Not Peer Reviewed
Secondary Works
- Adelman, Janet. "Masculine Authority and the Maternal Body: The Return to Origins in the Romances." Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest. New York: Routledge, 1992.
- Barber, C.L., and Richard P. Wheeler. The Whole Journey: Shakespeare's Power of Development. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.
- Barkan, Leonard. "'Living Sculptures': Ovid, Michelangelo, and The Winter's Tale." ELH 48 (1981): 639-67.
- Bartholomeusz, Dennis. The Winter's Tale in Performance in England and America, 1611-1976. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982.
- Barton, Anne. "Leontes and the Spider: Language and Speaker in Shakespeare's Last Plays." Shakespeare: The Last Plays. Ed. Kiernan Ryan. London: Longman, 22-42.
- Bate, Jonathan. Shakespeare and Ovid. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993.
- Belsey, Catherine. Shakespeare and the Loss of Eden: The Construction of Family Values in Early Modern Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001.
- Bergeron, David. "The Apollo Mission in The Winter's Tale." Hunt 361-79.
- -----. "The Restoration of Hermione in The Winter's Tale." Kay and Jacobs. 125-33.
- -----. Shakespeare's Romances and the Royal Family. Lawrence, KS: UP of Kansas, 1985.
- Best, Michael. Shakespeare's Life and Times. Internet Shakespeare Editions, University of Victoria: 1998-2012. <>.
- Bethell, S.L. The Winter's Tale: A Study. London: Staples P, 1947.
- Bishop, T.G. Shakespeare and the Theatre of Wonder. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
- Bliss, Lee. "Tragicomic Romance for the King's Men, 1609-1611: Shakespeare, Beaumont, and Fletcher." In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan: Change and Continuity in the English and European Dramatic Tradition, ed. A.R. Braunmuller and J.C. Bulman. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1986.
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- Clubb, Louise. "The Tragicomic Bear." Comparative Literature Studies 9 (1972): 17-30.
- Coghill, Nevill. "Six Points of Stage-Craft in The Winter's Tale." Shakespeare Survey11 (1958): 31-42.
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- Kay, Carol McGinnis and Henry E. Jacobs, eds. Shakespeare's Romances Reconsidered. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1978.
- Knapp, James A. "Visual and Ethical Truth in The Winter's Tale." Shakespeare Quarterly 55 (2004): 253-78.
- Knight, G. Wilson. "'Great Creating Nature': an essay on The Winter's Tale."The Crown of Life. London: Methuen, 1948. 76-128.
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- McDonald, Russ. "Poetry and Plot inThe Winter's Tale." Shakespeare Quarterly 36 (1985): 315-29.
- Morse, William R. "Metacriticism and Materiality: The Case of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale." ELH 58 (1991): 283-94.
- Mowat, Barbara A. "Rogues, Shepherds, and the Counterfeit Distressed: Texts and Infracontexts of The Winter's Tale 4.3." Shakespeare Studies 22 (1994): 58-76.
- Mowat, Barbara A. "'What's In a Name?': Tragicomedy, Romance, or Late Comedy." In A Companion to Shakespeare's Works. Ed. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard 4 vols. Maldon, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
- Muir, Kenneth, ed. Shakespeare:The Winter's Tale, A Casebook. London: Macmillan, 1969.
- Neely, Carol Thomas. Broken Nuptials in Shakespeare's Plays. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985.
- Orgel, Stephen. Illusion of Power. Berkeley: U of California P, 1975.
- -----. "The Poetics of Incomprehensibility." Shakespeare Quarterly 42 (1991): 431-7.
- -----. "The Winter's Tale: A Modern Perspective," Mowat and Werstine. 257-272.
- Proudfoot, Richard. "Verbal Reminiscence and the Two-part Structure of The Winter's Tale." Shakespeare Survey 29 (1976): 67-78.
- Ravelhofer, Barbara. "'Beasts of Recreation': Henslowe's White Bears." English Literary Renaissance 323 (2002): 287-323.
- Reid, Stephen. "The Winter's Tale." American Imago27 (1980).
- Ryan, Kiernan, ed. Shakespeare: The Last Plays. New York: Longman, 1999.
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- Schwartz, Murray M. "Leontes' Jealousy in The Winter's Tale." American Imago 30 (1973): 250-73.
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- Smith, Bruce. "Sermons in Stone: Shakespeare and Renaissance Sculpture." Shakespeare Studies 17 (1985): 1-23.
- Snyder, Susan. Shakespeare: A Wayward Journey. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2002. Snyder's posthumous volume provides us with three essays devoted to The Winter's Tale: "Memorial Art in The Winter's Tale and Elsewhere: 'I will kill thee/And love thee after'," "Mamillius and Gender Polarization in The Winter's Tale"; "The Winter's TaleBefore and After."
- Tatspaugh, Patricia E. Shakespeare at Stratford:The Winter's Tale.London: Thomson Learning, 2002.
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- Wells, Stanley and Gary Taylor. William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion. New York: W.W.Norton, 1997.
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- Young, David. The Heart's Forest: A Study of Shakespeare's Pastoral Plays.New Haven: Yale UP, 1972.
- Ziegler, Georgiana. "Parents, Daughters, and 'That Rare Italian Master': A New Source for The Winter's Tale." Shakespeare Quarterly 36 (1985): 204-12.