of Titus Andronicus.
22882153Knocke at his
studie where they
say he keepes,
22892154To ruminate
strange plots of diere reuenge,
22902155Tell him reuenge is come to ioyne with him,
22912156And worke confu
sion on his enemies.
22922157They knocke and Titus opens his studie doore.
22932158Titus. Who doth mole
st my contemplation?
22942159Is it your tricke to make me ope the dore,
so my
decrees may
flie away,
22962161And all my
studie be to no e
22972162You are deceiude, for what I meane to doe,
22982163See here in bloodie lines I haue
set downe.
22992164And what is written
shall be executed.
23002165Tamora. T
itus, I am come to talke with thee.
23012166Titus. No not a word, how can I grace my talke,
23022167Wanting a hand to giue that accord,
23032168Thou ha
st the odds of me therefore no more.
23042169Tamora. If thou did
st know me thou would
st talk with
(me. 23062170Titus. I am not mad, I know thee well enough,
23072171Witnes this wretched
stump, witnes the
se crim
son lines,
23092172witnes the
se trenches made by greefe and care,
23102173witnes the tiring day and heauie night,
23112174witnes all
sorrow that I know thee well
23122175For our proud Empre
sse, mighty T
23132176Is not thy comming for my other hand.
23142177Tamora. Know thou
sad man, I am not T
23152178Shee is thy enemie, and I thy friend,
23162179I am Reuenge
sent from th'infernall Kingdome,
23172180To ea
se the gnawing vulture of thy minde,
23182181By working wreakfull vengeance on thy foes:
23192182Come downe and welcome me to this worlds light,
23202183Conferre with me of murder and of death,
23212184Ther's not a hollow Caue or lurking place,
I3 No