Not Peer Reviewed
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
3262At the sharpe Rowell, which he freats at rather
3263Then any jot obaies; seekes all foule meanes
3265His Lord, that kept it bravely: when nought serv'd,
3267Dis-roote his Rider whence he grew, but that
3268He kept him tweene his legges, on his hind hoofes
3269on end he stands
3270That Arcites leggs being higher then his head
3273Backeward the Iade comes ore, and his full poyze
3274Becomes the Riders loade: yet is he living,
3278Enter Theseus, Hipolita, Emilia, Arcite, in a chaire.
3280The gods are mightie Arcite, if thy heart,
3281Thy worthie, manly heart be yet unbroken:
3282Give me thy last words, I am Palamon,
3283One that yet loves thee dying.
3284Arc. Take Emilia
3285And with her, all the worlds joy: Reach thy hand,
3287Yet never treacherous: Forgive me Cosen:
3288One kisse from faire Emilia: Tis done:
3289Take her: I die.
3292Thou art a right good man, and while I live,
3293This day I give to teares.
3294Pal. And I to honour.
3296I sundred you, acknowledge to the gods
3297Our thankes that you are living:
3298His part is playd, and though it were too short
3299He did it well: your day is lengthned, and,