Peer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
1757LIke as to make our appetites more keene
1758With eager compounds we our pallat vrge,
1759As to preuent our malladies vnseene,
1762To bitter sawces did I frame my feeding;
1765Thus pollicie in loue t'anticipate
1767And brought to medicine a healthfull state
1768Which rancke of goodnesse would by ill be cured.
1772WHat potions haue I drunke of Syren teares
1773Distil'd from Lymbecks foule as hell within,
1774Applying feares to hopes, and hopes to feares,
1776What wretched errors hath my heart committed,
1778How haue mine eies out of their Spheares bene fitted
1781That better is, by euil still made better.
1782And ruin'd loue when it is built anew
1784 So I returne rebukt to my content,
1787THat you were once vnkind be-friends mee now,
1788And for that sorrow , which I then didde feele,