certaine assuraunce, 0.20and knowing that your woorthie Selfe, are of that neere alliaunce to the noble house of Goodnesse, that you growe out of one stalke, a poore infant of my braine comes naked vnto you, without other clothing than my loue, and craues your hospitalitie. If you 0.25take this to refuge, her father dooth promise, that with more labored houres he can inheighten your Name and Memorie, and therein shall appeere he will not die ingratefull. Yet thus much hee dares say, in the behalfe of this, somewhat it containeth that 0.30may inuite the choicest eie to reade, nothing heere is sure may breede displeasure to anie. So leauing your spare houres to the recreation thereof, and my boldnesse now submitting it selfe to your censure, not willing to make a great waie to a little house, 0.35I rest
Most desirous to be held
all yours,
1The Argument of the whole Historie.
Antiochus the Great, who was the first founder of Antioch, the most famous Citty in all Syria, hauing one onelie daughter, in the prime and glory of her youth, fell in most vnnaturall 5loue with her; and what by the power of his perswasions, and feare of his tyranny, he so preuailed with her yeelding heart, that he became maister of his desires; which to continue to himself, his daughter being for her beauty desired in marriage of many great princes, he made this law, That whoso presumed to desire 10her in marriage, and could not vnfold the meaning of his questions, for that attempt should loose his life. Fearelesse of this Lawe, many Princes aduentured, and in their rashnesse perished: amongst the number PERICLES the Prince of Tyre, and neighbour to this tyrant King Antiochus, was the last who vndertooke to resolue this Riddle, which he accordingly, through 15his great wisedome, performed: and finding both the subtiltie and sinne of the Tyrant, for his owne safetie fled secretly from Antioch backe to Tyre, and there acquainted Helycanus a graue Counsellour of his with the proceedings, as also with his present feare what might succeed, from whose counsell he tooke aduise, for a space to leaue his kingdome, 20and betake himselfe to trauell; to which yeelding, Pericles puts to sea, ariues at Tharsus, which he finds (thorow the dearth of corne) in much distresse: he there relieues Cleon and Dyonysa with their distressed City, with the prouision which he brought of purpose; but by his good Counsellour Helycanus hearing newes of Antiochus death, he intends for Tyre, puts againe 25to Sea, suffers shipwracke, his shippes and men all lost, till (as it were) Fortune tyred with his mis-happes, he is throwne vpon the shoare, releeued by certaine poore Fishermen, and by an Armour of his which they by chaunce dragged vp in their nettes, his misfortunes being a little repaired, Pericles arriues at the Court of good Symonides King of Pentapolis, where through his 30noblenesse both in Armes and Arts, he winnes the loue of faire Thaysa the kings daughter, and by her fathers consent marries her.
In this absence of his, and, for which absence the Tyrians his subiects muteny, would elect Helycanus (whome Pericles ordained his substitute in his absence) their King, which passion of theirs Helycanus by his graue perswasions 35subdewed, and wonne them to goe in quest of their lost Prince Pericles: In this search he is found, and with his wife Thaysa, who is now with childe, and Lycorida her Nurse; hauing taken leaue of his kingly Father, puts againe for Tyre, but with the terrour of a tempest at Sea, his Queene falles in trauell, is deliuered of a daughter, whome hee names Marina, in which childe-birth his Queene dies, she is 40throwne ouerboorde, at departure of whome Pericles altereth his course from Tyre, being a shorter cut, to his hoste Clean in Tharsus; hee there leaues his yoong daughter to be fostered vp, vowing to himselfe a solitary and pensiue life for the losse of his Queene.
Thaysa thus supposed dead, and in the seas buried, is the next morning on 45the shore taken vp at Ephesus by Cerimon a most skilfull Physition, who by his Arte practised vpon this Queene, so preuailed, that after fiue houres intraunced, she is by his skill brought to able health againe, and by her owne request, by him placed to liue a Votary in Dianaes Temple at Ephesus. Marina Pericles sea-borne daughter, is by this growen to discreete yeares, she is enuied of 50Dyonysa Cleons wife, her foster mother, for that Marinaes perfection exceedeth a daughter of hers, Marina by this enuy of hers should haue beene murthered, but being rescued by certaine Pyrates, is as it were reserued to a greater mishap, for by them she is carried to Metelyne, sold to the deuils broker a bawd, to haue bin trained vp in that infection, shee is courted of many, and 55how wonderfully she preserues her chastitie.
Pericles returnes from Tyre toward Tharsus, to visite the hospitable Cleon, Dyonysa, and his yoong daughter Marina, where by Dyonysaes dissembling teares, and a Toombe that was erected for her, Pericles is brought to beleeue, that his Marina lies there buryed, and that shee died of her naturall death, 60for whose losse hee teares his haire, throwes off his garments, forsweares the societie of men, or any other comfort. In which passion for many moneths continuing, hee at last arriues at Metelyne, when being scene and pittied by Lysimachus the Gouernour, his daughter (though of him vnknowen so) is by the Gouernour sent for, who by her excellent skill in Song, and pleasantnesse in 65discourse, with relating the story of her owne mishap, shee so winnes againe her fathers lost sences, that hee knowes her for his childe, shee him for her father; in which ouerioy, as if his sences were nowe all confounded, Pericles falles asleepe, where in a dreame he is by Diana warned to goe to Ephesus, and there to make his sacrifice. Pericles obayes, and there comes to the knowledge 70of Thaysa his wife, with their seuerall loyes that they three so strangely diuided, are as strangely mette. Lysimachus the Gouernour marrieth Marina, and Pericles leauing his mourning, causeth the bawde to be burned. Of his reuenge to Clean and Dyonysa, his rewarding of the Fishermen that releeued him, his iustice toward the Pyrats that made sale of his daughter, his returne 75backe to his kingdome, and of him and his wifes deaths. Onely intreating the Reader to receiue this Historie in the same maner as it was vnder the habite of ancient Gower the famous English Poet, by the Kings Maiesties Players excellently presented.
The names of the Personages mentioned in this Historie.
80Iohn Gower the Presenter.
Antiochus built Antioch
His daughter.
Pericles Prince of Tyre.
Thalyart a villaine.
Eschines Twoo graue Counsellors.
Cleon Gouernor of Tharsus.
Dyonysa his wife.
Two or three Fishermen.
90Symonides king of Pentapolis
Thaysa his daughter.
Fiue Princes.
Lycorida a Nurse.
Cerimon a Phisition.
95Marina Pericles daughter.
A Murtherer.
A Bawde.
A Lena.
100A Pander.
Lysimachus Gouernour of Meteline.
Diana Goddesse of chastitie
The Painfull Aduentures of Pericles Prince of Tyre.
The first Chapter.
105Wherein Gower describes how Antiochus surnamed the Great committed incest with his daughter, and beheaded such as sued to her for marriage, if they could not resolue his question, placing their heades vpon the top of his Castle gate, whereby to astonish all others that came to attempt the like.
The great and mighty King Antiochus, who was as cruell in tyranny, 110as hee was powerfull in possessions, seeking more to enrich himselfe by shewes, than to renown his name by vertue, caused to be built the goodly Cittie of Antioch in Syria, and called it after his owne name, as the chiefest seate of all his Dominions, and principall place of his abode. This Antiochus had increase by his Queene one onely daughter, so excellent in beauty, as if Nature 115and all Perfection had long studied to seeme onely absolute at her birth. This Ladie growing to like ripenesse of age, as shee had full endowment of outward ornaments, was resorted vnto by many youthfull Princes, who desired her in marriage, offering to make her Ioynture as noble in possessions, as shee by beauty was royall in her selfe. While the King her father euermore 120requiring deliberation vpon whome rather than other to bestow this his so inestimable a lewell, he beganne sodainely to have an vnlawfull concupiscence to growe in himselfe, which hee augmented with an outragious flame of cruelty sparkling in his hart, and accompted her so worthy in the world, that shee was too worthy for any, but himselfe. Thus being wrapped with this vnnaturall loue, 125he sustained such a conflict in his thoughts, wherein Madnesse puts Modesty to flight, giuing ouer his affections to the vnlawfulnesse of his will, rather then subdued them with the remembraunce of the euill hee had then in practise, so that not long after comming into his daughters Chamber, and commaunding all that were neere at her attendance to depart, as if he had had some carefull 130and fatherly busines, the necessitie of whose import desired some priuate conference with her, he beganne to make motion of that vniust love to her, which euen Lust it selfe, had it not in a father beene so brased with impudencie, would haue blusht but euen to haue thought vpon. Much perswasion, though to little reason, he vsed, as, that he was her father, whome shee was 135bound to obey, he was a King that had power to commaund, he was in loue, and his loue was resistlesse, and if resistlesse, therefore pittilesse, either to youth, blood, or beauty: In briefe, he was a tyrant and would execute his will. These wordes thus vttered with that vehement passion which such sinnefull Louers fitte themselues vnto in such desires, and such immodest sillables were by him 140contracted together, that my penne grubbes to recite them, and made the schoole of his daughters thoughts, (wherein were neuer taught such euills) to wonder at the strangenesse, as vnderstanding them not, and at last, to demaund of her vnkingly father, what hee meant by this, when he forgetting the feare of heauen, loue to his childe, or reputation amongst men; though by her withstoode 145with prayers and teares, (while the power of weaknesse could withstand) throwing away all regard of his owne honesty, hee vnloosed the knotte of her virginitie, and so left this weeping braunch to wyther by the stocke that brought her foorth; so fast came the wet from the sentinells of her ransackt cittie, that it is improper to say they dropped and rayned downe teares, but 150rather, that with great flouds they powred out water. It is beyond imagination to thinke whether her eyes had power to receiue her sorrowes brine so fast as her heart did send it to them. In briefe, they were nowe no more to be called eyes, for griefes water had blinded them: and for wordes, she had not one to vtter,for betwixt her hearts intent, and tongues vtterance, there lay such a 155pile of lamentable cogitations, that she had no leisure to make vp any of them into wordes, till at the last, a Nurse that attended her comming in, and finding her face blubbered with teares, which shee knew were strange guests to the table of her beauty, first standing in amaze thereat, at last, by the care shee had in charge of her, being more inheartned; Deare 160childe and Madam (quoth shee) why sit you so sorrowfully? which question, getting way betwixt griefe and her vtteraunce, Oh my beloued Nurse, answered the Lady, euen now two noble names were lost within this Chamber, the name of both a Father, and a Child. The meaning of which secret the Nurse vnderstanding not, shee intreated her to be more plaine, that by knowing 165the cause of her griefe, shee might vse meanes to redresse it, or else, that her selfe in her owne wisdome would alay the violence of that tempest which did wrong to so goodly a building. But shee loath to be the bellowes of her owne shame, and blushing more to rehearse than her Father was to commit, sate sighing, and continued silent, vntill Antiochus, not satisfied with the fruite 170obtained by his former desire, returned, and like/him that by stealth hath filched a taste from foorth a goodly Orchard, is not therewith contented, but eyther waiteth his opportunity to steale, till hee be glutted with his stealth, or so aduenturous, that hee is taken, to his euerlasting shame; so this Antiochus comming backe into the Chamber, and finding his daughter as full 175of wette, as winter is, commaunded the absence of the Nurse (which shee accordingly obeying) he beganne to perswade her, that actions past are not to be redeemed, that whats in secret done, is no sinne, since the concealement excuses it, that euills are no euills, if not thought vpon, and that himselfe her Father had that power to gag all mouthes from speaking, if it were knowen. 180Besides her state, his greatnes, his kingdome, her beauty, were ornaments enow to draw the greatest Princes to ioyne with her in marriage, and hee would further it. So with these and such like perswasions preuayling with his daughter, they long continued in these foule and vniust imbracements, till at last, the custome of sinne made it accompted no sinne. And while 185this wicked Father shewed the countenaunce of a louing sire abroade in the eyes of his subiects, notwithstanding at home he reioyceth to haue played the parte of a husband with his owne childe, with false resemblaunce of marriage: and to the intent he might alwayes enioy her, he inuented a strange pollicie, to compell away all suters from desiring her in marriage, by 190propounding strange questions, the effect and true meaning whereof was thus published in writing, Whoso attempteth and resolueth me of my Question, shall have my Daughter to wife: But whoso attempteth and faileth, shall loose his head.
Which will of his, when Fame had blowne abroade, and that by this his Lawe there was found a possibilitie for the obtayning of this Lady, such was the 195singular report of her surpassing beautie, that many Princes, and men of great Nobilitie, to that purpose repaired thither, who not beeing able to explane his Riddle propounded, lost/their heades, which to the terrifying of others that should attempt the like, were placed for open view on the toppe of his Castle gate.
200The second Chapter.
How Pericles arriuing at Antioch, resolued the Kings Question: And how Thalyart Antiochus Steward was sent to murther him.
Whilest Antiochus continued thus exercising his tyranies on the liues of seuerall princes, Pericles the Prince of Tyre, wonne with the 205wonderfull report of this Ladies beauty, was (as other Princes before) drawne to the vndertaking of this desparate aduenture; and approching neere Antioch, where there were no sooner newes that he was comming, but there was as great a preparation for the receiuing of him, the Lords and Peeres in their richest ornaments to intertaine him, the people with their greedy and 210vnsatisfied eyes to gaze vpon him; for in that part of the world there was in those dayes no Prince so noble in Armes, or excellent in Artes, and had so generall and deserued a report by fame as Pericles Prince of Tyre. Which drew both Peere and People, with a ioyfull and free desire to allow him their imbracements, and to wish him happy successe, requiring no other but such a 215happy Soueraigne to hope in: for so cunningly had Antiochus dealt in this incest with his daughter, that it was yet vnsuspected of the neerest that attended him. With which solemnity and suffrages, being brought into the presence of the tyrant, and by him demaunded the cause of his arriuall at Antioch: and being by the Prince answered, that it was in loue to his daughter, 220and in hope to enioy her by resoluing of his question. Antiochus then first beganne to perswade him from the enterprise, and to discourage him from his proceedings, by shewing him the frightfull heads of the former Princes, placed vpon his Castle wall, and like to whome he must expect himselfe to be, if like them (as it was most like) hee failed in his attempt. But Pericles armed 225with these noble armours, Faithfulnesse and Courage, and making himselfe fitte for Death, if Death prooued fitte for him, replyed, That he was come now to meete Death willingly, if so were his misfortune, or to be made euer fortunate, by enioying so glorious a beauty as was inthrond in his princely daughter, and was there now placed before him: which the tyrant receiuing with an angry brow, 230threw downe the Riddle, bidding him, since perswasions could not alter him, to reade and die, being in himselfe confident the mysterie thereof was not to be vnfolded: which the Prince taking vp, read aloude, the purpose of which was in these wordes:
I am no viper, yet I feede
235On mothers flesh, that did me breede;
I sought a husband, in which labour
I found that kindnesse from a father:
Hee's Father, Sonne, and Husband milde,
I Mother, Wife, and yet his Childe:
240How this may be, and yet in two,
As you will liue, resolue it you.
Which secret, whilest Prince Pericles was reading, Antiochus daughter, whether it were, that shee now lothed that vnnecessary custome in which shee had so long continued, or that her owne affection taught her 245to be in loue with his perfections, our storie leaues vnmentioned: but this for certaine, all the time that the Prince was studying with what trueth to vnfolde this darke Enigma, Desire flew in a robe of glowing blushes into her cheekes, and loue inforced her to deliuer thus much from hir owne tongue, that he was sole soueraigne of all her wishes, and he the gentleman 250(of all her eies had euer yet behelde) to whome shee wished a thriuing happinesse. By which time the Prince hauing fully considered vpon what he had read, and found the meaning, both of the secret, and their abhominable sinnes, Antiochus rising vp, demanded the solution of his Question, or to attend the sentence of his death. But the gentle Prince wisely foreknowing, 255that it is as dangerous to play with tyrants euills, as the Flie to sport with the Candles flame, rather seemed to dissemble what he knew, than to discouer his insight to Antiochus knowledge, yet so circumspectly, that Antiochus suspected, or at least, his owne knowen guilt made him so suspect, that hee had found the meaning of his foule desire, and their more foule 260actions; and seeming (as it were) then to pitty him whom now in soule he hated, and that he rather required his future happinesse, than any blemish to his present fortunes, he tolde him, that for the honour of his name, the noblenesse of his woorth, nay his owne deere and present loue to him (were it not against the dignity and state of his owne loue) in his tender 265and princely disposition, he could from the whole world select him as a choice husband for his daughter, since hee found him so farre wide from reuealing of the secret; yet thus farre hee should perceiue his loue should extend towardes him, which before time had not beene seene to stretch it selfe to any of those decaied princes, of whose falls, his eies were carefull 270witnesses, that for forty dayes he gaue him onely longer respite, if by which time (and with all the indeuours, counsell and aduise hee could vse) he can finde out what was yet concealed from him, it should be euident how gladly he would reioyce to ioy in such a sonne, rather than haue cause of sorrow by his vntimely ruine: And in the meane time, in his owne Court, by the royaltie of 275his entertainment hee should perceiue his welcom. With which, and other such like gratulations their presences being diuided, Antiochus betooke himselfe to his Chamber, and princely Pericles to diligent consultations of his present estate, where when hee had a while considered with himselfe, that what he had found, was true, and this substantially was the true meaning of his Riddle, 280hee was become both father, sonne, and husband by his vncomely and abhorred actions with his owne child, and shee a deuourer of her mothers flesh, by the vnlawfull couplings with her owne father, and the defiling of her mothers bed, and that this curtesie of Antiochus toward him, was but his hypocrisie, to haue his sinne concealed, till he found fit occasion to take fit reuenge 285(by the instruments of tyrants,) poyson, treason, or by any meanes, he resolued himselfe with all expedition, (the next darknesse being his best conductor,) to flie backe to Tyre, which he effecting, and Antiochus being now priuate in his lodging, and ruminating with himselfe, that Pericles had found out the secret of his euill, which hee in more secret had committed; and knowing, that he had 290now power to rip him open to the world, and make his name so odious, that as now heauen did, so at the knowledge thereof all good men would contemne him. And in this study, not knowing how otherwise to helpe himselfe from this reproofe, he hastily calleth for one Thalyart, who was Steward of his housholde, and in many things before had receiued the imbracement of his minde; this 295Thalyart, (as Pericles fore-thought,) hee presently bribde with gold, and furthered with poyson, to be this harmles gentlemans executioner. To which purpose, as hee was about to receiue his othe, there came hastily a Messenger that brought him newes, the Tyrian shippes were that night departed his harbor, and that by intelligence hee had learned the Prince also was fled for Tyre: 300at whose escape Antiochus storming, but not desisting from his former practise, hee commaunded his murthering minister Thalyart, to dispatch his best performance after him, sometime perswading him, at others threatning him, in Tyre to see him, in Tyre to kil him, or back to Antioch neuer to returne, which villainous mind of his as ready to yeeld, as the tyrant was to commaund. Thaliart in all 305secresie is shipt from Antioch, while Pericles in this interim is arriued at Tyre, where, knowing what was past, and fearing what might succeed, not to himself, but for the care he had of his subjects, remembring his power, too weake if occasion were offred, to contend with the greatnes of Antiochus: he was so troubled in mind, that no aduise of counsell could perswade him, no 310delights of the eye content him, neither any pleasure whatsoeuer comfort him, but still taking to heart, that should Antiochus make warre vpon him, as fearing lest he should speake his shame which he intended not to reueale, his misfortune should be the ruine of his harmlesse people.
In this sorrowe consisting, one Helycanus a graue and wise Counsellor 315of his (as a good Prince is euer knowne by his prudent Counsell) as much greeued in mind for his Princes distemperature, as his Prince was troubled with the feare of his subiects mishap, came hastily into the chamber to him, and finding him so distasting mirth, that he abandoned all familiar society, he boldely beganne to reprooue him, and not sparingly tolde him, he did not 320wel so to abuse himselfe, to waste his body there with pyning sorrow, vpon whose safety depended the liues and prosperity of a whole kingdome, that it was ill in him to doe it, and no lesse in his counsell to suffer him, without contradicting it. At which, although the Prince bent his brow stearnely against him, he left not to go forward, but plainly tolde him, it was as fit 325for him being a Prince to heare of his owne errour, as it was lawfull for his authority to commaund, that while he liued so shut vp, so vnseene, so carelesse of his gouernment, order might be disorder for all him, and what detriment soeuer his subiects should receiue by this his neglect, it were iniustice to be required at his hands, which chiding of this good olde Lord, the gentle 330Prince curteously receiuing, tooke him into his armes, thankt him that he was no flatterer, and commaunding him to seat himselfe by him, he from poynt to poynt related to him all the occurrents past, and that his present sorrow was for the feare he had of Antiochus tyranny, his present studies were for the good of his subiects, his present care was for the continuing safety of 335his kingdome, of which himselfe was a member, which for slacknesse chide him: which vprightnes of this Prince calling teares into the olde mans eies, and compelling his knees to the earth, he humbly asked his pardon, confirming that what he had spoke, sprung from the power of his dutie, and grew not from the nature of disobedience. When Pericles no longer suffring such honored 340aged knees to stoope to his youth, lifting him vp, desired of him that his counsell now would teach him how to auoide that danger, which his feare gaue him cause to mistrust: which in this manner was by the good Helicanus aduised, and by princely Pericles yeelded vnto. That he should forthwith betake himselfe to trauel, keeping his intent whither, as priuate from his subiects, 345as his iourney was suddaine, that vpon his trust he should leaue the gouernment, grounding which counsel vpon this principle, Absence abates that edge that Presence whets. In breefe, Pericles knew Helicanus trusty, and consented: so with store of corne and all necessaries fit for a kingly voyage, he in secret hath shipt himselfe from Tyre. Helycanus is protector of the kingdome 350in his absence: and our Story now hath brought vs to the landing of Thaliart, with a body fraught as full of treason against Pericles, as his maister Antiochus was of tyranny, who no sooner a shore, but he had his eares fild with the generall lamentation of the Tyrian people, the aged sighed, the youth wept, all mourned, helping one another how to make vp sorrow to the highest 355heape, as if with the absence of their Prince they had lost their Prince, and with his losse they had present feeling of a succeeding ouerthrow, which the vilaine vnderstanding, and finding himselfe, both bereft of his purpose, and his maister of his intent, he, as traitors do, stole backe to Antioch resoluing Antiochus of what he knew: by which time, the clamors of the multitude being 360for a time pacified by the wisedome of Helicanus, and the peace of the common wealth by his prudence defended, our princely Pericles with spread sailes, faire winds, and full successe, is now arriued at Tharsus.
The third Chapter.
How Pericles arriuing at Tharsus releeued the Cittie, almost 365famished for want of foode, and how Helycanus sent him word of what had happened at Tyre, with his departure from Tharsus.
Prince Pericles by the aduise of his good Counsellor Helicanus, hauing left Tyre, and intended his whole course for Tharsus, of which City lord Cleon was gouernor, who at this instance with Dyonysa his wife, were 370relating the present miseries wherein themselues and their Citty Tharsus consisted: the ground of which forced lamentation was, to see the power of change, that this their City, who not two summers younger, did so excell in pompe, and bore a state, whom all hir neighbors enuied for her greatnes, to whom strangers resorted, as to the schoole of variety, where they might best 375enrich their vnderstandings with experience, whose houses were like so many Courts for Kings, rather than sleeping places for subiects, whose people were curious in their diet, rich in attire, enuious in lookes, where was plenty in aboundance, pride in fulnesse, nothing in scarcenesse, but Charitie and Loue, the dignitie of whose pallats the whole riches of Nature could hardly 380satisfie, the ornaments of whose attire Art it selfe with all inuention could not content, are now so altered, that in steade of dowlny beds, they make their pillowes on boords, in stead of full furnished tables, hunger calles now out for so much bread, as may but satisfie life: sacke-cloth is now their wearing instead of silke, teares instead of inticing glaunces, are now the acquaintance 385of their eyes, in briefe, riot hath heere lost all her dominion, and now is no excesse, but whats in sorrow, heere standes one weeping, and there lies another dying, so sharpe are hungers teeth, and so rauenous the deuouring mouth of famine, that all pittie is exiled betweene the husband and the wife, nay all tendernesse betweene the mother and the children, faintesse hath now got that 390emperie ouer strength, there is none so whole to releeue the sicke, neither haue the liuing sufficiencie to giue buriall to the dead. Thus while this Cleon Lord Gouernour of Tharsus, and Dyonysa his Lady, with interchanging wordes were describing the sorrows which their almost vnpeopled Citty felt, who from the height of multiplication were substracted, almost to nothing: 395(for, what is life, if it want sustenaunce?) a fainting messenger came slowely into them, his fearefull lookes described that he brought sorrowe, and in slowe wordes hee deliuered this, that vpon their coastes there was discouered a fleete of shippes making thitherward, which Cleon supposing to be an army, which some neighbour nation (taking aduantage of their present mishap) had 400sent for their vtter ouerthrowe, hee commaunded the bringer, vpon their landing, to this purpose to salute their Generall, That Tharsus was subdewed before their comming, and that it was small conquest to subdew where there was no abilitie to resist, that they desired but this, that their citty might still stand, and that for the riches which their prosperitie had purchased, they 405freely resigned to them, they though their enemies, (for humanities sake) in the place of breeding, would affoord them buriall. Pericles by this is landed, and no sooner entred into their vnshut gates, but his princely eies were partaking witnesses of their widowed desolation. The messenger by this also hath deliuered the pleasure of the Gouernour, which the Prince 410weeping to attend, who rather came to releeue than to ransacke, he demaunded of the fellow, where the Gouernour was, and foorthwith to be conducted to him, which being effected, in the market place they mette, where Pericles without further hinderance deliuered to him, that his thoughts were deceued, to suppose them for enimies, who were now come to them for comfortable friends, 415and those his shippes which their fears might cause them to think were fraughted with their destruction, were intreasured with corne for their reliefe: at which the feeble soules not hauling strength enough to giue a showte for ioy, gazing on him, and heauen, fell on their knees, and wept. But Pericles going to the place of Judgement, causing all the liuing to be 420assembled thither, thus freely deliuered to them: You Cittizens of Tharsus, whom penury of victuall pincheth at this present, Know you, that I Pericles Prince of Tyre am come purposely to releeue you, in respect of which benefit I doubt not but you will be thus thankefull as to conceale my arriuing heere, and for a while to giue me safe harborage, and hospitalitie 425for my shippes and men, since by the tyranny of Antiochus, though not driuen, yet for a while I am desirous to leaue mine owne Countrey, and continue my residence heere with you, in recompence of which loue, I haue brought with me a hundred thousand bushells of wheate, which equally for your releefe shall be distributed amongst you, each man paying for euery bushell eight 430peeces of brasse, the price bestowed thereon in my owne Country. At which, as if the verie name of bread only had power to renew strength in them, they gaue a great showt, offering their Citty to him as his owne, and their repaired strength in his defence: with which corne their necessities being supplied, and euery man willingly paying his eight peeces of brasse, as hee 435had appoynted, Pericles demaunded for the Gouernour and the chiefe men of the gouernement, disdaining to bee a Merchant to sell corne, but out of his princely magnificence, bestowed the whole reuenew thereof to the beautifying of their Citty. Which when the Cittizens vnderstoode, to gratifie these large benefites, and to acknowledge him their patron and 440releeuer sent them by the gods, they erected in the Market place a monument in the memoriall of him, and made his statue of brasse, standing in a Charriot, holding corne in his right hand, and spurning it with his left foote, and on the bases of the pillar whereon it stoode, was ingrauen in great Letters this inscription: Pericles Prince of Tyre gaue a gift vnto the 445City of Tharsus, whereby he deliuered it from cruell death. So a while we desire the Reader to leaue Pericles heartning vp the decayed Cittizens of Tharsus, and turne their eyes to good Helycanus at Tyre.
Good Helycanus as prouident at home, as his Prince was prosperous abroade, let no occasion slip wherein hee might send word to Tharsus of what 450occurrents soeuer had happened in his absence, the chiefe of which was, that Thalyart by Antiochus was sent, with purpose to murther him, and that Antiochus, though fayling in his practise by his absence, seemed not yet to desist from like intents, but that he againe, suborned such like Instruments to the like treason, aduising him withall for his more 455certaine safetie, for a while to leaue Tharsus, as a refuge too neere the reach of the tyrant. To which Pericles consenting, hee takes his leaue of his hoste Cleon and Dyonysa, and the Cittizens as sory to leaue him, as sorrow can bee for the lacke of comfort.
The fourth Chapter.
460How Pericles puts foorth to Sea, suffers shipwrecke, is relieued by certaine poore Fishermen, at last arriues at Simonides Court, king of Pentapolis, where in feates of Armes hee exceedeth all the Princes that came to honor the birth day of his faire daughter Thaysa, and with purpose also to sue to hir for marriage.
465Prince Pericles hauing thus releeued Tharsus, and bin warnd (for the auoydance of a greater danger) by his good Counsellour Helycanus to forsake the Citie, though not without much sorrow of the Cittizens for his departure, he is once againe at sea, seeking a new refuge, and accounting any countrey his best Inne, where he found the best safety. No sooner were 470his woodden castles floating on the vnconstant deepes: but as if Neptune himselfe, chiefe soueraigne of that watery empire, would haue come in person to haue giuen calme gratulations, and friendly welcomes to this curteous prince, the whole nation of the flouds were at quiet, there were no windes blustering, no surges rising, no raines showring, no tempest storming, but 475all calmenesse was vppon the face of this kingdome, only a troupe of cheerfull Dolphins, as Ambassadours, sent from their kingly Maister, came dauncing on the waters, for the entertaining of him. At which, his ioyfull Marriners being scarce from sight of land, with pleasant notes spread forth their comely sailes, and with their brasen keeles, cut an easie passage on the 480greene medowes of the flouds. At last, Fortune hauing brought him heere, where she might make him the fittest Tennis-ball for her sport: euen as sodainely as thought this was the alteration, the Heauens beganne to thunder, and the skies shone with flashes of fire: day now had no other shew but only name, for darkenes was on the whole face of the waters, hills of seas 485were about him, one sometimes tossing him euen to the face of heauen, while another sought to sincke him to the roofe of hell, some cryed, others laboured, hee onely prayed: at last, two rauenous billowes meeting, the one, with intent to stoppe vp all clamour, and the other, to wash away all labour, his vessells no longer able to wrestle with the tempest, were all 490split. In briefe, he was shipwrackt, his good friends and subiectes all were lost, nothing left to helpe him but distresse, and nothing to complaine vnto but his misery. O calamity! there might you haue heard the windes whistling, the raine dashing, the sea roaring, the cables cracking, the tacklings breaking, the ship tearing, the men miserably crying out to 495saue their liues: there might you haue seene the sea searching the ship, the boordes fleeting, the goodes swimming, the treasure sincking, and the poore soules shifting to saue themselues, but all in vaine, for partly by the violence of the tempest, and partely thorow that dismall darkenesse, which vnfortunately was come vpon them, they were all drowned, gentle 500Pericles only excepted, till (as it were Fortune being tyred with this mishap) by the helpe of a plancke, which in this distresse hee got holde on, hee was, with much labour, and more feare, driuen on the shore of Pentapolis, where a while complaining him of his mishaps, and accusing the Gods of this iniury doone to his innocencie, not knowing on what shoare, 505whether friend or foe he had, being certayne Fishermen, who had also suffered in the former tempest, and had beene witnesses of his vntimely shipwracke: (the day being cleered againe) were come out from their homely cottages to dry and repaire their nettes, who being busied about their work, and no whit regarding his lamentation, passed away their labour with discourse 510to this purpose, in comparing the Sea to Brokers and Usurers, who seeme faire, and looke louely till they haue got men into their clutches, when one tumbles them, and an other tosses them, but seldome leauing vntill they haue suncke them. Againe comparing our rich men to Whales, that make a great shew in the worlde, rowling and tumbling vp and downe, but are 515good for little, but to sincke others: that the fishes liue in the sea, as the powerfull on shoare, the great ones eate vp the little ones: with which morall obseruations driuing out their labor, and prince Pericles, wondring that from the finny subiects of the sea these poore countrey people learned the infirmities of men, more than mans obduracy and dulnes could 520learne one of another: at length ouercharged with cold which the extreamity of water had pressed him with, and no longer being able to endure, he was compelled to demaund their simple helpe, offering to their eares the mishap of his shipwracke, which hee was no sooner about to relate, but they remembred their eies, not without much sorrow, to haue bin the witnesses 525thereof: and beholding the comely feature of this Gentleman, the chiefe of these Fishermen was mooued with compassion toward him, and lifting him vp from the ground, himselfe with the helpe of his men, led him to his house, where with such fare as they presently had, or they could readily prouide, they with a hearty welcome feasted him, and the more to expresse 530their tendernesse to his misfortune, the master dishabited himselfe of his outward apparell to warme and cherish him, which curtesy Pericles as curteously receiuing, vowing, if euer his fortunes came to their ancient height, their curtesies should not die vnrecompensed, and being somewhat repayred in heart by their releefe, he demaunded of the country on the 535which he was driuen, of the name of the King, and of the manner of the gouernement. When the maister Fisherman commaunding his seruants to goe dragge vp some other nettes, which yet were abroade, he seated himselfe by him, and of the question he demaunded to this purpose, resolued him; Our countrey heere on the which you are driuen sir, is called Pentapolis, 540and our good king thereof is called Symonides: the Good King call you him, quoth Pericles? Yea, and rightly so called sir, quoth the poore Fisherman, who so gouernes his kingdome with iustice and vprightnesse, that he is no readier to commaund, than we his subiects are willing to obey. He is a happy King, quoth Pericles, since he gaines the name of Good by his 545gouernement, and then demaunded how farre his Court was distant from that place: wherein he was resolued, some halfe a dayes iourney, and from point to point also informed, that the King had a princely daughter named Thaysa, in whome was Beauty so ioyned with Vertue, that it was as yet vnresolued which of them deserued the greater comparison: and in memory 550of whose birth day, her father yeerely celebrated feasts and triumphes, in the honour of which, many Princes and Knights from farre and remote Countries came, partly to approoue their chiualry, but especially (being her fathers only child,) in hope to gaine her loue: which name of Chiualry to approoue, that all the violence of the water had not power to quench 555the noblenesse of his minde. Pericles sighing to himselfe he broke out thus: Were but my fortunes aunswerable to my desires some should feele that I would be one there. When as if all the gods had giuen a plaudite to his wordes, the Fishermen, who before were sent out by their Maister to dragge out the other nettes, hauing found somwhat in the botome too 560ponderous for their strength to pull vp, they beganne to lewre and hallow to their Maister for more helpe, crying that there was a fish hung in their net, like a poore mans case in the Lawe, it would hardly come out, but Industry being a preuayling workeman, before helpe came, vp came the Fish expected, but prooued indeede to be a rusty armour. At the name of 565which word Armour, Pericles being rowzed, he desired of the poore Fishermen, that he who better than they, was acquainted with such furniture, might haue the view of it. In briefe, what hee could aske of them, was granted: the Armour is by Pericles viewed, and knowne to be a defence which his father at his last will gaue him in charge to keepe, that it might prooue 570to be a defender of the sonne, which he had knowne to be a preseruer of the father: so accompting all his other losses nothing, since he had that agayne, whereby his father could not challenge him of disobedience: and thanking Fortune, that after all her crosses, shee had yet giuen him somewhat to repayre his fortunes, begging this Armour of the Fishermen, 575and telling them, that with it hee would shew the vertue hee had learned in Armes, and trie his chiualry for their Princesse Thaysa, which they applauding, and one furnishing him with an old gowne to make Caparisons for his horse, which horse hee prouided with a lewel, whom all the raptures of the sea could not bereaue from his arme, and other furnishing him with 580the long sideskirtes of their cassockes, to make him bases, his Armour rusted: and thus disgracefully habilited, Prince Pericles with their conduct is gone to the court of Symonides, where the Fishermen had foretolde him was all the preparation, that eyther Art or Industrie might attaine vnto, to solemnize the birth day of faire Thaysa the good King Symonides 585daughter. This is the day, this Symonides Court, where the King himselfe, with the Princesse his daughter, haue placed themselues in a Gallery, to beholde the triumphes of seuerall Princes, who in honour of the Princes birth day, but more in hope to haue her loue, came purposely thither, to approoue their chiualrie. They thus seated, and Prince Pericles, as well 590as his owne prouiding, and the Fishermens care could furnish him, likewise came to the court. In this maner also seuerall princes (their horses richly caparasoned, but themselues more richly armed, their Pages before them bearing their Deuices on their shields) entred then the Tilting place. The first a prince of Macedon, and the Deuice hee bore vpon his shield, 595was a blacke Ethiope reaching at the Sunne, the word, Lux tua vita mihi: which being by the knights Page deliuered to the Lady, and from her presented to the King her father, hee made playne to her the meaning of each imprese: and for this first, it was, that the Macedonian Prince loued her so well hee helde his life of her. The second, a Prince of 600Corinth, and the Deuice hee bare vpon his shield was a wreathe of Chiualry, the word, Me pompae prouexet apex, the desire of renowne drew him to this enterprise. The third of Antioch, and his Deuice was an armed Knight, being conquered by a Lady, the word, Pue per dolcera qui per sforsa: more by lenitie than by force. The fourth of Sparta, and the Deuice he 605bare was a mans arme enuironed with a cloude, holding out golde thats by the touchstone tride, the word, Sic spectanda fides, so faith is to be looked into. The fift of Athens, and his Deuice was a flaming Torch turned downeward, the word, Qui me alit me extinguit, that which giues me life giues me death. The sixt and last was Pericles Prince of Tyre, 610who hauing neither Page to deliuer his shield, nor shield to deliuer, making his Deuice according to his fortunes, which was a withered Braunch being onely greene at the top, which prooued the abating of his body, decayed not the noblenesse of his minde, his word, In hac spe viuo, In that hope I liue. Himselfe with a most gracefull curtesie presented 615it vnto her, which shee as curteously receiued, whilest the Peeres attending on the King forbare not to scoffe, both at his presence, and the present hee brought, being himselfe in a rusty Armour, the Caparison of his horse of plaine country russet, and his owne Bases but the skirtes of a poore Fishermans coate, which the King mildely reproouing them for, hee tolde 620them, that as Vertue was not to be approoued by wordes, but by actions, so the outward habite was the least table of the inward minde, and counselling them not to condemne ere they had cause to accuse: They went forward to the triumph, in which noble exercise they came almost all, as short of Pericles perfections, as a body dying, of a life flourishing. 625To be short, both of Court and Commons, the praises of none were spoken of, but of the meane Knights (for by any other name he was yet vnknowne to any.) But the Triumphes being ended, Pericles as chiefe, (for in this dayes honour hee was Champion) with all the other Princes, were by the Kings Marshall conducted into the Presence, where Symonides and his 630daughter Thaysa, with a most stately banquet stayed to giue them a thankefull intertainment. At whose entraunce, the Lady first saluting Pericles, gaue him a wreathe of Chiualry, welcommed him as her knight and guest, and crowned him King of that dayes noble enterprise. In the end, all being seated by the Marshall at a table, placed directly 635ouer-against where the king and his daughter sate as it were by some diuine operation, both King and daughter, at one instant were so strucke in loue with the noblenesse of his woorth, that they could not spare so much time to satisfie themselues with the delicacie of their viands, for talking of his prayses: while Pericles on the other side obseruing the 640dignity wherein the King sate, that so many Princes came to honour him, so many Peeres stoode ready to attend him, hee was strucke with present sorrow, by remembring the losse of his owne. Which the good Symonides taking note of, and accusing himselfe before there was cause, that Pericles spirites were dumpt into their melancholy, through some dislike 645of so the slackenesse hee found in his entertainement, or neglect of his woorth, calling for a boule of wine, hee dranke to him, and so much further honoured him, that he made his daughter rise from her seate to beare it to him, and withall, willing her to demaund of him his name, Countrey, and fortunes, a message (gentle Lady) shee was as ready to 650obey vnto, as her Father was to commaund, reioycing that shee had any occasion offered her whereby shee might speake vnto him. Pericles by this time hath pledged the King, and by his daughter (according to his request) thus returneth what hee is, that hee was a Gentleman of Tyre, his name Pericles, his education beene in Artes and Armes, who looking 655for aduentures in the world, was by the rough and vnconstant Seas, most vnfortunately bereft both of shippes and men, and after shipwrecke, throwen vpon that shoare. Which mis-haps of his the king vnderstanding of, hee was strucke with present pitty to him, and rising from his state, he came foorthwith and imbraced him, bade him be cheered, and tolde him, 660that whatsoeuer misfortune had impayred him of, Fortune, by his helpe, could repayre to him, for both himselfe and Countrey should be his friendes, and presently calling for a goodly milke white Steede, and a payre of golden spurres, them first hee bestowed vppon him, telling him, they were the prises due to his merite, and ordained for that dayes 665enterprise: which kingly curtesie Pericles as thankefully accepting. Much time beeing spent in dauncing and other reuells, the night beeing growne olde, the King commaunded the Knights shoulde be conducted to their lodgings, giuing order, that Pericles Chamber should be next his owne, where wee will leaue them to take quiet rest, and returne backe to Tyre.
670The fift Chapter.
How Helicanus heard newes of Antiochus and his daughters deaths, and of his sending of other Lords in search of their Prince Pericles.
Antiochus, who as before is discoursed, hauing committed with his owne daughter so foule a sinne, shamed not in the same foulenesse to remaine 675in it with her, neither had shee that touch of grace, by repentaunce to constraine him to abstinence, or by perswasion to deny hiscontinuance: long, like those miserable serpents did their greatnesse flourish, who vse fairest shewes for fowlest euills, till one day himselfe seated with her in a Charriot, made of the purest golde, attended by his peeres, and 680gased on by his people, both apparrelled all in Iewells, to out face suspition, and beget wonder (as if that glorious outsides were a wall could keepe heauens eye from knowing our intents) in great magnificence rode they through Antioch: But see the Justice of the Highest, though sinne flatter, and man perseuere, yet surely Heauen at length dooth 685punish. For as thus they rode, gazing to be gazed vpon, and prowd to be accompted so, Vengeance with a deadly arrow drawne from foorth the quiuer of his wrath, prepared by lightning, and shot on by thunder, hitte, and strucke dead these prowd incestuous creatures where they sate, leauing their faces blasted, and their bodies such a contemptfull 690obiect on the earth, that all those eyes, but now with reuerence looked vpon them, all hands that serued them, and all knees adored them, scorned now to touch them, loathd now to looke vpon them, and disdained now to giue them buriall. Nay, such is heauens hate to these and such like sinnes, and such his indignation to his present euill, that twixt his 695stroke and death, hee lent not so much mercy to their liues, wherein they had time to crie out; Iustice, be mercifull, for we repent vs. They thus dead, thus contemned, and insteede of kingly monument for their bodies left, to be intoombed in the bowelles of rauenous fowles, if fowles would eate on them. The strangenesse of their deaths were 700soone rumored ouer that part of the world, and as soone brought to the eares of Helycanus, who was a carefull watchman to haue knowledge of whatsoeuer hapned in Antioch, and by his knowledge to preuent what daunger might succeede, eyther to his Prince, or to his subiectes in his absence, of which tragedy he hauing notice, presently he 705imparted the news thereof to his graue and familiar friend Lord Eschines, and now told him what till now hee had concealed, namely of their incest together, and that onely for the displeasure which princely Pericles feared Antiochus bore towardes him, and might extend to his people, by his knowledge thereof hee thus long by his counsell 710had discontinued from his kingdome.
Now it hapned that these tydings arriued to his eares, iust at the instant, when his graue counsell could no longer alay the head-strong multitude from their vnciuil and giddy muteny: and the reason of them (who most commonly are vnreasonable in their actions) 715to drawe themselues to this faction, was, that they supposed their prince was dead, and that being dead, the kingdome was left without a successefull inheritor, that they had bin onelie by Helicanis with vaine hope of Pericles returne, deluded, and that euen now the power being, by his death, in their hands, they would create to themselues 720a new soueraigne, and Helycanus should be the man. Many reasons hee vsed to perswade them, many Arguments to withstand them: nothing but this onely preuailed with them, that since he only knew their Prince was gone to trauell, and that, that trauell was vndertaken for their good, they would abstainebut for three months longer from bestowing 725that dignity which they calld their loue, though it was his dislike vpon him, and if by that time (which they with him should still hope for) the gods were not pleased for their perpetuall good to restore vnto them their absent Prince, hee then with all willingnesse would accept of their suffrages. This then (though with much trouble) was 730at last by the whole multitude accepted, and for that time they were all pacified, when Helicanus assembling all the peeres vnto him, by the aduise of all, chose some from the rest, and after his best instructions, or rather by perswasions and graue counsell giuen, hee sent them to inquire of their Prince, who lately left at Pentapolis was 735highly honoured by good Symonides.
The sixt Chapter.
How Prince Pericles is married to Thaysa king Symonides daughter, and how after he hath heard newes of Antiochus death, hee with his wife departeth toward his owne Country of Tyre.
740Prince Pericles hauing had (as before is mentioned) his lodging directed next adioyning to the kings bed-chamber, whereas all the other Princes vppon their comming to their lodgings betooke themselues to their pillowes, and to the nourishment of a quiet sleepe, he of the Gentlemen that attended him, (for it is to be noted, that vpon the grace that the 745king had bestowed on him, there was of his Officers toward him no attendance wanting) hee desired that hee might be left priuate, onely that for his instant solace they would pleasure him with some delightfull Instrument, with which, and his former practise hee intended to passe away the tediousnesse of the night insteade of more fitting slumbers.
750His wil was presently obeyed in all things since their master had commaunded he should be disobeyed in nothing: the Instrument is brought him, and as hee had formerly wished,the Chamber is disfurnished of any other company but himselfe, where presently hee beganne to compell such heauenly voyces from the sencelesse workemanship, as if Apollo 755himselfe had now beene fingering on it, and as if the whole Sinode of the gods, had placed their deities round about him of purpose, to haue beene delighted with his skill, and to haue giuen prayses to the excellencie of his art, nor was this sound only the rauisher of al hearers, but from his owne cleere breast hee sent such cheerefull 760notes, which by him were made vp so answerable to the others sound, that they seemed one onely consort of musike, and had so much delicacie, and out of discordes making vp so excellent a coniunction, that they had had power to haue drawne backe an eare, halfe way within the graue to haue listned vnto it, for thus much by our story we are certaine of, 765that the good Symonides (being by the height of night, and the former dayes exercise, in the ripenesse of his contentfull sleepe) hee reioyced to be awakend by it, and not accompting it a disease that troubled him in the hearing, but a pleasure wherewith hee still wished to be delighted. In briefe, hee was so satisfied to heare him thus expresse his excellence, 770that hee accompted his Court happy to entertaine so worthy a guest, and himselfe more happy in his acquaintance. But day that hath still that soueraigntie to drawe backe the empire of the night, though a while shee in darkenesse vsurpe, brought the morning on, and while the king was studying with what aunswerable present, wherewith to gratifie this 775noble Prince for his last nights musicke, a Gentlewoman (whose seruice was thither commaunded by his Daughter) brought him a letter, whose in-side had a sute to him to this purpose.
The Lady Thaysaes Letter to the King her Father.
My most noble Father, what my blushing modesty forbids me to 780speake, let your fatherly loue excuse that I write, I am subdude by loue, yet not inthralld through the licentiousnes of a loose desire, but made prisoner in that noble battell twixt Affection and Zeale: I haue no life but in this liberty, neither any liberty but in this thraldome, nor shall your tender selfe, weighing my affections truely in the Scale of your 785Iudgement, haue cause to contradict me, since him I loue hath as much merite in him, to challenge the title of a Sonne, as I blood of yours to inherite the name of daughter, then if you shall refuse to giue him me in marriage, deny not I pray you to make ready for my funerall.
Tis the stranger Pericles.
790Which request of hers, when the king her father had thus vnderstood of, hee beganne first to examine with him selfe, what vertue was in this choice, that should bind her thoughts to this liking, and what succeeding comfort hee might expect, the expectation of which, might inuite him to his consent. First hee beganne to 795remember himselfe, that he came vnto his Court but poore, and for pouerty, quoth the good king, tis a woorkemanship, that Nature makes vppe euen for others to contemne, and, which in these times, is growne odious to keepe companie withall, that to marrie her which was his onely childe, and the expectation of his subiectes, with 800one of so lowe blood and meane discent, would returne, rather a dishonour than a dignitie to his name, since Parents rather expect the aduauncement of Titles, and the raising of their houses, in the vniting of their issue, than the declining: but in the end, when hee had put all the Interiections he could between her loue and his 805liking, his vprightnesse made him see, that in vertue consisted mans onely perfection, and in him, as her befitting Court, she thought it fittest to keepe her royall residence, and in that opinion allowing of his daughters choice, hee thought himselfe happy to liue Father to such a vertuous sonne, and his daughter more happy to be coupled 810to so noble a husband. And as hee was now thus contracting them together in his reioycing thoughts, euen in the instant came in Pericles, to giue his Grace that salutation which the morning required of him, when the king intending to dissemble that in shew, which hee had determined on in heart, hee first tolde him, that his daughter 815had that morning sent vnto him that Letter, wherein shee intreated of him, that his Grace would be pleased, that himselfe (whom shee knew to call by no other name but the Stranger Pericles) might become her Schoolemaister, of whose rariety in musicke, excellencie in song, with comelinesse in dauncing, not onely shee had heard, but 820himselfe had borne testimonie to be the best, that euer their iudgements had had cause to iudge of. When Pericles, though willing to yeelde any courtesies to so gratious a Lady, and not disdaining to be commaunded any seruices by so good a Lord, yet replyed, Though all his abilities were at his Graces pleasure, yet he thought himselfe 825vnwoorthy to be his daughters schoolemaister. I but quoth Symonides, shee will not be denied to be your Scholler, and for manifest proofe thereof heere is her owne Character, which to that purpose shee hath sent vnto vs, and we to that purpose giue you leaue to reade: which Pericles ouerlooking, and finding the whole tenour thereof to be, 830that his daughter from all the other Princes, nay from the whole worlde, sollicited him for her husband, he straitway rather coniectured it to be some subtiltie of the father to betray his life, than any constancy of the princesse to loue him: and foorthwith prostrating himselfe at the kings feete, hee desired that his Grace would no way 835seeke to staine the noblenesse of his minde, by any way seeking to intrappe the life of so harmelesse a Gentleman, or that with euill he would conclude so much good which he already had begunne toward him, protesting, that for his part, his thoughts had neuer that ambition, so much as to ayme at the loue of his daughter, nor any 840action of his, gaue cause of his princely displesure: but the king faining still an angry brow, turned toward him, and tolde him, that like a traitour, hee lyed. Traytour, quoth Pericles? I, traytour, quoth the king, that thus disguised, art stolne into my Court, with the witchcraft of thy actions to bewitch, the 845yeelding spirit of my tender Childe. Which name of Traytor being againe redoubled, Pericles then, insteade of humblenesse seemed not to forget his auntient courage, but boldely replyed, That were it any in his Court, except himselfe, durst call him traytor, euen in his bosome he would write the lie: affirming, that he came into 850his Court in search of honour, and not to be a rebell to his State, his bloud was yet vntainted, but with the heate, got by the wrong the king had offered him, and that he boldly durst, and did defie, himselfe, his subiectes, and the prowdest danger, that eyther tyranny or treason could inflict vpon him. Which noblenesse of his, the king 855inwardly commending, though otherwise dissembling, he answered, he should prooue it otherwise, since by his daughters hand, it there was euident, both his practise and her consent therein. Which wordes were no sooner vttered, but Thaysa (who euer since she sent her Father her Letter, could not containe her selfe in any 860quiet, till she heard of his answer) came now in, as it had beene her parte, to make aunswere to her Fathers last sillable, when prince Pericles yeelding his body toward her, in most curteous manner demaunded of her by the hope she had of heauen, or the desire she had to haue her best wishes fulfilled heere in the 865worlde, that shee would now satisfie, her now displeased Father, if euer he, by motion, or by letters, by amorous glaunces, or by any meanes that Louers vse to compasse their disseignes, had sought to be a friend in the noblenesse of her thoughts, or a copartner in the worthinesse of her loue, when she as constant to finish, 870as she was forward to attempt, againe required of him, that suppose he had, who durst take offence thereat, since that it was her pleasure to giue him to knowe that he had power to desire no more than she had willingnesse to performe? How minion, quoth her Father (taking her off at the very word, who dare be displeased 875withall?) Is this a fit match for you? a stragling Theseus borne we knowe not where, one that hath neither bloud nor merite for thee to hope for, or himselfe to challenge euen the least allowaunce of thy perfections, when she humbling her princely knees before her Father, besought him to consider, that suppose his birth were base 880(when his life shewed him not to be so) yet hee had vertue, which is the very ground of all nobilitie, enough to make him noble: she intreated him to remember that she was in loue, the power of which loue was not to be confined by the power of his will. And my most royall Father, quoth shee, what with my penne 885I haue in secret written vnto you, with my tongue now I openly confirme, which is, that I haue no life but in his loue, neither any being but in the enioying of his worth. But daughter (quoth Symonides) equalles to equalls, good to good is ioyned, this not being so, the bauine of your minde in rashnesse kindled, must 890againe be quenched, or purchase our displeasure. And for you sir (speaking to prince Pericles) first learne to know, I banish you my Court, and yet scorning that our kingly inragement should stoope so lowe, for that your ambition sir, Ile haue your life. Be constant, quoth Thaysa, for euerie droppe of blood hee sheades 895of yours, he shall draw an other from his onely childe. In briefe, the king continued still his rage, the Lady her constancie. While Pericles stoode amazed at both, till at last the Father being no longer able to subdue that which he desired as much as shee, catching them both rashly by the handes, as if hee meant strait to haue 900inforced them to imprisonment, he clapt them hand in hand, while they as louingly ioyned lip to lip, and with tears trickling from his aged eyes, adopted him his happy sonne, and bade them liue together as man and wife. What ioy there was at this coupling, those that are Louers and enioy their wishes, can better conceiue, 905than my pen can set downe; the one reioycing to be made happy by so good and gentle a Lord, the other as happy to be inriched by so vertuous a Lady. What preparation there was for their marriage, is sufficiently expressed in this, that she was the onely daughter to a king, and had her fathers liking in her loue: what speede there 910to was to that marriage, let those iudge who haue the thoughtes of Thaysa at this instant, only conceiue the solempnities at the Temple are doone, the feast in most solempne order finished, the day spent in musicke, dauncing, singing, and all Courtly communication, halfe of the night in maskes and other courtly shewes, and the 915other halfe in the happy and lawfull imbracements of these most happy Louers. The discourse at large of the liberall Chalenges made and proclaimed, at Tilt, Barriers, running at the Ring, ioco di can, mannaging fierce horses, running on foote, and dauncing in armours, of the stately presented Playes, Shewes disguised, 920Speeches, Maskes and Mummeries, with continuall harmony of all kindes of Musicke, with banquetting in all delicacie, I leaue to the consideration of them who haue behelde the like in Courtes, and at the wedding of princes, rather than afford them to the description of my penne, only let such conceiue, all things in 925due order were accomplished, the dueties of marriage performed: and faire Thaysa this night is conceiued with child. The next day Ioy dwelling thorow the whole kingdom for this coniunction, euery man arose to feasting and iollity, for the wedding triumphs continued a whole moneth, while Time with his feathered wings, 930so fanned away the houres, and with his slippery feete, so glided ouer the dayes, that nine Moones had almost chaunged their light, ere halfe the time was thought to be expired, when it happened, that as the good Symonides and princely Pericles with his faire Thaysa were walking in the garden adioyning to 935their pallace, one of the Lords, who (as before) were sent by graue and carefull Helycanus, in search of their absent Prince, came hastily in to them, who vppon his knee deliuered vnto the yoong Prince a Letter, which being opened the contents therein spake thus vnto him: That Antiochus and his daughter (as is 940before described) were with the violence of lightning (shot from heauen,) strucke sodainely dead. And moreouer, that by the consent of the generall voyces the Cittie of Antioch, with all the riches therein, and the whole kingdome were reserued for his possession and princely government. Which Letter when 945he had read, he presently imparted the news thereof to his kingly Father, who vppon view receiued, hee strait knew (what vntill then the modesty of Pericles had concealed) that his sonne whome from pouerty hee aduanced to be the bedfellow of his daughter, was Prince of Tyre, who for the feare he had of 950Antiochus, had forsooke his kingdome, and now had giuen vnto him the kingdome of Antiochus for recompence, that graue Helycanus had not without much labour, appeased the stubborne mutiny of the Tyrians, who in his absence would haue elected him their king, and that to auoyde a future insurrection, (his whole 955state) in safety, how necessary it was for him to make a speedy returne, which gladnesse Symonides imparted to his Daughter, who as gladly receiued them. While Pericles intending a while to leaue his deerest deere behinde him, considering how dangerous it was for her to trauell by sea, being with childe, and so neere 960her time, he beganne to iatreate of his kingly father of all necessarie prouision for his departure, since the safety of twoo kingdomes did importune so much: when on the other side Thaysa falling at her fathers feete, her teares speaking in her sute faster than her wordes, shee humbly requested, that as his 965reuerend age tendered her, or the prosperitie of the Infant wherewith shee thought her selfe happy to be imburthened, hee would not permitte her to remaine behinde him. Which teares of hers preuayling with the aged King, though compelling his teares to take a loth and sorrowfull departure of her. Their 970Shippes be strongly appoynted, and fraught with all things conuenient as golde, siluer, apparrell, bedding, victualls, and armour, and fearing what vnfortunately hapned, causing an aged Nurse called Lycorida a Midwife, with other hand maides to attend her. They are shipt, and hee on shoare, the one gasing 975after the other with a greedy desire, vntill the high vsurping waters tooke away the sight from them both.
The seauenth Chapter.
How faire Thaysa died in trauell of childe-birth vppon the Sea, and being throwen for buriall in the waters, was cast ashoare at Ephesus, and how by the 980excellent labour of Lord Cerimon a skilfull Physition, she was restored to her life againe, and by her owne request placed to liue a Votary in the Temple of Diana.
Prince Pericles, with his Queene Thaysa, being thus on shippe-boorde, and their marriners merrily hauing hoysed vppe their sayles, their vessels, as prowde of such a fraught wherewith they 985were enriched, galloped cheerefully on the Ocean. Fortune did now seeme to looke fairely, neyther was there promise of any other alteration, the day looked louely, and the sea smiled for ioy, to haue her bosome pressed with these burthens: But nothing in this world that is permanent, Time is the father of Fortune, hee 990is slippery, and then of necessitie must his childe be fickle: and this was his alteration, a cloude seemed to arise from forth the south, which being by the Maister and Marriners beheld, they tolde Prince Pericles, that it was messenger of a storme, which was no sooner spoken, but as if the heauens had conspired with the 995waters, and the windes bin assistant to both, they kept such a blustering, and such an vnruely stirre, that none could be heard to speake but themselues, seas of waters were receiued into their ships while others fought against them to expell them out, stop the lecage there cries out one, hale vppe the maine bowlings there 1000calles out another, and with their confusion (neither vnderstanding other, since the storme had gotte the maistery) they made such a hideous noyse, that it had had power to haue awakened Death, and to haue affrighted Patience: nor could it choose then but bring much terror to our sea-sicke Queene, who had beene vsed to better 1005attendance, than was now offered her by these ill tutored seruantes Winde and Water: but they who neither respect birth nor blood, prayers nor threats, time nor occasion, continued still their boysterous hauocke. With which stirre (good Lady) her eies and eares, hauing not till then bin acquainted, she is strucke into 1010such a hasty fright, that welladay she falles in trauell, is deliuered of a daughter, and in this childe-birth dies, while her princely husband being aboue the hatches, is one while praying to heauen for her safe deliuerance, an other while suffering for the sorow wherwith he knew his Queene was imburthened, he chid 1015the contrary storme (as if it had been sensible of hearing) to be so vnmanerly, in this vnfitting season, and when so good a Queene was in labor, to keep such a blustering: thus while the good Prince remayned reproouing the one, and pittying the other, vp comes Lycorida the Nurse, sent along by good Symonides with 1020his daughter, and into his armes deliuers his Sea-borne Babe, which he taking to kisse, and pittying it with these words: Poore inch of Nature (quoth he) thou arte as rudely welcome to the worlde, as euer Princesse Babe was, and hast as chiding a natiuitie, as fire, ayre, earth, and water can affoord thee, 1025when, as if he had forgot himselfe, he abruptly breaks out: but say Licorida, how doth my Queene? O sir (quoth she) she hath now passed all daungers, and hath giuen vppe her griefes by ending her life. At which wordes, no tongue is able to expresse the tide of sorrowe that ouer-bounded Pericles, 1030first looking on his Babe, and then crying out for the mother, pittying the one that had lost her bringer ere shee had scarce saluted the worlde, lamenting for himselfe that had beene bereft of so inestimable a Iewell by the losse of his wife, in which sorrowe as he would haue proceeded, vppe came the Maister to him, 1035who for that the storme continued still in his tempestuous height, brake off his sorrowe with these sillables. Sir, the necessitie of the time affoordes no delay, and we must intreate you to be contented, to haue the dead body of your Queene throwne ouer-boorde. How varlet! quoth Pericles, interrupting him, 1040wouldest thou haue me cast that body into the sea for buriall, who being in misery receiued me into fauour? We must intreate you to temperance sir (quoth the Maister) as you respect your owne safety, or the prosperitie of that prety Babe in your armes. At the naming of which word Babe, Pericles looking 1045mournfully vpon it, shooke his head, and wept. But the Maister going on, tolde him, that by long experience they had tried, that a shippe may not abide to carry a dead carcasse, nor would the lingering tempest cease while the dead body remayned with them. But the Prince seeking againe to perswade them, 1050tolde them, that it was but the fondnes of their superstition to thinke so. Call it by what you shal please sir (quoth the Maister) but we that by long practise haue tried the proofe of it, if not with your graunt, then without your consent (for your owne safety, which wee with all duety tender) must so dispose 1055of it. So calling for his seruants about him, he willed one of them, to bring him a chest, which he foorthwith caused to be well bitumed and well leaded for her coffin, then taking vp the body of his (euen in death) faire Thaysa, he arrayed her in princely apparrell, placing a Crowne of golde vppon her 1060head, with his owne hands, (not without store of funerall teares) he layed her in that Toombe, then placed hee also store of golde at her head, and great treasure of siluer at her feete, and hauing written this Letter which he layd vpon her breast, with fresh water flowing in his eyes, as loath to 1065leaue her sight, he nayled vp the Chest, the Tenor of which writing was in forme as followeth;
If ere it hap this Chest be driuen
On any shoare, on coast or hauen,
I Pericles the Prince of Tyre,
1070(That loosing her, lost all desire,)
Intreate you giue her burying,
Since she was daughter to a King:
This golde I giue you as a fee,
The Gods requite your charitie.
1075The Chest then being nayled vp close, he commaunded it to be lifted ouer-boorde, and then naming his Childe Marina, for that she was borne vppon the Sea, he directed his Maister to alter the course from Tyre, (being a shorter cutte to Tharsus) and for whose safety he thither intended, where with his hoste 1080Cleon and Dionysa his wife, he intended to leaue his little infant, to be fostered and brought vp. The dead body being thus throwne ouer-boorde, when as if Fortune had bethought her, that shee had wrought her vtmost spight to him, by bereauing him of so great a comfort, euen in the instant 1085the tempest ceaseth, where we will leaue Prince Pericles vppon calme waters, though not with a calme minde, sayling to Tharsus: and beholde, the next morning, by which time, the waues had rouled, from waue to waue this Chest to land, and cast it ashoare on the coast of Ephesus, in which Citty 1090liued a Lord called Cerimon, who, though of noble bloud, and great possessions, yet was he so addicted to studie, and in searching out the excellencie of Arts, that his felicitie consisted in contemplation, wisely fore-knowing, so icie is the state of riches, that it is thawed to nothing, by the least 1095aduersitie, that carelesse heires may dispend, and riot consume them, when one vertue, and our deserued fame attendeth immortality, this consideration made him so to apply his time in Letters, and in searching out the nature of Simples, that he grew so excellent in the secret of Physicke, as if 1100Apollo himselfe, or another Aesculapius had beene his Schoolemaister: nor was he of this plentie a niggard to the needie, but so bountifull to the distressed, that his house and hand were accompted the hospitalls for the diseased. This Lord Cerimon had his residence built so neare the shoare, that 1105in his windowes he ouer-looked the Sea: and being this morning in conference with some that came to him both for helpe for themselues, and reliefe for others; and some that were relating the crueltie of the last nights tempest, on a sodayne casting his eye from foorth his casement towards the maine, he might 1110espie the waters, as it were, playing with the Chest wherein the dead Queene was incoffind, and which was vpon the sodayne, by a more eager billow, cast on his bankes, when presently thinking it to be the remnant of some shippewracke, caused in the last nights storme, calling for his seruants, hee 1115foorthwith commaunded them to haue it brought vppe to him as forfeited vnto him, being cast on his ground, which accordingly performed, hee as presently gaue charge it should be opened, when not without much wonder he straitway viewed the dead body of the Queene, so crowned, so royally apparelled, so 1120intreasured as before, and taking vp the writing which he likewise found placed vpon her breast, hee read it to the Gentlemen, who at that time accompanied him, and knowing it thereby to be the dead Queene to Prince Pericles. Now surely, quoth Cerimon, thou hast a bodie euen drowned with woe for 1125the losse of so goodly a creature: for Gentlemen, sayde he, as you may perceiue, such was the excellencie of her beauty, that grimme Death himselfe hath not power to suffer any deformitie to accompany it. Then laying his hand gently vpon her cheeke, he bethought him that life had not lost 1130all the workemanshippe that Nature had bestowed vppon her, for euen at the opening of the Chest, and as it were she then receiuing fresh aire, he might perceue, a new but calm glowing to reespire in her cheeks, with which being somewhat amazed. Now surely Gentlemen, quoth hee turning to them, 1135who were greedily set round about him, this Queene hath not long beene intraunced, and I haue read of some Egyptians, who after foure houres death, (if man may call it so) haue raised impouerished bodies, like to this, vnto their former health, nor can it be disparagement to me to vse my best 1140practise on this Queene, to which by the Gentlemen that accompanyed him, hee was incouraged to attempt, since that the recouery of her could not but appeare to be a worke of wonder, and since that his fortune was so successefull in his ministring, that all Ephesus was repleate with his helpe, 1145so calling for a seruant of his to attend him with certayne boxes which he named were in his studie, as also with fire and necessary linnen, inuoking Apollo to be gratious to his empericke, and the worke in hand, he began to apply to her, First pulling downe the clothes from off the Ladies bosome, 1150he powred vppon her a most precious oyntment, and bestowing it abroad with his hand, perceiued some warmth in her breast, and that there was life in the body, whereat somewhat astonished, he felt her pulses, layde his cheeke to her mouth, and examining all other tokens that he could deuise, 1155he perceiued how death stroue with life within her, and that the conflict was dangerous, and doubtfull who should preuaile. Which beeing done, he chafed the body against the fire, vntill the bloud which was congealed with colde was wholly dissolued, when powring a precious liquor into her mouth, 1160hee perceiued warmth more and more to encrease in her, and the golden fringes of her eyes a litle to part: then calling softly to the Gentlemen who were witnesses about him, he bade them that they should commaund some still musicke to sound. For certainely quoth he, I thinke this Queene will 1165liue, and suppose that she hath bin much abused, for she hath not beene long intraunced, condemning them for rashnesse so hastily to throwe her ouer-boorde. And when he had so said, he tooke the body reuerently into his armes, and bare it into his owne Chamber, and layed it vpon his bed groueling 1170vpon the breast, then tooke hee certaine hote and comfortable oiles, and warming them vpon the coles, he dipped faire wooll therein, and fomented all the bodie ouer therewith, vntill such time as the congealed bloud and humours were thorowly resolued, and the spirites in due forme recouered their 1175woonted course, the veines waxed warme, the arteries beganne to beate, and the lungs drew in the fresh ayre againe, and being perfectly come to her selfe, lifting vp those now againe pricelesse diamonds of her eyes, O Lord (quoth shee) where am I? for it seemeth to me that 1180I haue beene in a strange Countrey. And wheres my Lord I pray you? I long to speake with him. But Cerimon, who best knew, that now with any thing to discomfort her, might breede a relapse, which would be vnrecouerable, intreated her to be cheered, for her Lord was well, and 1185that anone, when the time was more fitting, and that her decayed spirites were repayred, hee would gladly speake with her: So, as it were, being but newly awaked from death, to the great amasement of the beholders, she presently fell into a most comfortable slumber, which Lord Cerimon giuing 1190charge none should disturbe her of, he in the meane time, and against she should awake, prouided cherishing meates, and as her strength grew, gaue wholesome clothes to refresh her with. But not long after, weakenesse being banished from her, and Cerimon, by communication knew, that shee 1195came of the stocke of a King, he sent for many of his friendes to come vnto him, and adopted her for his owne daughter, and related vnto her, howe after so greeuous a tempest, in what manner shee was found. In which tempest she supposing her kingly husband to be shipwrecked, shee 1200with many teares intreated, that since he had giuen her life, he would be pleased to giue her leaue to liue vnknowne to any man. To which Cerimon accorded: and for that intent placed her in the Temple of Diana, which was there consecrated at Ephesus.
1205The eight Chapter.
How Pericles arriuing at Tharsus, deliuereth his yoong daughter Marina vnto Cleon and Dyonysa to be fostered vp: and how Lycorida the Nurse lying vppon her death-bed, declareth vnto Marina who were her parents.
1210Hauing thus left the recouered Thaysa amongst the holy Nunnes in the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, our Storie biddeth vs looke backe vnto sorrowfull Pericles, whose shippe with fortunate winde, fauour of the heauens, and prouidence of his pylate, arriued at the shoare of Tharsus, where vpon his landing hee was curteously 1215receiued by Cleon and Dyonysa; whome he as curteously saluted, telling them the heauie chaunces which had befallen him, both of the great stormes and tempests on the Sea,which he with patience had indured, as also of the death of the good Lady Thaysa, which he not without much sorrow suffered, onely quoth he, I haue heere left a little 1220picture of her, who for it was giuen vnto me at Sea, I haue named Marina, and I thanke the heauens, is so like vnto her, that I neuer doe looke vppon it, but with much comfort, in whose protection and education I meane to vse your friendship, while I goe on in trauell to receiue the kingdome of Antiochus, which is reserued for mee. And 1225if you will euer shew your gratitude, for my former charitie extended towardes you, and all this Citty in a former distresse, the gods haue giuen this cause, to prooue your thankefulnesse. When both vowing by solemne oath, their care should be on her, as reason vnto themselues, who is the guider of mans life: he satisfied with that their promise, 1230thanked them, telling them moreouer, that with them also he woulde leaue Lycorida her mothers nurse, (and giuen vnto him by her good father Symonides) that shee might be a nurse vnto her child, only further requesting them, and so charging Lycorida, that if it pleased the gods to lend her life to the yeeres of vnderstanding, they should 1235not till his returne, make knowne vnto her, that she was a braunch sproong from him, but onely be brought vppe as the daughter of Cleon and Dyonysa, lest that the knowledge of her high birth, should make her growe prowd to their instructions. Of which hauing likewise promise, he deliuered the infant and the nurse to Cleon, and therewithall, great 1240sums of golde, siluer, and apparrell, and vowing solemnely by othe to himselfe, his head should grow vncisserd, his beard vntrimmed, himselfe in all vncomely, since he had lost his Queene, and till he had married his daughter at ripe years. When they much wondring at so strange a resolue, and promising to be most faithfull with all diligence according 1245to his directions, Pericles tooke his leaue, departed with his Ship, sayling euen to the vttermost parts of all Egypt, while his yoong daughter Marina grew vp to more able discretion, and when she was fully attaind to 5. yeers of age, being to her selfe knowne no other but to be free borne, she was set to Schoole with other free children, alwayes ioyntly accompanied 1250with one onely daughter that Dionysa had, being of the same time that she was of, where growing vp, aswel in learning, as in number of yeeres, vntill she came to the reckoning of foureteene, one day when she returned from Schoole, she found Lycorida her Nurse sodainely fallen sicke, and sitting beside her vpon the bed, she as in care of her, demaunded the 1255cause and manner of her sickenesse: when the Nurse finding her disease to haue no hope of recouery, but a harbinger that came before to prepare a lodging for death, answered her to this purpose; For my sickenesse, quoth she, it matters not (deare childe) since it is as necessary to be sicke, as it is needefull to die, onely I intreate of you to hearken vnto 1260a dying womans wordes that loueth you, and laying them vppe in your heart, perswade your selfe, that in these houres no sinner should, or can be so wretched, to spare a minute to finde time to lie. Knowe then, that you are not the daughter of Cleon and Dyonysa, as you till this haue supposed: but hearken vnto me, and I will declare vnto thee the beginning of thy 1265birth, that thou mayest knowe how to guide thy selfe after my death: Pericles the Prince of Tyre is thy father, and Thaysa king Symonides daughter was thy mother: which father and mother departed from thy grandsir at Pentapolis toward their kingdom of Tyre, thy mother being at Sea, fell in trauell with thee, and died after thou wert borne: when thy Father 1270Pericles inclosed her body in a Chest with princely ornaments, laying twenty talents of golde at her head, and as much at her feete in siluer; with a Scedule written, containing the dignitie of her birth, and maner of her death, then caused he the Chest to be thrown ouer-boorde into the Sea, thorow a superstitious opinion which the mariners beleeued, leauing 1275her body so inriched, to the intent, that whither soeuer it were driuen, they that found it, in regarde of the riches, would bury her according to her estate. Thus Lady were you borne vppon the waters, and your fathers Ship with much wrestling of contrary windes, and with his vnspeakeable griefe of minde, arriued at this shoare, and brought thee in thy swadling 1280clowtes vnto this Citty, where he with great care deliuered thee vnto this thine hoste Cleon and Dyonysa his wife, diligently to be fostered vp, and left me heere also to attend vppon thee, swearing this oath to keepe inuiolate, his haire should be vncisserd, his face vntrimmed, himselfe in all things vncomely continually to mourne for your dead mother, vntill 1285your ripe yeares gaue him occasion to marry you to some prince worthy your birth and beauty; wherefore I now admonish you, that if after my death, thine hoste or hostesse, whom thou calst thy parents, shall happly offer thee any iniury, or discurteously taking aduantage of thy absent father as vnbefitting thine estate intertain thee, haste thee into the market 1290place, where thou shall finde a Statue erected to thy father standing, take hold of it, and crie aloude; You cittizens of Tharsus, I am his daughter whose Image this is, who being mindefull of thy fathers benefits will doubtlesse reuenge thy iniurie. When Marina thanking Lycorida for making that known to her, which till then was vnknowne, and happly either thorow 1295Time or Death might haue beene buried in her ignorance: and vowing, if euer neede should so require (of which as yet she had no cause to doubt) her counsell should befollowed. And so Lycorida through sickenesse growing more weake, and Marina for this knowledge and aduise still tending on her, in her armes at last shee gaue vp the Ghost.
1300The ninth Chapter.
How after the death of Lycorida the Nurse Dyonysa enuying at the beauty of Marina, hired a seruant of hers to haue murderd her, and how she was rescued by certaine Pyrates, and by them carried to the Cittie of Meteline, where among other 1305bondslaues, shee was solde to a common Bawde.
Marina hauing thus by Lycoridaes meanes had knowledge of her parentes, and Lycorida hauing beene in her life, her most carefull Nurse, shee (not without iust cause) lamented her death, and caused her body to be solempnely interred, in a field without the walles of the Cittie, raising a monument in remembrance of her, 1310vowing to her selfe a yeares solemne sadnesse, and that her eies also for so long a time should daily pay their dewy offerings, as lamenting the losse of so good a friend.
But this decree of hers being accomplished, and all the rites thereof faithfully fulfilled, she dismissed her bodie of her mourning attire, and againe apparrelled her selfe as before, in her most costly habilliment, frequenting the 1315Schooles, and diligently endeuouring the studies of the Liberall Sciences, wherein she so out-went in perfection, the labours of all that were studious with her, that shee was rather vsed amongst them as their Schoolemistris to instruct, than their fellow Scholler to learne, onely for her recreation betwixt the houres of study, dauncing, singing, sowing, or what experience soeuer (for in no action 1320was she vnexpert, as also euery morning, and at noone, before she made her meale) she forgotte not to reuisite her Nurses sepulchre: and entring into the monument, vpon her knees she there offered her funerall teares for the losse of her mother, and desiring the gods in their holy Synode to protect the safety of her father, accusing her selfe as an vnfortunate childe, whose beeing, caused the death of 1325her mother, so good a Queene, and the sorrow of her father, so curteous a Prince: and in very deede, the whole course of her life was so affable and curteous, that she wonne the loue of all and euery man, accompting his tongue (the father of speech) a trewant, which was not liberall in her prayses: so that it fortuned as she passed along the streete, with Dyonysa her daughter, who was her companion and Schoolefellow, 1330and who till then she supposed had beene her sister. The people, as at other times, came running out of their doores with greedy desire to looke vpon her; and beholding the beauty and comelinesse of Marina so farre to out-shine Dyonysaes daughter, who went side by side with her, could not containe themselues from crying out, Happy is that father who hath Marina to his daughter, but her Companion that goeth with her 1335is fowle and ill-fauoured. Which when Dyonysa heard, her enuy of those prayses bred in her a contempt, and that contempt soone transformed it selfe into wrath, all which shee for the instant dissembling, yet at her comming home withdrawing her selfe into a priuate walke, she in this maner with her selfe beganne to discourse; It is now quoth she, foureteene yeers since Pericles this out-shining gerles father departed 1340this our Citty, in all which time we haue not receiued so much as a Letter, to signifie that he remembers her, or any other token, to manifest he hath a desire to acknowledge her, whereby I haue reason to coniecture, that he is either surely dead, or not regardes her, though I must confesse, at his departure from hence, and his committing her to our protection, he left her not vnfurnished of all things 1345fitting the education of his childe, and a princesse of her birth, both of golde, plate, and apparrell, euen competent enough to foster her according to her degree, nay (if neede were) to marry her according to her blood. But what of all this? he is absent, and Lycorida her Nurse is dead: Shee in beauty out-shines my childe, and I haue her fathers treasure in possession, (though giuen for her vse) shall make my 1350daughter out-shine her. What though I knowe her father did releeue our Citty? I agayne doe knowe, that but few in these dayes requite benefites with thankes, longer than while they are in receiuing. In briefe, I enuy her, and she shall perish for it. With the which wordes she had no sooner concluded, but in comes a seruant of hers, and she now intended to make him the diuells. With this Leonine she thus began to 1355interprete her will: Leonine quoth she, thou knowst Marina. And madame, quoth he, for a most vertuous Gentlewoman. Talke not of vertue, quoth Dyonysa, for thats not the businesse which we haue in hand; but I must haue thee learne to know her now, that thou mayest neuer know her after ward, I vnderstand you not quoth Leonine. When she replied, Take this at large then, Thou art my bond-slaue, whom I haue power to 1360enfranchise or captiue, if thou wilt obey me, first then receiue this golde as the earnest which promiseth vnto thee a greater reward: but if thou deny to accomplish my desire, in bondage and imprisonment, I will fetter thee, and by no other meanes conclude my reuenge, but by thy death. Speake on my taske then good Madam, quoth Leonine, For what is it that a bondman will not attempt for liberty, which is deerer 1365to man then life, and what not I then ? Thou knowest, quoth Dyonysa then, that Marina hath a custome,as soone as shee returneth home from schoole, not to eate meate before she haue gone to visite the sepulchre of her nurse. There at her next deuotion, doe thou meete her, stand ready, and with thy weapon drawen, sodainely kill her. How kill her quoth Leonine, why tiz an acte vnconscionable, and deserues 1370damnation but to conspire in thought, since she is a creature so harmlesse, that euen Innocencie it selfe cannot be more pure, nor inwardly be more decently arrayed than is her minde: yet to fulfill your pleasure, for the hope of golde, and the releasement of my bondage, were she as spotlesse as Trueth, heere are two monsters (drawing his sworde into his hand) shall effect it for you, when she rewarding him 1375with more golde, and commending his resolution, he goes forward to attend for her at Lycoridaes Toombe, and Marina being returned from Schoole, is also come thither to offer on the monument her diurnall deuotion, when on the sodaine, while her knees kissed the earth, and her eyes saluted heauen, while prayers were in her mouth, and teares in her eyes, all tributary offerings, giuen vnto the gods for the prosperitie 1380of her father, on the sodaine toward her, out rushed this Leonine, and with a looke as cruell as his heart, and speech as harsh as his intent, he resolued her in blunt wordes, that he was come to kill her, that hee was hired vnto it by Dyonysa her foster mother, that she was too good for men, and therefore he would send her to the gods, that if she would pray, pray, for hee had sworne to kill her, and he would 1385kill her, and a thousand more, ere he would be damned for periury. When she that was on her knees before making her orisons to heauen, was now com-pelled to turne her intreaties to him: and first demaunded of him what offence her ignoraunce had done (for wittingly shee knew shee coulde doe none) eyther to him, that (as himselfe said) came to murther her, or to her that hired him. But the villaine neyther 1390regarding her innocencie or teares, though showred in aboundaunce, but drawing out his sword wherewith to haue shed her blood, and haue damned his own soule, there were certaine pyrates that were newly put to water, in at a Creeke neare adioyning, where the villaine intended this most inhumane murther, and being come vp ashoare to forrage, for what pillage soeuer they could happen vpon, euen as he 1395was about to haue giuen the fatall blow, whom all her intreaties could not perswade him from, beholding so bloudy a villaine, offering violence to so goodly a beauty, they running all at once toward him cried out aloude; Holde monstrous wretch, as thou louest thy life, hold, for that Mayden is our prey, and not thy victory. Which when the villaine heard, and perceiuing his intent to be intercepted, making his heeles 1400his best defence, till hauing fledde some distance from them, and obseruing them not to pursue, he secretly stole backe, to note what the euent would be, which was, that the pyrates who had thus rescued Marina, carried her to their shippes, hoysed sayles, and departed. At which the vilaine returned home to his Mistris, declaring to her that he had doone what she commaunded him to doe, namely murthered Marina, 1405and from the toppe of a high cliffe, throwne her body downe for buriall into the Sea, aduising her withall, that since it was done, the chiefest meanes to auoyde suspition, was, to put on mourning garments, and by counterfeiting a great sorrow, in the sight of the people report, that she was dead of some daungerous disease: and withall, to bleare the eies of the multitude (who with faire shewes are soone 1410flattered) neere to her fathers Statue to erect a monument for her. According whereunto, she attyred her selfe and her daughter in solempne attire, and counterfeiting a fained sorrow, and dissembling teares. And going now to erect her monument (to the view of which, all the Cittizens flocked) She in publike assembly thus spake vnto them. Deere Friends and Cittizens of Tharsus, If you 1415shall happly wonder, why we thus vnwoontedly weep and mourne in your sight, it is because the ioy of our eyes and staffe of our olde age Marina is dead, whose absence hath left vnto vs nothing but salt teares, and sorrowfull harts, as if by her death we were diuided from all comfort, yet haue we here taken order for her funeralls, and buried her (as heere you see) according to her degree, which 1420losse of hers was right grieuous to all the people, nor was there any that was capable of sorrowe, but spent it for her, so that with one voyce and willing handes, they attended Dyonysa to the Market place whereas her fathers Image stoode, made of brasse, and erected also another to her with this Inscription:
Marinaes Epitaph.
1425The fairest, chastest, and most best lies heere,
Who wythred in her spring of yeere:
In Natures garden, though by growth a Bud,
Shee was the chiefest flower, she was good.
So with this flattery, (which is like a Skreene before the grauest 1430ludgements) deceiuing the Cittizens, and all doone, vnsuspected she returned home, when Cleon, who not at all consented to this treason, but so soone as he heard therof, being strucke into amazement, he apparelled himselfe in mourning garments, lamenting the vntimely ruine of so goodly a Lady, saying to himselfe, Alas now, what mischiefe am I wrapped in, what might I do or say heerein? The 1435Father of that Virgine deliuered this Citty from the perill of death, for this Citties sake hee suffered shipwracke, lost his goodes, and endured penury, and now he is requited with euill for good, his daughter which hee committed by my care to be brought vp, is now deuoured by the cruelty of my wife, so that I am depriued, as it were, of mine owne eyes, and forced to bewaile the death 1440of that Innocent, she in whose presence, as in the fortune of mine own posterity I should haue had delight. And then demaunding of Dyonysa how she could giue prince Pericles accompt of his childe, hauing robbed him of his childe, how she could appease the fury of his wrath, if her acte were knowne to him? or how alay the displeasure of the gods, from whome nothing can be hid. For 1445Pericles quoth she, if such a pious innocent as your selfe do not reueale it vnto him, how should he come to the knowledge thereof, since that the whole Citty is satisfied by the monument I caused to be erected, and by our dissembling outside, that she died naturally, and for the gods, let them that list be of the minde to thinke they can make stones speake, and raise them vp 1450in euidence, for my parte I haue my wish, I haue my safety, and feare no daunger till it fall vpon me. But Cleon rather cursing then commending this obduracy in her, he continued mourning vnfainedly, but she according to her sinful condition. By this time the pirats (who before rescued Marina, when she should haue beene slaine by trecherous Leonine) are now ariued at Meteline, 1455and in the Market place of the Cittie, according to the custome, amongst other bondslaues, offered her to be solde, whither all sorts of people, comming to supply their purposes, Marina was not without much commendations gazed vpon of the buyers, some commending her beauty, others her sober countenaunce, all pittying her mishap, and praysing her perfections, which 1460prayses of her, were so spread through the Citty, that from all parts they came crowding to see her, amongst the number of which, was a Leno or bawde, yet one who had not set vp shop, and kept trade for himselfe, but was yet but iourney-man to the deuill. This Leno amongst others, staring vpon her, and knowing her face to be a fit faire signe for his maisters house, and 1465with which signe he made no doubt, but to lodge vnder their roofe, all th'intemperate (euen from youth to age) thorow the whole Citty, hee foorthwith demaunded the price, intending to buy her, at what rate soeuer, and in the end, went thorow, and bargained to haue her, paying a hundred Sestercies of golde, and so presently hauing giuen earnest, he takes 1470Marina, and the rest of the Pirates home with him to his Maisters house, Marina was there to be taught how to giue her body vppe a prostitute to sinne, and the Pirates for their new stuffe to receiue their money.
The tenth Chapter.
How Marina being thus solde to a Bawde, preserued her virginitie, 1475and how shee conuerted all that euer came to make hire of her beauty from the loosenesse of their desires.
Marina was no sooner thus concluded for, by the hee Bawde, but the Pyrates were as soone brought home to his masters house, and receiued their payment, when after their departure, she giuing commaund 1480to the Pander her man, that he should goe backe into the Market place, and there with open crie proclaime, what a picture of Nature they had at home, for euery lasciuious eie to gaze vpon. The she Bawd beganne to instruct her, with what complement she should entertaine her customers: she first asked her, if she were a vir/- gine. When Marina replyed, she 1485thanked the Gods, shee neuer knew what it was to be otherwise. In so being quoth the she bawde, you haue beene well: but now in plaine tearmes I must teach you how to be worse. It is not goodnesse in you (quoth Marina) to teach me to be so: for goodnes answerd the bawd, it is a Lecture, such as we vse seldome, and our consciences neuer reade one 1490to another, and therefore attend vnto me: you must now be like a stake for euery man to shoote at, you must be like a foord that must receiue all waters, you must haue the benefite of all nations, and seeme to take delight in all men. I thanke my starres, answered Marina, I am displeased with none: for by this answere it appeared such was the puritie of her minde, that 1495she vnderstoode not what this deuills sollicitor pleaded vnto her: but she quickely taking her off, told in more immodest phrase, that shee had payde for her, and that she and all her body was hers, that will ye nill ye she must now be what she her selfe had beene (and there is seldome any bawde, but before time, hath beene a whoore) that to conclude, shee had 1500bought her like a beast, and shee meant to hire her out.
When she vnderstanding vnwillingly what all these wordes tended vnto, she fell prostrate at her feete, and with teares showred downe in aboundaunce, she intreated her, not to make hire of her bodie to so diseasefull a vse, which shee hoped the gods had ordained to a more happy 1505purpose. When the bawde answered her, Come, come, these droppes auaile thee not, thou arte now mine, and I will make my best of thee: and I must now learne you to know, we whom the worlde calles Bawdes, but more properly are to be stiled Factors for men, are in this like the hangman, neither to regard prayers, nor teares, but our owne profite. So calling 1510for her slaue, which was gouernour ouer her she-houshold, this was her appoyntment vnto him, Goe quoth shee and take this Mayden, as shee is thus decked in costly apparrell (for it is to be remembred, that the former Pirates had no way dispoyled her of her ornaments, with purpose to prise her at the higher rate) and leading her along, this be the crie 1515thorow the whole Citty, That whosoeuer desireth the purchase of so wondrous a beauty, shall for his first enioying her, pay tenne peeces of golde, and that afterward shee shall be common vnto the people for one peece at a time. Which will of hers, Marina being no way able to resist, but with her sorrowe, onely desiring of the good gods, to be 1520protectors of her chastitie: She with this her slaue was hurried along, and who with the tenour of his priapine proclamation, had so awaked the intemperaunce of the whole Cittie, that against her returne, of high and low there was a full crowding at the doore, euery man carrying his money in his hand, and thinking him the happiest man that might first haue 1525accesse. But heauen who is still a protector of Vertue against Vice, ordayned this for Marina, that the sending her abroad, with purpose, first to shew her, and after, to make sale of her to the worlde, was the onely meanes to defend her in the state of her virginitie. For as she was (as before is saide) led along, and thousands of people wondring 1530about her, and flocking as it had beene so many flies, to infect so delicate a preseruatiue, it happened that Lysimachus the cheefe gouernour of Meteline, looking out at his windowe, to obserue what strange occasion drew the giddy hauocke of people, to muster themselues into such throngs: he, not without great admiration obserued, that it was to make boote of 1535so pretious a beauty, whose inflaming colours which Nature had with her best Arte placed vppon her face, compelled him to censure, that she was rather a deseruing bed-fellow for a Prince, than a play-fellow for so rascally an assembly: so pittying awhile her, misfortune, that it was so hard to be throwne into the iaws of two such poisonous and deuouring 1540serpents, a Pandar, and a Bawde, yet at last, being inflamed with a little sinnefull concupiscence, by the power of her face, he resolued himselfe that since shee must fall, it were farre more fitter, into his owne armes, whose authoritie could stretch to doe her good, than into the hote imbracements of many, to her vtter ruine; so presently dismissing away 1545a seruant of his, he gaue him charge, to giue in charge to the Bawd, that at the returne home, of this new peece of merchandise of hers, as shee respected, or in time of neede would be beholding to his fauour, (and Heauens forfend but Bawdes nowe and then should stand in neede of anthoritie) she should keepe her priuate from the conference of any, for 1550hee himselfe that night late in the euening, in secret, and in some disguise, would (for her guests sake) visite her house. There needed no further incouragement to bid the Bawde stirre vp her damnable limbes to make all fit. It was enough in this, that the Gouernour had sent worde, it was he that was to come. But hauing giuen the best garnish she could to 1555her sinnefull habitation: and Marina being returned home againe by the Pandar, who had ledde her vp and downe as Beare-heards leade beares, for shew first, and to be baited after: Shee tooke her vp with her into a priuate Chamber, when the fruite of her instructions were, how she should now learne to behaue her selfe, for she had fortunes comming vppon her, she was nowe to 1560be receiued, respected, and regarded of a man that was honourable. Heauen graunt that I may finde him so, quoth Marina. Thou needest not doubt it sweete heart, quoth the Bawde, for though I tell it thee in priuate, which for a million he would not haue to be knowne publikely: Hee is no woorse a man thou arte shortly to deale withall, than the Gouernour of this whole 1565Citty, a Gentleman that is curteous, a fauourer of our calling, one that will as soone haue his hand in his pocket, as such a pretty dilling as thou shalt come in his eye, and not as most of our Gentlemen doe, drawe it out empty, but filling it full of golde, will most Ioue-like rayne it downe in to his Danaes lap. In briefe, he is a Nobleman, and, which is a 1570thing which we respect more than his nobilitie, he is liberall: he is curteous, and thou mayest commaund him, he is vertuous and thou mayest learne of him. All these indeede, answered Marina, are properties, due vnto so worthy a Gentleman, whom you picture him to be: and if he be liberall in good, I shall be glad to taste of his bountie: if curteous, I shall as willingly 1575become his seruant: and if vertuous, it shal be in me no way to make him vicious. Well, well, well, sayes the Bawde, we must haue no more of this puling, and I must haue you learne to know, vice is as hereditary to our house, as the olde barne to your countrey beggar. But as shee would haue proceeded with more of these her diuelish counsells, hastily into the 1580Chamber came the Pandar vnto them, who as hote as a taste, with his haste to bring the newes he told them, that the Lorde Lysimachm was come, and if the word Come had beene his kew, he entred the Chamber with the master bawde, when the whole frie of sinners cursying about him very largely, as the Prologue to his entertainment, distributed golde among them, then as 1585roundly demaunded, for that same fresh peece of stuffe, which by their proclamation they tolde, they had now to make sale of, and he of set purpose was come to haue a sight of.
When they all poynting toward Marina, told him there shee was, and for our selues, quoth they, we hauing done the office of right Chamberlaines, 1590brought you together, we will shut the doore after vs, and so leaue you. Who no sooner departed, but Lysimachus the Gouernour began to demaund of her the performaunce of that for which he came. When shee prostrating her selfe at his feete, intreated him to take pitty of her, and from poynt to poynt (excepting her birth, and death of her parents) discoursed vnto him the whole story of 1595her misfortunes: as that by the practise of Dyonysa, and cruelty of Leonine, she should haue beene murthered. And how it pleased the Gods to rescue her from that ruine by certaine Pyrates, who after solde her to this brothell, where, most vnhappy, he was witnesse she remayned. Then gentle Sir, quoth shee, since heauen hath been so gratious, to restore me from death, let not 1600their good to me, be a meanes for you, to be author of my more misfortune. But the Gouernour suspecting these teares, but to be some new cunning, which her matron the Bawde had instructed her in, to drawe him to a more large expence: He as freely tolde her so and now beganne to be more rough with her vrging her, that he was the Gouernour, whose authoritie coulde wincke 1605at those blemishes, her selfe, and that sinnefull house could cast vppon her, or his displeasure punish at his owne pleasure, which displeasure of mine, thy beauty shall not priuiledge thee from, nor my affection, which hath drawen me vnto this place abate, if thou with further lingering withstand me. By which wordes, she vnderstanding him to be as confident 1610in euill, as she was constant in good, she intreated him but to be heard, and thus she beganne.
If as you say (my Lorde) you are the Gouernour, let not your authoritie, which should teach you to rule others, be the meanes to make you mis-gouerne your selfe: If the eminence of your place came vnto you by discent, and the 1615royalty of your blood, let not your life prooue your birth a bastard: If it were throwne vpon you by opinion, make good, that opinion was the cause to make you great. What reason is there in your Iustice, who hath power ouer all, to vndoe any? If you take from mee mine honour, you are like him, that makes a gappe into forbidden ground, after whome too many enter, and you are 1620guiltie of all their euilles: my life is yet vnspotted, my chastitie vnstained in thought. Then if your violence deface this building, the workemanship of heauen, made vp for good, and not to be the exercise of sinnes intemperaunce, you do kill your owne honour, abuse your owne iustice, and impouerish me. Why quoth Lysimachus, this house wherein thou liuest, is euen the receptacle of 1625all mens sinnes, and nurse of wickednesse, and how canst thou then be otherwise then naught, that liuest in it? It is not good, answered Marina, when you that are the Gouernour, who should liue well, the better to be bolde to punish euill, doe knowe that there is such a roofe, and yet come vnder it. Is there a necessitie (my yet good Lord) if there be fire before me, that I must strait then thither 1630flie and burne my selfe? Or if suppose this house (which too too many feele such houses are) should be the Doctors patrimony, and Surgeons feeding; folowes it therefore, that I must needs infect my self to giue them maintenance? O my good Lord, kill me, but not deflower me, punish me how you please, so you spare my chastitie, and since it is all the dowry that both the Gods haue giuen, and 1635men haue left to me, do not you take it from me; make me your seruant, I will willingly obey you; make mee your bondwoman, I will accompt it freedome; let me be the worst that is called vile, so I may still liue honest, I am content: or if you thinke it is too blessed a happinesse to haue me so, let me euen now, now in this minute die, and Ile accompt my death more happy than my birth. With 1640which wordes (being spoken vpon her knees) while her eyes were the glasses that carried the water of her mis-hap, the good Gentlewoman being mooued, hee lift her vp with his hands, and euen then imbraced her in his hart, saying aside: surely this is Virtues image, or rather, vertues selfe, sent downe from heauen, a while to raigne on earth, to teach vs what we should be. So in steede of willing her 1645to drie her eyes, he wiped the wet himselfe off, and could haue found in his heart, with modest thoughts to haue kissed her, but that hee feared the offer would offend her. This onely hee sayde, Lady, for such your vertues are, a farre more worthy stile your beuty challenges, and no way lesse your beauty can promise me that you are, I hither came with thoughtes intemperate, foule 1650and deformed, the which your paines so well haue laued, that they are now white, continue still to all so, and for my parte, who hither came but to haue payd the price, a peece of golde for your virginitie, now giue you twenty to releeue your honesty. It shall become you still to be euen as you are, a peece of goodnesse, the best wrought vppe, that euer Nature made, and if that 1655any shall inforce you ill, if you but send to me, I am your friend. With which promise, leauing her presence, she most humbly thanked the Gods for the preseruation of her chastitie, and the reformation of his mind.
Lysimachus though departed thus, intended not to leaue her so, but with diligent eyes to attend, how shee behaued her selfe to all other, who should haue 1660admittance to her, and for that purpose, hauing power to commaund the Bawde, hee placed himselfe in the next Chamber where he might heare, euen to a sillable, whatsoere passed, where he was no sooner setled with a former charge giuen to the bawd, that any man should haue accesse to her, but by turnes, he heard she had also won others, and preserued herselfe from them, as she had formerly done 1665against him, gaining tenne times as much of profite by her prayers and teares, as she should haue doone by prostituting her beauty to their willes: at last, all of them being departed, and the house vnfrequented, onely of their owne housholde, and of the Gouernour, the bawde standing ready at the doore, as hee should goe out, making his obeysaunce vnto him as hee should returne, in hope 1670of his fee or rewarde, hee with an angry brow turned towards him, saying, Villaine, thou hast a house heere, the weight of whose sinne would sincke the foundation, euen vnto hell, did not the vertue of one that is lodged therein, keepe it standing; and so, as it were inraged, giuing them nothing, he departed. By which displeasure of his, the whole swarme of bawdes (as truely it was) ghessed, 1675that their new tenaunt, had not beene pliant to his will: and all rushing in hastily vppon her, first taking away the golde which the charitie (and not iniury of all who had beene there) had giuen her to releeue her with, they cried against her, they should be all vndoone by her, their house would grow vncustomed, and their trading would fall to decay, by her squeamishnesse, and want of 1680familiaritie to their Clients, resoluing now, that there was no way to bring her vnto their bowe, but by hauing her rauished. For it is to be noted, not any that the house besides Lysimachus, but euen as he did, so they in like manner rayled against them, so forcibly had hir perswasions preuailed with them: whereupon, for that purpose they gaue her vp to the Pandar, who first agreed for her, saying; 1685That he that had bargained for the whole ioynt, it was fittest for him to cut a morsel from off the spit. So leauing them together, and telling him, they gaue her vp to his power, to doe euen what he would with her: the man and wife (though both bawdes) departed, when the pandar going to her, tolde her, that he, his master, nor their antient family would as thus long they had beene, be vndoone 1690by ere a Puritane peece of them all. And therefore quoth he; Come on and resolue your selfe without more whining, for I am but the bawdes seruant. The bawde hath commaunded me, and euery seruant by the Indenture of his duety, is bound to obey his master: So catching her rashly by the hand, as he would haue inforced her to his will; she first calling on Diana patronesse of Chastitie to defend her, fell 1695likewise downe at his feete, and besought him but to heare her: which being graunted, she demaunded of him what thing he could wish himselfe to be, which was more vile than he was, or more hatefull than he would make himselfe to be? Why my master or my mistris (quoth the villaine) I thinke, who haue all the sinnes subiect to mankind raigning in them, and are (indeede) as bad as the Diuell himselfe: yet 1700(quoth Marina) thou goest about to be worse then they, and to doe an office at their setting on, which thy master himselfe hath more pitty then to attempt, to robbe me of mine honour, which in spite of them and thee, the Gods (who I hope will protect it still) haue till this breathing protected, to leprous my chast thoghts, with remembrance of so foule a deede, which thou then shalt haue doone, 1705to damne thine owne soule, by vndooing of mine. At which word, the Villaine being strucke into some remorce, and standing in a pawse, Marina went forward, and tolde him; If thou wantest golde, there is some for thee (part of that she had reserued which before was giuen hir, from the bawdes knowledge:) or if thou wantest maintenaunce, prouide mee but some residence in an honest house, and I haue 1710experience in many things which shall labour for thee, as namely, I am skilfull in the seauen Liberall Sciences, well exercised in all studies, and dare approoue this, that my skill in singing and playing on Instruments exceeds any in the citty: therefore (quoth she) as thou before didst proclame my beuty in the market to the open world, whereby to haue made me a common prostitute, so now agayne proclame my 1715vertues vnto them, and I doubt not but this honorable citty will affoord schollers sufficient, the instructing of whome will returne profile enough, both to repay the Maister what hee payed out for me, prouide an honester course for thee then this thou liuest in; and giue a quiet content vnto my selfe. Sooth (quoth the Villaine) being now mooued vnto much more compassion of her; If you haue (as you 1720say) these qualities, I will labour with my Master, and doe my best for your release. If not (answered Marina, I giue thee free leaue to bring me backe againe, and prostitute me to that course which was first pretended for me. In briefe, the Villaine so laboured with the bawde his maister, that though hee woulde not giue her leaue to depart his house, yet in hope of the profit, which would come in by her other qualities, she should stay in his house, and none, with her former 1725greeuances disturbe her, and withall, charged the Pander to set vp a Bill in the Market place, of her excellencie in speaking, and in singing. At the report of which there crowded as many to the bawdes great profite to be delighted with her woorth, as there came before to haue made spoyle of her vertue, and not any man but gaue her money largely, and departed contented, onely aboue the rest the Lorde 1730Lysimachus had euermore an especiall regarde in the preseruation of her safety no otherwise than if she had beene descended from himselfe, and rewarded the villaine very liberally for the diligent care hee had ouer her.
The eleuenth Chapter.
How Pericles after foureteene yeeres absence, arriued at Tharsus, and not 1735finding his daughter, lamented her supposed death: and how taking ship againe, he was by crosse windes driuen to Meteline, where his daughter Marina was: and how by the meanes of Prince Lysimachus comming aboorde his shippe to comforte him, he came to the knowledge of his lost daughter, and also of his wife Thaysa.
Hauing thus preserued Marina, our Story giues vs now leaue to returne againe to 1740Prince Pericles, who after foureteene yeares absence arriued at Tharsus, and was receiued into the house of Cleon and Dyonysa, with whome hee had left his yoong daughter Marina to be fostered vp. At the newes of whose comming, Cleon and Dyonysa againe apparrelled themselues in mournfull habites, went out to meete him: who when Pericles beheld in so sad an out-side; My trusty friends, what cause inforceth you to giue so sad a welcome 1745to my entertainement? O my good Lord, answered Dyonysa, would any tongue but ours might be the herald of your mis-hap: but sorrowes pipes will burst, haue they not vent, and you of force must knowe Marina is dead. Which when Pericles heard, the very word Death seemed like an edge that cut his heart, his flesh trembled, and his strength failed: yet inagony a long time standing amased, with his eyes intentiuely fixed on the ground, and at length recouering 1750himselfe, and taking breath, hee first cast his eyes vppe to heauen, saying; O you Gods! extreamity of passion dooth make mee almost ready to accuse you of iniustice. And then throwing his eyes greedily vpon her. But woman, quoth hee, If (as thou sayest) my most deere Marina be dead, is the money and the treasure which I also left with you for her, perished with her? When she aunswered; Some is, and some yet remaineth. And as for your 1755daughter (my Lord) lest you shoulde anie way suspect vs, we haue sufficient witnesse: for our Citizens being mindefull of your benefites bestowed vppon them, haue erected vnto her a monument of brasse fast by yours. And when she had so said, she brought foorth such money, iewells, and apparrell as it pleased her to say were remayning of Marinaes store. Wherevppon Pericles giuing credite to this report of her death, he commaunded his seruants to take vp 1760what she had brought, and beare them to his shippes, while he himselfe would goe visite his daughters monument. Which when he beheld, and had read the Epitaph, as before written, his affection brake out into his eies, and he expressed more actuall sorrow for the losse of her then Inditement can expresse: first, tumbling himselfe vppon her monument, he then fell into a swownd, as if, since he might not leaue all his life with her, yet he would 1765leaue halfe at least, from which trance being at the length recouered, hee apparrelles himselfe in sacke-cloth, running hastily vnto his shippes, desireth the Sea to take him into their wombe, since neither land nor water was fortunate vnto him; for the one had bereft him of a daughter, the other of a wife. But as befitted them, being most careful of his safty they vsed their best perswasions, to asswage this tempest of his sorrow; 1770presently, as much as might be in such a case, they preuayled, and partly by time, which is a curer of all cares, continually mittigated some part of the griefe. (When hee perceiuing the winde to stand fitte for their departure, hee hoysed vppe sailes, and gaue farewell to the shoare, nor had they long sailed in their course, but the winde came about into a contrary quarter, and blew so fiercely that it troubled both sea and shippes, the raine fell 1775fiercely from aboue, and the sea wrought woonderously vnderneath, so that the tempest being terrible for the time, it was in that extreamitie thought fittest to strike sayle, to let the Helme goe, and to suffer the shippe to driue with the tide, whither it would please the gods to direct it: But as Ioy euermore succeedeth Heauinesse, so was this sharpe storme occasion of a ioyfull meeting, betwixt this sorrowful father, and his lost daughter; for while Prince Pericles 1780shippe is thus gouerned at randon, by fortune it striketh vppon the shoare of the Cittie Meteline, where now Marina remained, of whose death he (as before) being fully perswaded, in whose life he had hope his decayed comfortes should againe haue had new growth. And being now agayne at sea, he vowed to himselfe neuer more to haue fellowshippe or conference with any man, charging all his folowers, of whome Helycanus was one, that none of them vpon the 1785paine of his displeasure (and who is ignorant that the displeasure of kings is as daungerous as death) should dare to speake vnto him: no not so much as they who attended him with meate, and withall commaunded them, that they should not ordayne for him any more but so small a competence, as might euen scarcely maintaine nature, accompting now that life which he possessed, tedious to him, and wishing death in the most vnfriendly languishment. In which state while he 1790consisted, pining of his body, and perplexed in minde, it happened, that at one selfe same time Lord Helycanus going from the Princes shippe, and landing on the shoare, the Gouenour Lysimachus, who (as before is mentioned) tenderd Marina, was standing at the hauen, and noting Pericles ships riding there at anker, he beganne with himselfe to commend the comelinesse of the vessells, and applaude the state they vphelde in their burthens, and in especially, that of the Admirall 1795wherein the Prince himselfe was, who string Helycanus come on shoare, and his graue and reuerent countenaunce promising him, to be a father of experience, and worthy of his conference, hee in curteous manner saluted him, and demaunded of him, of whence those shippes for sir quoth he, by their armes and ensignes I perceiue they are strangers to our harbours, as also that it would please him to deliuer to him who was the owner of them, when Helycanus, as in the whole Storie, 1800discoursed vnto him his misfortunes, as also of his former woorth, and his present languishment, from which he could not be remooued, neither by his wisedome, nor by the counsell of his friends. When Lysimachus pittying his ruine, intreated Helycanus that he might speake with him, whereby to try if his perswasions had power preuayle with him more then the will of himselfe, or power of his subiects. Which being by Helycanus graunted, he foorthwith conducted him downe where his Maister 1805lay: whom when Lysimachus beheld, so attired from the ordinary habite of other men, as with a long ouer-growne beard, diffused hayre, vndecent nayles on his fingers, and himselfe lying vppon his cowch groueling on his face. He somewhat astonished at the strangenes thereof, caled vnto him with a soft voice, Prince Pericles, who hearing himselfe named, and thinking it to be some of his men, that called vpon him contrary to his commaunde-ment, hee arose vp sodainely with a 1810fierce countenaunce: but seeing him to be a stranger, verie comely and honourably attyred, hee shruncke himselfe downe vppon his pillow, and held his peace. When Lysimachus demaunded of Helycanus if it were his custome to be so silent to all men. Sir, it is quoth he, and hath continued so for the space of this moneth, neither dare any of vs his subiects, though we suffer much sorrow for him, by our perswasions seeke to alter him. Now surely quoth Lysimachus, though 1815his misfortunes haue beene great, and by which he hath great cause for this sorrow, it is great pitty he should continue thus peruerse and obstinate, or so noble a gentleman come to so dishonorable a death: and thereuppon bethinking with himselfe what honourable meanes he might vse to recouer him. He sodainely remembring the wisedom that he had known Marina had in perswasion: and hauing heard since of her excellent skill in musicke, singing and dauncing: he by the consent of 1820Helycanus caused her to be sent for, resoluing with himselfe, that if the excellencie of her ministry had no power to worke on him, all phisicke was in vaine, and he from thence would resigne him ouer to his graue. The messenger speedily is returned, bringing Marina along with him: whome when Lysimachus beheld, Marina quoth he, let me request of thee, thy help and vttermost knowledge in comforting the owner of this shippe which lieth in darkenesse, and will receiue no comfort, nor 1825come abroade into the light, for the sorrow that he conceiueth through the losse of a wife and a daughter. From which if thou recouer him, and to his former health restore him, I will, as I am a Gentleman, giue thee in recompence thirtie sistercies of golde, and as many of siluer, and though the bawd hath bought thee, according to the laws of our citty, from whom no authoritie can compell thee, yet for thirtie dayes will I redeeme thee. Which when Marina heard, shee went 1830boldely downe into the cabine to him, and with a milde voyce saluted him, saying; God saue you sir, and be of good comfort, for an innocent Virgin, whose life hath bin distressed by shipwrack, and her chastity by dishonesty, and hath yet bin preserued from both, thus curteously saluteth thee: but perceuing him to yeeld her no answer, she began to record in verses, and therewithall to sing so sweetely, that Pericles, notwithstanding his great sorrow, woondered at her, at last, 1835taking vp another instrument vnto his eares she preferred this.
Amongst the harlots foule I walke,
Yet harlot none am I;
The Rose amongst the Thornes doth grow,
And is not hurt thereby.
1840The Thiefe that stole me sure I thinke,
Is slaine before this time.
A Bawde me bought, yet am I not
Defilde by fleshly crime:
Nothing were pleasanter to me,
1845Then parents mine to know.
I am the issue of a King,
My blood from Kings dooth flowe:
In time the heauens may mend my state,
And send a better day,
1850For sorrow addes vnto our griefes,
But helps not any way:
Shew gladnesse in your countenaunce,
Cast vp your cheerefull eies,
That God remaines, that once of nought
1855Created Earth and Skies.
With this Musicke of Marinaes, as with no delight else was he a whit altered, but lay groueling on his face, onely casting an eye vppon her, as hee were rather discontented than delighted with her indeuour. Whereupon she beganne with morall precepts to reprooue him, and tolde him, that hee was borne a Prince, whose dignity being to gouerne others, it was most 1860foule in him to misgouerne himselfe. Which while he continued in that sullen estate, he did no lesse, thus to mourne for the losse of a wife and childe, or at any of his owne misfortunes, approoued that he was an enemy to the authoritie of the heauens, whose power was to dispose of him and his, at their pleasure: and that it was as vnfitte for him to repine (for his continuing sorrow shewed he did no lesse) against their determinations and their vnaltered willes, as it 1865was for the Giants to make warre against the Gods, who were confounded in their enterprise. Not fitte to sorrow, quoth he, rising vp like a Cloude, that bespeakes thunder; presumptuous bewty in a childe, how darest thou vrge so much? and therewithall, in this rash distemperature, strucke her on the face. When she, who neuer vntill that time knew what blowes were, fell sodainely in a swowne: but beeing againe recouered, shee cryed out; O humilitie! ordained especially for Princes, 1870who hauing power ouer all, shuld contemne none, whither art thou fled? then weeping a while; And O you Gods! creators both of heauen and earth, looke vppon my afflictions, and take compassion vppon me, that am vnfortunate in all things, I haue bin tossed from wrong to iniurie, I was borne amongest the waues and troublesome tempests of the Sea, my mother died in paines and pangs of child-birth, and buriall was denyed her on the earth, whome my father adorned with Iewelles layd 1875golde at her head, and siluer at her feete, and inclosing her in a Chest, committed her to the Sea: As for me vnfortunate wretch, my father, who with princely furniture, put me (in trust) to Cleon and Dyonysa, who commanded a seruant of theirs to murder me, from whose cruelty by Pirates I was rescewed, brought by them to this Citty, and sold to haue beene hackneyd by a common Bawde, though (I thanke the heauens) I haue preserued my chastity; and now after al these crosses, for 1880my curtesies to be strucke thus to bleeding! O cruell fate! By which tale of hers, Pericles being mooued, since by all the circumstances he ghessed she was his childe, and yet not knowing whether he might beleeue himselfe to be awake, or in a dreame, he beganne agayne to capitulate with her, of her former relation, as namely, where she was borne, who were her parents, and what her name was. To the which she answered, My name is Marina, and so called because I was borne vpon the sea. 1885O my Marina cryed out Pericles, being strucke into such an extasie of ioy that hee was not able to containe himselfe! willing her agayne to discourse vnto him the storie of her misfortunes, for hee could not heare too much. Which she obeying him in, and he knowing her to be his childe, seeing that the supposed dead was risen again, he falls on hir necke, and kisses her, calles vpon Helycanus to come vnto him, shewes him his daughter, biddes him to kneele to her, thanketh 1890Lysimachus that so fortunately had brought her to begette life in the father who begot her; so one while weeping at others ioying, and his senses being masterd by a gentle conquerour, in that extreamitie of passion, he fell into a slumber: in which sweet sleepe of his, hee was by Diana, warned to hie to Ephesus: and there vpon the Altare of that Goddesse to offer vppe his sacrifice before the Priests, and there to discourse the whole progresse of his life: which he remembring, 1895being awake, he accordingly shipped himselfe with Lysimachus, Marina, and his owne subiects to perfourme. Who landing at Ephesus, and giuing notice of the purpose, for which he was come, he was by all the Priests and Votaries attended to the Temple; being brought to the Altare, this was the substance of his sacrifice, I Pericles borne Prince Tyre, who hauing in youth attained to all kinde of knowledge, resolued the Riddle of Antiochus, to the intent to haue married his 1900daughter, whome he most shamefully defiled. To preserue my selfe from whose anger, I fled to sea, suffered shipwracke, was curteously entertained by good Symonides king of Pentapolis, and after espoused his faire daughter Thaysa. At the naming of whome, she her selfe being by, could not choose but starte: for in this Temple was she placed to be a Nunne, by Lord Cerimon, who preserued her life. But Pericles going on, when Antiochus and his daughter, quoth he, by lightning strucke 1905dead from heauen, I conducted my Queene with me from her fathers Court, with purpose to receiue againe my kingdome: where vpon the sea shee was deliuered of this my daughter, in that trauell she died, whom I inclosed in a Chest, and threw it into the Sea. When Thaysa standing by, and no longer being able to temper her affections, being assured he was her Lord, shee ranne hastily vnto him, imbraced him in her armes, and would haue kissed him. Which when Pericles sawe, hee 1910was mooued with disdaine, and thrust her from him, accusing her for lightnes, whose modesty and good grace hee at his first entrance did commend, when she falling at his feete, and powring foorth her teares aboundantly, gladnesse compelled her to crie out, O my Lord Pericles, deale not vngently with me, I am your wife, daughter vnto Symonides, my name is Thaysa, you were my Schoolemaister, and instructed me in musicke, you are that Prince whome I loued, not for 1915concupiscence, but desire of wisedome, I am she which was deliuered and died at the sea, and by your owne hands was buryed in the deepes; which wordes of hers, Lord Cerimon standing by, he was ready to auerre, but it needed not: for Pericles, though at the first astonished, ioy had now so reuiued his spirites, that hee knew her to be herselfe: but throwing his head into her bosome, hauing nothing but this to vtter, he cried aloude, O you heauens! my misfortunes 1920were now againe blessings, since wee are agayne contracted; so giuing his daughter to her armes to embrace her as a child and Lysimachus to enfolde her as a wife, and giuing order the solemnity of marriage should strait be prouided for: he then caused the bawd to be burnt, who with so much labor had sought to violate her princely chastitie, whilest Marina rewarded the pandar, who had beene so faithfull to hir: and then after he had scene hir mariage with Lisimachus, 1925he leaueth Ephesus, and intendes for Tyre, taking Pentapolis in his way, where by the death of good Symonides, as lawful heire, he was made soueraigne. He also highly rewarded the poore Fisher-men, who had relieued him. From thence he arriued at Tharsus, where hee reuenged himselfe of Cleon and Dyonysa, by stoning them to death. From thence to Tyre, where peaceably he was receiued into his kingdome, and giuen also possession of all the 20 territories of Antiochus, 1930where by his wife, though in the declining of both their yeeres, it pleased the Gods to blesse him with a sonne, who growing to the lusty strength of youth, and the father declining to his graue, age being no longer able to be sustained by the benefite of nature, fell into certayne colde and dry diseases: in which case, the knowledge of his Physitions, could stand him in little steade, eyther by their cunning or experience, (so as no remedie being to be found against 1935death) being in perfect memorie, he departed this life in the armes of his beloued Thaysa, and in the middest of his friendes, nobles, alies and children in great honour, his kingdome of Tyrus he gaue by will to Lysimachus and his daughter Marina, and to their heires after them for euer, who liued long together, and had much comfort by their issue. Vnto his Queene Thaysa he gaue the two kingdomes of Antioch and Pentapolis for tearme of her life, and at her death 1940to descend to her yong sonne Symonides. But Thaysa who could not then be yong since Pericles died olde, continued not long in her widows estate, but pining much with sorrow, and wearing with age, forsooke the present worlde, leauing her two kingdomes (according to his fathers will) to her yoong sonne Symonides.