Not Peer Reviewed
Timon of Athens (Folio 1, 1623)
Timon of Athens. 87
1121Tit. The like to you kinde Varro.
1122Hort. Lucius, what do we meet together?
1124For mine is money.
1125Tit. So is theirs, and ours.
1126 Enter Philotus.
1128Phil. Good day at once.
1129Luci. Welcome good Brother.
1130What do you thinke the houre?
1131Phil. Labouring for Nine.
1132Luci. So much?
1134Luci. Not yet.
1138Is like the Sunnes, but not like his recouerable, I feare:
1140may reach deepe enough, and yet finde little.
1141Phil. I am of your feare, for that.
1143Your Lord sends now for Money?
1145Tit. And he weares Iewels now of Timons guift,
1146For which I waite for money.
1149Timon in this, should pay more then he owes:
1150And e'ne as if your Lord should weare rich Iewels,
1151And send for money for 'em.
1152Hort. I'me weary of this Charge,
1153The Gods can witnesse:
1154I know my Lord hath spent of Timons wealth,
1157What's yours?
1162Enter Flaminius.
1163Tit. One of Lord Timons men.
1164Luc. Flaminius? Sir, a word: Pray is my Lord readie
1165to come forth?
1166Flam. No, indeed he is not.
1169Enter Steward in a Cloake, muffled.
1171He goes away in a Clowd: Call him, call him.
1174Stew. What do ye aske of me, my Friend.
1176Stew. I, if Money were as certaine as your waiting,
1177'Twere sure enough.
1178Why then preferr'd you not your summes and Billes
1180Then they could smile, and fawne vpon his debts,
1181And take downe th'Intrest into their glutt'nous Mawes.
1183Let me passe quietly:
1184Beleeue't, my Lord and I haue made an end,
1185I haue no more to reckon, he to spend.
1188For you serue Knaues.
1192uenge enough. Who can speake broader, then hee that
1194great buildings.
1195Enter Seruilius.
1201His comfortable temper has forsooke him, he's much out
1202of health, and keepes his Chamber.
1204And if it be so farre beyond his health,
1206And make a cleere way to the Gods.
1207Seruil. Good Gods.
1210Enter Timon in a rage.
1213Be my retentiue Enemy? My Gaole?
1214The place which I haue Feasted, does it now
1215(Like all Mankinde) shew me an Iron heart?
1216Luci. Put in now Titus.
1217Tit. My Lord, heere is my Bill.
1218Luci. Here's mine.
12191.Var. And mine, my Lord.
12202.Var. And ours, my Lord.
1221Philo. All our Billes.
1222Tim. Knocke me downe with 'em, cleaue mee to the
1224Luc. Alas, my Lord.
1227Tim. Tell out my blood.
1230What yours? and yours?
12311.Var. My Lord.
12322.Var. My Lord.
1233Tim. Teare me, take me, and the Gods fall vpon you.
1237rate ones, for a madman owes 'em. Exeunt.
1238Enter Timon.
1239Timon. They haue e'ene put my breath from mee the
1240slaues. Creditors? Diuels.
1241Stew. My deere Lord.
1243Stew. My Lord.
1245Stew. Heere my Lord.
1247Lucius, Lucullus, and Sempronius Vllorxa: All,
1251derate Table.