Peer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
1712THose lines that I before haue writ doe lie,
1714Yet then my iudgement knew no reason why,
1717Creepe in twixt vowes, and change decrees of Kings,
1720Alas why fearing of times tiranie,
1722When I was certaine ore in-certainty,
1725To giue full growth to that which still doth grow.
1727LEt me not to the marriage of true mindes
1728Admit impediments, loue is not loue
1729Which alters when it alteration findes,
1730Or bends with the remouer to remoue.
1733It is the star to euery wandring barke,
1737Loue alters not with his breefe houres and weekes,
1738But beares it out euen to the edge of doome:
1739 If this be error and vpon me proued,
1740I neuer writ, nor no man euer loued.
1744Forgot vpon your dearest loue to call,
1745Whereto al bonds do tie me day by day,
1746That I haue frequent binne with vnknown mindes,
1747And giuen to time your owne deare purchas'd right,
1750Booke both my wilfulnesse and errors downe,
1752Bring me within the leuel of your frowne,
1753But shoote not at me in your wakened hate: