Not Peer Reviewed
The Adventures of Pericles (Modern)
736The Sixth Chapter.
737How Prince Pericles is married to Thaisa, King Symonides' daughter; 738and how, after he hath heard news of Antiochus' death, he with his wife 739departeth toward his own country of Tyre.
740Prince Pericles, having had (as before is mentioned) his lodging 741directed next adjoining to the king's bed-chamber, whereas all the other 742princes upon their coming to their lodgings betook themselves to their 743pillows and to the nourishment of a quiet sleep, he of the gentlemen 744that attended him (for it is to be noted that, upon the grace that the 745king had bestowed on him, there was of his officers toward him no attendance 746wanting) he desired that he might be left private, only that for his 747instant solace they would pleasure him with some delightful instrument, 748with which, and his former practice, he intended to pass away the 749tediousness of the night, instead of more fitting slumbers.
750His will was presently obeyed in all things, since their master 751had commanded he should be disobeyed in nothing. The instrument is brought 752him, and, as he had formerly wished, the chamber is disfurnished of any 753other company but himself, where presently he began to compel 754such heavenly voices from the senseless workmanship, as if Apollo 755himself had now been fingering on it, and as if the whole synod 756of the gods had placed their deities round about him of purpose 757to have been delighted with his skill and to have given praises 758to the excellency of his art. Nor was this sound only the ravisher 759of all hearts but from his own clear breast he sent such cheerful 760notes, which by him were made up so answerable to the other's sound, 761that they seemed one only consort of music, and had so much delicacy, 762and out of discords making up so excellent a conjunction, that they 763had had power to have drawn back an ear half-way within the grave 764to have listened unto it.
For thus much by our story we are certain of, 765that the good Symonides (being by the height of night and the former 766day's exercise in the ripeness of his contentful sleep) he rejoiced 767to be awakened by it, and not accounting it a disease that troubled him 768in the hearing but a pleasure wherewith he still wished to be delighted. 769In brief, he was so satisfied to hear him thus express his excellence 770that he accounted his court happy to entertain so worthy a guest and 771himself more happy in his acquaintance. But day that hath still that 772sovereignty to draw back the empire of the night, though a while 773she in darkness usurp, brought the morning on, and while the king 774was studying with what answerable present wherewith to gratify this 775noble prince for his last night's music, a gentlewoman, whose service 776was thither commanded by his daughter, brought him a letter, 777whose inside had a suit to him to this purpose.
778The Lady Thaisa's letter to the King, her father.
779"My most noble father, What my blushing modesty forbids me to780speak, let your fatherly love excuse that I write: I am subdued by love; 781yet not enthralled through the licentiousness of a loose desire, but made 782prisoner in that noble battle 'twixt affection and zeal. I have no life 783but in this liberty, neither any liberty but in this thralldom, nor shall 784your tender self, weighing my affections truly in the scale of your 785judgement, have cause to contradict me, since him I love hath as much 786merit in him to challenge the title of a son as I blood of yours 787to inherit the name of daughter. Then if you shall refuse to give him 788me in marriage, deny not, I pray you, to make ready for my funeral. 789'Tis the stranger, Pericles.
790Which request of hers, when the king her father had thus 791understood of, he began first to examine with himself what 792virtue was in this choice that should bind her thoughts to this 793liking, and what succeeding comfort he might expect, the expectation 794of which might invite him to his consent.
First he began to 795remember himself that he came unto his court but poor -- "And for 796poverty," quoth the good king, "'tis a workmanship that Nature makes 797up even for others to contemn, and which, in these times, is 798grown odious to keep company withal"--; that to marry her which 799was his only child and the expectation of his subjects with 800one of so low blood and mean descent would return rather a 801dishonor than a dignity to his name, since parents rather expect 802the advancement of titles and the raising of their houses in the 803uniting of their issue than the declining. But in the end, when he 804had put all the interjections he could between her love and his 805liking, his uprightness made him see that in Virtue consisted man's 806only perfection, and in him, as her befitting court, she thought it 807fittest to keep her royal residence. And in that opinion allowing 808of his daughter's choice, he thought himself happy to live father 809to such a virtuous son, and his daughter more happy to be coupled 810to so noble a husband.
And as he was now thus contracting them 811together in his rejoicing thoughts, even in the instant came in 812Pericles to give his grace that salutation which the morning required 813of him, when the king, intending to dissemble that in show which he 814had determined on in heart, he first told him that his daughter 815had that morning sent unto him that letter, wherein she entreated 816of him that his grace would be pleased that himself (whom she 817knew to call by no other name but the stranger, Pericles) might 818become her schoolmaster, of whose rarity in music, excellency 819in song, with comeliness in dancing, not only she had heard, but 820himself had borne testimony to be the best that ever their 821judgements had had cause to judge of.
When Pericles, though willing 822to yield any courtesies to so gracious a lady, and not disdaining 823to be commanded any services by so good a lord, yet replied [that] though 824all his abilities were at his grace's pleasure, yet he thought himself 825unworthy to be his daughter's schoolmaster: "Ay, but," quoth Symonides, 826"she will not be denied to be your scholar; and for manifest proof 827thereof here is her own character, which to that purpose she hath 828sent unto us, and we to that purpose give you leave to read." Which 829Pericles overlooking, and finding the whole tenor thereof to be 830that his daughter from all the other princes -- nay from the whole 831world -- solicited him for her husband, he straightway rather conjectured 832it to be some subtlety of the father to betray his life than any 833constancy of the princess to love him.
And forthwith, prostrating 834himself at the king's feet, he desired that his grace would no way 835seek to stain the nobleness of his mind by any way seeking to 836entrap the life of so harmless a gentleman or that with evil 837he would conclude so much good which he already had begun toward 838him, protesting that, for his part, his thoughts had never that 839ambition so much as to aim at the love of his daughter, nor any 840action of his gave cause of his princely displeasure.
But the king, 841feigning still an angry brow, turned toward him and told him 842that like a traitor, he lied. "Traitor," quoth Pericles?" "Ay, 843traitor," quoth the king, "that thus disguised art stolen into 844my court, with the witchcraft of thy actions to bewitch the 845yielding spirit of my tender child." Which name of traitor being 846again redoubled, Pericles then instead of humbleness seemed 847not to forget his ancient courage, but boldly replied that were 848it any in his court except himself durst call him traitor, even 849in his bosom he would write the lie, affirming that he came into 850his court in search of honor, and not to be a rebel to his state; 851his blood was yet untainted but with the heat got by the wrong 852the king had offered him; and that he boldly durst and did defy 853himself, his subjects, and the proudest danger that either tyranny 854or treason could inflict upon him.
Which nobleness of his the king 855inwardly commending, though otherwise dissembling, he answered he 856should prove it otherwise, since by his daughter's hand, it there 857was evident both his practice and her consent therein. Which 858words were no sooner uttered, but Thaisa (who ever since she 859sent her father her letter could not contain herself in any 860quiet till she heard of his answer) came now in, as it had been 861her part to make answer to her father's last syllable, when 862Prince Pericles, yielding his body toward her, in most courteous 863manner demanded of her, by the hope she had of heaven or the 864desire she had to have her best wishes fulfilled here in the 865world, that she would now satisfy her now-displeased father 866if ever he by motion or by letters, by amorous glances or by 867any means that lovers use to compass their designs, had sought 868to be a friend in the nobleness of her thoughts or a co-partner 869in the worthiness of her love.
When she, as constant to finish 870as she was forward to attempt, again required of him that: "suppose 871he had, who durst take offence thereat, since that it was her 872pleasure to give him to know that he had power to desire no more 873than she had willingness to perform?" "How, minion," quoth her 874father (taking her off at the very word "who dare be displeased 875withal") "Is this a fit match for you? A straggling Theseus born 876we know not where! One that hath neither blood nor merit for thee 877to hope for, or himself to challenge even the least allowance of 878thy perfections." When she, humbling her princely knees before her 879father, besought him to consider that suppose his birth were base 880(when his life showed him not to be so) yet he had virtue, which 881is the very ground of all nobility, enough to make him noble. 882She entreated him to remember that she was in love, the power 883of which love was not to be confined by the power of his will. 884"And my most royal father," quoth she, "what with my pen 885I have in secret written unto you, with my tongue now I openly 886confirm, which is that I have no life but in his love, neither 887any being but in the enjoying of his worth."
"But daughter," quoth 888Symonides, "equals to equals, good to good is joined. This not 889being so, the bavin of your mind, in rashness kindled, must 890again be quenched, or purchase our displeasure. And for you 891sir," speaking to Prince Pericles, "first learn to know: I banish 892you my court -- and yet: scorning that our kingly enragement should 893stoop so low, for that your ambition, sir, I'll have your life." 894"Be constant," quoth Thaisa, "For every drop of blood he sheds 895of yours, he shall draw another from his only child." In brief, 896the king continued still his rage, the lady her constancy, while 897Pericles stood amazed at both.
Till at last the father being no 898longer able to subdue that which he desired as much as she, catching 899them both rashly by the hands, as if he meant straight to have 900enforced them to imprisonment, he clapped them hand in hand, while 901they as lovingly joined lip to lip, and, with tears trickling from 902his aged eyes, adopted him his happy son, and bade them live 903together as man and wife.
What joy there was at this coupling, 904those that are lovers and enjoy their wishes can better conceive 905than my pen can set down: the one rejoicing to be made happy by 906so good and gentle a lord, the other as happy to be enriched by 907so virtuous a lady.
What preparation there was for their marriage 908is sufficiently expressed in this: that she was the only daughter 909to a king, and had her father's liking in her love. What speed there 910was to that marriage, let those judge who have the thoughts of 911Thaisa at this instant. Only conceive the solemnities at the temple 912are done, the feast in most solemn order finished, the day spent 913in music, dancing, singing, and all courtly communication, 914half of the night in masques and other courtly shows, and the 915other half in the happy and lawful embracements of these most 916happy lovers. The discourse at large of the liberal challenges 917made and proclaimed, at tilt, barriers, running at the ring, 918ioco di can, managing fierce horses, running on foot and dancing 919in armors, of the stately presented plays, shows disguised, 920speeches, masques and mummeries, with continual harmony of all 921kinds of music, with banqueting in all delicacy, I leave 922to the consideration of them who have beheld the like in courts 923and at the wedding of princes, rather than afford them to the 924description of my pen.
Only let such conceive all things in 925due order were accomplished, the duties of marriage performed, 926and fair Thaisa this night is conceived with child.
The next 927day, joy dwelling through the whole kingdom for this conjunction, 928every man arose to feasting and jollity, for the wedding triumphs 929continued a whole month, while Time with his feathered wings 930so fanned away the hours and with his slippery feet so 931glided over the days that nine moons had almost changed 932their light ere half the time was thought to be expired; when 933it happened, that as the good Symonides and princely Pericles 934with his fair Thaisa were walking in the garden adjoining to 935their palace, one of the lords, who (as before) were sent by 936grave and careful Helicanus in search of their absent prince, 937came hastily in to them, who upon his knee delivered unto the 938young prince a letter, which being opened the contents therein 939spoke thus unto him: That Antiochus and his daughter (as is 940before described) were with the violence of lightning shot from 941heaven struck suddenly dead. And moreover, that by the 942consent of the general voices, the city of Antioch with 943all the riches therein and the whole kingdom were reserved 944for his possession and princely government.
Which letter when 945he had read, he presently imparted the news thereof to his 946kingly father, who upon view received he straight knew what 947until then the modesty of Pericles had concealed: that his 948son, whom from poverty he advanced to be the bedfellow of 949his daughter, was Prince of Tyre, who for the fear he had of 950Antiochus had forsook his kingdom and now had given unto 951him the kingdom of Antiochus for recompense; that grave 952Helicanus had, not without much labor, appeased the stubborn 953mutiny of the Tyrians, who in his absence would have elected him 954their king; and that to avoid a future insurrection, [and keep] his whole 955state in safety, how necessary it was for him to make a speedy 956return, which gladness Symonides imparted to his daughter, who 957as gladly received them.
While Pericles intending a while to 958leave his dearest dear behind him, considering how dangerous 959it was for her to travel by sea being with child and so near 960her time, he began to entreat of his kingly father of all 961necessary provision for his departure, since the safety of 962two kingdoms did importune so much; when on the other side 963Thaisa falling at her father's feet, her tears speaking in her 964suit faster than her words, she humbly requested that, as his 965reverend age tendered her or the prosperity of the infant 966wherewith she thought herself happy to be emburdened, 967he would not permit her to remain behind him; which 968tears of hers prevailing with the aged king, though compelling 969his tears to take a loth and sorrowful departure of her.
Their 970ships being strongly appointed and fraught with all things 971convenient -- as gold, silver, apparel, bedding, victuals 972and armor -- and, fearing what unfortunately happened, causing 973an aged nurse called Lychorida, a midwife, with other handmaids 974to attend her; they are shipped and he on shore, the one gazing 975after the other with a greedy desire, until the high usurping 976waters took away the sight from them both.