Not Peer Reviewed
The Adventures of Pericles (Modern)
1473The Tenth Chapter.
1474How Marina, being thus sold to a bawd, preserved her virginity; 1475and how she converted all that ever came to make hire of her beauty from the 1476looseness of their desires.
1477Marina was no sooner thus concluded for by the he-bawd, 1478but the pirates were as soon brought home to his master's house and 1479received their payment. When after their departure, she giving command 1480to the pander, her man, that he should go back into the marketplace 1481and there with open cry proclaim what a picture of Nature they had at 1482home for every lascivious eye to gaze upon, the she-bawd began to 1483instruct her with what compliment she should entertain her customers.
1484She first asked her if she were a virgin. When Marina replied, she 1485thanked the gods, she never knew what it was to be otherwise. "In so 1486being," quoth the she-bawd, "you have been well; but now in 1487plain terms I must teach you how to be worse." "It is not goodness in you," quoth 1488Marina, "to teach me to be so." "For goodness," answered the bawd, "it is a 1489lecture such as we use seldom, and our consciences never read one 1490to another; and therefore attend unto me: you must now be like a stake 1491for every man to shoot at, you must be like a ford that must receive all waters, 1492you must have the benefit of all nations, and seem to take delight in 1493all men."
"I thank my stars," answered Marina, "I am displeased with none." 1494For by this answer it appeared such was the purity of her mind that 1495she understood not what this devil's solicitor pleaded unto her. But 1496she, quickly taking her off, told in more immodest phrase that she had 1497paid for her, and that she and all her body was hers, that 1498willy-nilly she must now be what she herself had been (and there is seldom any 1499bawd but before time hath been a whore), that to conclude, she had 1500bought her like a beast and she meant to hire her out.
1501When she, understanding unwillingly what all these words tended 1502unto, she fell prostrate at her feet, and, with tears showered down in 1503abundance, she entreated her not to make hire of her body to so 1504diseaseful a use, which she hoped the gods had ordained to a more happy 1505purpose. When the bawd answered her, "Come, come, these drops avail 1506thee not. Thou art now mine and I will make my best of thee. And I 1507must now learn you to know we whom the world calls bawds -- but more 1508properly are to be styled factors for men -- are in this like the hangman: 1509neither to regard prayers nor tears, but our own profit."
So calling 1510for her slave, which was governor over her she-household, this was her 1511appointment unto him: "Go," quoth she, "and take this maiden, as she is 1512thus decked in costly apparel" -- for it is to be remembered that the 1513former pirates had no way despoiled her of her ornaments, with purpose 1514to price her at the higher rate – "and leading her along, this be the cry 1515through the whole city: that whosoever desireth the purchase of so 1516wondrous a beauty shall, for his first enjoying her, pay ten pieces 1517of gold, and that afterward she shall be common unto the people for 1518one piece at a time."
Which will of hers Marina being no way able to 1519resist but with her sorrow, only desiring of the good gods to be 1520protectors of her chastity, she with this her slave was hurried along, 1521and who, with the tenor of his priapine proclamation, had so awaked the 1522intemperance of the whole city that, against her return, of high and 1523low there was a full crowding at the door, every man carrying his money 1524in his hand and thinking him the happiest man that might first have 1525access.
But heaven, who is still a protector of virtue against vice, 1526ordained this for Marina: that the sending her abroad, with purpose 1527first to show her and after to make sale of her to the world, was 1528the only means to defend her in the state of her virginity. For as 1529she was (as before is said) led along, and thousands of people wondering 1530about her and flocking as it had been so many flies to infect so 1531delicate a preservative, it happened that Lysimachus, the chief governor 1532of Meteline, looking out at his window to observe what strange occasion 1533drew the giddy havoc of people to muster themselves into such throngs, 1534he, not without great admiration, observed that it was to make boot of 1535so precious a beauty, whose inflaming colors, which Nature had with her 1536best art placed upon her face, compelled him to censure that she was 1537rather a deserving bed-fellow for a prince than a play-fellow for so 1538rascally an assembly.
So pitying awhile her misfortune, that it was 1539so hard to be thrown into the jaws of two such poisonous and devouring 1540serpents, a pander and a bawd, yet at last, being inflamed with a little 1541sinful concupiscence by the power of her face, he resolved himself 1542that since she must fall, it were far more fitter into his own arms, 1543whose authority could stretch to do her good, than into the hot 1544embracements of many to her utter ruin. So presently dismissing away 1545a servant of his, he gave him charge to give in charge to the bawd 1546that, at the return home of this new piece of merchandise of hers, as 1547she respected -- or in time of need would be beholding to -- his favor 1548(and Heavens forfend but bawds now and then should stand in need of 1549authority), she should keep her private from the conference of any, for 1550he himself that night late in the evening, in secret and in some 1551disguise, would (for her guest's sake) visit her house.
There needed 1552no further encouragement to bid the bawd stir up her damnable limbs 1553to make all fit. It was enough in this that the governor had sent word 1554it was he that was to come. But having given the best garnish she could to 1555her sinful habitation, and Marina being returned home again by the pander, 1556who had led her up and down as bear-herds lead bears, for show first 1557and to be baited after, she took her up with her into a private chamber, 1558when the fruit of her instructions were how she should now learn to 1559behave herself, for she had fortunes coming upon her: she was now to 1560be received, respected, and regarded of a man that was honorable.
"Heaven 1561grant that I may find him so," quoth Marina." "Thou needest not doubt it, 1562sweetheart," quoth the bawd, "for though I tell it thee in private which 1563for a million he would not have to be known publicly, he is no worse a 1564man thou art shortly to deal withal than the governor of this whole 1565city, a gentleman that is courteous, a favorer of our calling, one that 1566will as soon have his hand in his pocket as such a pretty dilling as 1567thou shalt come in his eye, and not, as most of our gentlemen do, draw 1568it out empty but, filling it full of gold, will most Jove-like rain it 1569down into his Danae's lap. In brief, he is a nobleman, and, which is a 1570thing which we respect more than his nobility, he is liberal. He is courteous, 1571and thou mayest command him; he is virtuous, and thou mayest learn of him."
1572"All these indeed," answered Marina, "are properties due unto so worthy a 1573gentleman whom you picture him to be. And if he be liberal in good, I 1574shall be glad to taste of his bounty; if courteous, I shall as willingly 1575become his servant; and if virtuous, it shall be in me no way to make him 1576vicious." "Well, well, well," says the bawd, "we must have no more of this 1577puling, and I must have you learn to know, vice is as hereditary to our 1578house as the old barn to your country beggar."
But as she would have 1579proceeded with more of these her devilish counsels, hastily into the 1580chamber came the pander unto them, who as hot as a toast with his haste 1581to bring the news, he told them that the Lord Lysimachus was come, and, 1582as if the word "come" had been his cue, he entered the chamber with the master 1583bawd, when, the whole fry of sinners curtsying about him very largely as 1584the prologue to his entertainment, distributed gold among them, then as 1585roundly demanded for that same fresh piece of stuff which by their 1586proclamation they told they had now to make sale of and he of set purpose 1587was come to have a sight of.
1588When they all, pointing toward Marina, told him there she was, and 1589"for ourselves," quoth they, "we having done the office of right chamberlains --1590brought you together-- we will shut the door after us, and so leave you." Who 1591no sooner departed, but Lysimachus the governor began to demand of her the 1592performance of that for which he came. When she, prostrating herself at 1593his feet, entreated him to take pity of her, and from point to point (excepting 1594her birth and death of her parents) discoursed unto him the whole story of 1595her misfortunes: as that by the practice of Dionyza and cruelty of Leonine, 1596she should have been murdered, and how it pleased the gods to rescue her 1597from that ruin by certain pirates who after sold her to this brothel, 1598where, most unhappy, he was witness she remained. "Then, gentle sir," quoth 1599she, "since Heaven hath been so gracious to restore me from death, let not 1600their good to me be a means for you to be author of my more misfortune."
1601But the governor, suspecting these tears but to be some new cunning which 1602her matron the bawd had instructed her in to draw him to a more large 1603expense, he as freely told her so, and now began to be more rough with 1604her, urging her that he was the governor, whose authority could wink 1605at those blemishes herself and that sinful house could cast upon 1606her, or his displeasure punish at his own pleasure: "which displeasure of 1607mine thy beauty shall not privilege thee from nor my affection, which 1608hath drawn me unto this place, abate, if thou with further lingering 1609withstand me." By which words she understanding him to be as confident 1610in evil as she was constant in good, she entreated him but to be heard, 1611and thus she began:
1612"If as you say (my lord) you are the governor, let not your authority, 1613which should teach you to rule others, be the means to make you misgovern 1614yourself. If the eminence of your place came unto you by descent and the 1615royalty of your blood, let not your life prove your birth a bastard. If it 1616were thrown upon you by opinion, make good that opinion was the cause to 1617make you great."
"What reason is there in your justice, who hath power over 1618all, to undo any? If you take from me mine honor, you are like him that 1619makes a gap into forbidden ground after whom too many enter, and you are 1620guilty of all their evils. My life is yet unspotted, my chastity unstained 1621in thought. Then if your violence deface this building, the workmanship of 1622heaven made up for good and not to be the exercise of sin's intemperance, 1623you do kill your own honor, abuse your own justice, and impoverish me."
"Why," 1624quoth Lysimachus, "this house, wherein thou livest, is even the receptacle of 1625all men's sins and nurse of wickedness, and how canst thou then be otherwise 1626than naught, that livest in it?" "It is not good," answered Marina, "when you that 1627are the governor, who should live well, the better to be bold to punish evil, 1628do know that there is such a roof, and yet come under it. Is there a necessity 1629(my yet good lord) if there be fire before me, that I must straight then thither 1630fly and burn myself? Or if suppose this house (which too too many feel such 1631houses are) should be the doctor's patrimony, and surgeon's feeding, follows it 1632therefore, that I must needs infect myself to give them maintenance? O my good 1633lord: kill me but not deflower me, punish me how you please so you spare my 1634chastity; and since it is all the dowry that both the gods have given and 1635men have left to me, do not you take it from me. Make me your servant, I will 1636willingly obey you; make me your bondwoman, I will account it freedom; let 1637me be the worst that is called vile, so I may still live honest, I am content. 1638Or if you think it is too blessd a happiness to have me so, let me even now, 1639now in this minute, die, and I'll account my death more happy than my birth."
With 1640which words being spoken upon her knees, while her eyes were the glasses that 1641carried the water of her mishap, the good gentlewoman being moved, he lift her 1642up with his hands, and even then embraced her in his heart, saying aside: "Surely 1643this is virtue's image, or rather virtue's self sent down from heaven a while 1644to reign on earth, to teach us what we should be."
So instead of willing her 1645to dry her eyes, he wiped the wet himself off, and could have found in his 1646heart with modest thoughts to have kissed her but that he feared the offer 1647would offend her. This only he said: "Lady -- for such your virtues are, a 1648far more worthy style your beauty challenges, and no way less your beauty 1649can promise me that you are -- I hither came with thoughts intemperate, foul 1650and deformed, the which your pains so well have laved that they are now 1651white. Continue still to all so. And for my part, who hither came but to 1652have paid the price, a piece of gold, for your virginity, now give you twenty 1653to relieve your honesty. It shall become you still to be even as you are, a 1654piece of goodness, the best wrought up that ever Nature made. And if that 1655any shall enforce you ill, if you but send to me I am your friend." With which 1656promise leaving her presence, she most humbly thanked the gods for the 1657preservation of her chastity and the reformation of his mind.
1658Lysimachus, though departed thus, intended not to leave her so, but with 1659diligent eyes to attend how she behaved herself to all other who should have 1660admittance to her. And for that purpose, having power to command the bawd, he 1661placed himself in the next chamber where he might hear even to a syllable 1662whatsoever passed. Where he was no sooner settled with a former charge given to the 1663bawd that any man should have access to her, but by turns he heard she had 1664also won others and preserved herself from them as she had formerly done 1665against him, gaining ten times as much of profit by her prayers and tears 1666as she should have done by prostituting her beauty to their wills.
At last, 1667all of them being departed and the house unfrequented, --- only of their own 1668household and of the governor --, the bawd standing ready at the door as he 1669should go out, making his obeisance unto him as he should return, in hope 1670of his fee or reward, he with an angry brow turned towards him, saying, 1671"Villain, thou hast a house here the weight of whose sin would sink the 1672foundation even unto hell did not the virtue of one that is lodged therein 1673keep it standing." And so as it were enraged, giving them nothing, he departed. 1674
By which displeasure of his, the whole swarm of bawds (as truly it was) guessed 1675that their new tenant had not been pliant to his will. And all rushing in 1676hastily upon her, first taking away the gold which the charity (and not 1677injury) of all who had been there had given her to relieve her with, they cried 1678against her: they should be all undone by her, their house would grow uncustomed1679and their trading would fall to decay by her squeamishness and want of 1680familiarity to their clients, resolving now that there was no way to 1681bring her unto their bow but by having her ravished. For it is to be noted, not any that parted 1682the house besides Lysimachus, but, even as he did, so they in like manner railed 1683against them, so forcibly had her persuasions prevailed with them.
Whereupon, 1684for that purpose they gave her up to the pander who first agreed for her, saying 1685that he that had bargained for the whole joint, it was fittest for him to cut a 1686morsel from off the spit. So leaving them together, and telling him they gave 1687her up to his power to do even what he would with her, the man and wife (though 1688both bawds) departed, when the pander going to her, told her that he, his 1689master, nor their ancient family would, as thus long they had been, be undone 1690by ere a puritan piece of them all. "And therefore," quoth he, "come on and resolve 1691yourself without more whining, for I am but the bawd's servant. The bawd hath 1692commanded me, and every servant by the indenture of his duty is bound to obey 1693his master."
So catching her rashly by the hand as he would have enforced her to 1694his will, she, first calling on Diana, patroness of chastity to defend her, fell 1695likewise down at his feet and besought him but to hear her. Which being granted, 1696she demanded of him what thing he could wish himself to be which was more vile 1697than he was, or more hateful than he would make himself to be? "Why, my master or 1698my mistress," quoth the villain, "I think, who have all the sins subject to 1699mankind reigning in them, and are indeed as bad as the Devil himself." "Yet," 1700quoth Marina, "thou goest about to be worse than they, and to do an office at 1701their setting on which thy master himself hath more pity than to attempt: to 1702rob me of mine honor which, in spite of them and thee, the gods (who I hope 1703will protect it still) have till this breathing protected; to leprous my chaste 1704thoughts with remembrance of so foul a deed, which thou then shalt have done; 1705to damn thine own soul by undoing of mine."
At which word, the villain being 1706struck into some remorse and standing in a pause, Marina went forward and told 1707him: "If thou wantest gold, there is some for thee" --part of that she had reserved 1708which before was given her, from the bawd's knowledge – "or if thou wantest 1709maintenance, provide me but some residence in an honest house, and I have 1710experience in many things which shall labor for thee: as namely, I am skilful 1711in the seven liberal sciences, well exercised in all studies, and dare approve 1712this -- that my skill in singing and playing on instruments exceeds any in the city. 1713Therefore," quoth she, "as thou before didst proclaim my beauty in the market to the 1714open world, whereby to have made me a common prostitute, so now again proclaim my 1715virtues unto them, and I doubt not but this honorable city will afford scholars 1716sufficient, the instructing of whom will return profit enough, both to repay 1717the master what he paid out for me, provide an honester course for thee than 1718this thou livest in, and give a quiet content unto myself."
"Sooth," quoth the 1719villain, being now moved unto much more compassion of her, "if you have, as you 1720say, these qualities, I will labor with my master and do my best for your 1721release." "If not," answered Marina, "I give thee free leave to bring me back again, 1722and prostitute me to that course which was first pretended for me." In brief, the 1723villain so labored with the bawd his master that though he would not give 1723.1her leave to depart his house, yet in hope of the profit which would come in by 1724her other qualities, she should stay in his house, and none with her former 1725grievances disturb her, and withal charged the pander to set up a bill in the 1726marketplace of her excellency in speaking and in singing.
At the report of 1727which there crowded as many, to the bawd's great profit, to be delighted with her 1728worth as there came before to have made spoil of her virtue; and not any man 1729but gave her money largely and departed contented. Only above the rest the Lord 1730Lysimachus had evermore an especial regard in the preservation of her safety no 1731otherwise than if she had been descended from himself, and rewarded the villain 1732very liberally for the diligent care he had over her.