Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Venus and Adonis (Quarto 1, 1593)
  • Editor: Hardy M. Cook
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-411-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Hardy M. Cook
    Peer Reviewed

    Venus and Adonis (Quarto 1, 1593)


    1075Alas poore world what treasure hast thou lost,
    What face remains aliue that's worth the viewing?
    Whose tongue is musick now? What cāst thou boast,
    Of things long since, or any thing insuing?
    The flowers are sweet, their colours fresh, and trim,
    1080 But true sweet beautie liu'd, and di'de with him.

    Bonnet, nor vaile henceforth no creature weare,
    Nor sunne, nor wind will euer striue to kisse you,
    Hauing no faire to lose, you need not feare,
    The sun doth skorne you, & the wind doth hisse you.
    1085 But when Adonis liu'de, sunne, and sharpe aire,
    Lurkt like two theeues, to rob him of his faire.

    And therefore would he put his bonnet on,
    Vnder whose brim the gaudie sunne would peepe,
    The wind would blow it off, and being gon,
    1090Play with his locks, then would Adonis weepe.
    And straight in pittie of his tender yeares,
    They both would striue who first should drie his (teares.

    To see his face the Lion walkt along,
    Behind some hedge, because he would not fear him:
    1095To recreate himself when he hath song,
    The Tygre would be tame, and gently heare him.
    If he had spoke, the wolfe would leaue his praie,
    And neuer fright the sillie lambe that daie.