The history
23372207Pand. I
st po
: no
sooner got but lo
st, the diuell take
23382208Anthenor, the young Prince will go madde, a plague vpon
23392209Anthenor. I would they had brok's neck.
23402210 Enter Cress. How now? what's the matter
? who was heere
? 23422212Cres. Why
sigh you
so profoundly, wher's my Lord
? gone?
23432213tell me
sweete Vncle, whats the matter.
23442214Pan. Would I were as deepe vnder the earth as I am aboue.
23462215Cres. O the Gods, whats the matter?
23472216Pand. Pray thee get thee in: would thou had
st nere been
23482217borne, I knew thou woulde
st be his death. O poore Gentle
- 23502219Cres. Good vnckle, I be
seech you on my knees, whats the
23522221Pand. Thou mu
st be gone wench, thou mu
st be gone: thou
23532222art chang'd for
Anthenor. Thou mu
st to thy father and bee
23542223gone from T
roylus, twill be his death, twill bee his bane, hee
23562225Cres. O you immortall Gods, I will not go.
23582227Cres. I will not Vncle. I haue forgot my father,
23592228I know no touch of con
23602229No kinne, no loue, no bloud, no
so neere me
23612230As the
sweete T
roylus. O you gods diuine,
Cresseids name the very crowne of fal
23632232If euer
she leaue T
roylus. Time, force and death,
23642233Do to this body what extreames you can
: 23652234But the
strong ba
se, and building of my loue,
23662235Is as the very center of the earth,
23672236Drawing all things to it. Ile go in and weepe.
23692238Cres. Teare my bright haire, &
scratch my prai
sed cheekes,
23712239Crack my cleare voyce with
sobs, and breake my heart,
sounding T
roylus: I will not go from Troy.
23732241Enter Paris, Troyl. AEneas, Deiphob, Anth. Diomedes. 23752242Par. It is great morning, and the houre pre
23762243For her deliuery to this valiant Greeke,
23772244Comes fa
st vpon: good my brother T
roylus Tell