Not Peer Reviewed
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Folio 1, 1623)
1067 Actus Tertius, Scena Prima.
1068 Enter Duke, Thurio, Protheus, Valentine,
1069Launce, Speed.
1070Duke. Sir Thurio, giue vs leaue (I pray) a while,
1072Now tell me Protheus, what's your will with me?
1074The Law of friendship bids me to conceale,
1075But when I call to minde your gracious fauours
1076Done to me (vndeseruing as I am)
1077My dutie pricks me on to vtter that
1079Know (worthy Prince) Sir Valentine my friend
1080This night intends to steale away your daughter:
1081My selfe am one made priuy to the plot.
1082I know you haue determin'd to bestow her
1083On Thurio, whom your gentle daughter hates,
1085It would be much vexation to your age.
1087To crosse my friend in his intended drift,
1088Then (by concealing it) heap on your head
1090(Being vnpreuented) to your timelesse graue.
1092Which to requite, command me while I liue.
1095And oftentimes haue purpos'd to forbid
The two Gentlemen of Verona. 29
1096Sir Valentine her companie, and my Court.
1097But fearing lest my iealous ayme might erre,
1100I gaue him gentle lookes, thereby to finde
1102And that thou maist perceiue my feare of this,
1104I nightly lodge her in an vpper Towre,
1105The key whereof, my selfe haue euer kept:
1106And thence she cannot be conuay'd away.
1107Pro. Know (noble Lord) they haue deuis'd a meane
1108How he her chamber-window will ascend,
1109And with a Corded-ladder fetch her downe:
1110For which, the youthfull Louer now is gone,
1111And this way comes he with it presently.
1112Where (if it please you) you may intercept him.
1113But (good my Lord) doe it so cunningly
1114That my discouery be not aimed at:
1115For, loue of you, not hate vnto my friend,
1116Hath made me publisher of this pretence.
1118That I had any light from thee of this.
1119Pro. Adiew, my Lord, Sir Valentine is comming.
1122That stayes to beare my Letters to my friends,
1123And I am going to deliuer them.
1124Duk. Be they of much import?
1126My health, and happy being at your Court.
1130'Tis not vnknown to thee, that I haue sought
1131To match my friend Sir Thurio, to my daughter.
1133Were rich and honourable: besides, the gentleman
1134Is full of Vertue, Bounty, Worth, and Qualities
1136Cannot your Grace win her to fancie him?
1139Neither regarding that she is my childe,
1140Nor fearing me, as if I were her father:
1141And may I say to thee, this pride of hers
1142(Vpon aduice) hath drawne my loue from her,
1143And where I thought the remnant of mine age
1144Should haue beene cherish'd by her child-like dutie,
1145I now am full resolu'd to take a wife,
1146And turne her out, to who will take her in:
1147Then let her beauty be her wedding dowre:
1149 Val. What would your Grace haue me to do in this?
1150Duk. There is a Lady in Verona heere
1152And naught esteemes my aged eloquence.
1153Now therefore would I haue thee to my Tutor
1154(For long agone I haue forgot to court,
1157To be regarded in her sun-bright eye.
1159Dumbe Iewels often in their silent kinde
1160More then quicke words, doe moue a womans minde.
1163Send her another: neuer giue her ore,
1165If she doe frowne, 'tis not in hate of you,
1166But rather to beget more loue in you.
1167If she doe chide, 'tis not to haue you gone,
1168For why, the fooles are mad, if left alone.
1170For, get you gon, she doth not meane away.
1171Flatter, and praise, commend, extoll their graces:
1173That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man,
1174If with his tongue he cannot win a woman.
1176Vnto a youthfull Gentleman of worth,
1178That no man hath accesse by day to her.
1181That no man hath recourse to her by night.
1182Val. What letts but one may enter at her window?
1183Duk. Her chamber is aloft, far from the ground,
1185Without apparant hazard of his life.
1186Val. Why then a Ladder quaintly made of Cords
1187To cast vp, with a paire of anchoring hookes,
1189So bold Leander would aduenture it.
1190Duk. Now as thou art a Gentleman of blood
1193Duk. This very night; for Loue is like a childe
1194That longs for euery thing that he can come by.
1196Duk But harke thee: I will goe to her alone,
1198Val. It will be light (my Lord) that you may beare it
1199Vnder a cloake, that is of any length.
1201Val. I my good Lord.
1203Ile get me one of such another length.
1206I pray thee let me feele thy cloake vpon me.
1207What Letter is this same? what's here? to Siluia?
1208And heere an Engine fit for my proceeding,
My thoughts do harbour with my Siluia nightly,
1215While I (their King) that thither them importune
1220What's here? Siluia, this night I will enfranchise thee.
1222Why Phaeton (for thou art Merops sonne)
1223Wilt thou aspire to guide the heauenly Car?
1224And with thy daring folly burne the world?
C3 Goe
30 The two Gentlemen of Verona.
1226Goe base Intruder, ouer-weening Slaue,
1228And thinke my patience, (more then thy desert)
1229Is priuiledge for thy departure hence.
1230Thanke me for this, more then for all the fauors
1231Which (all too-much) I haue bestowed on thee.
1232But if thou linger in my Territories
1234Will giue thee time to leaue our royall Court,
1235By heauen, my wrath shall farre exceed the loue
1236I euer bore my daughter, or thy selfe.
1237Be gone, I will not heare thy vaine excuse,
1239 Val. And why not death, rather then liuing torment?
1243What light, is light, if Siluia be not seene?
1244What ioy is ioy, if Siluia be not by?
1247Except I be by Siluia in the night,
1248There is no musicke in the Nightingale.
1249Vnlesse I looke on Siluia in the day,
1250There is no day for me to looke vpon.
1251Shee is my essence, and I leaue to be;
1252If I be not by her faire influence
1255Tarry I heere, I but attend on death,
1258Lau. So-hough, Soa hough---
1261There's not a haire on's head, but t'is a Valentine.
1262Pro. Valentine?
1263Val. No.
1264Pro. Who then? his Spirit?
1265Val. Neither,
1266Pro. What then?
1267Val. Nothing.
1270Lau. Nothing.
1271Pro. Villaine, forbeare.
1277For they are harsh, vn-tuneable, and bad.
1278Val. Is Siluia dead?
1279Pro. No, Valentine.
1282Pro. No, Valentine.
1284What is your newes?
1287From hence, from Siluia, and from me thy friend.
1288Val. Oh, I haue fed vpon this woe already,
1290Doth Siluia know that I am banish'd?
1293A Sea of melting pearle, which some call teares;
1295With them vpon her knees, her humble selfe,
1297As if but now they waxed pale for woe:
1298But neither bended knees, pure hands held vp,
1300Could penetrate her vncompassionate Sire;
1301But Valentine, if he be tane, must die.
1305With many bitter threats of biding there.
1307Haue some malignant power vpon my life:
1308If so: I pray thee breath it in mine eare,
1309As ending Antheme of my endlesse dolor.
1312Time is the Nurse, and breeder of all good;
1317Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence,
1318Which, being writ to me, shall be deliuer'd
1319Euen in the milke-white bosome of thy Loue.
1321Come, Ile conuey thee through the City-gate.
1322And ere I part with thee, confer at large
1323Of all that may concerne thy Loue-affaires:
1325Regard thy danger, and along with me.
1327Bid him make haste, and meet me at the North-gate.
1330 Launce. I am but a foole, looke you, and yet I haue
1331the wit to thinke my Master is a kinde of a knaue: but
1332that's all one, if he be but one knaue: He liues not now
1333that knowes me to be in loue, yet I am in loue, but a
1335'tis I loue: and yet 'tis a woman; but what woman, I
1336will not tell my selfe: and yet 'tis a Milke-maid: yet 'tis
1339hath more qualities then a Water-Spaniell, which is
1340much in a bare Christian: Heere is the Cate-log of her
1341Condition. Inprimis. Shee can fetch and carry: why
1343onely carry, therefore is shee better then a Iade. Item.
1344She can milke, looke you, a sweet vertue in a maid with
1345cleane hands.
1346 Speed. How now Signior Launce? what newes with
1350newes then in your paper?
1352Sp. Why man? how blacke?
1353La. Why, as blacke as Inke.
1354Sp. Let me read them?
1357La. I will try thee: tell me this: who begot thee?
Sp. Marry,
The two Gentlemen of Verona. 31
1360Grand-mother: this proues that thou canst not read.
1361Sp. Come foole, come: try me in thy paper.
1367your heart, you brew good Ale.)
1378can spin for her liuing.
1381indeede know not their fathers; and therefore haue no
1383Sp. Here follow her vices.
1388fast: read on.
1396To be slow in words, is a womans onely vertue:
1397I pray thee out with't, and place it for her chiefe vertue.
1399La. Out with that too:
1400It was Eues legacie, and cannot be t'ane from her.
1412cannot I helpe. Well, proceede.
1414faults then haires, and more wealth then faults.
1417once more.
1419 La. More haire then wit: it may be ile proue it: The
1421then the salt; the haire that couers the wit, is more
1422then the wit; for the greater hides the lesse: What's
1424Sp. And more faults then haires.
1426Sp. And more wealth then faults.
1427La. Why that word makes the faults gracious:
1428Well, ile haue her: and if it be a match, as nothing is
1430Sp. What then?
1432for thee at the North gate.
1433Sp. For me?
1435ter man then thee.