Not Peer Reviewed
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Folio 1, 1623)
1543 Actus Quartus. Scoena Prima.
1544 Enter Valentine, Speed, and certaine Out-lawes.
1550That all the Trauailers doe feare so much.
1551Val. My friends.
15532. Out. Peace: we'll heare him.
1554 3. Out. I by my beard will we: for he is a proper man.
1557My riches, are these poore habiliments,
15602. Out. Whether trauell you?
1561Val. To Verona.
15621. Out. Whence came you?
1563Val. From Millaine.
1566If crooked fortune had not thwarted me.
1568Val. I was.
1571I kil'd a man, whose death I much repent,
15772. Out. Haue you the Tongues?
1578Val. My youthfull trauaile, therein made me happy,
1581This fellow were a King, for our wilde faction.
15821. Out. We'll haue him: Sirs, a word.
1584It's an honourable kinde of theeuery.
1585Val. Peace villaine.
15862. Out. Tell vs this: haue you any thing to take to?
1587Val. Nothing but my fortune.
1589Such as the fury of vngouern'd youth
1590Thrust from the company of awfull men.
1593And heire and Neece, alide vnto the Duke.
15942. Out. And I from Mantua, for a Gentleman,
1595Who, in my moode, I stab'd vnto the heart.
1597But to the purpose: for we cite our faults,
1598That they may hold excus'd our lawlesse liues;
1600With goodly shape; and by your owne report,
1602As we doe in our quality much want.
1604Therefore, aboue the rest, we parley to you:
1605Are you content to be our Generall?
1606To make a vertue of necessity,
1607And liue as we doe in this wildernesse?
1609Say I, and be the captaine of vs all:
1610We'll doe thee homage, and be rul'd by thee,
1611Loue thee, as our Commander, and our King.
1. Out.
The two Gentlemen of Verona. 33
1615Prouided that you do no outrages
1618Come, goe with vs, we'll bring thee to our Crewes,