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Titus Andronicus (Folio, 1623)
34The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus.
349To ruffle in the Common-wealth of Rome.
351Sat. And therefore louely Tamora Queene of Gothes,
355Behold I choose thee Tamora for my Bride,
356And will Create thee Empresse of Rome.
358And heere I sweare by all the Romaine Gods,
360And Tapers burne so bright, and euery thing
363Or clime my Pallace, till from forth this place,
366If Saturnine aduance the Queen of Gothes,
367Shee will a Hand-maid be to his desires,
368A louing Nurse, a Mother to his youth.
370Panthean Lords, accompany
371Your Noble Emperour and his louely Bride,
372Sent by the heauens for Prince Saturnine,
375Exeunt omnes.
376Tit. I am not bid to waite vpon this Bride:
377Titus when wer't thou wont to walke alone,
378Dishonoured thus and Challenged of wrongs?
379Enter Marcus and Titus Sonnes.
383Nor thou, nor these Confedrates in the deed,
384That hath dishonoured all our Family,
385Vnworthy brother, and vnworthy Sonnes.
386Luci. But let vs giue him buriall as becomes:
387Giue Mutius buriall with our Bretheren.
391Heere none but Souldiers, and Romes Seruitors,
393Bury him where you can, he comes not heere.
394Mar. My Lord this is impiety in you,
395My Nephew Mutius deeds do plead for him,
396He must be buried with his bretheren.
397Titus two Sonnes speakes.
398And shall, or him we will accompany.
400Titus sonne speakes.
401He that would vouch'd it in any place but heere.
403Mar. No Noble Titus, but intreat of thee,
404To pardon Mutius, and to bury him.
407My foes I doe repute you euery one.
408So trouble me no more, but get you gone.
4102.Sonne. Not I tell Mutius bones be buried.
411The Brother and the sonnes kneele.
412Mar. Brother, for in that name doth nature plea'd.
418His Noble Nephew heere in vertues nest,
419That died in Honour and Lauinia's cause.
420Thou art a Romaine, be not barbarous:
421The Greekes vpon aduise did bury Aiax
423Did graciously plead for his Funerals:
424Let not young Mutius then that was thy ioy,
425Be bar'd his entrance heere.
428To be dishonored by my Sonnes in Rome:
429Well, bury him, and bury me the next.
430They put him in the Tombe.
432Till we with Trophees do adorne thy Tombe.
433They all kneele and say.
434No man shed teares for Noble Mutius,
437How comes it that the subtile Queene of Gothes,
438Is of a sodaine thus aduanc'd in Rome?
439Ti. I know not Marcus: but I know it is,
440(Whether by deuise or no) the heauens can tell,
441Is she not then beholding to the man,
442That brought her for this high good turne so farre?
443Yes, and will Nobly him remunerate.
445Enter the Emperor, Tamora, and her two sons, with the Moore
446at one doore. Enter at the other doore Bassianus and
447Lauinia with others.
449God giue you ioy sir of your Gallant Bride.
452Sat. Traytor, if Rome haue law, or we haue power,
455My true betrothed Loue, and now my wife?
456But let the lawes of Rome determine all,
459But if we liue, weele be as sharpe with you.
462Onely thus much I giue your Grace to know,
463By all the duties that I owe to Rome,
464This Noble Gentleman Lord Titus heere,
465Is in opinion and in honour wrong'd,
466That in the rescue of Lauinia,
468In zeale to you, and highly mou'd to wrath.
469To be controul'd in that he frankly gaue:
470Receiue him then to fauour Saturnine,
472A Father and a friend to thee, and Rome.
475Rome and the righteous heauens be my iudge,
476How I haue lou'd and Honour'd Saturnine.
477Tam. My worthy Lord if euer Tamora,