81480The night of
sorrow now is turnd to day,
481Her two blew windowes faintly
she vpheaueth,
482Like the faire
sunne when in his fre
sh array,
483He cheeres the morne, and all the earth releeueth:
484 And as the bright
sunne glori
fies the skie:
485 So is her face illumind with her eye.
se beames vpon his hairele
sse face are
488As if from thence they borrowed all their
489Were neuer foure
such lamps, together mixt,
490Had not his clouded with his browes repine.
491 But hers, which through the cri
stal tears gaue light,
492 Shone like the Moone in water
seene by night.
83493O where am I (quoth
she,) in earth or heauen,
494Or in the Ocean drencht, or in the
495What houre is this, or morne, or wearie euen,
496Do I delight to die or life de
497 But now I liu'd, and life was deaths annoy,
498 But now I dy'de, and death was liuely ioy.
84499O thou did
st kill me, kill me once againe,
500Thy eyes
shrowd tutor, that hard heart of thine,
501Hath taught them
scornfull tricks, &
such di
502That they haue murdred this poore heart of mine,
503 And the
se mine eyes true leaders to their queene,
504 But for thy piteous lips no more had
85505Long may they ki
sse ech other for this cure,
506Oh neuer let their crim
son liueries weare,
507And as they la
st, their verdour
still endure,
508To driue infe
ction from the dangerous yeare:
509 That the
star-gazers hauing writ on death,
510 May
say, the plague is bani
sht by thy breath.