Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Titus Andronicus (Quarto 1, 1594)

of Titus Andronicus.
Nor we disturbde with prodegies on earth.
Titus. I giue him you the Noblest that suruiues,
125The eldest sonne of this distressed Queene.
Tamora. Stay Romaine brethren, gratious Conque-(rour,
Victorious Titus, rue the teares I shed,
A mothers teares in passion for her sonne:
And if thy sonnes were euer deare to thee,
130Oh thinke my sonne to be as deare to mee.
Sufficeth not that we are brought to Rome
To beautifie thy triumphs, and returne
Captiue to thee, and to thy Romaine yoake:
But must my sonnes be slaughtered in the streets,
135For valiant dooings in their Countries cause?
O if to fight for king and common-weale,
Were pietie in thine, it is in these:
Andronicus, staine not thy tombe with bloud.
Wilt thou draw neere the nature of the Gods?
140Draw neere them then in being mercifull,
Sweete mercie is Nobilities true badge,
Thrice Noble Titus, spare my first borne sonne.
Titus. Patient yourselfe Madam, and pardon me,
These are their brethren, whom your Gothes beheld
145Aliue and dead, and for their brethren slaine,
Religiously they aske a sacrifice:
To this your sonne is markt, and die he must,
T'appease their groning shadowes that are gone.
Lucius. Away with him, and make a fire straight,
150And with our swords vpon a pile of wood,
Lets hew his limbs till they be cleane consumde.
Exit Titus sonnes with Alarbus.
Tamora. O cruell irreligeous pietie.
Chiron. Was neuer Sythia halfe so barbarous.
155Demetrius. Oppose not Sythia to ambitious Rome,
Alarbus goes to rest and we suruiue,
To tremble vnder Titus threatning looke,
B Then