Not Peer Reviewed
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1900Fight bravely Cosen, give me thy noble hand.
1903Pal. I commend thee.
1906Once more farewell my Cosen,
1908Hornes within: they stand.
1910Pal. Why?
1911Arc. This is the Duke, a hunting as I told you,
1912If we be found, we are wretched, O retire
1915Too many howres to dye in, gentle Cosen:
1917For breaking prison, and I, if you reveale me,
1918For my contempt; Then all the world will scorne us,
1922I will no more be hidden, nor put off
1923This great adventure to a second Tryall:
1924I know your cunning, and I know your cause,
1926Vpon thy present guard.
1927Arc. You are not mad?
1928Pal. Or I will make th' advantage of this howre
1929Mine owne, and what to come shall threaten me,
1931I love Emilia, and in that ile bury
1933Arc. Then come, what can come
1934Thou shalt know Palamon, I dare as well
1936The law will have the honour of our ends.
1937Have at thy life.
H2 Pal.