Not Peer Reviewed
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Folio 1, 1623)
THE Two Gentlemen of Verona.
1 Actus primus, Scena prima.
2 Valentine: Protheus, and Speed.
5Home-keeping youth, haue euer homely wits,
7To the sweet glaunces of thy honour'd Loue,
8I rather would entreat thy company,
9To see the wonders of the world abroad,
10Then (liuing dully sluggardiz'd at home)
13Euen as I would, when I to loue begin.
14Pro. Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine adew,
16Some rare note-worthy obiect in thy trauaile.
18When thou do'st meet good hap; and in thy danger,
19(If euer danger doe enuiron thee)
20Commend thy grieuance to my holy prayers,
21For I will be thy beades-man, Valentine.
26Pro. That's a deepe Storie, of a deeper loue,
27For he was more then ouer-shooes in loue.
28Val. 'Tis true; for you are ouer-bootes in loue,
30Pro. Ouer the Bootes? nay giue me not the Boots.
31Val. No, I will not; for it boots thee not.
32Pro. What?
35With twenty watchfull, weary, tedious nights;
36If hap'ly won, perhaps a haplesse gaine;
37If lost, why then a grieuous labour won;
38How euer: but a folly bought with wit,
42Pro. 'Tis Loue you cauill at, I am not Loue.
44And he that is so yoked by a foole,
47The eating Canker dwels; so eating Loue
50Is eaten by the Canker ere it blow,
51Euen so by Loue, the yong, and tender wit
52Is turn'd to folly, blasting in the Bud,
53Loosing his verdure, euen in the prime,
56That art a votary to fond desire?
57Once more adieu: my Father at the Road
59Pro. And thither will I bring thee Valentine.
61To Millaine let me heare from thee by Letters
63Betideth here in absence of thy Friend:
67Pro. He after Honour hunts, I after Loue;
68He leaues his friends, to dignifie them more;
69I loue my selfe, my friends, and all for loue:
70Thou Iulia, thou hast metamorphis'd me:
75 Pro. But now he parted hence to embarque for Millain.
77And I haue plaid the Sheepe in loosing him.
79And if the Shepheard be awhile away.
81and I Sheepe?
82Pro. I doe.
83 Sp. Why then my hornes are his hornes, whether I
84wake or sleepe.
93 Pro. The Sheepe for fodder follow the Shepheard,
94the Shepheard for foode followes not the Sheepe: thou
96followes not thee: therefore thou art a Sheepe.
97Sp. Such another proofe will make me cry baâ.
99to Iulia?
Sp. I