Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: William Godshalk
Peer Reviewed

Troilus and Cressida (Quarto 1, 1609)

of Troylus and Cresseida.
2135Patro. Ioue blesse great Aiax. Thers. Hum.
Patr. I comc from the worthy Achilles.
Thers. Ha?
Patr. Who most humbly desires you to inuite Hector to(his tent.
2140Thers. Hum?
Patr. And to procure safe conduct from Agamemnon.
Thers. Agamemnon?
Patr. I my Lord. Thers. Ha?
Patr. What say you too't.
Thers. God buy you with all my heart.
Patr. Your answer sir.
Thers. If to morrow be a faire day, by a leuen of the clock
2150it will goe one way or other, howsoeuer he shall pay for me
ere hee ha's me. Patr. Your answer sir.
Thers. Fare yee well with all my heart.
Achil. Why, but he is not in this tune, is he?
2155Thers. No: but out of tune thus. What musick will be in
him, when Hector ha's knockt out his braines, I know not.
But I am sure none, vnlesse the fidler Apollo get his sinnews
to make Catlings on.
Achil. Come, thou shalt beare a letter to him straight.
Thers. Let mee beare another to his horse, for thats the
more capable creature.
Achil. My minde is troubled like a fountaine stird,
And I myselse see not the bottome of it.
2165Thers. Would the fountaine of your minde were cleere
againe, that I might water an Asse at it, I had rather be a tick
in a sheepe, then such a valiant ignorance.
Enter at one doore AEneas, at another Paris, Deiphobus,
Autemor, Diomed the Grecian with torches.
Paris. See ho? who is that there?
Deiph. It is the Lord AEneas.
AEne. Is the Prince there in person?
Had I so good occasion to lye long
2175As your prince Paris, nothing but heauenly businesse,
Should rob my bed mate of my company.
Dio. That's my minde too? good morrow Lord AEneas.
Paris. A valiant Greeke AEneas take his hand.