Not Peer Reviewed
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1862Thou wor'st that day the 3. Kings fell, but lighter.
1863Arc. That was a very good one, and that day
1864I well remember, you outdid me Cosen,
1866Vpon the left wing of the Enemie,
1867I spurd hard to come up, and under me
1868I had a right good horse.
1869Pal. You had indeede
1870A bright Bay I remember.
1871Arc. Yes but all
1872Was vainely labour'd in me, you outwent me,
1873Nor could my wishes reach you; yet a little
1874I did by imitation.
1875Pal. More by vertue,
1878Me thought I heard a dreadfull clap of Thunder
1879Breake from the Troope.
1881The lightning of your valour: Stay a little,
1882Is not this peece too streight?
1883Arc. No, no, tis well.
1884Pal. I would have nothing hurt thee but my Sword,
1888Arc. Take my Sword, I hold it better.
1889Pal. I thanke ye: No, keepe it, your life lyes on it,
1890Here's one, if it but hold, I aske no more,
1891For all my hopes: My Cause and honour guard me.
They bow se-
verall wayes:
then advance
and stand.
1893Pal. This onely, and no more: Thou art mine Aunts Son.
1895In me, thine, and in thee, mine: My Sword
1896Is in my hand, and if thou killst me
1897The gods, and I forgive thee; If there be