Not Peer Reviewed
Titus Andronicus (Folio, 1623)
The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. 41
1240This way to death my wretched sonnes are gone:
1242And heere my brother weeping at my woes.
1244Is deere Lauinia, deerer then my soule.
1246It would haue madded me. What shall I doe?
1247Now I behold thy liuely body so?
1248Thou hast no hands to wipe away thy teares,
1249Nor tongue to tell me who hath martyr'd thee:
1250Thy husband he is dead, and for his death
1251Thy brothers are condemn'd, and dead by this.
1253When I did name her brothers, then fresh teares
1254Stood on her cheekes, as doth the hony dew,
1255Vpon a gathred Lillie almost withered.,
1259Ti. If they did kill thy husband then be ioyfull,
1260Because the law hath tane reuenge on them.
1261No, no, they would not doe so foule a deede,
1263Gentle Lauinia let me kisse thy lips,
1265Shall thy good Vncle, and thy brother Lucius,
1267Looking all downewards to behold our cheekes
1268How they are stain'd in meadowes, yet not dry
1272And made a brine pit with our bitter teares?
1273Or shall we cut away our hands like thine?
1275Passe the remainder of our hatefull dayes?
1276What shall we doe? Let vs that haue our tongues
1278To make vs wondred at in time to come.
1284Thy napkin cannot drinke a teare of mine,
1285For thou poore man hast drown'd it with thine owne.
1286Lu. Ah my Lauinia I will wipe thy cheekes.
1289That to her brother which I said to thee.
1290His Napkin with her true teares all bewet,
1292Oh what a simpathy of woe is this!
1293As farre from helpe as Limbo is from blisse,
1294Enter Aron the Moore alone.
1296Sends thee this word, that if thou loue thy sonnes,
1298Or any one of you, chop off your hand,
1302Ti. Oh gracious Emperour, oh gentle Aaron.
1305With all my heart, Ile send the Emperour my hand,
1306Good Aron wilt thou help to chop it off?
1307Lu. Stay Father, for that noble hand of thine,
1308That hath throwne downe so many enemies,
1310My youth can better spare my blood then you,
1312Mar. Which of your hands hath not defended Rome,
1313And rear'd aloft the bloody Battleaxe,
1315Oh none of both but are of high desert:
1316My hand hath bin but idle, let it serue
1317To ransome my two nephewes from their death,
1318Then haue I kept it to a worthy end.
1320For feare they die before their pardon come.
1324Are meete for plucking vp, and therefore mine.
1326Let me redeeme my brothers both from death.
1328Now let me shew a brothers loue to thee.
1330Lu. Then Ile goe fetch an Axe.
1332Ti. Come hither Aaron, Ile deceiue them both,
1333Lend me thy hand, and I will giue thee mine,
1336But Ile deceiue you in another sort,
1338He cuts off Titus hand.
1339Enter Lucius and Marcus againe.
1341Good Aron giue his Maiestie me hand,
1342Tell him, it was a hand that warded him
1343From thousand dangers: bid him bury it:
1344More hath it merited: That let it haue.
1347And yet deere too, because I bought mine owne.
1348Aron. I goe Andronicus, and for thy hand,
1349Looke by and by to haue thy sonnes with thee:
1350Their heads I meane: Oh how this villany
1351Doth fat me with the very thoughts of it.
1352Let fooles doe good, and faire men call for grace,
1354Ti. O heere I lift this one hand vp to heauen,
1355And bow this feeble ruine to the earth,
1356If any power pitties wretched teares,
1357To that I call: what wilt thou kneele with me?
1358Doe then deare heart, for heauen shall heare our prayers,
1359Or with our sighs weele breath the welkin dimme,
1361When they do hug him in their melting bosomes.
1363And do not breake into these deepe extreames.
dd3 Then