Not Peer Reviewed
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
3186Yong, and unwapper'd not, halting under Crymes
3189For we are more cleare Spirits. My deare kinsemen.
3190Whose lives (for this poore comfort) are laid downe,
3191You have sould 'em too too cheape.
31921. K. What ending could be
3193Of more content? ore us the victors have
3194Fortune, whose title is as momentary,
3195As to us death is certaine: A graine of honour
3196They not ore'-weigh us.
31972. K. Let us bid farewell;
3198And with our patience, anger tottring Fortune,
3199Who at her certain'st reeles.
32003. K. Come? who begins?
3202Taste to you all: ah ha my Friend, my Friend,
3203Your gentle daughter gave me freedome once;
3205I heard she was not well; her kind of ill
3208And to be marryed shortly.
3212Commend me to her, and to peece her portion
3213Tender her this.
32152. K. Is it a maide?
3217A right good creature, more to me deserving
3218Then I can quight or speake of.
3220Iaylor. The gods requight you all,
3221And make her thankefull.
3223As my leave taking. Lies on the Blocke.
M3 1. K.