Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Titus Andronicus
Titus Andronicus (Folio, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1451A Bnaket.
1452Enter Andronicus, Marcus, Lauinia, and the Boy.
1455As will reuenge these bitter woes of ours.
1457Thy Neece and I (poore Creatures) want our hands
1458And cannot passionate our tenfold griefe,
1459With foulded Armes. This poore right hand of mine,
1460Is left to tirranize vppon my breast.
1461Who when my hart all mad with misery,
1463Then thus I thumpe it downe.
1465When thy poore hart beates with outragious beating,
1467Wound it with sighing girle, kil it with grones:
1468Or get some little knife betweene thy teeth,
1470That all the teares that thy poore eyes let fall
1472Drowne the lamenting foole, in Sea salt teares.
1473Mar. Fy brother fy, teach her not thus to lay
1474Such violent hands vppon her tender life.
1477What violent hands can she lay on her life:
1478Ah, wherefore dost thou vrge the name of hands,
1480How Troy was burnt, and he made miserable?
1481O handle not the theame, to talke of hands,
1484As if we should forget we had no hands:
1485If Marcus did not name the word of hands.
1486Come, lets fall too, and gentle girle eate this,
1488I can interpret all her martir'd signes,
The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. 43
1491Speechlesse complaynet, I will learne thy thought:
1493As begging Hermits in their holy prayers.
1495Nor winke, nor nod, nor kneele, nor make a signe,
1502An. Peace tender Sapling, thou art made of teares,
1503And teares will quickly melt thy life away.
1504Marcus strikes the dish with a knife.
1506Mar. At that that I haue kil'd my Lord, a Flys
1508Mine eyes cloi'd with view of Tirranie:
1509A deed of death done on the Innocent
1510Becoms not Titus broher: get thee gone,
1511I see thou art not for my company.
1513An. But? How: if that Flie had a father and mother?
1514How would he hang his slender gilded wings
1515And buz lamenting doings in the ayer,
1516Poore harmelesse Fly,
1517That with his pretty buzing melody,
1518Came heere to make vs merry,
1519And thou hast kil'd him.
1521It was a blacke illfauour'd Fly,
1522Like to the Empresse Moore, therefore I kild him.
1523An. O, o, o,
1524Then pardon me for reprehending thee,
1525For thou hast done a Charitable deed:
1526Giue me thy knife, I will insult on him,
1527Flattering myselfes, as if it were the Moore,
1530Yet I thinke we are not brought so low,
1531But that betweene vs, we can kill a Fly,
1532That comes in likenesse of a Cole-blacke Moore.
1535An. Come, take away: Lauinia, goe with me,
1536Ile to thy closset, and goe read with thee
1537Sad stories, chanced in the times of old.
1538Come boy, and goe with me, thy sight is young,
1540Actus Quartus.