Peer Reviewed
Shake-speares Sonnets (Quarto 1, 1609)
1000Beggerd of blood to blush through liuely vaines,
1001For she hath no exchecker now but his,
1002And proud of many, liues vpon his gaines?
1006THus is his cheeke the map of daies out-worne,
1007When beauty liu'd and dy'ed as flowers do now,
1009Or durst inhabit on a liuing brow:
1010Before the goulden tresses of the dead,
1013Ere beauties dead fleece made another gay:
1016Making no summer of an others greene,
1017Robbing no ould to dresse his beauty new,
1022Want nothing that the thought of hearts can mend:
1023All toungs(the voice of soules)giue thee that end,
1025Their outward thus with outward praise is crownd,
1027In other accents doe this praise confound
1029They looke into the beauty of thy mind,
1031Then churls their thoughts(although their eies were kind)
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