Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Laurence Twine
Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
Not Peer Reviewed

The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)

1The Pattern of Painful Adventures.
Containing the most excellent, pleasant and variable Historie of the strange accidents that befell unto Prince Apollonius, the Lady Lucina his wife, and Tharsia his daughter.
Wherein the uncertaintie of this world, and the fickle state of mans life are lively described.
Gathered into English by
Imprinted at London by Valentine Simmes for the Widow Newman.
To the worshipfull
Master John Donning,
10Customer and Jurate of the towne
of Rie in Sussex.
Being diversely mooved in mind, to signifie my good will and hartie love towardes you, gentle M. Donning, I could not devise any meanes more effectual, then by presenting the same to you, which cost me some small labor and travel. Not seeming therby to acquite your manifold curtesies, towards me diversly extended, but rather to discharge me of the note of Ingratitude, which otherwise I might seeme to incurre. Wherefore in steede of a greater present to countervaile your friendlines, I am bold in the setting foorth of this simple Pamflet under your name, to make a proffer of my thankeful heart to you againe. Wherin though want of farther abilitie appeare, yet is there no let, but that a wel-willing heart may be exprest, yea in the smallest gift. Now if haply the argument hereof appeare unto you other than you could much wish, or I well afford, yet have I no feare of any great misliking, considering your natural disposition, which is to be delighted with honest pleasure, and commendable recreation, and not to lie evermore weltering, as it were, in dolefull dumpishnesse. Which thing did put me in the greater hope, that this worke would be the welcommer unto you, especially considering the delectable varietie, and the often changes and chances contained in this present historie, which cannot but much stirre up the mind and sences unto sundry affections. What ever it be take it I beseech you, in good part, in stead of some better thing which I might well affoord, promising the same when occasion shall serve, not being at this present so well furnished as I could wish of god: to whose good grace I recommend you and yours, both nowe and evermore.
Your worships to use,
Laurence Twine.
15How Antiochus committed incest with his owne daughter, and beheaded such as sued unto her for marriage, if they coulde not resolve his questions.
How Apollonius arriving at Antiochia, resolved the King's question; and howe Taliarchus was sent to slay him.
How Taliarchus, not finding Apollonius at Tyrus, departeth joyfully; and Apollonius arriving at Tharsus, relieveth the citie with victuall.
How Apollonius departing fro Tharsus by the perswasion of Stranguilio and Dionisiades his wife, committed shipwracke, and was relieved by Altistrates King of Pentapolis.
How Lucina king Altisitrates daughter desirous to heare Apollonius adventures, fell in love with him.
25How Apollonius is made schoolemaster to Lucina; and how shee preferreth the love of him above all the Nobilitie of Pentapolis.
How Apollonius was married to the Lady Lucina, and hearing of king Antiochus's death, departeth with his wife towards his own country of Tyrus.
How faire Lucina died in travell of childe upon the sea, and being throwen into the water, was cast on land at Ephesus, and taken home by Cerimon a Physicion.
How Lucina was restored to life by one of Cerimon the Physicion's schollers; and how Cerimon adopted hir to his daughter, and placed her in the Temple of Diana.
How Apollonius arriving at Tharsus, delivereth his yong daughter Tharsia unto Stranguilio and Dionisiades to be brought up, and how the Nurce, Iying in her death bed declareth unto Tharsia who were hir parents.
35How after the death of Ligozides the Nurce, Dionisiades, envying at the beautie of Tharsia, conspired her death, which should have been accomplished by a villaine of the countrey.
How certain Pirats rescued Tharisa when she shuld have been slaine, and carried hir unto the citie Machilenta, to be sold among other bondslaves.
How the Pirats which stole away Tharsia, brought her to the citie Machilenta, and sold her to a common bawd; and how she preserved her virginitie.
How Tharsia withstood a second assault of her virginitie, and by what meanes shee was preserved.
How Apollonius comming to Tharsus, and not finding his daughter, lamented her supposed death, and taking ship againe, was driven to Machilenta where Tharsia was.
45How Athanagoras prince of Machilenta seeing the beautie of Apollonius ship, went aboord of it, and did the best to comfort him.
How Athanagoras sent for Tharsia, to make her father Apollonius merrie, and how, after long circumstance they came into knowledge one of another.
How Apollonius leaving off mourning, came into the citie Machilenta, where he commanded the bawd to be burned, and how Tharsia was married unto Prince Athanagoras.
How Apollonius, meaning to saile into his owne Countrey by Tharsus, was commanded by an Angell in the night to goe to Ephesus, and there to declare all his adventures in the Church with a loud voice.
How Apollonius came to the knowledge of his wife the Ladie Lucina; and how they rejoyced at the meeting of ech other.
55How Apollonius departed for Ephesus and sailed himselfe, his wife, his sonne and daughter unto Antiochia, and then to Tyrus, and from thence to Tharsus, where he revenged himselfe upon Stranguilio and Dionisiades.
How Apollonius sayled from Tharsus to visite his father in law Altistrates, king of Pentapolis, who died not long after Apollonius comming thither.
How Apollonius rewarded the fishermen that relieved him after he had suffered shipwracke: how he dealt also with old Calamitus, and likewise with the Pirates that stole away Tharsia.
How Apollonius had a yong sonne and heire by his wife Lucina likewise of Apollonus age, and how hee died: with some other accidents thereunto incident.
Howe Antiochus committed incest with his owne daughter, and beheaded such as sued unto her for marriage, if they coulde not resolve his questions.
THE most famous and mightie king Antiochus, which builded the goodly citie of Antiochia in Syria, and called it after his own name, as the chiefest seat of all his dominions, and most principal place of his abode, begat upon his wife one daughter, a most excellent and beautifull yoong Ladie. Who in processe of yeeres growing up as well in ripenesse of age, as perfection of beautie: many Princes and noble men resorted unto her for intreaty of marriage, offering inestimable riches in jointure. Howbeit the king her father, evermore requiring deliberation, upon whom rather than other to bestow his daughter, perceived eftsoones an unlawfull concupiscence to boyle within his breast, which he augmented with an outragious flame of crueltie sparkling in his heart, so that he began to burne with the love of his owne childe more than it was beseeming for a father. Thus being wrapped in the toyle of blind desire, hee sustained within himselfe a fierce conflict, wherein Madnesse put Modestie to flight, and he wholly yeelded himselfe unto love.
65Wherefore, not long after, on a certaine day hee came into his daughter's chamber, and bidding all that were there for to depart, as though he had had some secret matter to conferre with her: the furious rage of lust pricking him forward thereunto, he violently forced her, though seely maiden she withstood him long to her power, and threwe away all regard of his owne honestie, and unlosed the knot of her virginitie. Now, when he was departed, and she, being alone, devised within her self what it were best for her to doe, sodainelie her nurse entred in, and perceiving her face al be blubbred with teares, "What is the matter, deare childe and Madam," quoth she, "that you sit thus sorrowfully?" "O, beloved nurse," answered the Ladie, "even nowe two noble names were lost within this chamber." "Howe so said the nurse?" "Because," quoth shee, "before marriage, through wicked villanie I am most shamefully defiled." And when the nurse had heard these wordes, and looking about more diligently, perceived indeede what was done, being inraged with sorrowe and anger, and almost distract of her wittes. "Alas what wretch or rather infernal feend," quoth she "durst thus presumptuously defile the bed of a Princesse?" "Ungodlinesse hath done this doede," quoth the Ladie. "Why then doe you not tell it the king your father?" saide the nurse. "Ah nurse," answered the Ladie, "where is my father? For if you well understoode the matter, the name of Father is lost in me, so that I can have no remedie now but death onely." But the nurse nowe by a few wordes perceiving the whole tale, and weying that the yong Lady gave inkling of remedie by death, which she much feared, beganne to assuage her griefe with comfortable wordes, and to withdrawe her minde from that mischievous purpose. Wherein she prevailed so effectually in short time, that she appeased the fresh bleeding of the greene wound, howbeit the scarre continued long time, as deepely stroken within her tender heart, before it could be throughlie cured.
In the meane season, while this wicked father sheweth the countenance of a loving sire abroad in the eies of al his people, notwithstanding, within doores, and in his minde, he rejoyceth that he hath played the part of an husband with his daughter: which false resemblance of hateful marriage, to the intent he might alwaies enjoy, he invented a strange devise of wickednesse, to drive away all suters that should resort unto her, by propounding certaine questions, the effect and law whereof was thus published in writing. Who so findeth out the solution of my question, shall have my daughter to wife, but who so faileth, shal lose his head.
Now, when Fame had blowen abroade the possibilitie to obtaine this Ladie, such was the singular report of her surpassing beautie, that many kings and men of great nobility repaired thither. And if haply any through skill or learning had found out the solution of the king's question, notwithstanding hee was beheaded as though hee had answered nothing to the purpose: and his head was set up at the gate to terrifie others that should come, who beholding there the present image of death, might advise them from assaying anie such danger. These outrages practised Antiochus, to the ende he might continue in filthie incest with his daughter.
How Apollonius arriving at Antiochia resolved the king's question, and how Taliarchus was sent to slay him.
WHILEST Antiochus thus continued in exercising tyrannie at Antiochia, a certaine yong Gentleman of Tyrus, Prince of the country, abounding in wealth, and very well learned, called Apollonius, arrived in the coast, and comming unto the citie of Antiochia, was brought into the king's presence. And when he had saluted him, the king demanded of him the cause of his coming thither. Then saide the yoong prince, "Sir, I require to have your daughter in marriage." The king hearing that which he was unwilling to heare, looking fiercely upon him, saide unto him: "Doest thou know the conditions of the marriage." "Yea sir king," said Apollonius, "and I see it standing upon the gate." Then the king being sharply moved, and disdaining at him, said, "Heare then the question which thou must resolve, or else die: I am carried with mischiefe, I eate my mother's fleshe: I seeke my brother my mother's husband and I can not finde him." Apollonius having received the question, withdrew himselfe a while out of the king's presence, and being desirous to understand what it meant, he found out the solution thereof in short space through the help of god, and returned againe to the king, saying; "Your grace proposed a question unto me, I pray you heare the solution thereof. And whereas you said in your probleme, I am carried with mischiefe: you have not lied, for looke unto your owne selfe. But whereas you say further, I eate my mother's flesh, looke upon your daughter."
70Now the king, as soone as he perceived that Apollonius had resolved his problems, fearing lest his wiickednesse should be discovered, he looked upon him with a wrathful countenance, saying; "Thou art farre wide from the solution of my demand, and hast hit no part of the meaning thereof: wherefore thou hast deserved to be beheaded. Howbeit. I will shew thee this courtesie, as to give thee thirtie daies respite to bethinke thy selfe of this matter. Wherefore returne home into thine owne countrey, and if thou canst find out the solution of my probleme, thou shalt have my daughter to wife: If not thou shalt be beheaded." Then Apollonius being much troubled and molested in mind, accompanying himself with a sufficient train, tooke shipping, and returned into his owne countrey.
But so soone as he was departed, Antiochus called unto him his steward, named Thaliarchus, to whom he spake in maner following. "Thaliarchus, the only faithfull and trustie minister of my secrets: understand that Apollonius, prince of Tirus, hath found out the solution of my question. Wherefore, take shipping and followe him immediatly, and if thou canst not overtake him upon the sea, seeke him out when thou commest to Tirus, and slay him either with sword or poyson; and when thou returnest I will bountifully reward thee." Taliarchus promised to accomplish his commandement with all diligence, and taking to him his shield, with monie sufficient for the journey, departed on his way, and shortly after arrived at the coast of Tirus. But Apollonius was come home unto his owne Pallace long time before, and withdrawing himselfe into his studie, perused all his bookes concerning the king's probleame, finding none other solution than that which he had alreadie told the king. And thus he said within himselfe: "Surely, unlesse I be much deceived, Antiochus burneth wlth disordinate love of his daughter," and discoursing further with himselfe upon that point: "What sayest thou now, or what intendest thou to doe?" Apollonius said he to himselfe. "Thou hast resolved his probleme, and yet not received his daughter, and god hath therefore brought thee away that thou shouldest not die." Then brake hee off in the midst of these cogitations, and immediatly commanded his ships to be prepared, and to be laden with an hundred thousand bushels of wheat, and with great plenty of gold, silver and rich apparell: and taking unto him a few of his most trustiest servants, about midnight imbarked himself, and hoysing up his sails, committed himselfe to the wide sea.
The day following his subjects the citizens came unto the Pallace to have seene their Prince, but when they found him not there, the whole citie was forthwith surprised with wonderfull sorrowe, everie man lamenting that so worthy a Prince [was] so sodainly gone out of sight and knowledge, no man knew whether. Great was the grief, and wofull was the wayling which they made, lamenting his owne priuate estate and the commonwealth's in generall, as it alwaies hapneth at the death or losse of a good Prince, which the inhabitants of Tirus tooke then so heavily, in respect of their great affection, that a long time after no barbers' shops were opened, the common shews and plaies surceased, baines and hoat houses were shut up, taverns were not frequented, and no man repaired unto the Churches, al thing was full of sorrowe and heauinesse, what shall I say? there was nothing but heauienesse.
How, Taliarchus not finding Apollonius at Tirus, departeth joyfully, and Apollonius arriving at Thasus, relieveth the citie with vittell.
IN the middes of this sorrowful season Taliarchus commeth to Tirus to execute the cruell commandement of Antiochus; where, finding al-thing shut up, and a generall shew of mourning, meeting with a boy in the streete. "Tell me," said he, "or I will slay thee, for what cause is al this citie thus drowned in heavines?" To whom the child answered: "My friend, doest thou not know the cause, that thou askest it of me? This citie mourneth because the Prince thereof Apollonius, returning back from king Antiochus, can no where be found or heard of." Now, so soone as Taliarchus heard these tidings, he returned joyfully unto his ships, and tooke his journey backe to Antiochia, and being landed, he hastened unto the king, and fell downe on his knees before him, saying: "All haile most mightie Prince, rejoyce and be glad; for Apollonius being in feare of your grace is departeth no man knoweth whether." Then answered the king: "He may well flie away from mee, but he shall never escape my handes." And immediatly he made proclamation, that whosoever could take that contemner of the king Apollonius prince of Tirus, and bring him alive unto the king's presence, should have an hundred talents of golde for his labour, and whosoever coulde bring his head, should have fiftie talentes. Which proclamation beeing published, not onely Apollonius's ennemies, but also his friendes, made all haste possible to seeke him out, allured thereto with covetouseness of the money. Thus was this poore Prince sought for about by sea and by land, tbrough woodes and wilde deserts, but could not be found.
75Then the king commanded a great Navie of ships to be prepared to scoure the seas abroad, if haply they might meet with him; but for that every thing requireth a time ere it can be done, in the mean season Apollonius arriveth at Tharsus, where walking along by the sea side, he was espied by one of his owne servauntes, named Elinatus, who landed there not long before, and overtooke him as he was going; and comming neere unto him with dutifull obeisance, said unto him: "god save you prince Apollonius." But he being saluted, did even so as noble men and princes use to doe, set light by him. But Elinatus taking that behaviour unkindly, saluted him againe saying: "god save you Prince Apollonius salute me againe, and I despise not povertie beautified with honestie. And if you knewe that which I know, you would take good heed to your self." Then answered Apollonius: "lf you thinke good, I pray you tell me." Elinatus answered, "you are by proclamation commanded to be slaine." "And who," said Apollonius, "dares commaund by proclamation, the prince of a countrey to be slaine?" "Antiochus," said Elinatus. "Antiochus! For what cause?" demanded Apollonius. "For that," said Elinatus, "thou wouldst be unto his daughter which he himselfe is." Then demanded Apollonius, "For what summe of mony is my life sold by that proclamation?" Elinatus answered, "whosoever can bring you alive unto the king shall have an hundred talents of gold in recompence: but whoso bringeth your head shall have fiftie talents of gold for his labour, and therefore I advise you my lord, to flie unto some place for your defence." And when he had so said he tooke his leave and departed. But Apollonius called him againe, and said that hee would giue him an hundred talents of gold; "for," said he, "receive thus much now of my povertie, where nothing is now left unto me but flight, and pining misery. Thou hast deserved the reward, wherefore draw out thy sword, and cut off my head, and present it to the king, as the most joyfull sight in the world. Thus mayst thou win an hundred talents of gold, and remaine without all blame or note of ingratitude, since I my selfe have hyred thee in the king's behalfe to gratefie him with so acceptable a present." Then answered Elinatus: "god forbid my lord that by anie such sinister means I should deserve a reward. In all my life I never consented to any such matter in my heart. And, my lord, if the deed were good, the love of vertue were a sufficient force to allure any man thereunto. But since it respecteth your life, to whome in consideration of the cause no man may doe violence without villanie: I commit both you and your matter unto god, who no doubt will be your defender." And when he had thus said, he departed.
But Apollonius walked forth along upon the shoare, where he had gone not farre, but he descried a man afarre off comming towardes him with heavie cheere and a sorrowfull countenance; and this was Stranguilio a Tharsian borne, and of good reputation in the citie. To whom saide Apollonius, "god save you Stranguilio." And he likewise resaluted him saying, "And you likewise my good lord Apollonius: I pray you tel me what is the cause that you walk in this place thus troubled within your minde?" Apollonius answered: "because, being promised to have king Antiochus's daughter to my wife, if I told him the true meaning of his question, nowe that I have so done, I am notwithstanding restrained from her. Wherefore I request you it may so be, that I may live secretly in your citie; for why, I stand moreover in some doubt of the king's farther displeasure." Stranguilio answered: "My lord Apollonius, our citie at this present is verie poore, and not able to sustaine the greatnesse of your dignitie: and even now we suffer great penurie and want of vittell, insomuch that there remaineth small hope of comfort unto our citizens, but that we shall perish by extreme famine: and now certes there resteth nothing but the fearefull image of gastly death before our eies." When Apollonius heard these wordes, he said unto him: "Then give thankes unto god, who in my flight hath brought me a land into your costes. For I have brought great store of provision with me, and will presently give unto your citie an hundreth thousand bushels of wheate, if you will only conceale my comming hither." At these wordes Stranguilio being strooken, as it were, into a sodaine amazednesse, as it happeneth when a man is overjoyed with some glad tidinges, fell downe prostrate before prince Apollonius's feete, and saide: "My lord Apollonius, if you coulde, and also if it might please of your great goodnesse, in such sort as you say, to succour this afflicted and famished citie, we wil not onely receive you gladly, and conceale your abode: but also, if neede so require, willingly spend our lives in your quarrell. Which promise of mine, to the intent you may heare to be confirmed by the full consent of the citizens, might please your Grace to enter into the citie, and I most willingly will attend upon you."
Apollonius agreed thereto, and when they came into the citie, he mounted up into the place of judgment, to the intent he might the better be heard, and, gathering al the people together: thus hee spake unto the whole multitude. "Ye citizens of Tharsus, whom penurie of vittell pincheth at this present understand ye, that I Apollonius prince of Tirus, am determined presently to relieve you: In respect of which benefite I trust ye will be so thankfull as to conceale mine arriving hither. And know ye moreover, that not as being driven away through the malice of king Antiochus, but sayling along by the Seas I am happily fallen into your haven. Wherefore I meane to utter unto you an hundred thousand bushels of wheate, paying no more than I bought it for in mine own countrey, that is to say, eight peeces of brasse for every bushell." When the citizens heard this, they gave a shout for joy, crying, "god save my Lord Apollonius," promising to live and die in his quarrell, and they gave him wonderfull thankes, and the whole citie was replenished with joy, and they went forthwith unto the ships, and bought the corne. But Apollonius, doubting lest by this deede, he should seeme to put off the dignitie of a prince, and put on the countenance of a merchant rather than a giver, when he had received the price of the wheate, he restored it backe againe to the use and commoditie of the same citie. And when the citizens perceived the great benefites which he had bestowed upon their citie, they erected in the marked place a monument in the memoriall of him, his stature made of brasse standing in a charret, holding corne in his right hand, and spurning it with his left foot: and on the baser foot of the pillar whereon it stoode, was ingraven in great letters this superscription: Apollonius prince of Tirus gave a gift unto the citie of Tharsus whereby hee delivered it from a cruel death.
How Apollonius departing from Tharsus by the perswasion of Stranguilio and Dionisiades his wife, committed shipwracke, and was relieved by Altistrates king of Pentapolis.
THUS had not Apollonius aboden many daies in the citie of Tharsus but Stranguilio and Dionisiades his wife, earnestly exhorted him, as seeming very carefull and tender of his welfare, rather to addresse himselfe unto Pentapolis or among the Tirenians, as a place most fit for his securitie, where he might lie and hide himselfe in greatest assurance and tranquilitie. Wherefore hereunto, he resolved himselfe, and with convenient expedition prepared al things necessarie for the journey. And when the day of his departure was come, he was brought with great honour by the citizens unto his ships, where with a courteous farewell on ech side given, the marriners weighed anker, hoysed sailes, and away they goe, committing themselves to the wind and water.
80Thus sailed they forth along in their course, three days and three nights with prosperous winde and weather, untill sodainly the whole face of heaven and sea began to change; for the skie looked blacke and the Northerne wind arose, and the tempest increased more and more, insomuch tbat prince Apollonius and the Tyrians that were with him were much apalled, and began to doubt of their lives. But, loe, immediatly, the wide blew fiercely from the South-west, and the North came singing on the other side, the rain powred down over their heads, and the sea yeelded forth waves as it had beene mountanes of water, that the ships could no longer wrestle with the tempest, and especially the admirall, wherein the good prince himselfe fared, but needs must they yeeld unto the present calamitie. There might you have heard the winds whistling, the raine dashing, the sea roaring, the cables cracking, the tacklings breaking, the shippe tearing, the men miserable shouting out for their lives. There might you have seene the sea searching the shippe, the bordes fleeting, the goods swimming, the treasure sincking, the men shifting to save themselves, where, partly through violence of the tempest, and partly through darcknes of the night which then was come upon them, they were all drowned, onely Apollonius excepted, who by the grace of god, and the helpe of a simple boord, was driven upon the shoare of the Pentapolitanes.
And when he had recovered to land, wearie as he was, he stoode upon the shoare, and looked upon the calme sea, saying: "O most false and untrustie sea! I will choose rather to fall into the handes of the most cruell king Antiochus, than venture to returne againe by thee into mine owne Countrey: thou hast shewed thy spite upon me, and devoured my trustie friendes and companions, by meanes whereof I am nowe left alone, and it is the providence of almightie god that I have escaped thy greedie jawes. Where shall I now finde comfort? or who will succour him in a strange place that is not knowen?" And whilest he spake these wordes, hee sawe a man coming towardes him, and he was a rough fisherman, with an hoode upon his head, and a filthie leatherne pelt upon his backe, unseemely clad, and homely to beholde. When hee drewe neare, Apollonius, the present necessitie constraining him thereto, fell down prostrate at his feet, and powring forth a floud of teares he said unto him: "whosoever thou art, take pitie upon a poore sea-wracked man, cast up nowe naked, and in simple state, yet borne of no base degree, but sprung foorth of noble parentage. And that thou maiest in helping me knowe whome thou succourest: I am that Apollonius prince of Tyrus, whome most part of the worlde knoweth, and I beseech thee to preserve my life by shewing mee thy friendly reliefe."
When the fisherman beheld the comlinesse and beautie of the yoong Gentleman, hee was moved with compassion towardes him, and lifted him up from the ground, and lead him into his house and feasted him with such fare as he presently had, and the more amplie to expresse his great affection towardes him, he disrobed himselfe of his poore and simple cloke, and dividing it into two parts, gave the one halfe thereof unto Apollonius, saying: "Take here at my handes such poore entertainment and furniture as I have, and goe into the citie, where perhappes thou shalt finde some of better abilitie, that will rue thine estate: and if thou doe not, returne then againe hither unto mee, and thou shalt not want what may be perfoormed by the povertie of a poore fisherman. And in the meane time of this one thing onelie I put thee in mind, that when thou shalt be restored to thy former dignitie, thou doe not despise to thinke on the basenesse of the poor peece of garment." To which Apollonius answered: "If I remember not thee and it, I wish nothing else but that I may sustaine the like shipwracke." And when hee had saide so, he departed on the way which was taught him, and came unto the citie gates, whereinto he entred.
And while he was thinking with himselfe which waie to seeke succor to sustaine his life, he saw a boy running naked through the streete, girded only with a tuell about his middle, and his head annointed with oyle, crying aloude, and saying: "Hearken all, as well citizens as strangers and servants, hearken: Whosoever will be washed, let him come to the place of exercise." When Apollonius heard this, he followed the boy, and comming unto the place cast off his cloake, and stripped himselfe, and entred into the Baine, and bathed himselfe with the liquor. And looking about for some companion with whome he might exercise himself, according unto the manner of the place and countrey, and finding none: sodainelie unlooked for entred in Altistrates king of the whole land, accompanied with a great troupe of servitours. Anone he beganne to exercise himselfe at tennis with his men, which when Apollonius espied, he intruded himselfe amongst them into the king's presence, and stroke back the ball to the king, and served him in play with great swiftnes. But when the king perceived the great nimblenesse and cunning which was in him, surpassing the residue: "stand aside," quoth he unto his men, "for me thinkes this yong man is more cunning than I." When Apollonius heard himselfe commended, hee stept foorth boldly into the middes of the tennis court, and, taking up a racket in his hand, he tossed the ball skilfully, and with wonderful agilitie. After play, he also washed the king very reverently in the Baine: and when all was done, hee tooke his leave duetifully, and so departed.
When Apollonius was gone, the king said unto them that were about him: "I sweare unto you of truth as I am a Prince, I was never exercised nor washed better then this day, and that by the diligence of a yong man I know not what he is." And turning back, "Go," said he unto one of his servants, "and know what that yong man is that hath with such duty and diligence taken pains with me." The servant going after Apollonius, and seeing him clad in a filthy fisher's cloke, returned againe to the king, saying: "If it like your grace, the yong man is a seawracked man." "How knowest thou that?" said the king. The servant answered: "Though he told me not so himselfe, yet his apparel bewraieth his state." Then said the king to his servant: "Go apace after him, and say unto him, that the king desireth him to sup with him this night." Then the servant made haste after Apollonius, and did the king's message to him, which so soone as he heard, he granted thereto, much thanking, the king's majestie, and came back with the servant. When they were come to the gate, the servant went in first unto the king, saying: "The sea-wracked man, for whom your grace sent me, is come, but is ashamed to come into your presence, by reason of his base aray." Whome the king commaunded immediatly to be clothed in seemely apparell, and to be brought in to supper, and placed him at the table with him, right overagainst himselfe. Immediately the boord was furnished with all kinde of princelie fare, the guests fed apace, every man on that which he liked, onelie Apollonius sate still and eate nothing, but earnestlie beholding the golde, silver, and other kingly furniture, whereof there was great plentie, hee could not refraine from teares. Then said one of the guests that sate at the table, unto the king: "This yoong man, I suppose, envieth at your graces prosperitie." "No, not so," answered the king, "you suppose amisse; but he is sorie to remember that he hath lost more wealth then this is," and looking upon Apollonius with a smiling countenance, "Be mery yong man," quoth he, "and eate thy meate with us, and trust in god, who doubtlesse will send thee better fortune."
85How Lucina King Altistrates's daughter desirous to heare Apollonius's adventures, fel in love with him.
Now while they sate at meate, discoursing of this and such like matters at the boord, suddenlie came in the king's daughter and onelie child named Lucina, a singular beautifull ladie, and a maiden now of ripe yeeres for marriage: and she approched nigh, and kissed the king her father, and al the guests that sate with him at the table. And when she had so done, she returned unto her father, and saide, "Good father, I pray you, what yong man is this which sitteth in so honourable a place over against you, so sorrowfull and I heavie?" "O sweete daughter," answered the king, "this yong man is a sea-wracked man, and hath done me great honour to day at the baines and place of exercise, for which cause I sent for him to sup with me; but I knowe not neither what, neither whence he is. If you be desirous to know these things, demaund of him, for you may understand all things; and peradventure when you shall knowe, you will be mooved with compassion towardes him." Nowe when the lady perceived hir father's mind, she turned about unto Apollonius, and saide: "Gentleman, whose grace and comlinesse sufficiently bewraieth the nobilitie of your birth, if it be not grievous unto you shew me your name I beseech you, and your adventures." Then answered Apollonius: "Madam, if you aske my name, I have lost it in the sea: if you enquire of my nobilite, I have left that at Tyrus." "Sir, I beseech you," then said the Lady Lucina, "tel me this more plainly, that I may understand."
Then Apollonius, craving silence to speake, declared his name, his birth and nobilitie, and unripped the whole tragedie of his adventures, in order as is before rehearsed and when he had made an end of speaking, he burst foorth into most plentifull teares. Which when the king beheld, he saide unto Lucina: "deere daughter, you have done evill in requiring to know the yong man's name, and his adventures, wherein you have renued his forepassed griefes. But since nowe you have understoode all the trueth of him, it is meete, as it becommeth the daughter of a king, you likewise extend your liberalitie towards him, and whatsoever you give him I will see it be perfourmed." Then Lucina having already in hir heart professed to doe him good, and nowe perceiving very luckily her father's mind to be inclined to the desired purpose, she cast a friendly looke upon him, saying: "Apollonius, nowe lay sorrowe aside, for my father is determined to inrich you." And Apollonius, according to the curtesie that was in him, with sighes and sobbes at remembrance of that whereof he had so lately spoken, yeelded great thankes unto the faire ladie Lucina.
Then saide the king unto his daughter: "Madame I pray you take your harpe into your handes, and play us some musike to refresh our guests withall, for we have all too long hearkened unto sorrowfull matters." And when she had called for her harpe, she beganne to play so sweetely, that all that were in companie highly commended her, saying that in all their lives they never heard pleasanter harmonie. Thus, whilest the guests, every man for his part much commended the ladie's cunning, onely Apollonius spake nothing. Then saide the king unto him: "You are too blame Apollonius, since all praise my daughter for her excellencie in musike, and you commend not her, or rather dispraise her by holding your peace." Apollonius answered: "My soveraine and good lord, might it please you to pardon me, and I will say what I think: The lady Lucina your daughter is pretily entred, but she is not yet come to perfection in musike. For proofe whereof, if it please your Grace to command the harp to be delivered unto me, she shal well perceive, that she shal heare that which she doth not yet know." The king answered: "I see well Apollonius you have skill in all things, and is nothing to be wished in a gentleman, but you have perfectly learned it, wherfore, hold, I pray you take the harpe, and let us heare some part of your cunning." When Apollonius had received the harp, he went forth, and put a garland of flowers upon his head, and fastned his raiment in comly maner about him, and entred into the parlour againe, playing before the king, and the residue with such cunning and sweetnes, that he seemed rather to be Apollo then Apollonius, and the king's guests confessed that in al their lives they never heard the like before.
But when Lucina had heard and seene what was done, she felt hir selfe sodainely mooved within, and was sharpelie surprised with the love of Apollonius, and, turning to her father: "Nowe suffer me good father," saide she, "to give unto this yoong gentleman some reward, according as I shall think convenient." "I give you leave to do so faire daughter," saide the king. Then she, looking towards Apollonius, "My lord Apollonius," said she, "receive heere of my father's liberalitie two hundred talents of gold, foure hundred poundes of silver, store of raiment, twentie men servants, and tenne handmaidens." "Nowe therefore," said she unto the officers that stood by, "bring hither all these things which I have here promised, and lay them downe in the parlour, in the presence of our friends." And immediatly they were all brought into their sight as she had commaunded. When this was done, the guests arose from the table, and giving thankes unto the king and ladie Lucina, tooke their leave and departed. And Apollonius, thinking it likewise time for him to be gone, "Most gratious king Altistrates," quoth he, "thou which art a comforter of such as are in miserie; and thou also renowmed princesse, a favourer of philosophie, and lover of all good studies, I bid you now most heartily farewell, as for your great deserts toward me, I leave them to god to requite you with deserved recompence." And looking unto his servants which the ladie Lucina had given him, "Sirs, take up this geere," quoth hee, "which is given me, and bring it away, and let us go seeke some lodgings."
90When Lucina heard those words she was sodainlie stroken into a dump, fearing that she shoulde have lost her newe lover, before she had ever reaped anie fruit of his companie, and therefore turning to her father, said: "I beseech you good father and gratious king, forasmuch as it has pleased you this day to inrich Apolonius with many great gifts, you would not suffer him now to depart so late, lest he be by some naughtie persons spoiled of the things which you have given him." The king willingly granted the ladie's request, and commanded forthwith that there should be a faire lodging prepared for him and his, where he might lie honourably, and when he sawe convenient time he went to bed, and tooke his rest.
How Apollonius is made Schoolemaster to Lucina, and how she preferreth the love of him, above all the nobilitie of Pentapolis.
WHEN night was come, and every one was at rest, Lucinia laie unquietly tumbling in her bed, alwaies thinking upon Apollonius, and could not sleep. Wherefore, in the morning she rose very early, and came in to the king her father's chamber. Whom when her father saw, "what is the matter, daughter Lucina," quoth he, "that contrary to custome you be stirring so earleie this morning?" "Deere father," quoth Lucina, "I could take no rest al this night, for the desire I have to learn musicke of Apollonius; and therefore I pray you good father, to put me unto him to be instructed in the Art of Musicke, and other good qualities, wherein hee is skilfull." When Altistrates heard his daughter's talke, he smiled within himselfe, when hee perceived the warmed affection kindled within her breast, which with so seemely a pretence she had covered, as the desire to learne, and determined in part presently to satisfie her request: and when time served, he sent a messenger for Apollonius. And when he was come, he said unto him: "Apollonius my daughter much desireth to be your scholler, and therefore I pray you take her to your governement, and instruct her the best you can, and I will reward you to your contentation." Apollonius answered, "gracious prince, I am moste willing to obey your commaundement." So hee tooke the ladie, and instructed her in the best maner he coulde, even as himselfe had learned: wherein she profited so well, that in short time she matched, or rather surpassed her maister. Thus increased shee not onely in learning, but grew also daily in more fervent love of Apollonius, as, whether standing in doubt of her father's resolute good wil if he were moved concerning marriage, or fearing the time woulde be deferred in respect whereof she was presently ready, in so much that she fell sicke and became weaker everie day than other. When the king perceived his daughter's infirmitie to increase, hee sent immediatlie throughout all the dominions for the learnedst phisitions to search out her griefe and to cure it, who examining her urine, and feeling her pulse, coulde finde out no manifest cause or substance of her disease.
After a few dayes that this happened, three noble yong men of the same countrey, which had been suters a long time unto Lucina for marriage, came unto the Court, and being brought into the king's presence saluted him dutifully. To whom the king said, "Gentlemen, what is the cause of your comming?" They answered, "your Grace had oftentimes promised to bestow your daughter in marriage, upon one of us, and this is the cause of our comming at this time. Wee are your subjectes, wealthie, and descended of noble families, might it therefore please your Grace to choose one among us three, to be your sonne in law." Then answered the king "you are come unto me at an unseasonable time, for my daughter now applieth her studie, and lieth sicke for the desire of learning, and the time is much unmeet for marriage. But to the intent you shall not altogether loose your labour, nor that I will not seeme to deferre you too long, write your names every one severally in a peece of paper, and what joynter you will make, and I will send the writinges to my daughter, that she may choose him whom she best liketh of." They did forthwith as the king had counselled them, and delivered the writings unto the king, which hee read, and signed them, and delivered them unto Apollonius, saying: Take here these billes, and deliver them to your scholler, which Apollonius received, and tooke them immediatly unto the ladie Lucina.
Now when she sawe her schoolemaister whom she loved so entirely, she said unto him: "Maister, what is the cause that you come alone into my chamber?" Apollonius answered: "Madame, I have brought writings from the king your father, which he willeth you to reade." Lucina then received the writinges, and brake them up, and when she had reade the names of the three noblemen her suters, shee threw away the billes, and looking upon Apollonius, she said unto him: "My welbeloved Schoolemaister Apollonius, doth it not greeve you that I shall be married unto another?" Apollonius answered, "No madame it greeveth not me, for whatsoever shall be for your honour, shall be unto me profitable." Then said Lucina, "Maister, if you loved me you woulde be sorie," and therewithall she called for inke and paper, and wrote an answere unto her father in forme following. "Gracious king and deare father, forasmuch as of your goodnesse you have given me free choice, and libertie to write my minde: these are to let you understand, that I would marry with the Sea-wrecked man, and with none other: your humble daughter, Lucina."
95And when she had sealed it, she delivered it unto Apollonius to be carried unto the king. When the king had received the letters, he perused them, wherein he perceived his daughter's minde, not knowing whom she meant by the sea-wrecked man: and therefore turning himselfe towardes the three Noblemen, hee demaunded of them which of them had suffered shipwracke? Then one of them named Ardonius, answered, "If it like your Grace, I have suffred shipwrack?" The other twaine named Munditius, and Carnillus, when they heard him say so, waxed wroth, and fel into termes of outrage against him, saying: "sicknesse, and the fiends of hell consume thee, for thy foule and impudent lie: doe not we, who are thy equals both of birth and age, know right well that thou never wontest almost out of this citie gates? And how couldest thou then suffer shipwracke?" Nowe when the king Altistrates could not finde out which of them had suffered shipwrack, he looked towards Apollonius, saying: "Take these letters and read them, for it may be that I doe not knowe him whom thou knowest, who was present." Apollonius receiving the letters, perused them quickly, and perceiving himselfe to be loved, blushed wonderfully. Then said the king to Apollonius, hast thou found the sea-wrecked man? But Apollonius answered litle or nothing, wherein his wisedome the rather appeared according to the saying of the wise man: in many words there wanteth discretion; where as contrariwise, many an undiscreet person might be accounted wise if hee had but this one point of wisdom, to hold his tongue. Wherin indeed consisteth the whole triall or rather insight of a man, as signified the most wise Philosopher Socrates.
How Apollonius was married to the ladie Lucina, and hearing of king Antiochus's death, departeth with his wife towards his owne countrey of Tyrus.
BUT to returne againe to my storie from which I have digressed: when king Altistrates perceived that ApolIonius was the man whom his daughter Lucina disposed in her heart to preferre in love before anie of the other three noble men, hee found meanes to put them off for that present, saying that he would talke with them farther concerning that matter another time: who taking their leave, immediatly departed, but the king withdrew himself into the chamber where his daughter lay sicke, and sayd unto her: "whom have you chosen to be your husband?" To whom Lucina humbling her selfe, and with trickling teares, answered: "Gratious Prince and deare father, I have chosen in my heart the Sea-wrecked man, my schoolemaister Apollonius, for whom I most duetifully desire your fatherly goodwil." When the king saw her teares, his heart bled inwardly with compassion toward his childe whom hee loved tenderly, and he kissed her, and saide unto her: "My sweete Lucina be of good cheere, and take not thought for anie thing, and assure thy selfe thou hast chosen the man that I liked of assoone as I first sawe him: whom I love no lesse then thee: that is to say, than if hee were my naturall childe. And therefore since the matter is nowe thus fallen out, I meane forthwith to appoint a day for your marriage, after that I have broken the matter unto Apollonius." And when he had said that, Lucina with blushing cheekes thanked her Father much, and he departed.
Nowe would I demand of lovers, whether Lucina rejoyced or not? or whether there were anie better tidings in the worlde coulde chance to a man or woman? I am sure they would answer no. For such is the nature of this affection, that it preferreth the beloved person above all earthly thinges, yea and heavenly too, unlesse it be brideled with reason: as the same likewise though moderately, and within the boundes of modest womanhoode, working the woonted effect in the ladie Lucina, revived her so presently, that shee forsooke her bed, and cast away her mourning apparrell, and appeared as it had been a newe woman restored from death to life, and that almost in a moment.
The king being alone in the parlour called for Apollonius, and when he was come, he said thus unto him: "Apollonius, the vertue which I have seene in thee, I have testified by my liberalitie towards thee, and thy trustinesse is prooved by committing mine onelie childe and daughter to thine instruction. As these have caused mee to preferre thee, so have they made my daughter to love thee, so that I am as well contented with the one as I am well pleased with the other. And for thy part, likewise I hope Apollonius, that as thou hast been glad to be my client, thou wilt rejoyce as much to be my sonne in law. Tell me thy minde out of hand, for I attend thine answere." Then Apollonius much abashed at the king's talke, falling downe upon his knees, answered: "Most gratious soveraigne, your wordes sound so strangely in mine eares, that I scarcely know how to give answer, and your goodnesse hath been so great towardes me, that I can wish for no more. But since it is your Grace's pleasure that I should not be indebted to many, but owe all thing unto you, as life, and wife, honour, and goods, and all: you shall not find me unthankful, howsoever god or fickle fortune deale with me, to remaine both loyall and constant to you, and your daughter, whom above all creatures, both for birth and beauty and good qualities, I love and honour most intirely."
100Altistrates rejoiced much to heare so wise and conformable an answere, and embracing Apollonius, called him by the name of deare beloved sonne. The next day morning the king addressed his messengers and pursevants, to assemble the nobliest of his subjects and frends out of the confederat cities, and countries, and to shew them that he had certaine affaires to communicat unto them: and when they were come altogither unto Pentapolis, after due greeting, and accustomable intertainments shewed as in the maner of great estates, he said thus unto them. "My loving friends, and faithfull subjects, my meaning was to let you understand, that my daughter is desirous to marrie with her schoolemaster Apollonius, and I am wel pleased therwith. Wherfore, I beseech you all to rejoyce thereat, and be glad for my daughter shalbe matched to a wise man. And know you moreover, that I appoint this day six weekes for the solemnization day of the marriage, at what time I desire you all to be here present, that like friends we may rejoyce, and make merry togither." And when he had all said, he dismissed the assembly.
Now as the time wore away, so the wedding day drue neere, and there was great preparation made aswell for the feast, as for jewels, and rich clothes to furnish the bridegroome, and bride withall, as althing els that appertaine[d] to the beautifying of so great a wedding. And when the day was come, the king apparrelled in his princely robes with a diadem of great price upon his head, accompanied his daughter Lucina and Apollonius unto the Church, whom thousands of lordes and ladies followed after, all cloathed in rich attire, and marshalled in comely order. The bride woare on a gowne of cloth of gold cut, and drawen out with cloth of silver, and a kirtle of crimsin velvet imbrodered with pure golde, and thickly beset with orientall pearles. Her haire hung downe in tresses fairely broided with a lace of gold, and a Coronet upon her head set with pretious stones of inestimable value. Her necke was bare, whereby her naked skinne appeared whiter than the driven snowe, curiously bedecked with chaines of golde, and every other lincke enameled with blacke amell. Great baudrickes of perfect goldsmithes worke uppon eche arme to fasten the sleeves of her garment from sliding up at the wreast. Lastly, a massie collar of fine golde, made esse wise uppon her shoulders, hanging downe behinde and before, with a Diamond reaching downe unto her middle, esteemed in value at three-score thousand pound, which the king her father had sent unto her for a present, that morning while she was apparrelling. The bridegrome wore on a dublet and hosen of costly cloth of silver, garded with Goldsmith's worke of the same colour, and a gowne of purple Satten, embroidred with golde, and beset with rich stones. His cap was of fine blacke Velvet, all over bespangled with Rubies, set in gold and fastned on by loopes: the hand of massie golde, beset with courses of stones in order, first a Rubie, then a Turkeis, then a Diamond, and so beginning againe with a Rubie. This was their raiment, and thus went they forth togither, hand in hand, after whom, as is already declared, the lordes and ladies followed by three and three in a ranke.
When the solemnities were done at the Church, and the wordes spoken, and the Princes joyned in marriage, they returned home and went to dinner. What shall I nowe speake of the noble cheare and Princely provision for this feast? And after dinner of the exquisite Musicke, fine dauncing, heavenly singing, sweete devising, and pleasant communication among the estates? I may not discourse at large of the liberall challenges made and proclaimed at the tilt, barriers, running at the ring, ioco di can, managing fierce horses, running a foote and daunsing in armour: And at night of the gorgeous plaies, shewes, disguised speeches, masks and mummeries, with continuall harmony of all kindes of musicke, and banqueting in all delicacie: All these things I leave to the consideration of them which have seene the Like in the Courts, and at the weddinges of Princes, where they have seene more than my simple pen is able to describe, or may be comprehended within the recital of so short an historie.
When night was come, and revels were ended, the bride was brought to bed, and Apollonius tarried not long from her, where hee accomplished the duties of marriage, and faire Lucina conceived childe the same night. The next daie, every man arose to feasting and jollitie, for the wedding triumphes continued an whole moneth. This while Lucinas bellie began to grow, and as it fortuned that the lord Apollonius and his ladie on a day walked along the sea side for their disporte, hee sawe a faire shippe fleeting under saile, which hee knew well to be of his countrey, and he hallowed unto the maister, whose name was Calamitus and asked of him of whence his ship was? The maister answered of Tyrus. "Thou hast named my country," said Apollonius: "Art thou then of Tyrus?" said the maister. "Yea," answered Apollonius. Then said the maister, "knowest thou one Apollonius prince of that countrey? If thou doe, or shalt heare of him hereafter, bid him now be glad and rejoyce, for king Antiochus and his daughter are strooken dead with lightning from heaven. And the Citie of Antiochia with all the riches, and the whole kingdome are reserved for Apollonius."
With these words the ship being under saile, departed, and Apollonius being filled with gladnes, immediatly began to breake with his ladie to give him leave to go and receive his kingdom. But when faire Lucina heard him beginne to moove words of departing, she burst out into teares, saying: "My Lorde, if you were nowe in some farre countrie, and heard say that I were neere my time to be delivered, you ought to make haste home unto me. But since you be nowe with me, and know in what case I am me thinks you should not now desire to depart from me. Howbeit, if your pleasure be so, and tarriance breede danger, and kingdomes want not heirs long, as I would not perswade you to tarry, so doe I request you to take me with you." This discreete answere pleased Apollonius well; wherefore he kissed his lady, and they agreed it should be so. And when they were returned from walking, Lucina rejoycing, came unto the king her father, saying, "deare father, rejoice I beseech you, and be glad with my lord Apollonius and me, for the most c[r]uell tyrant Antiochus and his daughter are by the just judgement of god destroied with lightning from heaven; and the kingdome and riches are reserved for us to inherite: moreover, I pray you good father, let me have your goodwil to travel thither with my husband." The king rejoyced much at this tidings, and graunted her reasonable request, and also commaunded all things to be provided immediatly that were necessary for the journey. The shippes were strongly appointed and brought unto the shoare, and fraught with al things convenient, as golde, silver, apparell, bedding, vittells and armour. Moreover, whatsoever fortune might befal, the king prepared to sail with them Ligozides the nurse, and a midwife, and all things meet for the childe whensoever Lucina shoulde neede them: and with great honour himselfe accompanieth them unto the sea side, when the time appointed for their departure was come; where with many teares, and great fatherly affection hee kissed his daughter, ard embraced his sonne in law, and recommended them unto god, in whome hee did wish unto them a most prosperous journey, and so returned unto his pallace.
105How faire Lucina died in travell of child upon the sea; and being throwen into the water, was cast on land at Ephesus, and taken home by Cerimon a Phisition.
THE marriners immediatly merrily hoissed saile and departed; and when they had sailed two dayes, the master of the shippe warned Apollonius of a tempest approching, which nowe came on, and increased so fast, that all the companie was amazed, and Lucina, what with sea-sicknes and feare of danger, fel in labor of child, wherewith she was weakened, that there was no hope of recoverie, but she must now die: yet being first delivered of a faire daughter, insomuch that now all tokens of life were gone, and she appeared none other but to be dead. When Apollonius beheld this heavie spectacle, no heart was able to conceive his bitter grief, for like a mad man distracted he tore his cloths, and rent his haire and laying himself upon the carkas, he uttered these wordes with great affection: "O my deare lady and wife, the daughter of king Altistrates, what shall I now answer to thy father for thee: would god thou haddest remained with him at home; and if it had pleased god to have wrought this his pleasure in thee, it had rather chanced with thy loving father in his quiet land, than with me thy woful husband upon the wild seas." The whole company also made great lamentation for her, bewailing the death of so noble and beautifull a ladie and so curteous a gentlewoman.
Howbeit in the hotest of the sorrowe the governour of the ship came unto Apollonius, saying, "My lord, plucke up your heart, and be of goode cheere, and consider I pray you that the ship may not abide to carie the dead carkas, and therefore command it to be cast into the sea, that we may the better escape." Then answered Apollonius: "What saiest thou varlet! wouldest thou have me cast this bodie into the sea, which received me into house and favour, when I was in miserie, and drenched in the water, wherein I lost ship, goods and all?" But taking further consultation, and advising himselfe what were best to do, he called certaine of his men unto him, and thus he devised with them. "My trusty servants, whome this common mischance grieveth as wel as me, since sorrowing wil not help at which is chanced, assist me, good sirs, to provide for the present necessity. Let us make forthwith a large chest, and bore the lid full of small holes, and we will seare it all over within with pitch and rosen molten together, whereinto we will put cunningly a sheete of lead, and in the same we will inclose the tender corps of the wife of me, of all other a most unfortunate husband." This was no sooner said, but it was almost likewise done with sembable celeritie. Then tooke they the body of the fair lady Lucina, and arraied her in princely apparel, and layd her into the chest, and Apollonius placed a great summe of golde at her head, and a great treasure of silver at her feet, and he kissed her, letting fall a flood of salt teares on hir face, and he wrote a bill, and put in it also, the tenor whereof was in forme as foloweth: "Whosever shal find this chest, I pray him to take ten pieces of gold for his paines, and to bestowe tenne pieces more upon the buriall of the corpes; for it hath left many teares to the parents and fnends, with dolefull heaps of sorow and heavines. But whosoever shall doe otherwise than the present griefe requireth, let him die a shamefull death, and let there be none to bury his body." And then closing all up verie safe, commaunded the chest to be lifted overboorde into the sea: and willed the child to be nursed with all diligence, that if ever fortune should so fall, he might present unto good king Altistrates a neece in steede of a daughter.
Now fleeted away the ship fast with the wind, and the coffin tumbled backeward with the tide, and Apollonius could not keep his eie from the bodie whereon his heart rested, until kenning failed, and the sea rose up with a banke between. There were two days passed, and the night was now at hand, when the next day morning the waves rolled foorth this chest to the land, and cast it ashore on the coast of Ephesus. Not farre from that place there dwelt a physition whose name was Cerimon, who by chaunce walking abroad upon the shore that day with his schollers, found the chest which the sea had cast up, and willed his servants to take it up, and diligently to cary it to the next towne, where hee dwelt, and they did so.
When Cerimon came home he opened the chest, marveling what shuld be therein, and found a lady arrayed in princely apparell and ornaments, very faire and beautifull to beholde. Whose excellencie in that respect as many as beheld, were strangely affectioned thereat, perceiving such an incomparable gleame of beautie to be resident in her face, wherein nature had not committed the least errour that might be devised, saving that shee made her not immortall. The haire of her head was naturally as white as snowe, under which appeared her goodly forehead, faire and large, wherein was neither blemish nor wrinkle. Her eies were like two starres turning about in their naturall course, not wantonly roving here and there, but modestly mooving as governed by reason, representing the stabilitie of a setled mind. Her eie brows decently commending the residue of her countenance. Her nose straight, as in were drawen with a line, comely dividing her cherry cheeks asunder, not reaching foorth too long, nor cut off too short, but of a commendable proportion. Hir necke was like the white alabaster shining like the bright sunne beames, woonderfully delighting the mindes of the beholders. Her bodie of comely stature, neither too high nor too lowe, not scregged with leanenesse, nor undecently corpulent, but in such equality consisting that no man woulde wish it otherwise. From her shoulders sprang foorth her armes, representing two branches growing out of a tree, beautified with a white hand, and fingers long and slender, surpassing to behold. To be short, such was the excellencie of her beutie in each respect, that it could suffer no deformitie to accompany it, whereby also may be discerned a singular perfection of her minde, created by god and infused into her bodie, whereby it was mooved, and those good qualies of hers expressed in operation: so that all outward beautie of the bodie proceedeth from the inward, beuty of the minde, from whence sprang up the olde and true saying of the wisest Philosophers, that the sundry nature of the forme or soule, diversely disposeth the matter according unto it[s] owne qualitie: as it expresly appeared in the beutiful countenaunce and stature of this Ladie's bodie, whereof Cerimon stoode amazedly taking the view.
110How Lucina was restored to life by one of Cerimon the Phisition's schollers; and howe Cerimon adopted her to his daughter, and placed her in the temple of Diana.
THE surpassing beauty of faire Lucina, being such as is before recited, no woonder it was though Cerimon were marvellously ravished at the sight, whereby his affection inforced him to breake out into these words: "Alas good beautiful gentlewoman, what unhappy and cruell chance hath thus made thee away, and caused thee to be so wofully forsaken?" And as he spake those wordes, hee perceived the golde that lay at her head, and the silver that lay at her feet, with a scroll of paper written, the which hee tooke up and read, the tenor whereof was this: "Whosoever shal finde this chest, I pray him for to take ten pieces of golde for his paines, and to bestowe ten peeces more on the buriall of the corps; for it hath left many teares to the parents and friends, with dolefull heapes of sorrowe and heavinesse. But whosoever shall doe otherwise than the present griefe requireth, let him die a shamefull death, and let there be none to burie his bodie." And as soone as he had read over the writing, he said unto his servants: "now let us perfourme unto the bodie that which the sorrowe requireth; and I sweare to you, by the hope which I have to live, that I will bestow more money upon the accomplishing of the same, than the sorrowful scedul requireth." Wherfore, according to the maner of the buriall which was at that time to burn the bodies of the dead, and to burie the ashes, gathered up and put into pottes, he commaunded a pile of wood to be erected, and upon the top thereof he caused the body to be layed.
Nowe Cerimon had a scholler in Physicke, whose name was Machaon very towardly in his profession, of yeres but yong, but antient in wit and experience, who comming in while these things were doing, and beholding so beautifull a corps layd upon the pile, hee stoode still and wondered at it. Which thing Cerimon perceiving, "Thou art come in good time" said he to Machaon, "and I looked for thee about this time. Take this flagon of precious ointment, and powre it uppon the corps, being the last ceremonie of the sepulture." Then came Machaon unto the corps, and pulled the clothes from the ladies bosome, and poured foorth the ointment, and bestowing it abroad with his hand, perceived some warmth in her breast, and that there was life in the body. Machaon stoode astonished, and hee felt her pulses, and layde his cheeke to her mouth, and examined all other tokens that he coulde devise, and he perceived how death strived with life within her, and that the conflict was daungerous and doubtfull, who should prevaile. Then saide he unto the servants: "set fire unto the wood at the foure corners of the pile, and cause it to burne moderatly, and bring me hither a bed that I may take the body out of the chest, and lay it thereon."
This being done, he chafed the body against the fire, untill the blood, which was congealed with colde, was wholly resolved. Then went Machaon unto his master Cerimon and saide: "The woman whome thou thinkest to be dead, is alive, and that you may the better beleeve my saying, I will plainely proove it to be so." And when he had so saide, he tooke the body reverently in his armes, and bare it into his owne chamber, and layed it upon his bed groveling upon the breast. Then tooke he certaine hote and comfortable oyles, and warming them upon the coales, he dipped faire wooll therein, and fomented all the bodie over therewith, until such time as the congealed blood and humours were throughly resolved, and the spirits eftsoones recovered their wonted course, the veines waxed warme, the arteries beganne to beate, and the lungs drew in the fresh ayre againe, and she opened her eies and looked about, and being perfectly come to herselfe, "what art thou?" said shee unto Machaon, "see thou touch me not otherwise than thou oughtest to do, for I am a King's daughter, and the wife of a King."
When Machaon heard her speak these words, was exceeding glad, and he ran unto his master and saide: "Sir, the woman liveth, and speaketh perfectly." Then answered Cerimon: "My welbeloved schollar Machaon, I am glad of this fortunate chaunce, and I much commende thy wisedome, and praise thy learning, and cannot but extoll thy diligence. Wherefore be not unthankfull to thy knowledge, but receive here the reward which is due unto thee, namely, that I which by the writing was appointed to be bestowed upon her buriall for thou hast restored her unto life, and shee hath brought with her great summes of mony." When he had so saide, they came unto her and saluted her, and caused her to be apparelled with wholsome and comfortable clothes, and to be refreshed with good meats. A few daies after, when she had fully recovered strength, and Cerimon by communication knew that she came of the stocke of a king, he sent for many of his friends to come unto him, and he adopted her for his owne daughter: and she with many tears requiring that she might not be touched by any man, for that intent her placed in the Temple af Diana, which was there at Ephesus, to be preserved there inviolably among the religious women.
115How Apollonius arriving at Tharsus, delivereth his yong daughter Tharsia unto Stranguilio and Dionisiades to be brought up; and how the nurce lying in her death-bed declareth unto Tharsia who were her parents.
LET us leave now a while the lady Lucina among the holy nunnes in the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, and let us looke backe unto sorrowful Apollonius, whose ship with fortunate winde, and the good providence of god directing the same, arrived at the shoare of Tharsus, where hee immediatly came forth of the ship, and entred into the house of Stranguilio and Dionisiades, whom he saluted, and told then the heavy chances that had befallen him, both of the great stormes and tempests on the sea, which hee had endured, as also of the death of the good lady Lucina his wife: "howbeit" said he, "god be thanked, my daughter remaineth alive, for the which I am very glad: wherfore, deare friends Stranguilio and Dionisiades, according to the trust which I have in you, I mean in some things to use your friendship, while I go about to recover the kingdome which is reserved for me. For I will not returne backe againe unto King Altistrates my father-in-law, whose daughter, alas I have lost in the sea; but meaning rather to exercise the trade of merchandize, I commit my daughter unto you, to bee nourished and brought up with your yoong daughter Philomacia, and I will that my daughter be called Tharsia. Moreover I wil leave my deare wife Lucina's nurce here also, called Ligozides, to tend the child, that she may be lesse troublesome unto you." And when hee had made an end of talking, he delivered the infant and the nurce unto Stranguilio, and therewithal great store of gold, silver, and raiment; and hee sware a solemne othe, that he would not poule his head, clip his beard, nor pare his nailes, untill hee had married his daughter at ripe yeares. They wondred much at so strange an othe, promising faithfully to bring up his daughter with all diligence.
When these things were ended according to his mind, Apollonius tooke his leave, departed unto his ship, and sailed into far countries, and unto the uppermost parts of Egypt. Therewhile the yoong maiden, Tharsia sprang up in yeeres, and when she was about five yeares olde, being free borne she was set to schoole with other free children, alwaies jointly accompanied with Philomacia, being of the same age that she was of. The time passed forth a pace, and Tharsia grew up so wel in learning as in yeers until comming to the age of fourteene yeeres, one day when she returned from schoole, she found Ligozides her nurce sodainly falne sicke, and sitting beside her upon the bed, demanded of her the cause, and maner of her sickenesse. Then said the nurce unto her, "hearken unto my wordes deare daughter Tharsia, and lay them up in thine heart. Whom thinkest thou to be thy father, and thy mother, and in what countrey supposest thou wast thou borne?" Tharsia answered, "why, nurce, why aske you me this question? Stranguilio is my father, Dionisiades my mother, and I was borne in Tharsus." Then sighed the nurce, and saide: "No, sweete Tharsia, no, thou art deceived.
But hearken unto me, and I will declare unto thee the beginning of thy birth, to the intent thou mayst know how to guide thy selfe after my death. Apollonius the prince of Tyrus is thy father, and Lucina king Altistrates daughter was thy mother, who being in travell with thee, died after thou wast borne, and thy father, Appollonius, inclosed her bodie in a chest with princely ornaments, laying twenty talents of gold at her head, and as much at her feete in silver, with a scedule written, that whether soever it were driven, it might suffice to burie her, according to her estate. Thus wast thou born upon the Sea; and thy father's ship with much wrestling of contrarie windes, and with his unspeakeable griefe of minde arrived at this shoare, and brought thee in thy swading clothes unto this citie, where hee with great care delivered thee; unto this thine hoste Stranguilio and Dionisiades his wife to be fostered up diligently, and left me heere also to attend upon thee. Moreover he sware an othe, that he would not poule his head, clip his beard, nor pare his nayles, untill he had married thee unto some man at ripe yeares. Wherefore now I admonishe thee, that if after my death thine hoste or thine hostesse, whom thou callest thy parents, shall haply offer thee any injurie, then runne thou into the market place, where thou shalt find the stature of thy father standing; and take hold of it, and cry aloud saying: 'O Citizens of Tharsus, I am his daughter, whose image this is,' and the citizens being mindfull of thy father's benefites, will doubtlesse revenge thine injurie." Then answered Tharsia: "Deare nurce Ligozides, I take god to witnesse, if you had not told me thus much, I should utterly have been ignorant from whence I had come. And therefore now, good nurce, I thank thee with all my heart, and if ever need so require, thy counsel shal be followed." And while they were debating these matters betweene them, Ligozides being verie sicke and weake, gave up the ghost, and by the death of this present bodie, passed into the state of live everlasting.
How after the death of Ligozides the nurce Dionisiades envying at the beautie of Tharsia, conspired her death, which should have been accomplished by a villaine of the countrey.
120THARSIA much lamented the death of Ligozides her nurce, and caused her bodie to be solemnly buried not farre of, in a field without the walles of the citie, and mourned for her an whole yeere following. But when the yeare was expired, she put off her mourning attire, and put on her other apparel, and frequented the schooles, and the studie of liberall Sciences as before. And whensoever she returned from schoole, she would receive no meate before she had visited her nurce's sepulchre, which she did daily, entring thereinto, and carrying a flagon of wine with her, where she used to abide a space, and to call uppon her father and mother. Now on a day it fortuned, that as she passed through the street with Dionisiades, and her companion Philomacia, the people beholding the beautie and comlinesse of Tharsia, said: "Happy is that father that hath Tharsia to his daughter, but her companion that goeth with her, is foule and evill favoured." When Dionisiades heard Tharsia commended, and her owne daughter Philomacia so dispraised, shee returned home wonderfull wroth, and withdrawing her self into a solitary place, began thus secretly to discourse of the matter. "It is now fourteen yeares since Apollonius this foolish girles father departed from hence, and he never sendeth letters for her, nor any remembrance unto her, whereby I conjecture that he is dead. Ligozides her nurce is departed, and there is no bodie now of whom I should stande in feare, and therefore I will now slay her, and dress up mine owne daughter in her apparell and jewels."
When shee had thus resolved her selfe uppon this wicked purpose, in the mean while there came home one of their countrey villaines called Theophilus, whom shee called, and said thus unto him: "Theophilus, my trustie friend, if ever thou looke for libertie, or that I shoulde doe thee pleasure, doe so much for me as to slay Tharsia." Then said Theophilus: "Alas mistresse, wherein hath that innocent maiden offended, that she should be slaine?" Dionisiades answered, "Shee innocent! nay she is a wicked wretch, and therefore thou shalt not denie to fulfill my request, but doe as I commaund thee, or els I sweare by god thou shalt dearely repent it." "But how shall I best doe it, Mistres?" said the villaine. Shee answered: "shee hath a custome, as soone as shee returneth home from Schoole, not to eate meat before that she have gone into her Nurce's sepulchre, where I would have thee stand readie, with a dagger drawn in thine hand; and when she is come in, gripe her by the haire of the head, and so slay her: then take her bodie and cast it into the Sea, and when thou hast so done, I will make thee free, and besides reward thee liberally." Then tooke the villaine a dagger, and girded himselfe therewith, and with an heavy heart and weeping eies went forth towards the grave, saying within himselfe, "Alas poore wretch that I am, alas poore Theophilus that canst not deserve thy libertie but by shedding of innocent bloud," and with that hee went into the grave and drue his dagger, and made him readie for the deede.
Tharsia was now come from schoole, and made haste unto the grave with a flagon of wine as shee was wont to doe, and entred within the vault. Then the villaine rushed violently upon her, and caught her by the haire of the head, and threw her to the ground. And while he was now readie to stab her with the dagger, poore silly Tharsia all amazed casting her eies upon him, knew the villain, and holding up her handes, said thus unto him: "O, Theophilus against whom have I so greevously offended, that I must die therefore?" The villaine answered, "Thou hast not offended, but thy father hath, which left thee behind him in Stranguilios house with so great a treasure in mony, and princely ornaments." "O," said the mayden, "would to god he had not done so: but I pray thee Theophilus, since there is no hope for me to escape with life, give mee licence to say my praiers before I die." "I give thee licence said the villaine, and I take god to record that I am constrained to murther thee against my will."
How certaine Pyrats rescued Tharsia when she should have been slaine, and carried her unto the citie Machilenta to be sold among other bondslaves.
AS fortune, or rather the providence of god served, while Tharsia was devoutly making her praiers, certaine pyrats which were come aland, and stood under the side of an hill watching for some prey, beholding an armed man offering violence unto a mayden, cried unto him, and said: "Thou cruel tyrant! that maiden is our prey and not thy victorie; and therfore hold thine hands from her, as thou lovest thy life." When the villain heard that, he ran away as fast as he could, and hid himselfe behind the sepulchre. Then came the pyrats and rescued Tharsia, and caried her away to their ships, and hoysed saile, and departed. And the villaine returned home to his mistres, and saide unto her: "that which you commaunded me to doe is dispatched, and therefore now I thinke it good that you put on a mourning garment, and I also, and let us counterfeit great sorrowe and heavinesse in the sight of all the people, and say that shee died of some greevous disease."
125But Stranguilio himselfe consented not to this treason, but so soone as hee heard of the foule mischaunce, beeing as it were a mopte, and mated with heavinesse and griefe, he clad himselfe in mourning aray, and lamented that wofull case, saying: "Alas in what a mischiefe am I wrapped? what might I doe, or say herein? The father of this mayden delivered this citie from the peril of death; for this citie's sake he suffered shipwracke, lost his goodes and endured penury, and now he is requited with evil for good. His daughter which he committed unto me to be brought up, is now devoured by a most cruell Lionesse: thus I am deprived as it were of mine owne eies, and forced to bewaile the death of an innocent, and am utterly spoiled through the fierce biting of a moste venemous serpent." Then casting his eies up towards heaven, "O god said hee, thou knowest that I am innocent from the bloud of silly Tharsia, which thou hast to require at Dionisiades handes," and therewithall he looked towards his wife, saying: "Thou wicked woman, tell me, how hast thou made away prince Apollonius daughter? thou that livest both to the slaunder of god, and man?"
Dionisiades answered in manie wordes evermore excusing herselfe, and, moderating the wrath of Stranguilio, shee counterfeited a fained sorrowe by attiring her selfe and her daughter in mourning apparell, and in dissembling teares before the people of the citie, to whom shee saide: "Dearly beloved friendes and Citizens of Tharsus, for this cause we doe weepe and mourne in your sight, because the joy of our eyes and staffe of our olde age, the Mayden Tharsia is dead, leaving unto us bitter teares, and sorrowfull heartes. Yet have we alreadie taken order for her funerals, and buried her according to her degree." These wordes were right greevous unto the people, and there was almost none that let not fall some teares for sorrowe. And they went with one accord unto the market place, whereas her father's image stood, made of brasse, and erected also another unto her there with this inscription: Unto the virgin Tharsia in liew of her fathers benefites, the Citizens of Tharsus have erected this monument.
How the Pirats which stole away Tharsia brought her to the citie Machilenta, and sold her to a common bawd, and how she preserved her virginitie.
THE meane time while these troubles were at Tharsus, the Pirats being in their course upon the Sea, by benefite of happie winde arrived at Machilenta, and came into the citie. Nowe had they taken manie mo men and women besides Tharsia, whom all they brought a shoare, and set them to sell as slaves for money. Then came there sundrie to buy such as they lacked for their purposes, amongst whom a moste vile man-bawd, beholding the beautie and tender yeeres of Tharsia, offered money largely for her. Howbeit Athanagoras, who was Prince of the same Citie, beholding likewise the noble countenance, and regarding the great discretion of the mayden in communication, out-bid the bawd, and offered for her ten sestercies of gold. But the bawd, being loth to loose so commodious a prey, offered twenty. "And I wil give thirty," said Athanagoras. "Nay I wil give forty," said the bawd: "and I fiftie," quoth Athanagoras, and so they continued in outbidding one an other untill the bawd offered an hundred sestercies of gold to be payed ready downe, "and whosoever wil give more," saide he, "I will yet give ten sestercies more than he." Then prince Athanagoras thus bethought him secretly in his minde: "if I should contend with the bawd to buy her at so hie a price, I must needes sell other slaves to pay for her, which were both losse and shame unto me. Wherefore I will suffer him to buy her; and when he setteth her to hire, I will be the first man that shall come unto her, and I will gather the floure of her virginitie, which shall stand mee in as great steade as if I had bought her." Then the bawd payed the money, and tooke the maiden and departed home[.]
[A]nd when he came into his house, hee brought her into a certaine chappel where stoode the idoll of Priapus made of gold, and garnished with pearls and pretious stones. This idoll was made after the shape of a man, with a mighty member unproportionable to the body, alwayes erected, whome bawds and leachers doe adore, making him their god, and worshipping him. Before this filthy idoll he commaunded Tharsia to fall downe. But she answered, "god forbid master, that I should worship such an idoll. But [sir]," said she, "are you a Lapsatenian?" "Why askest thou?" said the bawd. "I aske," quoth she, "because the Lapsatenians doe worship Priapus," this spake she of simplicitie, not knowing what she was. "Ah wretch," answered he, "knowest thou not that thou arte come into the house of a covetous bawd?" When Tharsia heard that, she fell downe at his feet and wept, saying: "O master, take compassion upon my virginity, and do not hire out my body for so vile a gaine." The bawd answered, "knowest thou not, that neither bawd nor hangman do regard teares or prayers?" Then called he unto him a certaine villaine which was governour over his maids, and said unto him: "Let this maiden be decked in virgin's apparell, pretious and costly, and write upon her: 'whoseever defloureth Tharsia shal pay ten peeces of golde, and afterward she shall be common unto the people for one peece at a time'." The villaine fulfilled his master's commaundement, and the third day after that she was bought, shee was with great solemnitie conducted through the streete with musicke, the bawd himselfe with a great multitude going before, and so conveyed unto the brothell house.
130When shee was come thither, Athanagoras the Prince disguising his head and face because hee woulde not be knowen, came first in unto her; whome when Tharsia sawe, she threw her selfe downe at his feete, and saide unto him: "For the love of god, Gentleman, take pitty on me, and by the name of god I adjure and charge you, that you do no violence unto me, but bridle your lust, and hearken unto my unhappy estate, and consider diligently from whence I am sprung. My father was poore Apollonius prince of Tyrus, whome force constrained to forsake his owne countrey. My mother was daughter to Altistrates king of Pentapolis, who died in the birth of me, poore wretch, upon the sea. My father also is dead as was supposed, which caused Dionisiades wife of Stranguilio of Tharsus, to whom my father committed me of special trust to be brought up being but an infant, envying mine estate, and thirsting after my wealth, to seeke my death by the handes of a villaine; which had beene accomplished, and I would to god it had before I had seen this day, but that I was suddenly taken away by the pyrates which solde me unto this filthie bawd." With these or such like wordes declared shee her heavie fortune, eftsoones sobbing and bursting out into streames of tears, that, for extreme griefe she could scarsly speake. When she had in this manner uttered her sorow, the good prince being astonied and mooved with compassion, said unto her: "Be of good cheere Tharsia, for surely I rue thy case; and I my selfe have also a daughter at home, to whome I doubt that the like chances may befall."
And when he had so said, he gave her twenty peeces of gold, saying: "Holde heere a greater price or reward for thy virginitie than thy master appointed: and say as much unto others that come unto thee as thou hast done to me, and thou shalt withstand them." Then Tharsia fell on her knees, and weeping saide unto him: "Sir, I give you most hartie thankes for your great compassion and curtesie, and most hartily I beseech you upon my knees, not to descry unto any that which I have said unto you." "No surely," answered Athanagoras, "unlesse I tell it unto my daughter, that she may take heede when she commeth unto the like yeares, that she fall not into the like mishappe," and when he had so saide, he let fall a few teares, and departed. Now as he was going he met with an other pilgrime that with like devotion, came for to seeke the same saint, who demaunded of him howe hee liked of the maiden's company. "Truly," answered Athanagoras "never of any better." Then the, yong man whose name was Aportatus entred into the chamber; and the maiden, after the manner, shut the doore to, and Athanagoras listned at the windowe. Then saide Aportatus unto Tharsia, "How much did the prince give unto thee?" She answered fortie peeces of golde. Then said he, "receive here of me an whole pound weight of golde." The Prince which heard this talke thought then in his minde, "the more that you do give her, the more she will weepe, as, thinking that you would looke for recompence, the which shee meaneth not to perfourme."
The maiden received the money, and fell down on, her knees at his feete, and declared unto him all her estate with teares, as is before shewed. When Aportatus heard that, he was mooved with compassion, and he tooke her up from the ground, saying: "Arise Ladie Tharsia: we are al men, and subject to the like chances," and therewithall he departed. And when he came foorth he found prince Athanagoras before the doore laughing at him, to whom he said: "Is it wel done, my liege, thus to delude a poore gentleman? Was there none to whom you might beginne in teares but unto me only?" Then communed they further of the matter, and sware an othe betweene themselves, that they would not bewray those words unto any; and they withdrew themselves aside into a secret place, to see the going in and comming foorth of other, and they sawe many which went in and gave their mony, and came foorth againe weeping. Thus Tharsia through the grace of god, and faire perswation, preserved her body undefiled.
How Tharsia withstoode a second assault of her virginitie, and by what means she was perserved.
WHEN night was come the master bawd used always to receive the money which his women had gotten by the use of their bodies the day before. And when it was demaunded of Tharsia, she brought him the mony, as the price and hire of her virginitie. Then said the bawd unto hir: "It is wel doone Tharsia: use diligence hencefoorth, and see that you bring mee thus much mony every day." When the next day was past also, and the bawd understoode that she remained a virgin stil, he was offended, and called unto him the villaine that had charge over the maides, and said unto him: "Sirra, how chanceth it that Tharsia remaineth a virgin still? Take her unto thee, and spoile her of her maidenhead, or be sure thou shalt be whipped." Then said the villaine unto Tharsia, "tel me, art thou yet a virgin?" She answered, "I am, and shalbe as long as god will suffer me." "How then," said he, "hast thou gotten all this mony?"
135She answered, with teares falling downe upon her knees, "I have declared mine estate, humbly requesting all men to take compassion on my virginitie. And nowe likewise, falling then downe at his feete also, take pitty on me, good friend, which am a poore captive, and the daughter of a king, and doe not defile me." The villaine answered: "Our master the bawd is very covetous and greedie of money, and therefore I see no meanes for thee to continue a virgin." Whereunto Tharsia replied: "I am skilful in the liberal sciences, and well exercised in all studies, and no man singeth or playeth on instruments better than I, wherefore bring mee into the market place of the citie that men may heare my cunning. Or let the people propound any maner of questions, and I will resolve them: and I doubt not but by this practise I shall get store of money daily." When the villaine heard this devise, and bewailed the maiden's mishappe, he willingly gave consent thereto, and brake with the bawd his master touching that matter, who hearing of her skill, and hoping for the gaine, was easily perswaded.
Now when she was brought into the market place, all the people came thronging to see and heare so learned a virgin, before whom shee uttered her cunning in musicke, and her eloquence in speaking, and answered manifestly unto all such questions as were propounded unto her with such perspicuitie, that all confessed themselves fully satisfied, and she wonne great fame thereby, and gained great summes of money. But as for Prince Athanagoras, he had evermore a speciall regard in the preservation of her virginitie, none otherwise than if she had been his owne daughter, and rewarded the villaine very liberally for his diligent care over her.
How Apollonius comming to Tharsus, and not finding his daughter, lamented her supposed death; and taking shippe againe, was driven by a tempest to Machilenta where Tharsia was.
RETURNE we now againe unto Prince Apollonius, who whiles these things were doing at Machilenta when the foureteenth yeere was expired, arrived at Tharsus, and came into the citie unto the house of Stranguilio and Dionisiades, with whome he had left his yong daughter Tharsia. Whome when Stranguilio beheld and knew, he ranne hastily unto his wife Dionisiades and saide: "Thou reportedst that Prince Apollonius was dead, and loe now where he is come to require his daughter. What shall wee now doe, or say unto him?" Then cried she out "alas wretched husband and wife that we are! let us quickely put on our mourning attire, and shead foorth teares, and he wil beleeve us that his daughter died a naturall death." And when they had apparelled themselves, they came foorth unto Apollonius, who seeing them in mourning attire, said unto them: "My trusty friends, Stranguilio and Dionisiades, why weep ye thus at my comming? and tell me, I pray you (which I rather beleeve) whether these teares be not rather mine than yours." "Not so [my lord Apollonius]," answered the wicked woman. "And I woulde to god some other body, and not mine husband or I, were inforced to tel you these heavie tidings, that your deare daughter Tharsia is dead."
When Apollonius heard that word, hee was suddenly cut to the heart, and his flesh trembled, and he coulde scarce stand on his legges, and long time hee stoode amazed with his eies intentively fixed on the ground, but at length recovering himselfe and taking fresh breath, he cast up his eyes upon her, and saide: "O woman, if my daughter be dead, as thou sayest she is, is the money also and apparell perished with her?" She answered, "some is, and some yet remaineth. And as for your daughter, my Lorde, we were alwaies in good hope, that when you came, you should have found her alive and merry. But to the intent that you may the better beleeve us concerning her death, we have a sufficient witnes. For our citizens being mindfull of your benefites bestowed upon them, have erected unto her a monument of brasse by yours, which you may go see if you please." And when she had so saide, she brought foorth such money, jewels and apparell which it pleased her to say were remaining of Tharsias's store.
140And Apollonius belieeving indeede that she was dead, said unto his servants: "take up this stuffe and beare it away unto the ships, and I will goe walke unto my daughter's monument." And when he came there, hee read the superscription in manner as is above written, and he fell suddenly, as it were into an outragious affection and cursed his owne eies, saying: "O most cruell eies, why can you not yeelde foorth sufficient teares, and woorthily bewaile the death of my deare daughter?" And with that word, with griefe and extreme sorrowe he fell into a sowne, from which so soone as ever he was once revived, immediatelie hee went unto the shippes unto his servauntes, unto whome hee saide, "cast mee, I beseech you, unto the very bottome of the sea, for I leave no joy of my life, and my desire is to yeelde up my Ghost in the water." But his servants used great perswasions with him to assuage his sorrowe, wherein presently they some deale preaviled, as they might in so wofull a case; and partly the time, which is a curer of all cares, continually mittigated some part of the griefe, and hee espying the winde to serve well for their departure, hoised up saile, and bid the land adue.
They had not thus sailed long in their course, but the winde came about to a contrary quarter, and blew so stifly that it troubled both sea and shippes. The raine fell fiercely over head, the sea wrought wonderously under the ships, and to be short, the tempest was terrible for the time. It was then thought best in that extremitie to strike saile, and let the helme go, and to suffer the shippe to drive with the tide, whither it shoulde please god to direct it. But as joy evermore followeth heavinesse, so was this sharpe storme occasion of a sweet meeting of the father with the daughter, as in processe heereafter it shall appeare. For while Apollonius's shippe runneth thus at random, it striketh upon the shoare of the Citie Machilenta, where at that present his daughter Tharsia remained.
Nowe it fortuned that this verie day of their arrivall was the birth day of Prince Apollonius, and when as the Marriners sawe themselves so happily come to the land, both for the gladnesse of the one, and joy of the other, the master of the shippe, and all the whole company gave a great shout.
When Apollonius, who lay solitarily under the hatches, heard such a sodaine voice of mirth, hee called unto the master, and demaunded what it meant. The master aunswered, we rejoyce, and be you glad also with us my lorde, for this day we doe solemnize the feast of your birth. Then Apollonius sighed, and said himselfe: "All keepe hollyday save I onely, and let it suffice unto my servants that I onely remaine in sorrowe and heavinesse: Howbeit, I give unto them ten peeces of goold, to buy what they will to keepe holyday withall. But whosoever shall call me unto the feast, or goe about to provoke me unto mirth, I commaund that his thighes shall be broken." So the cater tooke the money, and went aland, and provided necessaries, and returned againe unto the ship.
How Athanagoras prince of Machilenta seeing the beautie of Apollonius ship, went aboord of it, and did the best he could to comfort him.
145AS fortune thereto served, and delight to take the fresh aire moved Athanagoras prince of the Citie, to walk toward the sea side, he sawe Apollonius's ships riding at anker: at the view wherof he tooke great pleasure, especially at the Admirall which was a great ship and a beautiful, wherin Apollonius himself was carried, the like wherof haply he had not seene often before. This was that Anthagoras that loved Tharsia so tenderly, and he haled unto the Marriners, and asked of whence that faire ship was? The Marriners answered, that she came now from Tharsus. "Truly," said Athanagoras, "it is a faire shippe, and well appointed, and of all that I have seene, I like best of her." Now when the Marriners heard their shippe so highly commended, they desired him to come aboord, whereunto he willingly graunted.
And when he was come abord, he sate downe with them at meat and he drue his purse, and laid downe ten peeces of gold upon the table, saying "you shall not say that you have bidden an unthankfull person, take this small summe of money at my handes for a reward," and they thanked him. But when he was set downe, and beheld al that sate at the boord, he demaunded who was owner of the ship, and where he was? The maister answered, "our owner is sicke, and weake with sorrowe and taking thought, and needes will die. He lost his wife uppon the Sea, and his daughter in a strange land." Athanagoras said unto one of the servants called Ardalius: "I will give thee two peeces of gold, to go down and tell thy master that the prince of this Citie desireth him to come up out of darknesse into light." The servaunt answered, "I cannot buy new thighes for thy golde, and therefore get some man els to go on the errand, for he hath said that whosoever troubleth him, his thighes shall be broken." "That law hath he made over you," said Athanagoras, "and not over mee, and therefore I will go downe unto him: but first tell me, I pray you, what you call his name?" They answered "Apollonius." And when he heard that name, hee remembred in his minde that hee heard Tharsia call her father so, and he went downe unto him where he lay, whom when hee beheld, having a long beard, and rough fligged haire, and long nailes on his fingers, he was somewhat astonied, and called upon him with a soft voice, saying: "Apollonius!"
When Apollonius heard himselfe named, thinking it had been some of his men that had called him, arose up sodainly with a fierce countenance, and seeing a stranger looking verie comely and honourably attired, he held his peace. Then spake Athanagoras: "Sir, I thinke you doe marvell, that I being a stranger, am so bold as to come to trouble you. You shall understand that I am prince of this citie, and my name is Athanagoras. I walked by chance unto the Sea side, where beholding thy ships, especially commending this wherin thou art, for beautie and strength: I was by thy men desired to come aboord which I did, and have eaten with them. Then inquired I for the owner, and they told me thy name, and that thou remainest in great sorrow, and for that cause I am come downe unto thee to bring thee, if I may, out of darknesse into light, hoping that after this heavinesse god shal restore thee unto gladnesse." Apollonius lifted up his eies, saying: "I thanke thee, my Lord, whosoever thou art, and I beseech thee not to trouble me longer, for I am not worthy to eate meat or make good cheare, and I will live no longer." Athanagoras much mused at this answere, and wondred at the wilfulnesse of the man, and came up uppon the decke and saide unto the servauntes: "I cannot perswade your lord to come up out of that darke place into the light: what way therefore, were I best to devise to bring him from his purpose, and to preserve him from an obstinate death? For it were great pitie that a notable gentleman should so consume away in hucker mucker, and die by a dishonourable death."
How Athanagoras sent for Tharsia to make her father Apollonius merry; and how after long circumstance they came into knowledge one of another.
AND as he was devising with himselfe, it came into his mind to send for the maiden Tharsia, for which purpose he called unto him one of his men, and saide unto him. "Go unto the baud, desire him to send Tharsia hither unto me, for she hath wisdom, and can move pleasant talke, and perhaps she may perswade him not to die thus wilfully." The messenger went speedily, and returned immediatly, bringing the maiden Tharsia with him unto the ship. Whom when Athanagoras beheld, "come hither unto me Tharsia," quoth he "and shew now the uttermost of thy cunning and knowledge, in comforting the owner of the ship, which lieth in darknes and will receive no comfort, nor come abroad into the light, for the great sorrow: that he taketh for his wife and his daughter. Goe unto him, good Tharsia, and prove if thou canst perswade him to come into the light: for it may be that god hath appointed by thy meanes, to bring him from sorrowe into gladnesse. Which thing if thou canst bring to passe, as I am a gentleman, I will give thee thirtie sestercies of gold, and as many of silver, and I will redeeme thee from the bawd for thirtie dayes." When Tharsia heard this, she went boldly downe into the cabin unto him, and with a milde voice saluted him, saying: "god save you sir whosoever you be, and be of good comfort, for an innocent virgin, whose life has been distressed by shipwracke, her chastitie by dishonestie, and yet hath both preserved, saluteth thee." Then began she to record in verses, and therewithall to sing so sweetly, that Apollonius, notwithstanding his great sorrow, wondred at her. And these were the verses which she soong so pleasantly unto the instrument:
Amongst the harlots foule I walke,
yet harlot none am I:
The Rose amongst the Thorns grows,
and is not hurt thereby.
155The thiefe that stole me, sure I thinke,
is slaine before this time,
A bawd me bought, yet am I not
defilde by fleshly crime.
Were nothing pleasanter to me,
160 than parents' mine to know:
I am the issue of a king,
my bloud from kings' doth flow.
I hope that god will mend my state,
and send a better day.
165Leave off your teares, plucke up your heart,
and banish care away.
Shew gladnesse in your countenance,
cast up your cheerfull eyes:
That god remaines that once of nought
170 created earth and skies.
He will not let in care and thought
you still to live, and all for nought.
When Apollonius heard her sing these verses, lifting up his eyes, and sighing he said: "Alas poore wretch as I am, how long shall I strive with life, and abide this greevous conflict? Good maiden, I give hearty thanks both to your wisedome and nobilitie: requiting you with this one thing, that whensoever, if ever such occasion doe chance, I shall have desire to be merrie I will then thinke on you, or if ever I be restored unto my kingdome. And perhaps, as you say, you are descended of the race of kings, and indeed you doe well represent the nobilitie of your parentage. But nowe I pray you receive this reward at my handes, an hundred peeces of golde, and depart from me and trouble me no longer, for my present griefe is renued by your lamentable recitall, and I consume with continuall sorrowe."
175When the maid had received the reward, shee was about to depart. Then spake Athanagoras, "whither goest thou Tharsia?" quoth hee, "hast thou taken paine without profite, and canst thou not worke a deed of charitie, and relieve the man that wil consume his life with mourning?" Tharsia answered: "I have done all that I may, and he hath given me an hundred peeces of gold, and desired me to depart." "I wil give thee two hundred," said Athanagoras, "and goe downe unto him againe, and give him his money, and say unto him, I seeke thy health and not thy money." Then went Tharsia downe againe, and set her selfe downe by him, and saide unto him: "Sir, if you bee determined to continue alwaies in this heavinesse, give mee leave, I pray you, to reason a little with you. And I meane propose certaine parables unto you, which if you can resolve, I will then depart, and restore your money." But Apollonius, not willing to receive the money againe, but thankefully to accept whatsoever shee should utter, without discouraging of her: "albeit in my troubles," quoth he, "I have none other felicitie but to weepe and lament, yet because I will not want the ornamentes of your wisedome, demaund of me whatsoever shall be your pleasure, and while I am aunswering you, pardon me I pray you, if sometime I give Iibertie unto my teares, and shall not be able to speake for sobbing." "Sir, I will beare with you somewhat in that respect," said Tharsia, "and nowe if it please you I will begin":
A certaine house on earth there is,
that roomths hath large and wide:
The house makes noise, the guests make none,
180 that therein doth abide;
But house and guest continually,
togither forth doe slide.
"Now if indeed you be a Prince, as your men say you are, it behooveth you to be wiser than a simple maiden, and to resolve my probleme." Apollonius answered: "Maiden, to the intent you may not thinke you were tolde a lie, hearken now to the resolution."
185"The house on the earth is the Sea or every great water, the fish is the dumbe guest, which followeth the water whither soever it runne." "Sir, you have answered truely," said Tharsia, "and now I assaile you the second time":
In length forth long I runne
faire daughter of the wood,
Accompanied with many a one,
190 of foote and force as good,
Through many waies I walke,
but steps appeare none where I stood.
Apollonius answered: "If I might be so bold, and opportunitie served thereto, I could declare unto you many things that you doe not knowe, faire maiden, but not interrupting your questions whereunto I have to answere, wherein I much wonder at your yoong yeares, so plentifully fraught with excellent knowledge. But to come to the purpose: The daughter of the wood, is the tree whereof is made the long ship, which is accompanied with many companions, and I walketh uppon the seas many wayes leaving no print, or footsteppes behinde." "You have guessed right," said Tharsia, "and therefore nowe I propose my third parable":
There is an house through which the fire
doth passe, and doth no harme:
Therein is heat, which none may moove;
from thence, it is so warme.
200A naked house, and in that house
guests naked doe desire
To dwell, from whence if boords you draw,
then fall you in the fire.
205Apollonius answered: "Maiden, this that you meane, were a meet place for men that live in delight and pleasure. And the time hath been, when I have also delighted in the bath and hoat-house, where the heate entreth through the crevises of the boordes and chinkes of the stones, and where by reason of sweating, it behooveth a man to be naked." When he had done speaking, Tharsia wondering at his wisedome, and the rather lamenting his discomfortablenesse, drew her selfe uppon him, and with clasped armes embraced him, saying, "O good gentleman, hearken unto the voice of her that beseecheth thee, and have respect to the suite of a virgin, that thinking it a far unworthy thing that so wise a man should languish in griefe, and die with sorrow. But if god of his goodness would restore unto thee thy wife safe, whom thou so much lamentest: Or if thou shouldst find thy daughter in good case, whom thou supposest to be dead, then wouldest thou desire to live for joy."
Then Apollonius fell in a rage, and forgetting all courtesie, his unbridled affection stirring him thereunto, rose up sodainly, and stroke the maiden on the face with his foote, so that shee fell to the ground, and the bloud gushed plentifully out of her cheekes. And like it is that shee was in a swoone, for so soone as shee came to her selfe, shee beganne to weepe, saying, "O immortall god, which madest heaven and earth, looke uppon my afflictions, and take compassion uppon mee. I was borne among the waves and troublesome tempests of the sea. My mother died in pangues and paines of childbed, and buriall was denied her upon the earth, whom my father adorned with jewels, and laid twentie sestercies of gold at her head, and as much in silver at her feete, and inclosed her in a chest, and committed her to the Sea. As for mee unfortunate wretch, I was at Tharsus committed to Stranguilio and wicked Dionisiades his wife, whom my father put in trust with me, with mony and princely furniture, and their servants were commanded to slay me. And when I desired time to pray, which was granted me, there came pyrates in the meane while, and carried mee away, and brought me unto this wofull city, where I was solde to a most cruell bawd, and with much adoe have preserved my virginitie, and I see nothing ensuing but continuall sorrowe, whereof I feele both now and every day some part, and shall doe ever more and more, until it pIease god to restore me unto my father Apollonius."
Apollonius gave good eare unto her words, and was strangely moved within himselfe, knowing that all these signes and tokens were most certaine that she was his daughter, and hee cried out with a mighty voice and saide: "O mercifull god, which beholdest, heaven, earth and hell, and discoverest all the secretes therein, blessed bee thy most holy name for ever." And when he had said those words, he fell upon his daughter Tharsias necke, and kissed her, and for extreame joy wept bitterly, saying: "O most sweete and onely daughter, the halfe part of my life, for the love of thee I lust not nowe to die, for I have found thee for whome I had desire to die onely." And therewithall he cryed out aloude, saying: "Come hither my servants and frends, come ye al hither, and see now the end of all my sorrow, for I have found my deare daughter and onelie childe which I had lost." When the servants heard the noise, they came hastily togither, and with them prince Athanagoras; and when they came downe under the hatches, they found Apollonius weeping for joy, and leaning upon his daughter's shoulders, and he said unto them: "Behold here my daughter, for whome I have mourned, beholde the one halfe of my life, and for whose sake I nowe desire to live." And they al rejoyced and wept with him for company, and thanked god for that happy day.
Howe Apollonius leaving off mourning, came into the citie Machilenta, where he commaunded the bawd to be burned, and how Tharsia was married unto prince Athanagoras.
THARSIA hearing her father's words, fell down at his feet and kissed him, saying: "O father, blessed be god that hath given me the grace to see you, and that I may die with you." But Apollonius lifted up his heart, and cast away his mourning apparell, and put on other sweete and cleane raiment. And when Athanagoras and the servants looked earnestly upon him, and upon his daughter, they wondred, saying, "O my lord Apollonius, how like in countenance is your daughter Tharsia unto you? that if you had no other argument, this were sufficient proofe to shewe that she is your childe." Apollonius thanked them, saying, that now he stoode not in any doubt thereof.
210Then Tharsia beganne to discourse unto her father, howe she was sold unto the bawd, and howe hee thrust her into the common brothell, and by what meanes she alwayes preserved her chastitie, and howe much she was bounden unto good prince Athanagoras there present. Now Athanagoras was a widower, and a lusty yoong gentleman, and prince of the citie, as it is declared, who fearing lest Tharsia should be bestowed in marriage upon some other man, and using the benefite of the time, cast him selfe downe at Apollonius feete, and besought him for her, saying, "Most noble Prince, I beseech you for the living god's sake, which hath thus myraculously restored the father unto his daughter, bestowe not your daughter upon any other in marriage then me onely. I am prince of this citie, and through my meanes she hath continued a virgin, and by my procurement she is nowe come unto the knowledge of thee her father." Apollonius courteously embracing him answered: "I thanke you most heartily, good Prince Athanagoras, for your friendly offer, which I may in no wise gainsay both in respect of your owne woorthinesse, and for the pleasure which you have shewed my daughter, and, therfore you have my goodwill to be her husband." Then, turning his face towards Tharsia, "how say you my deare daughter," said he, "are you contented to bee wife unto Athanagoras?" Tharsia with blushing cheeks answered: "Yea forsooth father; for since I came from Stranguilios's house, I never found rest nor pleasure saving through his alonely curtesie." Nowe whether Athanagoras rejoyced at this answere or not, I referre me to the judgement of those, who, being passionate with the same affection, would be well pleased with a joyntly grant of the like goodwil.
When these matters were thus concluded, Apollonius mooved Athanagoras concerning revenge to be executed uppon the bawd. Then Athanagoras took his leave for a while of Apollonius and departeth unto the citie, and, calling al the citizens togither to the market place, he spake thus unto them: "My friends and welbeloved citizens, understand ye that Apollonius, prince of Tyrus and father unto Tharsia, is arrived in our coast with a great fleete of ships, wherein hee hath brought a mighty army of men to destroy our city for the bawd's sake, who placed his daughter in a common brothell, to hire out the use of her body for monie. Wherefore looke unto your selves, and advise your selves what you were best to doe, for it were pittie that the whole citie should perish for one wicked man's sake."
When as hee made an ende of this speech, the whole multitude trembled and was sore afraide, and foorthwith determined that they would all, as well men, women and children, goe foorth to see prince Apollonius, and to crave pardon of him. "Not so," said Athanagoras, "but we will desire him to come peaceablie into our citie, and what he list to commaund shall be fulfilled." The people liked well of that counsel, and committed the matter unto his discretion wholly to provide for their safetie. Then went he foorth unto Apollonius, and desired him in the people's name to come into the citie, where he should be most heartily welcome. Apollonius refused not that friendly offer, but immediately prepared himselfe to goe with him, and caused his head to be polled, and his beard to be trimmed, and his nailes to be pared, and put on a princely robe upon his backe, and a crowne of golde upon his head, and so passed foorth togither upon the way.
And when they were come into the citie, the citizens saluted Apollonius, and hee was placed in the highest seate whence the prince was woont to give judgement, and his daughter Tharsia by his side, and he spake unto the people in this manner following: "Good people of the city of Machilenta, you see the virgine Tharsia, whome I her father have found out this present day: hir hath the most filthie bawd, as much as in him lay, constrained to dishonest her body, to her utter destruction. From which his devillish purpose no intreatie could persuade him, no price could allure him. Wherfore my request unto you (good people) is, that I may have due revenge on him for the injury done unto my daughter." When the people heard his reasonable demaund, they cried out with one accord, saying: "My lorde Apollonius, we judge that he be burned alive, and his goods be given unto the maiden Tharsia." The revenge pleased Apollonius well, and foorthwith they apprehended the bawd, and bound him hand and foot; and they made a great fire, and at Apollonius commaundement cast him alive into it, and burnt him to ashes.
Then called Tharsia for the villaine, and saide unto him: "Because by thy meanes, and all the citizens, I have hitherto remained a virgine even untill my fathers comming, my will is that thou be free; and moreover, I heere give unto thee two hundred peeces of gold for a reward." Secondly, she called for all the women that were in the bawdes brothell, and saide unto them: "good women, whose chances, perhaps, hath beene as greevous unto you as mine was unto me, I set you al at liberty, and whereas heretofore you have gained money by hiring foorth the use of your bodies, receive of mee here this rewarde, that you may live hereafter more in the feare of god, and practise some more commendable way to sustaine necessitie," and therewithall she gave to everie one of them a rewarde, and so dismissed them.
215And when all these things were ended, Apollonius minding to depart, spake unto the people saying: "Noble Prince Athanagoras, and beloved citizens of Machilenta, I acknowledge my selfe much bounden to you, and I yeeld you hearty thanks for all your benefites bestowed uppon me and my daughter. And now in recompence thereof I give unto you fifty poundes weight of golde to be divided amongest you, that when I am gone from you, you may be mindefull of me." The citizens thanked him, and bowed their heads in token of reverence; and they agreed together, and they erected two statues of brasse one unto him, another to his daughter in the market place of the citie with these superscriptions written in their bases: Unto Apollonius prince of Tyrus, the preserver of our houses; and unto his vertuous daughter Tharsia, a virgin, the miindefull citizens of Machilenta have erected those monuments. But Apollonius remembring the great curtesie of Athanagoras, and his promise made unto him concerning Tharsia, appointed a short time for their mariage, against which there was great provision as might be at so smal warning, the solemnities, riches, braverie, cost, feasts, revelles, intertainement, and all things else appertaining thereunto, and requisite for so great personages, I shall not here neede particularly to set downe, since every man may judge what belongeth to such a matter, and none can precisely describe this unlesse he had been there present. Of this thing sure I am, that this mariage brought great pleasure to the father, contentment to the parties, and joy to all the people.
How Apollonius meaning to saile into his owne countrey by Tharsus, was commaunded by an Angel in the night to go to Ephesus, and there to declare all his adventures in the Church, with a loude voice.
THE solemnities of the wedding being finished, Apollonius made haste to depart; and all things being in a readinesse, he tooke shipping with his sonne in lawe and his daughter, and weyghed anchor, and committed the sailes unto the winde, and went their way, directing their course evermore towarde Tharsus, by which Apollonius purposed to passe unto his owne countrie Tyrus. And when they had sailed one whole day, and night was come, that Apollonius laide him downe to rest there appeared an Angell in his sleepe, commaunding him to leave his course toward Tharsus, and to saile unto Ephesus, and to go into the Temple of Diana, accompanied with his sonne in lawe and his daughter, and there with a loude voyce to declare all his adventures, whatsoever had befallen him from his youth unto that present day.
When Apollonius awoke in the morning, he wondered at the vision, and called for Athanagoras his sonne in lawe and his daughter Tharsia, and declared it to them in order as is before recited. Thus saide he unto them," what counsell do you give me in this matter?" They answered, "whatsoever it pleaseth to you to doe that we shall like well of." Then Apollonius called unto him the Master of the shippe, and commaunded him to winde saile and coast towards Ephesus, which he did; and immediately the winde served them so prosperously, that in fewe days they safely arrived there. Apollonius and his companie foorthwith forsooke their shippes, and came aland, and according to the commaundement of the Angell, tooke his journey to the Temple of Diana, whereas it is before mentioned, his long lamented wife lady Lucina, remained in vertuous life and holy contemplation among the religious Nunnes. And when he was come thither, he besought one of the Nunnes that had the keeping of the Temple that he might have licence to go in, and she willingly granted his request, and opened the doore unto him. By this time report was blowen abroad, that a certaine strange Prince was lately landed with his sonne in lawe and his daughter in very costly and rich ornaments, and gone into the Temple: and the ladie Lucina as desirous as the rest to see the strangers, decked her head with rich attire, and put on a purple robe, and, with convenient retinue attending upon her, came into the Temple.
Now Lucina was passing beautifull, and for the great love which she bare unto chastitie all men reverenced her, and there was no virgin in al the number in like estimation unto her. Whom when Apollonius beheld, although he knew not what she was, yet such was the exceeding brightnes and majestie of her countenance, that he fel down at her feet, with his sonne in law likewise and his daughter, for hee thought shee glittered like a diademe, and exceeded brightest starres in beautie. But Lucina curteously lifted them up from the ground, and bid them welcome, and afterward went to bestow the plate and ornaments of the temple in decent order, which thing was part of the Nunne's duety.
220Then Apollonius setled himselfe to do as the Angell had commaunded him in the vision, and thus he beganne to say: "I being borne Prince of Tyrus, was called Apollonius, and when in youth I had attained unto all kinde of knowledge, I resolved the cruel king Antiochus's parable, to the intent to have married with his daughter, whome he most shamefully defiled, and kept her from all men to serve his owne filthie lust, and sought meanes to slay me. Then I fled away, and lost all my goodes in the sea, hardly escaping my selfe with life, and in my greatest extremitie I was courteously intertained by Altistrates king of Pentapolis; and so highly received into favor, that he no kindes of favor on me untried, insomuch that hee bestowed upon mee his faire daughter and only childe Lucina to be my wife. But when Antiochus and his daughter by the just judgement of god, were stroken dead by lightning from heaven, I carried my wife with me to receive my kingdome, and she was delivered of this my daughter and hers upon the sea, and died in the travell, whome I enclosed in a chest, and threwe into the sea, laying twenty sestercies of golde at her head, and as much in silver at her feete, to the intent that they that should find her might have wherewithall to bury her honorably, leaving also a superscription that they might perceive with what griefe of her friends she died, and of what princelie parentage shee descended. Afterwardes I arrived at the citie of Tharsus, where I put in trust my yoong daughter to be brought up unto certain wicked persons, and from thence I departed unto the higher partes of Egypt. But when from that time fourteene yeeres were expired, and I returned thither to fetch my daughter, they told me that shee was dead, which I beleeving to be true, put on mourning attire, and desired nothing so much as to die, and while I was in the extremitie of sorrowe, and determined to have sayled unto Tyrus, while I was on my way upon the sea the winde turned, and there arose a tempest, and drave me unto the citie Machilenta, where my daughter was restored unto me. Then went I with my sonne in law, and my daughter once againe, to have sailed unto Tyrus by Tharsus; and as I was now in the journey, I was admonished in my sleepe by an Angell to turne my course unto Ephesus, and there in the temple to declare aloud al my adventures that had befallen me since my youth unto this present day, which hath hither to guided me in all my troubles, will nowe send an happy end unto all mine afflictions."
How Apollonius came to the knowledge of his wife the ladie Lucina, and how they rejoyced at the meeting of ech other.
THE ladie Lucina was not so busie in executing her office in the Church, but that she gave also attentive eare unto her lord Apollonius's talke, whom at first she knew not. But when shee heard the long discourse, whereby she knewe by all signes that hee was her husband, and shee was his wife, her heart burned within her, and she could scarce temper her affections until hee had done talking. Yet measuring her love with modestie, as nowe of long time having learned the true trade of pacience, shee gave him libertie to make an end: which done, shee ran hastily unto him and embraced him hard in her armes, and woulde have kissed him. Which thing, when Apollonius sawe, hee was moved with disdaine, and thrust her from him, as misliking such lightnesse in her whose modestie and good grace hee had so lately before commended in his heart, and nothing at all suspecting that she had been his wife. Then shee, pouring foorth teares aboundantly, "O my lord Apollonius," said she, "the one halfe of my life, why deal you thus ungently with me? I am your wife, daughter unto Altistrates, king of Pentapolis, and my name is Lucina. And you are Apollonius, prince of Tyrus, my lord and deare husband, and you are my schoolemaister, which taught mee musicke: and moreover you are the sea-wrecked man whom I especially loved above many, not for concupiscence sake, but for desire of wisedome."
When Apollonius heard those words, he was sodainly astonied; and as the strangenes of the chance appalled him much: so the great joy revived his spirites againe, and he cast his eies earnestly uppon her, and immediatly called her to remembrance, and knew perfitly that it was shee indeede, and he went unto her, and fell uppon her necke, and for exceeding joy brast out into teares, and then lifting up his handes and eyes to heaven, hee saide: "Blessed be the moste mightie god of heaven, which sitteth above and beholdeth the state of men on earth, and dealeth with them according to his great mercie: who nowe also of his unspeakeable goodnesse, hath restored unto mee my wife and my daughter." Then did hee most lovingly embrace and kisse his ladie, whom he supposed long before to be dead: and shee likewise requited him with the like fruites of good will and courtesie, whom she surely thought she should never have seene againe. And when they had continued a good space in intertaining the one another: "O my moste deare lord Apollonius," saide the lady Lucina, "where is my childe, whereof I was delivered?" Apollonius aunswered: "My best beloved Ladie, it was a daughter, and she was named Tharsia, and this is she," and therewithal he shewed her Tharsia. Then kissed and embraced she her daughter, and likewise her sonne in law Athanagoras, and they greatly rejoyced one in another.
And when report heereof was spread abroad, there was great joy throughout all the Citie of Ephesus, and the report has blowen about in everie place how prince Apollonius had found out his ladie and wife among the Nunnes in the Temple. Then Lucina discoursed unto her lord and husband Apollonius, of all the strange accidents that happened unto her after his casting her forth into the Sea. Namely, howe her chest was cast on land at the coast of Ephesus, and taken up by a Phisition; and how she was revived and by him adopted, and for preservation of her honestie, placed among the Nunnes in the Temple of Diana, where hee there found her, accordingly as it appeareth before in the historie, wherefore they blessed the name of god, and yeelded most heartie thankes unto him, that hee had preserved them hitherto, and graunted them so joyfull a meeting.
225How Apollonius departed from Ephesus, and sailed himselfe, his wife, his sonne, and daughter unto Antiochia, and then to Tyrus, and from thence to Tharsus, where he revenged himselfe upon Stranguilio, and Dionisiades.
APOLLONIUS and Lucina his wife, and the residue of their traine, having rested themselves and made merrie sufficient time at Ephesus, when the winde served, tooke leave of their friendes and went aboord of their ships, and lanched from the shore and departed unto Antiochia; where according as Calamitus the maister of the ship of Tyrus had tolde him before, the kingdome was reserved for him since the death of Antiochus. But when the citizens heard that he was arrived, they were all exceeding glad, and put on their bravest apparell, and garlandes of bayes upon their heads, and went forth in procession to meet him, and brought him in triumph into the Citie, and crowned him king with all joy and gladnesse. And when all the solemnities of the coronation, the feastes, triumphes, largesses, and pardons were finished, hee abode with them certaine daies to dispose some matters in order that required redresse, and to establish certaine lawes for the due administration of justice.
Which being all accomplished according to his desire, he tooke his leave of the Citizens, and with his wife, sonne, and daughter, departed to the sea, and sayled unto Tyrus his owne native country, where he was joyfully received of his subjects, and found his kingdome governed in good order. There placed he for his lieuetenant his sonne in lawe Athanagoras, which had married his daughter Tharsia, to rule the countrey in his absence, and when he had aboden a convenient time amongst them to make merrie, and to provide necessaries for his farther affaires, he levied in shorter space a mightie armie of the best approoved souldiours, with sufficient store of money and munition, and taking with him moreover his lady, and his daughter Tharsia, tooke shipping in the haven, and had so prosperous winde, that in few dayes they landed in the coast of Tharsus.
And when they were come all ashoare, they marched forward in battell aray, and came into the Citie to the great terrour of al the inhabitants. When he was come into the market place, he commaunded that Stranguilio and Dionisiades should be brought before him, which being done, he thus spake unto the people. "Ye Citizens of Tharsus, I am come hither in armes as you see, not moved by my will, but constrained by injurie. Wherfore tell me, was I ever unthankfull unto your Citie in generall, or unto any of you al in particular?" They all answered with one voice "no my lord, and therfore wee are ready all to spend our lives in thy quarrell: and as thou knowest well wee have erected heere, in perpetuall memorie of thee, a statue of brasse, because thou preservedst us from death, and our citie from utter destruction." Then said Apollonius, "understand then this much my friends, that when I departed last from this citie, I committed my daughter in trust unto Stranguilio and his wife Dionisiades; and when I came to require her they would not deliver her unto me, nor tell me the trueth what is become of her."
Immediatly they were both called forth to answere unto these matters before Apollonius, where falling downe on their knees before him, Dionisiades answered in this manner: "My lord, I beseech you stand favourable unto my poore husband and mee, and not to beleeve any other thing concerning your daughter, then that shee is departed this life. And as for hir grave, you have seene it, and also the monument of brasse erected by the whole citie in the memoriall of her, and moreover you have read the superscription." Then Apollonius commaunded his daughter to stand foorth in the presence of them all, and shee saide unto Dionisiades: "beholde thou wicked woman, dead Tharsia is come to greete thee, who as thou diddest well hope, shoulde never have been forth comming to have bewrayed thy wickednesse." But when the miserable woman beheld Tharsia, her heart quaked for feare, and shee fell to the ground in a swoond: and when shee recovered againe, shee cried out upon the just judgment of god, and cursed the time that shee was borne. And all the people ranne thronging about Tharsia, and wondered at her, thinking howe greatly they had been of long time abused by Stranguilio, and Dionisiades; and they rejoyced much in her safetie, and all knewe by her countenance that it was shee, and none other.
230O now, who were able to declare the bitter griefe and intolerable care which eftsoones assaied the wearisome consciences of these twaine, the husband and the wife when they sawe her living and in good liking before their faces, whose death they had so traiterously conspired. Even hell it selfe is not comparable unto so heavie a burden, the unspeakable weight whereof all men ought to feare, and none can sufficiently describe unlesse hee have been semblably plunged in the like gulfe of horrible desperation. Then Tharsia called for Theophilus Stranguilios's villaine, and when he was come into her presence, shee saide unto him: "Theophilus, aunswere mee aloud that all the people may heare, who sent thee forth to slay me?" Hee aunswered, "Dionisiades my Mistresse." "What mooved her thereunto?" saide Tharsia. "None other thing, I suppose," saide the villaine, "but to enjoy the money and ornamentes, and also because thy beautie and comelinesse were commended above Philomacias her daughters."
Nowe when the people heard this, they ranne uppon Stranguilio, and Dionisiades, and tooke them violently, and bound them, and drew them out of the citie, and stoned them to death; and would likewise have slaine Theophilus the villaine, for that at his mistress commandement he would have murdered the innocent maiden. But Tharsia intreated for him, saying, "Not so my deare friends. I pray you let me obtaine pardone for him at your handes; for unlesse he had given me respite to say my praiers, I had not been heere now to have spoken for him." And when she had said so, the furious multitude was appeased. And Apollonius gave many exceeding rich giftes unto the citie, and repared it strongly in many places where it was decaied, and abode there with them the space of three monthes in feasting and making merry before he departed.
How Apollonius sailed from Tharsus to visite his father-in-law Altistrates king of Pentapolis, who died not long after Apollonius comming thither.
THE terme of three monethes, that Apollonius purposed for his delight to remaine at Tharsus, was almost expired, and he commanded all things to be prepared for the journey; and when the day was come, hee made generall proclamation uppon paine of death every man to ship. And when the whole army was imbarked, he took ship himselfe with his wife and his daughter, being honourably accompanied by the citizens unto the water side; and after due courtesie on both sides done and received, he hoysed sayle and departed towardes Pentapolis, king Altistrates's Citie. And when they had sailed with prosperous winde ten dayes uppon the Sea, they discovered a farre off the Steeples and Towres of Pentapolis, and the Souldiers rejoyced and gave a shout for gladnesse that they were so neere to their wished land. Then they cast about and cut towards the haven, and cast anker, and landed all safe, and Apollonius with his wife and daughter after hee had taken order for the companie, rode unto the court unto king Altistrates, whom they found in good health, and merry. And when Altistrates saw his sonne-in-lawe, his daughter and his neece Tharsia, hee bid them welcome, and rejoyced exceedingly, and sent for the Nobles of his land to keepe them companie, and gave them the best entertainement that hee could devise, and they sojourned with him an whole yeare in pleasure and pastime, whereof the king tooke great comfort as was possible for a man to doe in worldly felicitie.
But as there was never yet any thing certaine or permanent in this mortall life, but alwaies we be requited with sowre sauce to our sweete meate, and when wee thinke ourselves surest in the top of joy, then tilt wee downe soonest into the bottome of sorrow, so fared it now unto those personages in the midst of their jollitie. For the good old king Altistrates fell sodainly sick which much appalled them all, and grew everie day weaker than other. Then were the Phisitions sent for in haste, who left nothing untried that appertained unto Art and experience to doe; and above all Apollonius and Lucina his wife plaied the parts of duetifull children, in tending their aged and weake father with all care and diligence possible. But alas olde age which of it selfe is an uncurable sickenesse, and had beene growing nowe well nigh an hundred yeares lacking seven upon him, accompanied with the intollerable paine of the gowt, and the stone of the bladder, had consumed naturall moisture, so that his force gave over to the disease, and shortely after changed this transitorie life for a better.
235When report was spread abroad of the king's death, there was great sorrowe and lamentation made in all places, neither was there any that tooke not grievously the losse of so good a Prince. But to describe the inward affliction of Apollonius, and the teares of Lucina and Tharsia her daughter, woulde make any heart of flint to bleede, considering the tender affections of women above men, and howe prone they bee that way, yea, sometime (god knowes) in smaller cases than at the death of husband, father, or mother. But as al things have their time, so have sorrowe and teares also, which are best dried up with the towell of continuaunce; which gave nowe just occasion unto Apollonius to cast off drowsie sorrowe, and to provide for the funeralles of his father in lawe, which he accomplished with so seasonable expedition, and in so honourable a sort, as was seemely for so mighty a king, and so vertuous a prince, whome hee buried among the auntient race of kings his auncestours in the Temple within the citie of Pentapolis. Which beeing all finished, as it is also a worke of charitie to fulfill the will of the dead, he applied himselfe to execute his father's testament, wherin he had given halfe his kingdome unto Apollonius, and the other halfe to Tharsia his neece, to have and to holde to them and to their heires for ever.
How Apollonius rewarded the fisherman that releeved him after he had suffered shipwracke: howe hee dealt also with olde Calamitus, and likewise with the Pyrates that stole away Tharsia.
BY this time, when all cares were banished, and Apollonius injoyed his kingdome in quiet possession, he gave himselfe sometimes to delight as other Princes are wont to do. And it fortuned that on a day when he had dined, he walked foorth for recreation unto the sea side, with his wife and a fewe servants. And when hee came there, he sawe a small fisher boat fleeting under saile, which hee thought by all signes he should knowe well, for hee supposed it to be the fisherman's boat which succoured him, when he had suffered shipwracke in sailing from Tharsus towardes Pentapolis. Wherefore hee commaunded some of his servantes, to take another shippe which rode at anchor there on the shore, to go after and take him, and to bring the fisherman unto him unto the Coort.
When the poore man saw himselfe boorded of so many and so gay a multitude, hee feared they had beene pyrates, and that they woulde have slaine him; and he fell downe on his knees, and besought them to have compassion upon him: he was but a poore fisherman, and had not that which they sought for: it were others that were more fit for their purpose to meete withall, such as ventured further in greater vesselles, carrying foorth great summes of money, and bringing home plenty of costly merchandize: As for him, they should not only find miserable povertie in ransacking his boat, but if they were also determined to take away his life from him, they should likewise with the same stroke bereave the lives of his poore wife, and many small Children, which were maintained by his hand onely. These or the like words uttered then the poore fisherman. But they smiling in their conceits, and mindefull of their Prince's commaundement, bade him not feare that they would robbe him, but saide that he must goe with them, and brought him away unto the court.
And when he was come into the king's presence, Apollonius knewe him well, and saide unto the Queene and the Nobles that were about him: "Beholde, this is the man that received me into his house, and succoured mee when I suffered shipwracke, and shewed me the way into the Citie, by which meanes I came acquainted with good king Altistrates." And he rose out of his seate, and embraced him and said: "I am Apollonius Prince of Tyrus whome thou diddest succour, and therefore bee of good cheere, for thou shalt be rewarded." And the poore fisherman wept exceedingly for joy. And Apollonius commaunded two hundred sestercies of gold to be given unto him, and thirty servants, and twenty handmaides, and fortie horses, and fiftie sutes of apparell, and a faire pallace to dwel in, and made him an earle, and used no man so familiarly as he did him all the dayes of his life.
240Nowe it was not long after that these things were done, but one called Calamitus the master of the ship of Tyrus, an olde man, who, as we have before declared, shewed unto Apollonius as hee was walking by the sea side with Lucina, that Antiochus and his daughter were dead, and the kingdome was reserved for him, came before Apollonius, and, falling downe on his knees: "Remember me, my most gratious Lorde Apollonius," saide hee, "since the time I tolde your grace the good tidings of king Antiochus's death." Then king Apollonius tooke him up by the hand, and caused him to sit downe by him, and talked familiarly with him, and gave him great thankes, and made him a great lord in his countrey.
Thus Apollonius busied himselfe, not onely in bestowing himselfe curteously at home, but he also provided as well for the quiet governement of the state abroad, as it appeared by the diligence of his officers, who having lately taken certaine pyrates upon the sea, brought them to Pentapolis, where Apollonius then remained, to have justice executed upon them. When they were arrived, they were found guilty of the facte of which they were accused, and the next day being appointed for them to suffer, when they came unto the gallowes, they confessed many robberies, and among store, how once at Tharsus they rescued a maide named Tharsia from a villaine that woulde have slaine her, and brought her to Machilenta where they solde her to him that offered most money, and hee which bought her (as they thought) was a bawd.
When the citizens, who were none of them ignorant of the Ladie Tharsia's adventures, heard this, they stayed execution, and sent word unto king Apollonius, saying: "May it please your grace to understand that we have certaine pyrates at the gallowes ready to be executed, and it appeareth that they be those that stole away the lady Tharsia your daughter from Tharsus, and sold her to the bawd at Machilenta. Which when we perceived, we thought it good to know your grace's pleasure what shall be doone with them." Apollonius thanked them, and willed the pirats to be brought before him, and examined them diligently, and found that they were the same men indeede that had preserved Tharsia's life. And he gave great thankes unto god and them, and imbraced them, and willingly pardoned them their lives. And for that he knew that the sinister means which they hitherto had insued was caused most by constraint, for want of other trade or abilitie to live by, he therefore made them all knights, and gave them plenty of gold and silver, and indowed them also with great possessions.
How Apollonius had a yoong sonne and heire by his wife Lucina, likewise of Apollonius age, and how he died: with some other accidents thereunto incident.
WHILE king Apollonius thus passed foorth his time in rewarding his friends which had doone him pleasure in his adversitie, the part of a thankeful and good natured man, and also unto his enemies in ministring justice with mercie, which is the duetie of a vertuous prince, the queene Lucina in the meane season conceived childe, and grewe every daie bigger bellied then other. And when the time came that she attended for a good houre, she was delivered of a faire sonne, whom some of the Ladies that were present saide hee was like Apollonius the father, other some, like king Altistrates the grandfather, and others judged otherwise, according as is the custome of women to doe, when as (god knoweth) there is no more likenesse betweene them saving that the childe hath the generall shape and proportion of a man, than is betweene Jacke fletcher and his bolt. Howbeit the boy was called Altistrates, after the grandfather's name, for whome there was much joy and triumphing, that it had pleased god to send an heire male to governe the land, for whose life and preservation the people daily prayed, that as he was like to succeede his grandfather in place and name, so hee might also be successour to his father and grandfather in honour and vertue, which as they are the true goods, so are they the chiefest inheritance of a king, and to be preferred before the greedie seeking for large dominion and riches, which are the foolish scales whereby Fortune intrappeth us.
245But to returne againe to our story, great was the care and provision for the diligent bringing up of this yoong gentleman: who as he grew up more and more every day to the strength of lusty youth, so his father Apollonius decayed continually through the infirmity of weake old age: Who having passed his life with one Ladie the faire Lucina, by whome hee had two beautifull children, the ladie Tharsia and yoong Altisrtrates, he lived to the age of fourescore and foure yeers, and obtained the empire of three kingdomes, to wit, Tyrus, Antiochia and Pentapolis, whome with the helpe of his sonne in lawe Athanagoras he governed peaceably and prosperously. Moreover, when hee had disposed the affaires of his realmes unto such of his nobilitie as were in credite about him, although at all times he had recourse unto his accustomed studies of humanitie, yet then especially he applied his vacant time to his booke, and hee wrote the whole storie and discourse of his owne life and adventures at large, the which he caused to be written foorth in two large volumes, whereof he sent one to the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, and placed the other in his owne library. Of which historie this is but a small abstract, promising if ever the whole chance to come into my hands, to set it forth with all fidelitie, diligence and expedition.
But when the fatall time was come that Apollonius's olde age could no longer be sustained by the benefite of nature, he fell into certaine cold and drie diseases, in which case the knowledge of his physitions could stand him in little steed, either by their cunning or experience. For there is no remedie against olde age, which if the noble skill of phisicke could ever have found out, doubtlesse it would have obtained the means to have made the state of man immortall. Howbeit, god hath determined otherwise; and as he appointed all worldly things to have an end, so Apollonius had his dying day, wherein in perfect sense, and readie memorie, hee departed this transitorie life in the sweete armes of his loving ladie Lucina, and in the midst of his friendes, Nobles, Allies, kinsfolke, and chiidren, in great honour, and love of all men. His kingdome of Tyrus he gave by will unto Athanagoras and his daughter Tharsia, and to their heires after them for ever: who lived long time togither, and had much issue, both boyes and girles. Unto the queene Ladie Lucina, he gave the two kingdomes of Antiochia and Pentapolis, for terme of her life, to deale or dispose at her pleasure; and after her decease unto his sonne lusty yoong Altistrates, and to his heires for ever: But Lucina, as she could not then be yoong, since Apollonius died so old, enjoyed not long her widow's estate, but pining away with sorrow, and wearing with age, forsooke this present world also, and followed her deare lord into the everlasting kingdome that never shall have end, which so farre exceedeth the kingdome, which forthwith she left unto her yoong sonne Altistrates to inherite, as heavenly joyes surmount the earthly, and the bright sunne surpasseth the smallest starre.