Peer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
1829 To keepe an adiunckt to remember thee,
1830Were to import forgetfulnesse in mee.
1833Thy pyramyds buylt vp with newer might
1836Our dates are breefe, and therefor we admire,
1838And rather make them borne to our desire,
1839Then thinke that we before haue heard them tould:
1843Made more or les by thy continuall hast:
1848It might for fortunes basterd be vnfathered,
1851No it was buylded far from accident,
1853Vnder the blow of thralled discontent,
1854Whereto th'inuiting time our fashion calls:
1855It feares not policy that Heriticke,
1857But all alone stands hugely pollitick,
1859 To this I witnes call the foles of time,
1860Which die for goodnes, who haue liu'd for crime.
1862WEr't ought to me I bore the canopy,
1863With my extern the outward honoring,