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Titus Andronicus (Folio, 1623)
40The Tragedie of Titus Andronicus.
1116That could haue better sowed then Philomel.
1118Tremble like Aspen leaues vpon a Lute,
1120He would not then haue toucht them for his life.
1121Or had he heard the heauenly Harmony,
1122Which that sweet tongue hath made:
1123He would haue dropt his knife and fell asleepe,
1124As Cerberus at the Thracian Poets feete.
1125Come, let vs goe, and make thy father blinde,
1127One houres storme will drowne the fragrant meades,
1128What, will whole months of teares thy Fathers eyes?
1129Doe not draw backe, for we will mourne with thee:
1131Actus Tertius.
1132Enter the Iudges and Senatours with Titus two sonnes bound,
1133passing on the Stage to the place of execution, and Titus going
1134before pleading.
1138For all my blood in Romes great quarrell shed,
1139For all the frosty nights that I haue watcht,
1141Filling the aged wrinkles in my cheekes,
1142Be pittifull to my condemned Sonnes,
1144For two and twenty sonnes I neuer wept,
1145Because they died in honours lofty bed.
1146Andronicus lyeth downe, and the Iudges passe by him.
1149Let my teares stanch the earths drie appetite.
1151O earth! I will befriend thee more with raine Exeunt
1155In Winter with warme teares Ile melt the snow,
1156And keepe erernall springtime on thy face,
1158Enter Lucius, with his weapon drawne.
1159Oh reuerent Tribunes, oh gentle aged men,
1161And let me say (that neuer wept before)
1162My teares are now preualing Oratours.
1163Lu. Oh noble father, you lament in vaine,
1164The Tribunes heare not, no man is by,
1167Graue Tribunes, once more I intreat of you.
1169Ti. Why 'tis no matter man, if they did heare
1170They would not marke me: oh if they did heare
1171They would not pitty me.
1175For that they will not intercept my tale;
1176When I doe weepe, they humbly at my feete
1177Receiue my teares, and seeme to weepe with me,
1178And were they but attired in graue weedes,
1181Tribunes more hard then stones:
1183And Tribunes with their tongues doome men to death.
1186For which attempt the Iudges haue pronounc'st
1188Ti. O happy man, they haue befriended thee:
1190That Rome is but a wildernes of Tigers?
1192But me and and mine: how happy art thou then,
1194But who comes with our brother Marcus heere?
1195 Enter Marcus and Lauinia.
1197Or if not so, thy noble heart to breake:
1200Mar. This was thy daughter.
1204Speake Lauinia, what accursed hand
1206What foole hath added water to the Sea?
1207Or brought a faggot to bright burning Troy?
1208My griefe was at the height before thou cam'st,
1211For they haue fought for Rome, and all in vaine:
1212And they haue nur'st this woe,
1213In feeding life:
1214In bootelesse prayer haue they bene held vp,
1216Now all the seruice I require of them,
1217Is that the one will helpe to cut the other:
1218'Tis well Lauinia, that thou hast no hands,
1219For hands to do Rome seruice, is but vaine.
1221Mar. O that delightfull engine of her thoughts,
1223Is torne from forth that pretty hollow cage,
1225Sweet varied notes inchanting euery eare.
1227Who hath done this deed?
1229Seeking to hide herselfe as doth the Deare
1230That hath receiude some vnrecuring wound.
1231Tit. It was my Deare,
1232And he that wounded her,
1233Hath hurt me more, then had he kild me dead:
1234For now I stand as one vpon a Rocke,
1235Inuiron'd with a wildernesse of Sea.
1236Who markes the waxing tide,
1237Grow waue by waue,