Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Encountred yet his Better, I have heard
Two emulous Philomels, beate the eare o'th night
3150With their contentious throates, now one the higher,
Anon the other, then againe the first,
And by and by out breasted, that the sence
Could not be judge betweene 'em: So it far'd
Good space betweene these kinesmen; till heavens did
3155Make hardly one the winner: weare the Girlond
With joy that you have won: For the subdude,
Give them our present Iustice, since I know
Their lives but pinch 'em; Let it here be done:
The Sceane's not for our seeing, goe we hence,
3160Right joyfull, with some sorrow. Arme your prize,
I know you will not loose her: Hipolita
I see one eye of yours conceives a teare
The which it will deliver. Florish.
Emil. Is this wynning?
3165Oh all you heavenly powers where is you mercy?
But that your wils have saide it must be so,
And charge me live to comfort this unfriended,
This miserable Prince, that cuts away
A life more worthy from him, then all women;
3170I should, and would die too.
Hip. Infinite pitty
That fowre such eies should be so fixd on one
That two must needes be blinde fort.
Thes. So it is. Exeunt.
3175Scaena 4. Enter Palamon and his Knightes pyniond; Iaylor,
Executioner &c. Gard.
Ther's many a man alive, that hath out liv'd
The love o'th people, yea i'th selfesame state
Stands many a Father with his childe; some comfort
3180We have by so considering: we expire
And not without mens pitty. To live still,
Have their good wishes, we prevent
The loathsome misery of age, beguile
The Gowt and Rheume, that in lag howres attend
3185For grey approachers; we come towards the gods