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Timon of Athens (Folio 1, 1623)
1602 Enter Timon in the woods.
1604Rotten humidity: below thy Sisters Orbe
1605Infect the ayre. Twin'd Brothers of one wombe,
1610But by contempt of Nature.
1611Raise me this Begger, and deny't that Lord,
1612The Senators shall beare contempt Hereditary,
1613The Begger Natiue Honor.
1615The want that makes him leaue: who dares? who dares
1616In puritie of Manhood stand vpright
1617And fay, this mans a Flatterer. If one be,
1618So are they all: for euerie grize of Fortune
1619Is smooth'd by that below. The Learned pate
1620Duckes to the Golden Foole. All's obliquie:
1621There's nothing leuell in our cursed Natures
1622But direct villanie. Therefore be abhorr'd,
1623All Feasts, Societies, and Throngs of men.
1628Gold? Yellow, glittering, precious Gold?
1629No Gods, I am no idle Votarist,
1630Roots you cleere Heauens. Thus much of this will make
1631Blacke, white; fowle, faire; wrong, right;
1632Base, Noble; Old, young; Coward, valiant.
1633Ha you Gods! why this? what this, you Gods? why this
1635Plucke stout mens pillowes from below their heads.
Timon of Athens. 91
1636This yellow Slaue,
1638Make the hoare Leprosie ador'd, place Theeues,
1639And giue them Title, knee, and approbation
1640With Senators on the Bench: This is it
1641That makes the wappen'd Widdow wed againe;
1643Would cast the gorge at. This Embalmes and Spices
1644To'th'Aprill day againe. Come damn'd Earth,
1645Thou common whore of Mankinde, that puttes oddes
1646Among the rout of Nations, I will make thee
1647Do thy right Nature. March afarre off.
1648Ha? A Drumme? Th'art quicke,
1649But yet Ile bury thee: Thou't go (strong Theefe)
1650When Gowty keepers of thee cannot stand:
1652Enter Alcibiades withDrumme andFife in warlike manner,
1653and Phrynia and Timandra.
1656For shewing me againe the eyes of Man.
1658That art thy selfe a Man?
1660For thy part, I do wish thou wert a dogge,
1661That I might loue thee something.
1662Alc. I know thee well:
1663But in thy Fortunes am vnlearn'd, and strange.
1664Tim. I know thee too, and more then that I know thee
1665I not desire to know. Follow thy Drumme,
1666With mans blood paint the ground Gules, Gules:
1667Religious Cannons, ciuill Lawes are cruell,
1668Then what should warre be? This fell whore of thine,
1670For all her Cherubin looke.
1673To thine owne lippes againe.
1674Alc. How came the Noble Timon to this change?
1675Tim. As the Moone do's, by wanting light to giue:
1676But then renew I could not like the Moone,
1677There were no Sunnes to borrow of.
1679Tim. None, but to maintaine my opinion.
1680Alc. What is it Timon?
1682If thou wilt not promise, the Gods plague thee, for thou
1683art a man: if thou do'st performe, confound thee, for
1684thou art a man.
1688Tim. As thine is now, held with a brace of Harlots.
1689Timan. Is this th'Athenian Minion, whom the world
1690Voic'd so regardfully?
1696and the Diet.
1699Are drown'd and lost in his Calamities.
1700I haue but little Gold of late, braue Timon,
1701The want whereof, doth dayly make reuolt
1702In my penurious Band. I haue heard and greeu'd
1704Forgetting thy great deeds, when Neighbour states
1705But for thy Sword and Fortune trod vpon them.
1706Tim. I prythee beate thy Drum, and get thee gone.
1707Alc. I am thy Friend, and pitty thee deere Timon.
1709I had rather be alone.
1710Alc. Why fare thee well:
1711Heere is some Gold for thee.
1712Tim. Keepe it, I cannot eate it.
1713Alc. When I haue laid proud Athens on a heape.
1717And thee after, when thou hast Conquer'd.
1718Alc. Why me, Timon?
1719Tim. That by killing of Villaines
1720Thou was't borne to conquer my Country.
1721Put vp thy Gold. Go on, heeres Gold, go on;
1722Be as a Plannetary plague, when Ioue
1725Pitty not honour'd Age for his white Beard,
1726He is an Vsurer. Strike me the counterfet Matron,
1727It is her habite onely, that is honest,
1728Her selfe's a Bawd. Let not the Virgins cheeke
1730That through the window Barne bore at mens eyes,
1731Are not within the Leafe of pitty writ,
1732But set them down horrible Traitors. Spare not the Babe
1734Thinke it a Bastard, whom the Oracle
1735Hath doubtfully pronounced, the throat shall cut,
1737Put Armour on thine eares, and on thine eyes,
1738Whose proofe, nor yels of Mothers, Maides, nor Babes,
1740Shall pierce a iot. There's Gold to pay thy Souldiers,
1742Confounded be thy selfe. Speake not, be gone.
1749And to make Whores, a Bawd. Hold vp you Sluts
1750Your Aprons mountant; you are not Othable,
1753Th'immortall Gods that heare you. Spare your Oathes:
1756Be strong in Whore, allure him, burne him vp,
1758And be no turne-coats: yet may your paines six months
1759Be quite contrary, And Thatch
1760Your poore thin Roofes with burthens of the dead,
1761(Some that were hang'd) no matter:
1762Weare them, betray with them; Whore still,
1763Paint till a horse may myre vpon your face:
1764A pox of wrinkles.
1765Both. Well, more Gold, what then?
hh2 Beleeue't
92Timon of Athens.
1766Beleeue't that wee'l do any thing for Gold.
1769And marre mens spurring. Cracke the Lawyers voyce,
1770That he may neuer more false Title pleade,
1774Downe with it flat, take the Bridge quite away
1775Of him, that his particular to foresee
1776Smels from the generall weale. Make curld' pate Ruffians (bald
1777And let the vnscarr'd Braggerts of the Warre
1778Deriue some paine from you. Plague all,
1779That your Actiuity may defeate and quell
1781Do you damne others, and let this damne you,
1782And ditches graue you all.
1786uen you earnest.
1787Alc. Strike vp the Drum towardes Athens, farewell
1788Timon: if I thriue well, Ile visit thee againe.
1790Alc. I neuer did thee harme.
1794And take thy Beagles with thee.
1797Should yet be hungry: Common Mother, thou
1800Whereof thy proud Childe (arrogant man) is puft,
1801Engenders the blacke Toad, and Adder blew,
1802The gilded Newt, and eyelesse venom'd Worme,
1803With all th'abhorred Births below Crispe Heauen,
1805Yeeld him, who all the humane Sonnes do hate,
1806From foorth thy plenteous bosome, one poore roote:
1807Enseare thy Fertile and Conceptious wombe,
1808Let it no more bring out ingratefull man.
1809Goe great with Tygers, Dragons, Wolues, and Beares,
1810Teeme with new Monsters, whom thy vpward face
1811Hath to the Marbled Mansion all aboue
1812Neuer presented. O, a Root, deare thankes:
1813Dry vp thy Marrowes, Vines, and Plough-torne Leas,
1814Whereof ingratefull man with Licourish draughts
1817Enter Apemantus .
1818More man? Plague, plague.
1822Whom I would imitate. Consumption catch thee.
1824A poore vnmanly Melancholly sprung
1825From change of future. Why this Spade? this place?
1826This Slaue-like Habit, and these lookes of Care?
1827Thy Flatterers yet weare Silke, drinke Wine, lye soft,
1828Hugge their diseas'd Perfumes, and haue forgot
1829That euer Timon was. Shame not these Woods,
1830By putting on the cunning of a Carper.
1831Be thou a Flatterer now, and seeke to thriue
1832By that which ha's vndone thee; hindge thy knee,
1833And let his very breath whom thou'lt obserue
1835And call it excellent: thou wast told thus:
1843That the bleake ayre, thy boysterous Chamberlaine
1845That haue out-liu'd the Eagle, page thy heeles
1846And skip when thou point'st out? Will the cold brooke
1847Candied with Ice, Cawdle thy Morning taste
1848To cure thy o're-nights surfet? Call the Creatures,
1854Tim. A Foole of thee: depart.
1855Ape. I loue thee better now, then ere I did.
1857Ape. Why?
1861Ape. To vex thee.
1864Ape. I.
1865Tim. What, a Knaue too?
1867To castigate thy pride, 'twere well: but thou
1869Wert thou not Beggar: willing misery
1870Out-liues: incertaine pompe, is crown'd before:
1877Thou art a Slaue, whom Fortunes tender arme
1878With fauour neuer claspt: but bred a Dogge.
1883In generall Riot, melted downe thy youth
1886The Sugred game before thee. But my selfe,
1887Who had the world as my Confectionarie,
1888The mouthes, the tongues, the eyes, and hearts of men,
1889At duty more then I could frame employment;
1891Do on the Oake, haue with one Winters brush
1892Fell from their boughes, and left me open, bare,
1893For euery storme that blowes. I to beare this,
1894That neuer knew but better, is some burthen:
Timon of Athens. 93
1898If thou wilt curse; thy Father (that poore ragge)
1901Poore Rogue, hereditary. Hence, be gone,
1903Thou hadst bene a Knaue and Flatterer.
1904Ape. Art thou proud yet?
1905Tim. I, that I am not thee.
1906Ape. I, that I was no Prodigall.
1907Tim. I, that I am one now.
1908Were all the wealth I haue shut vp in thee,
1909I'ld giue thee leaue to hang it. Get thee gone:
1910That the whole life of Athens were in this,
1911Thus would I eate it .
1916If not, I would it were.
1918Tim. Thee thither in a whirlewind: if thou wilt,
1919Tell them there I haue Gold, looke, so I haue.
1922For heere it sleepes, and do's no hyred harme.
1924Tim. Vnder that's aboue me.
1925Where feed'st thou a-dayes Apemantus?
1927where I eate it.
1932but the extremitie of both ends. When thou wast in thy
1933Gilt, and thy Perfume, they mockt thee for too much
1935spis'd for the contrary. There's a medler for thee, eate it.
1936Tim. On what I hate, I feed not.
1938Tim. I, though it looke like thee.
1941euer know vnthrift, that was beloued after his meanes?
1943thou euer know belou'd?
1946keepe a Dogge.
1948compare to thy Flatterers?
1951pemantus, if it lay in thy power?
1955Ape. I Timon.
1957thee t'attaine to. If thou wert the Lyon, the Fox would
1958beguile thee. if thou wert the Lambe, the Foxe would
1960thee, when peraduenture thou wert accus'd by the Asse:
1965thou the Vnicorne, pride and wrath would confound
1969pard: wert thou a Leopard, thou wert Germane to the
1970Lion, and the spottes of thy Kindred, were Iurors on thy
1977Haue hit vpon it heere.
1978The Commonwealth of Athens, is become
1981out of the Citie.
1982Ape. Yonder comes a Poet and a Painter:
1983The plague of Company light vpon thee:
1984I will feare to catch it, and giue way.
1985When I know not what else to do,
1986Ile see thee againe.
1987Tim. When there is nothing liuing but thee,
1988Thou shalt be welcome.
1989I had rather be a Beggers Dogge,
1990Then Apemantus.
1991Ape. Thou art the Cap
1992Of all the Fooles aliue.
1993Tim. Would thou wert cleane enough
1994To spit vpon.
1995Ape. A plague on thee,
1996Thou art too bad to curse.
1997Tim. All Villaines
1998That do stand by thee, are pure.
2001Tim. If I name thee, Ile beate thee;
2003Ape. I would my tongue
2004Could rot them off.
2006Choller does kill me,
2012Tim. Slaue.
2013Ape. Toad.
2014Tim. Rogue, Rogue, Rogue.
2016But euen the meere necessities vpon't:
2017Then Timon presently prepare thy graue:
2018Lye where the light Fome of the Sea may beate
2019Thy graue stone dayly, make thine Epitaph,
2020That death in me, at others liues may laugh.
2021O thou sweete King-killer, and deare diuorce
2023of Himens purest bed, thou valiant Mars,
2024Thou euer, yong, fresh, loued, and delicate wooer,
2026That lyes on Dians lap.
2027Thou visible God,
hh3 To
94Timon of Athens.
2030To euerie purpose: O thou touch of hearts,
2031Thinke thy slaue-man rebels, and by thy vertue
2032Set them into confounding oddes, that Beasts
2033May haue the world in Empire.
2036Thou wilt be throng'd too shortly.
2037Tim. Throng'd too?
2038Ape. I.
2039Tim. Thy backe I prythee.
2042Ape. Mo things like men,
2043Eate Timon, and abhorre then. Exit Apeman.
2044Enter the Bandetti.
2047want of Gold, and the falling from of his Friendes, droue
2048him into this Melancholly.
20492 It is nois'd
2053shall's get it?
20542 True: for he beares it not about him:
2055'Tis hid.
20561 Is not this hee?
2057All. Where?
20593 He? I know him.
2060All. Saue thee Timon.
2061Tim. Now Theeues.
2062All. Soldiers, not Theeues.
2063Tim. Both too, and womens Sonnes.
2064All. We are not Theeues, but men
2065That much do want.
2067Why should you want? Behold, the Earth hath Rootes:
2068Within this Mile breake forth a hundred Springs:
2069The Oakes beare Mast, the Briars Scarlet Heps,
2071Layes her full Messe before you. Want? why Want?
2076That you are Theeues profest: that you worke not
2080Till the high Feauor seeth your blood to froth,
2083Moe then you Rob: Take wealth, and liues together,
2085Like Workemen, Ile example you with Theeuery:
2086The Sunnes a Theefe, and with his great attraction
2087Robbes the vaste Sea. The Moones an arrant Theefe,
2090The Moone into Salt teares. The Earth's a Theefe,
2092From gen'rall excrement: each thing's a Theefe.
2093The Lawes, your curbe and whip, in their rough power
2094Ha's vncheck'd Theft. Loue not your selues, away,
2095Rob one another, there's more Gold, cut throates,
2096All that you meete are Theeues: to Athens go,
2099And Gold confound you howsoere: Amen.
2101swading me to it.
2103vs not to haue vs thriue in our mystery.
21042 Ile beleeue him as an Enemy,
2105And giue ouer my Trade.
2108Enter the Steward to Timon.
2109Stew. Oh you Gods!
2110Is yon'd despis'd and ruinous man my Lord?
2111Full of decay and fayling? Oh Monument
2112And wonder of good deeds, euilly bestow'd!
2113What an alteration of Honor has desp'rate want made?
2114What vilder thing vpon the earth, then Friends,
2116How rarely does it meete with this times guise,
2117When man was wisht to loue his Enemies:
2118Grant I may euer loue, and rather woo
2123Tim. Away: what art thou?
2124Stew. Haue you forgot me, Sir?
2126Then, if thou grunt'st, th'art a man.
2127I haue forgot thee.
2129Tim. Then I know thee not:
2130I neuer had honest man about me, I all
2131I kept were Knaues, to serue in meate to Villaines.
2133Neu'r did poore Steward weare a truer greefe
2134For his vndone Lord, then mine eyes for you.
2136Come neerer, then I loue thee
2138Flinty mankinde: whose eyes do neuer giue,
2140Strange times yt weepe with laughing, not with weeping.
2141Stew. I begge of you to know me, good my Lord,
2143To entertaine me as your Steward still.
2144Tim. Had I a Steward
2146It almost turnes my dangerous Nature wilde.
2147Let me behold thy face: Surely, this man
2148Was borne of woman.
2150You perpetuall sober Gods. I do proclaime
2152No more I pray, and hee's a Steward.
2153How faine would I haue hated all mankinde,
2155I fell with Curses.
2157For, by oppressing and betraying mee,
Timon of Athens. 95
2164Expecting in returne twenty for one?
2169That which I shew, Heauen knowes, is meerely Loue,
2170Dutie, and Zeale, to your vnmatched minde;
2171Care of your Food and Liuing, and beleeue it,
2172My most Honour'd Lord,
2173For any benefit that points to mee,
2174Either in hope, or present, I'de exchange
2175For this one wish, that you had power and wealth
2176To requite me, by making rich your selfe.
2178Heere take: the Gods out of my miserie
2180But thus condition'd: Thou shalt build from men:
2183Ere thou releeue the Begger. Giue to dogges
2185Debts wither 'em to nothing, be men like blasted woods
2187And so farewell, and thriue.