Peer Reviewed
Twelfth Night (Folio 1, 1623)
610Actus Secundus, Scaena prima.
611Enter Antonio & Sebastian.
613I go with you.
615ouer me; the malignancie of my fate, might perhaps di-
617that I may beare my euils alone. It were a bad recom-
618pence for your loue, to lay any of them on you.
619An. Let me yet know of you, whither you are bound.
621extrauagancie. But I perceiue in you so excellent a touch
622of modestie, that you will not extort from me, what I am
623willing to keepe in: therefore it charges me in manners,
627know you haue heard of. He left behinde him, my selfe,
630ter'd that, for some houre before you tooke me from the
632Ant. Alas the day.
634bled me, was yet of many accounted beautiful: but thogh
637bore a minde that enuy could not but call faire: Shee is
639drowne her remembrance againe with more.
641Seb. O good Antonio, forgiue me your trouble.
642Ant. If you will not murther me for my loue, let mee
643be your seruant.
644Seb. If you will not vndo what you haue done, that is
645kill him, whom you haue recouer'd, desire it not. Fare
647am yet so neere the manners of my mother, that vpon the
651I haue many enemies in Orsino's Court,
653But come what may, I do adore thee so,