Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The Tempest (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editors: Brent Whitted, Paul Yachnin
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-370-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editors: Brent Whitted, Paul Yachnin
    Peer Reviewed

    The Tempest (Folio 1, 1623)

    Actus Secundus. Scoena Prima.
    Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Gonzalo, Adrian,
    Francisco, and others.
    675Gonz. Beseech you Sir, be merry; you haue cause,
    (So haue we all) of ioy; for our escape
    Is much beyond our losse; our hint of woe
    Is common, euery day, some Saylors wife,
    The Masters of some Merchant, and the Merchant
    680Haue iust our Theame of woe: But for the miracle,
    (I meane our preseruation) few in millions
    Can speake like vs: then wisely (good Sir) weigh
    Our sorrow, with our comfort.
    Alons. Prethee peace.
    685Seb. He receiues comfort like cold porredge.
    Ant. The Visitor will not giue him ore so.
    Seb. Looke, hee's winding vp the watch of his wit,
    By and by it will strike.
    Gon. Sir.
    690Seb. One: Tell.
    Gon. When euery greefe is entertaind,
    That's offer'd comes to th'entertainer.
    Seb. A dollor.
    Gon. Dolour comes to him indeed, you haue spoken
    695truer then you purpos'd.
    Seb. You haue taken it wiselier then I meant you
    Gon. Therefore my Lord.
    Ant. Fie, what a spend-thrift is he of his tongue.
    700Alon. I pre-thee spare.
    Gon. Well, I haue done: But yet
    Seb. He will be talking.
    Ant. Which, of he, or Adrian, for a good wager,
    First begins to crow?
    705Seb. The old Cocke.
    Ant. The Cockrell.
    Seb. Done: The wager?
    Ant. A Laughter.
    Seb. A match.
    710Adr. Though this Island seeme to be desert.
    Seb. Ha, ha, ha.
    Ant. So: you'r paid.
    Adr. Vninhabitable, and almost inaccessible.
    Seb. Yet
    715Adr. Yet
    Ant. He could not misse't.
    Adr. It must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicate
    Ant. Temperance was a delicate wench.
    720Seb. I, and a subtle, as he most learnedly deliuer'd.
    Adr. The ayre breathes vpon vs here most sweetly.
    Seb. As if it had Lungs, and rotten ones.
    Ant. Or, as 'twere perfum'd by a Fen.
    Gon. Heere is euery thing aduantageous to life.
    725Ant. True, saue meanes to liue.
    Seb. Of that there's none, or little.
    Gon. How lush and lusty the grasse lookes?
    How greene?
    Ant. The ground indeed is tawny.
    730Seb. With an eye of greene in't.
    Ant. He misses not much.
    Seb. No: he doth but mistake the truth totally.
    Gon. But the rariety of it is, which is indeed almost
    beyond credit.
    735Seb. As many voucht rarieties are.
    Gon. That our Garments being (as they were) drencht
    in the Sea, hold notwithstanding their freshnesse and
    glosses, being rather new dy'de then stain'd with salte
    740Ant. If but one of his pockets could speake, would
    it not say he lyes?
    Seb. I, or very falsely pocket vp his report.
    Gon. Me thinkes our garments are now as fresh as
    when we put them on first in Affricke, at the marriage
    745of the kings faire daughter Claribel to the king of Tunis.
    Seb. 'Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well in
    our returne.
    Adri. Tunis was neuer grac'd before with such a Pa-
    ragon to their Queene.
    750Gon. Not since widdow Dido's time.
    Ant. Widow? A pox o'that: how came that Wid-
    dow in? Widdow Dido!
    Seb. What if he had said Widdower AEneas too?
    Good Lord, how you take it?
    755Adri. Widdow Dido said you? You make me study
    of that: She was of Carthage, not of Tunis.
    Gon. This Tunis Sir was Carthage.
    Adri. Carthage? Gon. I assure you Carthage.
    Ant. His word is more then the miraculous Harpe.
    760Seb. He hath rais'd the wall, and houses too.
    Ant. What impossible matter wil he make easy next?
    Seb. I thinke hee will carry this Island home in his
    pocket, and giue it his sonne for an Apple.
    Ant. And sowing the kernels of it in the Sea, bring
    765forth more Islands.
    Gon. I. Ant. Why in good time.
    Gon. Sir, we were talking, that our garments seeme
    now as fresh as when we were at Tunis at the marriage
    of your daughter, who is now Queene.
    770Ant. And the rarest that ere came there.
    Seb. Bate (I beseech you) widdow Dido.
    Ant. O Widdow Dido? I, Widdow Dido.
    Gon. Is not Sir my doublet as fresh as the first day I
    wore it? I meane in a sort.
    775Ant. That sort was well fish'd for.
    Gon. When I wore it at your daughters marriage.
    Alon. You cram these words into mine eares, against
    the stomacke of my sense: would I had neuer
    Married my daughter there: For comming thence
    780My sonne is lost, and (in my rate) she too,
    Who is so farre from Italy remoued,
    I ne're againe shall see her: O thou mine heire
    Of Naples and of Millaine, what strange fish
    Hath made his meale on thee?
    785Fran. Sir he may liue,
    I saw him beate the surges vnder him,
    And ride vpon their backes; he trod the water
    Whose enmity he flung aside: and brested
    The surge most swolne that met him: his bold head
    790'Boue the contentious waues he kept. and oared
    Himselfe with his good armes in lusty stroke
    To th'shore; that ore his waue-worne basis bowed
    As stooping to releeue him: I not doubt
    He came aliue to Land.
    795Alon. No, no, hee's gone.
    Seb. Sir you may thank your selfe for this great losse,
    That would not blesse our Europe with your daughter,
    But rather loose her to an Affrican,
    Where she at least, is banish'd from your eye,
    800Who hath cause to wet the greefe on't.
    Alon. Pre-thee peace.
    Seb. You were kneel'd too, & importun'd otherwise
    By all of vs: and the faire soule her selfe
    Waigh'd betweene loathnesse, and obedience, at
    805Which end o'th'beame should bow: we haue lost your (son,
    I feare for euer: Millaine and Naples haue
    Mo widdowes in them of this businesse making,
    Then we bring men to comfort them:
    The faults your owne.
    810Alon. So is the deer'st oth' losse.
    Gon. My Lord Sebastian,
    The truth you speake doth lacke some gentlenesse,
    And time to speake it in: you rub the sore,
    When you should bring the plaister.
    815Seb. Very well. Ant. And most Chirurgeonly.
    Gon. It is foule weather in vs all, good Sir,
    When you are cloudy.
    Seb. Fowle weather? Ant. Very foule.
    Gon. Had I plantation of this Isle my Lord.
    820Ant. Hee'd sow't with Nettle-seed.
    Seb. Or dockes, or Mallowes.
    Gon. And were the King on't, what would I do?
    Seb. Scape being drunke, for want of Wine.
    Gon. I'th'Commonwealth I would (by contraries)
    825Execute all things: For no kinde of Trafficke
    Would I admit: No name of Magistrate:
    Letters should not be knowne: Riches, pouerty,
    And vse of seruice, none: Contract, Succession,
    Borne, bound of Land, Tilth, Vineyard none:
    830No vse of Mettall, Corne, or Wine, or Oyle:
    No occupation, all men idle, all:
    And Women too, but innocent and pure:
    No Soueraignty.
    Seb. Yet he would be King on't.
    835Ant. The latter end of his Common-wealth forgets
    the beginning.
    Gon. All things in common Nature should produce
    Without sweat or endeuour: Treason, fellony,
    Sword, Pike, Knife, Gun, or neede of any Engine
    840Would I not haue: but Nature should bring forth
    Of it owne kinde, all foyzon, all abundance
    To feed my innocent people.
    Seb. No marrying 'mong his subiects?
    Ant. None (man) all idle; Whores and knaues,
    845Gon. I would with such perfection gouerne Sir:
    T'Excell the Golden Age.
    Seb. 'Saue his Maiesty. Ant. Long liue Gonzalo.
    Gon. And do you marke me, Sir?
    Alon. Pre-thee no more: thou dost talke nothing to (me.
    850Gon. I do well beleeue your Highnesse, and did it
    to minister occasion to these Gentlemen, who are of
    such sensible and nimble Lungs, that they alwayes vse
    to laugh at nothing.
    Ant. 'Twas you we laugh'd at.
    855Gon. Who, in this kind of merry fooling am nothing
    to you: so you may continue, and laugh at nothing still.
    Ant. What a blow was there giuen?
    Seb. And it had not falne flat-long.
    Gon. You are Gentlemen of braue mettal: you would
    860lift the Moone out of her spheare, if she would continue
    in it fiue weekes without changing.
    Enter Ariell playing solemne Musicke.
    Seb. We would so, and then go a Bat-fowling.
    Ant. Nay good my Lord, be not angry.
    865Gon. No I warrant you, I will not aduenture my
    discretion so weakly: Will you laugh me asleepe, for I
    am very heauy.
    Ant. Go sleepe, and heare vs.
    Alon. What, all so soone asleepe? I wish mine eyes
    870Would (with themselues) shut vp my thoughts,
    I finde they are inclin'd to do so.
    Seb. Please you Sir,
    Do not omit the heauy offer of it:
    It sildome visits sorrow, when it doth, it is a Comforter.
    875Ant. We two my Lord, will guard your person,
    While you take your rest, and watch your safety.
    Alon. Thanke you: Wondrous heauy.
    Seb. What a strange drowsines possesses them?
    Ant. It is the quality o'th'Clymate.
    880Seb. Why
    Doth it not then our eye-lids sinke? I finde
    Not my selfe dispos'd to sleep.
    Ant. Nor I, my spirits are nimble:
    They fell together all, as by consent
    885They dropt, as by a Thunder-stroke: what might
    Worthy Sebastian? O, what might? no more:
    And yet, me thinkes I see it in thy face,
    What thou should'st be: th'occasion speaks thee, and
    My strong imagination see's a Crowne
    890Dropping vpon thy head.
    Seb. What? art thou waking?
    Ant. Do you not heare me speake?
    Seb. I do, and surely
    It is a sleepy Language; and thou speak'st
    895Out of thy sleepe: What is it thou didst say?
    This is a strange repose, to be asleepe
    With eyes wide open: standing, speaking, mouing:
    And yet so fast asleepe.
    Ant. Noble Sebastian,
    900Thou let'st thy fortune sleepe: die rather: wink'st
    Whiles thou art waking.
    Seb. Thou do'st snore distinctly,
    There's meaning in thy snores.
    Ant. I am more serious then my custome: you
    905Must be so too, if heed me: which to do,
    Trebbles thee o're.
    Seb. Well: I am standing water.
    Ant. Ile teach you how to flow.
    Seb. Do so: to ebbe
    910Hereditary Sloth instructs me.
    Ant. O!
    If you but knew how you the purpose cherish
    Whiles thus you mocke it: how in stripping it
    You more inuest it: ebbing men, indeed
    915(Most often) do so neere the bottome run
    By their owne feare, or sloth.
    Seb. 'Pre-thee say on,
    The setting of thine eye, and cheeke proclaime
    A matter from thee; and a birth, indeed,
    920Which throwes thee much to yeeld.
    Ant. Thus Sir:
    Although this Lord of weake remembrance; this
    Who shall be of as little memory
    When he is earth'd, hath here almost perswaded
    925(For hee's a Spirit of perswasion, onely
    Professes to perswade) the King his sonne's aliue,
    'Tis as impossible that hee's vndrown'd,
    As he that sleepes heere, swims.
    Seb. I haue no hope
    930That hee's vndrown'd.
    Ant. O, out of that no hope,
    What great hope haue you? No hope that way, Is
    Another way so high a hope, that euen
    Ambition cannot pierce a winke beyond
    935But doubt discouery there. Will you grant with me
    That Ferdinand is drown'd.
    Seb. He's gone.
    Ant. Then tell me, who's the next heire of Naples?
    Seb. Claribell.
    940Ant. She that is Queene of Tunis: she that dwels
    Ten leagues beyond mans life: she that from Naples
    Can haue no note, vnlesse the Sun were post:
    The Man i'th Moone's too slow, till new-borne chinnes
    Be rough, and Razor-able: She that from whom
    945We all were sea-swallow'd, though some cast againe,
    (And by that destiny) to performe an act
    Whereof, what's past is Prologue; what to come
    In yours, and my discharge.
    Seb. What stuffe is this? How say you?
    950'Tis true my brothers daughter's Queene of Tunis,
    So is she heyre of Naples, 'twixt which Regions
    There is some space.
    Ant. A space, whose eu'ry cubit
    Seemes to cry out, how shall that Claribell
    955Measure vs backe to Naples? keepe in Tunis,
    And let Sebastian wake. Say, this were death
    That now hath seiz'd them, why they were no worse
    Then now they are: There be that can rule Naples
    As well as he that sleepes: Lords, that can prate
    960As amply, and vnnecessarily
    As this Gonzallo: I my selfe could make
    A Chough of as deepe chat: O, that you bore
    The minde that I do; what a sleepe were this
    For your aduancement? Do you vnderstand me?
    965Seb. Me thinkes I do.
    Ant. And how do's your content
    Tender your owne good fortune?
    Seb. I remember
    You did supplant your Brothet Prospero.
    970Ant. True:
    And looke how well my Garments sit vpon me,
    Much feater then before: My Brothers seruants
    Were then my fellowes, now they are my men.
    Seb. But for your conscience.
    975Ant. I Sir: where lies that? If 'twere a kybe
    'Twould put me to my slipper: But I feele not
    This Deity in my bosome: 'Twentie consciences
    That stand 'twixt me, and Millaine, candied be they,
    And melt ere they mollest: Heere lies your Brother,
    980No better then the earth he lies vpon,
    If he were that which now hee's like (that's dead)
    Whom I with this obedient steele (three inches of it)
    Can lay to bed for euer: whiles you doing thus,
    To the perpetuall winke for aye might put
    985This ancient morsell: this Sir Prudence, who
    Should not vpbraid our course: for all the rest
    They'l take suggestion, as a Cat laps milke,
    They'l tell the clocke, to any businesse that
    We say befits the houre.
    990Seb. Thy case, deere Friend
    Shall be my president: As thou got'st Millaine,
    I'le come by Naples: Draw thy sword, one stroke
    Shall free thee from the tribute which thou paiest,
    And I the King shall loue thee.
    995Ant. Draw together:
    And when I reare my hand, do you the like
    To fall it on Gonzalo.
    Seb. O, but one word.
    Enter Ariell with Musicke and Song.
    1000Ariel. My Master through his Art foresees the danger
    That you (his friend) are in, and sends me forth
    (For else his proiect dies) to keepe them liuing.
    Sings in Gonzaloes eare.
    While you here do snoaring lie,
    1005Open-ey'd Conspiracie
    His time doth take:
    If of Life you keepe a care,
    Shake off slumber and beware.
    Awake, awake.
    1010Ant. Then let vs both be sodaine.
    Gon. Now, good Angels preserue the King.
    Alo. Why how now hoa; awake? why are you drawn?
    Wherefore this ghastly looking?
    Gon. What's the matter?
    1015Seb. Whiles we stood here securing your repose,
    (Euen now) we heard a hollow burst of bellowing
    Like Buls, or rather Lyons, did't not wake you?
    It strooke mine eare most terribly.
    Alo. I heard nothing.
    1020Ant. O, 'twas a din to fright a Monsters eare;
    To make an earthquake: sure it was the roare
    Of a whole heard of Lyons.
    Alo. Heard you this Gonzalo?
    Gon. Vpon mine honour, Sir, I heard a humming,
    1025(And that a strange one too) which did awake me:
    I shak'd you Sir, and cride: as mine eyes opend,
    I saw their weapons drawne: there was a noyse,
    That's verily: 'tis best we stand vpon our guard;
    Or that we quit this place: let's draw our weapons.
    1030Alo. Lead off this ground & let's make further search
    For my poore sonne.
    Gon. Heauens keepe him from these Beasts:
    For he is sure i'th Island.
    Alo. Lead away.
    1035Ariell. Prospero my Lord, shall know what I haue (done.
    So (King) goe safely on to seeke thy Son. Exeunt.