Not Peer Reviewed
Titus Andronicus (Folio, 1623)
1990Enter Emperour and Empresse, and her two sonnes, the
1991Emperour brings the Arrowes in his hand
1992that Titus shot at him.
1993Satur. Why Lords,
1995An Emperour in Rome thus ouerborne,
1996Troubled, Confronted thus, and for the extent
1998My Lords, you know the mightfull Gods,
2000Buz in the peoples eares) there nought hath past,
2001But euen with law against the willfull Sonnes
2002Of old Andronicus. And what and if
2006And now he writes to heauen for his redresse.
2007See, heeres to Ioue, and this to Mercury,
The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. 47
2008This to Apollo, this to the God of warre:
2010What's this but Libelling against the Senate,
2011And blazoning our Iniustice euerywhere?
2012A goodly humour, is it not my Lords?
2014But if I liue, his fained extasies
2020Tamo. My gracious Lord, my louely Saturnine,
2021Lord of my life, Commander of my thoughts,
2022Calme thee, and beare the faults of Titus age,
2029But Titus, I haue touch'd thee to the quicke,
2030Thy lifeblood out: If Aaron now be wise,
2031Then is all safe, the Anchor's in the Port.
2032Enter Clowne.
2036Clo. 'Tis he; God & Saint Stephen giue you good den;
2037I haue brought you a Letter, & a couple of Pigions heere.
2038He reads the Letter.
2042Clow. Hang'd? berLady, then I haue brought vp a neck
2043to a faire end. Exit.
2045Shall I endure this monstrous villany?
2047May this be borne? As if his traytrous Sonnes,
2048That dy'd by law for murther of our Brother,
2049Haue by my meanes beene butcher'd wrongfully?
2050Goe dragge the villaine hither by the haire,
2052For this proud mocke, Ile be thy slaughterman:
2053Sly franticke wretch, that holp'st to make me great,
2055Enter Nuntius Emillius.
2058The Gothes haue gather'd head, and with a power
2060They hither march amaine, vnder conduct
2062Who threats in course of this reuenge to do
2063As much as euer Coriolanus did.
2065These tydings nip me, and I hang the head
2067I, now begins our sorrowes to approach,
2068'Tis he the common people loue so much,
2070(When I haue walked like a priuate man)
2075And will reuolt from me, to succour him.
2076Tam. King, be thy thoughts Imperious like thy name.
2079And is not carefull what they meane thereby,
2080Knowing that with the shadow of his wings,
2083Then cheare thy spirit, for know thou Emperour,
2084I will enchaunt the old Andronicus,
2085With words more sweet, and yet more dangerous
2087When as the one is wounded with the baite,
2088The other rotted with delicious foode.
2089King. But he will not entreat his Sonne for vs.
2090Tam. If Tamora entreat him, then he will,
2092With golden promises, that were his heart
2093Almost Impregnable, his old eares deafe,
2094Yet should both eare and heart obey my tongue.
2095Goe thou before to our Embassadour,
2096Say, that the Emperour requests a parly
2097Of warlike Lucius, and appoint the meeting.
2103And temper him with all the Art I haue,
2104To plucke proud Lucius from the warlike Gothes.
2105And now sweet Emperour be blithe againe,
2106And bury all thy feare in my deuises.
2108Actus Quintus.