Peer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
451Thy bosome is indeared with all hearts,
453And there raignes Loue and all Loues louing parts,
454And all those friends which I thought buried.
455How many a holy and obsequious teare
456Hath deare religious loue stolne from mine eye,
458But things remou'd that hidden in there lie.
459Thou art the graue where buried loue doth liue,
460Hung with the tropheis of my louers gon,
461Who all their parts of me to thee did giue,
462That due of many, now is thine alone.
463 Their images I lou'd, I view in thee,
464And thou(all they)hast all the all of me.
466IF thou suruiue my well contented daie,
470Compare them with the bett'ring of the time,
471And though they be out-stript by euery pen,
473Exceeded by the hight of happier men.
474Oh then voutsafe me but this louing thought,
475Had my friends Muse growne with this growing age,
476A dearer birth then this his loue had brought
477To march in ranckes of better equipage:
481FVll many a glorious morning haue I seene,
482Flatter the mountaine tops with soueraine eie,
483Kissing with golden face the meddowes greene;
484Guilding pale streames with heauenly alcumy:
486With ougly rack on his celestiall face,
487And from the for-lorne world his visage hide
490With all triumphant splendor on my brow,
491But out alack, he was but one houre mine,
492The region cloude hath mask'd him from me now.