Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: William Godshalk
Peer Reviewed

Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

The history
For what he has he giues, what thinkes he shewes,
Yet giues hee not till iudgement guide his bounty,
2665Nor dignifies an impare thought with breath;
Manly as Hector, but more dangerous,
For Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribes
To tender obiects, but he in heate of action,
Is more vindicatiue then iealous loue.
2670They call him Troylus, and on him erect,
A second hope as fairely built as Hector:
Thus saies AEneas one that knowes the youth,
Euen to his ynches: and with priuate soule
Did in great Illion thus translate him to me. Alarum.
2675Aga. They are in action.
Nest. Now Aiax hould thine owne.
Troy. Hector thou sleep'st awake thee.
Aga. His blowes are well dispo'd, there Aiax. trumpets cease
Diom. You must no more.
2680AEne. Princes enough so please you.
Aiax. I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe.
Diom. As Hector pleases.
Hect. Why then will I no more,
Thou art great Lord my fathers sisters Sonne,
2685A couzen german to great Priams seede,
The obligation of our bloud forbids,
A gory emulation twixt vs twaine:
Were thy commixtion Greeke and Troyan so,
That thou couldst say this hand is Grecian all:
2690And this is Troyan, the sinnewes of this legge
All Greeke, and this all Troy: my mothers bloud,
Runnes on the dexter cheeke, and this sinister
Bounds in my fathers. By Ioue multipotent
Thou shouldst not beare from mee a Greekish member,
2695Wherein my sword had not impressure made.
But the iust Gods gainsay,
That any day thou borrowd'st from thy mother,
My sacred Aunt, should by my mortal sword,
Be drained. Let me embrace thee Aiax:
2700By him that thunders thou hast lusty armes,