Peer Reviewed
Venus and Adonis (Modern)
122And I will wink; so shall the day seem night.
123Love keeps his revels where there are but twain.
124Be bold to play; our sport is not in sight.
125 These blue-veined violets whereon we lean
126 Never can blab, nor know not what we mean.
128Shows thee unripe, yet mayst thou well be tasted.
129Make use of time; let not advantage slip.
130Beauty within itself should not be wasted.
131 Fair flowers that are not gathered in their prime
132 Rot and consume themselves in little time.
134Ill-nurtured, crooked, churlish, harsh in voice,
135O'er-worn, despisèd, rheumatic, and cold,
136Thick-sighted, barren, lean, and lacking juice,
137 Then mightst thou pause, for then I were not for thee;
138 But having no defects, why dost abhor me?
140Mine eyes are gray and bright and quick in turning.
141My beauty as the spring doth yearly grow.
142My flesh is soft and plump, my marrow burning.
143 My smooth moist hand, were it with thy hand felt,
144 Would in thy palm dissolve, or seem to melt.
146Or like a fairy, trip upon the green;
147Or like a nymph, with long disheveled hair,
148Dance on the sands, and yet no footing seen.
149 Love is a spirit all compact of fire,
150 Not gross to sink, but light, and will aspire.