Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: William Godshalk
Peer Reviewed

Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

The history
Vliss. Oh deadly gall and theame of all our scornes,
For which we loose our heads to guild his hornes.
Patro. The first was Menelaus kisse this mine,
Patroclus kisses you.
2585Mene. Oh this is trim.
Patr. Paris and I kisse euermore for him.
Mene. Ile haue my kisse sir? Lady by your leaue.
Cres. In kissing do you render or recciue.
Patr. Both take and giue.
2590Cres. Ile make my match to liue,
The kisse you take is better then you giue: therefore no kisse.
Mene. Ile giue you boote, ile giue you three for one.
Cres. You are an od man giue euen or giue none.
2595Mene. An odde man Lady, euery man is odde.
Cres. No Paris is nor, for you know tis true,
That you are odde and he is euen with you.
Mene. You fillip me a'th head.
Cres. No ile be sworne.
2600Vliss. It were no match, your naile against his horne,
May I sweete Lady begge a kisse of you.
Cres. You may. Uliss I do desire it.
Cres. Why begge then.
2605Vlis. Why then for Venus sake giue me a kisse,
When Hellen is a maide againe and his -------------
Cres. I am your debtor, claime it when tis due.
Vlis. Neuers my day, and then a kisse of you.
Diom. Lady a word, ile bring you to your father.
2610Nest. A woman of quick sence.
Vliss. Fie, fie vpon her,
Ther's language in her eye, her cheeke her lip,
Nay her foote speakes, her wanton spirits looke out
At euery ioynt and motiue of her body,
2615Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue,
That giue a coasting welcome ere it comes.
And wide vnclapse the tables of their thoughts,
To euery ticklish reader, set them downe,
For sluttish spoiles of opportunity:
2620And daughters of the game. Flowrish enter all of Troy.