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The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)
208Howe Apollonius leaving off mourning, came into the citie Machilenta, where he commaunded the bawd to be burned, and how Tharsia was married unto prince Athanagoras.
209THARSIA hearing her father's words, fell down at his feet and kissed him, saying: "O father, blessed be god that hath given me the grace to see you, and that I may die with you." But Apollonius lifted up his heart, and cast away his mourning apparell, and put on other sweete and cleane raiment. And when Athanagoras and the servants looked earnestly upon him, and upon his daughter, they wondred, saying, "O my lord Apollonius, how like in countenance is your daughter Tharsia unto you? that if you had no other argument, this were sufficient proofe to shewe that she is your childe." Apollonius thanked them, saying, that now he stoode not in any doubt thereof.
210Then Tharsia beganne to discourse unto her father, howe she was sold unto the bawd, and howe hee thrust her into the common brothell, and by what meanes she alwayes preserved her chastitie, and howe much she was bounden unto good prince Athanagoras there present. Now Athanagoras was a widower, and a lusty yoong gentleman, and prince of the citie, as it is declared, who fearing lest Tharsia should be bestowed in marriage upon some other man, and using the benefite of the time, cast him selfe downe at Apollonius feete, and besought him for her, saying, "Most noble Prince, I beseech you for the living god's sake, which hath thus myraculously restored the father unto his daughter, bestowe not your daughter upon any other in marriage then me onely. I am prince of this citie, and through my meanes she hath continued a virgin, and by my procurement she is nowe come unto the knowledge of thee her father." Apollonius courteously embracing him answered: "I thanke you most heartily, good Prince Athanagoras, for your friendly offer, which I may in no wise gainsay both in respect of your owne woorthinesse, and for the pleasure which you have shewed my daughter, and, therfore you have my goodwill to be her husband." Then, turning his face towards Tharsia, "how say you my deare daughter," said he, "are you contented to bee wife unto Athanagoras?" Tharsia with blushing cheeks answered: "Yea forsooth father; for since I came from Stranguilios's house, I never found rest nor pleasure saving through his alonely curtesie." Nowe whether Athanagoras rejoyced at this answere or not, I referre me to the judgement of those, who, being passionate with the same affection, would be well pleased with a joyntly grant of the like goodwil.
211When these matters were thus concluded, Apollonius mooved Athanagoras concerning revenge to be executed uppon the bawd. Then Athanagoras took his leave for a while of Apollonius and departeth unto the citie, and, calling al the citizens togither to the market place, he spake thus unto them: "My friends and welbeloved citizens, understand ye that Apollonius, prince of Tyrus and father unto Tharsia, is arrived in our coast with a great fleete of ships, wherein hee hath brought a mighty army of men to destroy our city for the bawd's sake, who placed his daughter in a common brothell, to hire out the use of her body for monie. Wherefore looke unto your selves, and advise your selves what you were best to doe, for it were pittie that the whole citie should perish for one wicked man's sake."
212When as hee made an ende of this speech, the whole multitude trembled and was sore afraide, and foorthwith determined that they would all, as well men, women and children, goe foorth to see prince Apollonius, and to crave pardon of him. "Not so," said Athanagoras, "but we will desire him to come peaceablie into our citie, and what he list to commaund shall be fulfilled." The people liked well of that counsel, and committed the matter unto his discretion wholly to provide for their safetie. Then went he foorth unto Apollonius, and desired him in the people's name to come into the citie, where he should be most heartily welcome. Apollonius refused not that friendly offer, but immediately prepared himselfe to goe with him, and caused his head to be polled, and his beard to be trimmed, and his nailes to be pared, and put on a princely robe upon his backe, and a crowne of golde upon his head, and so passed foorth togither upon the way.
213And when they were come into the citie, the citizens saluted Apollonius, and hee was placed in the highest seate whence the prince was woont to give judgement, and his daughter Tharsia by his side, and he spake unto the people in this manner following: "Good people of the city of Machilenta, you see the virgine Tharsia, whome I her father have found out this present day: hir hath the most filthie bawd, as much as in him lay, constrained to dishonest her body, to her utter destruction. From which his devillish purpose no intreatie could persuade him, no price could allure him. Wherfore my request unto you (good people) is, that I may have due revenge on him for the injury done unto my daughter." When the people heard his reasonable demaund, they cried out with one accord, saying: "My lorde Apollonius, we judge that he be burned alive, and his goods be given unto the maiden Tharsia." The revenge pleased Apollonius well, and foorthwith they apprehended the bawd, and bound him hand and foot; and they made a great fire, and at Apollonius commaundement cast him alive into it, and burnt him to ashes.
214Then called Tharsia for the villaine, and saide unto him: "Because by thy meanes, and all the citizens, I have hitherto remained a virgine even untill my fathers comming, my will is that thou be free; and moreover, I heere give unto thee two hundred peeces of gold for a reward." Secondly, she called for all the women that were in the bawdes brothell, and saide unto them: "good women, whose chances, perhaps, hath beene as greevous unto you as mine was unto me, I set you al at liberty, and whereas heretofore you have gained money by hiring foorth the use of your bodies, receive of mee here this rewarde, that you may live hereafter more in the feare of god, and practise some more commendable way to sustaine necessitie," and therewithall she gave to everie one of them a rewarde, and so dismissed them.
215And when all these things were ended, Apollonius minding to depart, spake unto the people saying: "Noble Prince Athanagoras, and beloved citizens of Machilenta, I acknowledge my selfe much bounden to you, and I yeeld you hearty thanks for all your benefites bestowed uppon me and my daughter. And now in recompence thereof I give unto you fifty poundes weight of golde to be divided amongest you, that when I am gone from you, you may be mindefull of me." The citizens thanked him, and bowed their heads in token of reverence; and they agreed together, and they erected two statues of brasse one unto him, another to his daughter in the market place of the citie with these superscriptions written in their bases: Unto Apollonius prince of Tyrus, the preserver of our houses; and unto his vertuous daughter Tharsia, a virgin, the miindefull citizens of Machilenta have erected those monuments. But Apollonius remembring the great curtesie of Athanagoras, and his promise made unto him concerning Tharsia, appointed a short time for their mariage, against which there was great provision as might be at so smal warning, the solemnities, riches, braverie, cost, feasts, revelles, intertainement, and all things else appertaining thereunto, and requisite for so great personages, I shall not here neede particularly to set downe, since every man may judge what belongeth to such a matter, and none can precisely describe this unlesse he had been there present. Of this thing sure I am, that this mariage brought great pleasure to the father, contentment to the parties, and joy to all the people.