The most Lamentable Tragedie
23222185No va
st ob
scuritie or mi
stie vale,
23232186Where bloodie murther or dete
sted rape,
23242187Can couch for feare but I will
finde the mout,
23252188And in their eares tell them my dreadfull name,
23262189Reuenge which makes the foule o
ffender quake.
23272190Titus. Art thou Reuenge? and art thou
sent to mee,
23282191To be a torment to mine enemies.
23292192Tamora. I am, therefore come downe and welcome mee
23302193Titus. Doe me
seruice ere I come to thee,
23312194Lo by thy
side where Rape and Murder
23322195Now giue
surance that thou art reuenge,
23332196Stab them, or teare them on thy Chariot wheeles,
23342197And then Ile come and be thy wagoner,
23352198And wherle along with thee about the Globes.
23362199Prouide thee two proper palfrays, black as iet,
23372200To hale thy vengefull waggon
swift away,
finde out murder in their guiltie cares.
23392202And when thy Car is loaden with their heads,
23402203I will di
smount and by thy waggon wheele,
23412204Trotte like a
seruile footeman all day long,
23422205Euen from
Epeons ri
sing in the Ea
23432206Vntill his verie downefall in the Sea.
23442207And day by day Ile do this heauie taske,
23452208So thou de
stroy Rapine and Murder
23462209Tamora. The
se are my mini
sters and come with me.
23472210Titus. Are them thy mini
sters, what are they calld?
23482211Tamora. Rape and Murder, therefore called
se they take vengeance of
such kinde of men.
23502213Tit. Good Lord how like the Empre
sonnes they are,
23512214And you the Empre
sse, but we wordlie men
23522215Haue mi
serable mad mi
staking eies:
sweete Reuenge, now doe I come to thee,
23542217And if one armes imbracement will content thee,
23552218I will imbrace thee in it by and by.
23562219Tamora. This clo
sing with him
fits his Lunacie,