Author: William ShakespeareEditors: Hardy M. Cook, Ian LancashirePeer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
1622O Neuer
say that I was fal
se of heart,
1623Though ab
seem'd my
flame to qualli
1624As ea
sie might I from my
selfe depart,
1625As from my
soule which in thy bre
st doth lye :
1626That is my home of loue,
if I haue rang'd,
1627Like him that trauels I returne againe,
st to the time,
not with the time exchang'd,
1629So that my
selfe bring water for my
1630Neuer beleeue though in my nature raign'd,
1631All frailties that be
siege all kindes of blood,
1632That it could
so prepo
slie be
1633To leaue for nothing all thy
summe of good :
1634 For nothing this wide Vniuer
se I call,
1635Saue thou my Ro
in it thou art my all.
1637ALas 'tis true,
I haue gone here and there,
1638And made my
selfe a motley to the view,
1639Gor'd mine own thoughts,
sold cheap what is mo
st deare,
1640Made old o
ffences of a
ctions new.
st true it is,
that I haue lookt on truth
sconce and
strangely: But by all aboue,
se blenches gaue my heart an other youth,
1644And wor
se e
ssaies prou'd thee my be
st of loue,
1645Now all is done,
haue what
shall haue no end,
1646Mine appetite I neuer more will grin'de
1647On newer proofe,
to trie an older friend,
1648A God in loue,
to whom I am con
1649 Then giue me welcome,
next my heauen the be
1650Euen to thy pure and mo
st mo
st louing bre
1652O For my
sake doe you wi
sh fortune chide,
1653The guiltie godde
sse of my harmfull deeds,
1654That did not better for my life prouide,
1655Then publick meanes which publick manners breeds.
1656Thence comes it that my name receiues a brand,
1657And almo
st thence my nature is
1658To what it workes in,
like the Dyers hand,
1659Pitty me then,
and wi
sh I were renu'de,
st like a willing pacient I will drinke,
1661Potions of Ey
sell gain
st my
strong infe
1662No bitterne
sse that I will bitter thinke,
1663Nor double pennance to corre
ct corre
1664 Pittie me then deare friend,
and I a
ssure yee,
1665 Euen that your pittie is enough to cure mee.