Peer Reviewed
Troilus and Cressida (Folio 1, 1623)
Troylus and Cressida.
3138If there be rule in vnitie it selfe,
3141By foule authoritie: where reason can reuolt
3143Without reuolt. This is, and is not Cressid:
3146Diuides more wider then the skie and earth:
3148Admits no Orifex for a point as subtle,
3149As Ariachnes broken woofe to enter:
3151Cressid is mine, tied with the bonds of heauen;
3155The fractions of her faith, orts of her loue:
3156The fragments, scraps, the bits, and greazie reliques,
3157Of her ore-eaten faith, are bound to Diomed
3161In Characters, as red as Mars his heart
3164Harke Greek: as much I doe Cressida loue;
3165So much by weight, hate I her Diomed,
3166That Sleeue is mine, that heele beare in his Helme:
3167Were it a Caske compos'd by Vulcans skill,
3169Which Shipmen doe the Hurricano call,
3171Shall dizzie with more clamour Neptunes eare
3173Falling on Diomed.
3174Ther. Heele tickle it for his concupie.
3177And theyle seeme glorious.
3179Your passion drawes eares hither.
3180Enter AEneas.
3182Hector by this is arming him in Troy.
3184Troy. Haue with you Prince: my curteous Lord adew:
3185Farewell reuolted faire: and Diomed,
3187Vli. Ile bring you to the Gates.
3189Exeunt Troylus, AEneas, and Ulisses.
3190Ther. Would I could meete that roague Diomed, I
3191would croke like a Rauen: I would bode, I would bode:
3192Patroclus will giue me any thing for the intelligence of
3193this whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an Almond,
3194then he for a commodious drab: Lechery, lechery, still
3196diuell take them.
3197Enter Hecter and Andromache.
3200Vnarme, vnarme, and doe not fight to day.
3202By the euerlasting gods, Ile goe.
3207Consort with me in loud and deere petition:
3208Pursue we him on knees: for I haue dreampt
3209Of bloudy turbulence; and this whole night
3211Cass. O, 'tis true.
3216They are polluted offrings, more abhord
3219To hurt by being iust; it is as lawfull:
3220For we would count giue much to as violent thefts,
3221And rob in the behalfe of charitie.
3226Mine honour keepes the weather of my fate:
3227Life euery man holds deere, but the deere man
3228Holds honor farre more precious, deere, then life.
3229Enter Troylus.
3232Exit Cassandra.
3234I am to day ith'vaine of Chiualrie:
3235Let grow thy Sinews till their knots be strong;
3236And tempt not yet the brushes of the warre.
3237Vnarme thee, goe; and doubt thou not braue boy,
3238Ile stand today, for thee, and me, and Troy.
3239Troy. Brother, you haue a vice of mercy in you;
3240Which better fits a Lyon, then a man.
3242Troy. When many times the captiue Grecian fals,
3243Euen in the fanne and winde of your faire Sword:
3244You bid them rise, and liue.
3245Hect. O 'tis faire play.
3247Hect. How now? how now?
3248Troy. For th'loue of all the gods
3249Let's leaue the Hermit Pitty with our Mothers;
3250And when we haue our Armors buckled on,
3251The venom'd vengeance ride vpon our swords,
3252Spur them to ruthfull worke, reine them from ruth.
3257Not fate, obedience, nor the hand of Mars,
3258Beckning with fierie trunchion my retire;
3259Not Priamus, and Hecuba on knees;
3260Their eyes ore-galled with recourse of teares;
3261Nor you my brother, with your true sword drawne
3263But by my ruine.
3264Enter Priam and Cassandra.
3267Thou on him leaning, and all Troy on thee,