[4.3]'s palace. Enter Gonerill, [her Gentleman,] attendants. It was great ignorance, Gloster's eyes being out,
4.3.21688To let him live. Where he arrives, he moves
4.3.31689All hearts against us. Edmund I think is gone,
4.3.41690In pity to his misery, to dispatch him.
No, madam, he's returned on speedy summons
Ha! I like not that.
4.3.81694Such speed must have the wings of love. Where's Albany?
Madam, within, but never man so changed.
4.3.101696I told him of the uproar of the peasants,
Trouble him no further,
4.3.141700It is his coward spirit. Back to our sister,
4.3.161702I have given the distaff into my husband's hands.
4.3.171703That done, with special care deliver these dispatches
O madam, most unseasonable news.
4.3.201707The Duke of Cornwall's dead of his late wound,
4.3.211708Whose loss your sister has in part supplied,
4.3.221709Making brave Edmund general of her forces.
One way I like this well;
4.3.251712May blast the promised harvest of our love.
4.3.261713A word more, sir: add speed to your journey,
4.3.271714And if you chance to meet with that blind traitor,
4.3.281715Preferment falls on him that cuts him off.