Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Hardy M. Cook
Peer Reviewed

Venus and Adonis (Quarto 1, 1593)

You hurt my hand with wringing, let vs part,
And leaue this idle theame, this bootlesse chat,
Remoue your siege from my vnyeelding hart,
To loues allarmes it will not ope the gate,
425 Dismisse your vows, your fained tears, your flattry,
For where a heart is hard they make no battry.
What canst thou talke (quoth she) hast thou a tong?
O would thou hadst not, or I had no hearing,
Thy marmaides voice hath done me double wrong,
430I had my lode before, now prest with bearing,
Mellodious discord, heauenly tune harsh sounding,
Eares deep sweet musik, & harts deep sore woūding
Had I no eyes but eares, my eares would loue,
That inward beautie and inuisible,
435Or were I deafe, thy outward parts would moue
Ech part in me, that were but sensible,
Though neither eyes, nor eares, to heare nor see,
Yet should I be in loue, by touching thee.
Say that the sence of feeling were bereft me,
440And that I could not see, nor heare, nor touch,
And nothing but the verie smell were left me,
Yet would my loue to thee be still as much,
For frō the stillitorie of thy face excelling,
Coms breath perfumd, that breedeth loue by smel-(ling.
445But oh what banquet wert thou to the tast,
Being nourse, and feeder of the other foure,
Would they not wish the feast might euerlast,
And bid suspition double locke the dore;
Lest iealousie that sowervn welcome guest,
450 Should by his stealing in disturbe the feast?