Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Thou wor'st that day the 3. Kings fell, but lighter.
Arc. That was a very good one, and that day
I well remember, you outdid me Cosen,
1865I never saw such valour: when you chargd
Vpon the left wing of the Enemie,
I spurd hard to come up, and under me
I had a right good horse.
Pal. You had indeede
1870A bright Bay I remember.
Arc. Yes but all
Was vainely labour'd in me, you outwent me,
Nor could my wishes reach you; yet a little
I did by imitation.
1875Pal. More by vertue,
You are modest Cosen.
Arc. When I saw you charge first,
Me thought I heard a dreadfull clap of Thunder
Breake from the Troope.
1880Pal. But still before that flew
The lightning of your valour: Stay a little,
Is not this peece too streight?
Arc. No, no, tis well.
Pal. I would have nothing hurt thee but my Sword,
1885A bruise would be dishonour.
Arc. Now I am perfect.
Pal. Stand off then.
Arc. Take my Sword, I hold it better.
Pal. I thanke ye: No, keepe it, your life lyes on it,
1890Here's one, if it but hold, I aske no more,
For all my hopes: My Cause and honour guard me.
Arc. And me my love:* Is there ought else to say?
They bow se-
verall wayes:
then advance
and stand.
Pal. This onely, and no more: Thou art mine Aunts Son.
And that blood we desire to shed is mutuall,
1895In me, thine, and in thee, mine: My Sword
Is in my hand, and if thou killst me
The gods, and I forgive thee; If there be
A place prepar'd for those that sleepe in honour,
I wish his wearie soule, that falls may win it: