Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

The Two Noble Kinsmen.
By warranting Moone-light corslet thee, oh when
Her twyning Cherries shall their sweetnes fall
Vpon thy tastefull lips, what wilt thou thinke
250Of rotten Kings or blubberd Queenes, what care
For what thou feelst not? what thou feelst being able
To make Mars spurne his Drom. O if thou couch
But one night with her, every howre in't will
Take hostage of thee for a hundred, and
255Thou shalt remember nothing more, then what
That Banket bids thee too.
Hip. Though much unlike
You should be so transported, as much sorry
I should be such a Suitour; yet I thinke
260Did I not by th'abstayning of my joy
Which breeds a deeper longing, cure their surfeit
That craves a present medcine, I should plucke
All Ladies scandall on me. Therefore Sir
As I shall here make tryall of my prayres,
265Either presuming them to have some force,
Or sentencing for ay their vigour dombe,
Prorogue this busines, we are going about, and hang
Your Sheild afore your Heart, about that necke
Which is my ffee, and which I freely lend
270To doe these poore Queenes service.
All Queens. Oh helpe now
Our Cause cries for your knee.
Emil. If you grant not
My Sister her petition in that force,
275With that Celerity, and nature which
Shee makes it in: from henceforth ile not dare
To aske you any thing, nor be so hardy
Ever to take a Husband.
Thes. Pray stand up.
280I am entreating of my selfe to doe
That which you kneele to have me; Pyrithous
Leade on the Bride; get you and pray the Gods
For successe, and returne, omit not any thing
In the pretended Celebration: Queenes