Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Two Gentlemen of Verona (Folio 1, 1623)

36 The two Gentlemen of Verona.
1985For I did play a lamentable part.
(Madam) 'twas Ariadne, passioning
For Thesus periury, and vniust flight;
Which I so liuely acted with my teares:
That my poore Mistris moued therewithall,
1990Wept bitterly: and would I might be dead,
If I in thought felt not her very sorrow.
Sil. She is beholding to thee (gentle youth)
Alas (poore Lady) desolate, and left;
I weepe my selfe to thinke vpon thy words:
1995Here youth: there is my purse; I giue thee this
For thy sweet Mistris sake, because thou lou'st her. Fare-(well.
Iul. And she shall thanke you for't, if ere you know (her.
A vertuous gentlewoman, milde, and beautifull.
I hope my Masters suit will be but cold,
2000Since she respects my Mistris loue so much.
Alas, how loue can trifle with it selfe:
Here is her Picture: let me see, I thinke
If I had such a Tyre, this face of mine
Were full as louely, as is this of hers;
2005And yet the Painter flatter'd her a little,
Vnlesse I flatter with my selfe too much.
Her haire is Aburne, mine is perfect Yellow;
If that be all the difference in his loue,
Ile get me such a coulour'd Perrywig:
2010Her eyes are grey as glasse, and so are mine.:
I, but her fore-head's low, and mine's as high:
What should it be that he respects in her,
But I can make respectiue in my selfe?
If this fond Loue, were not a blinded god.
2015Come shadow, come, and take this shadow vp,
For 'tis thy riuall: O thou sencelesse forme,
Thou shalt be worship'd, kiss'd, lou'd, and ador'd;
And were there sence in his Idolatry,
My substance should be statue in thy stead.
2020Ile vse thee kindly, for thy Mistris sake
That vs'd me so: or else by Ioue, I vow,
I should haue scratch'd out your vnseeing eyes,
To make my Master out of loue with thee. Exeunt.

Actus Quintus. Scoena Prima.

2025 Enter Eglamoure, Siluia.
Egl. The Sun begins to guild the westerne skie,
And now it is about the very houre
That Siluia, at Fryer Patricks Cell should meet me,
She will not faile; for Louers breake not houres,
2030Vnlesse it be to come before their time,
So much they spur their expedition.
See where she comes: Lady a happy euening.
Sil. Amen, Amen: goe on (good Eglamoure)
Out at the Posterne by the Abbey wall;
2035I feare I am attended by some Spies.
Egl. Feare not: the Forrest is not three leagues off,
If we recouer that, we are sure enough. Exeunt.

Scoena Secunda.

Enter Thurio, Protheus, Iulia, Duke.
2040Th. Sir Protheus, what saies Siluia to my suit?
Pro. Oh Sir, I finde her milder then she was,
And yet she takes exceptions at your person.
Thu. What? that my leg is too long?
Pro. No, that it is too little.
2045 Thu. Ile weare a Boote, to make it somewhat roun-(der.
Pro. But loue will not be spurd to what it loathes.
Thu. What saies she to my face?
Pro. She saies it is a faire one.
Thu. Nay then the wanton lyes: my face is blacke.
2050Pro. But Pearles are faire; and the old saying is,
Blacke men are Pearles, in beauteous Ladies eyes.
Thu. 'Tis true, such Pearles as put out Ladies eyes,
For I had rather winke, then looke on them.
Thu. How likes she my discourse?
2055Pro. Ill, when you talke of war.
Thu. But well, when I discourse of loue and peace.
Iul. But better indeede, when you hold you peace.
Thu. What sayes she to my valour?
Pro. Oh Sir, she makes no doubt of that.
2060 Iul. She needes not, when she knowes it cowardize.
Thu. What saies she to my birth?
Pro. That you are well deriu'd.
Iul. True: from a Gentleman, to a foole.
Thu. Considers she my Possessions?
2065Pro. Oh, I: and pitties them.
Thu. Wherefore?
Iul. That such an Asse should owe them.
Pro. That they are out by Lease.
Iul. Here comes the Duke.
2070Du. How now sir Protheus; how now Thurio?
Which of you saw Eglamoure of late?
Thu. Not I.
Pro. Nor I.
Du. Saw you my daughter?
2075Pro. Neither.
Du. Why then
She's fled vnto that pezant, Valentine;
And Eglamoure is in her Company:
'Tis true: for Frier Laurence met them both
2080As he, in pennance wander'd through the Forrest:
Him he knew well: and guesd that it was she,
But being mask'd, he was not sure of it.
Besides she did intend Confession
At Patricks Cell this euen, and there she was not.
2085These likelihoods confirme her flight from hence;
Therefore I pray you stand, not to discourse,
But mount you presently, and meete with me
Vpon the rising of the Mountaine foote
That leads toward Mantua, whether they are fled:
2090Dispatch (sweet Gentlemen) and follow me.
Thu. Why this it is, to be a peeuish Girle,
That flies her fortune when it followes her:
Ile after; more to be reueng'd on Eglamoure,
Then for the loue of reck-lesse Siluia.
2095Pro. And I will follow, more for Siluas loue
Then hate of Eglamoure that goes with her.
Iul. And I will follow, more to crosse that loue
Then hate for Siluia, that is gone for loue. Exeunt.

Scena Tertia.

2100 Siluia, Out-lawes.
1. Out. Come, come be patient: