1977Actus Quartus. Scena Prima. 1978Enter Katherina and Grumio. 1979Gru. No, no for
sooth I dare not for my life.
1980Ka. The more my wrong, the more his
spite appears.
1981What, did he marrie me to fami
sh me?
1982Beggers that come vnto my fathers doore,
1983Vpon intreatie haue a pre
sent almes,
1984If not, el
sewhere they meete with charitie:
1985But I, who neuer knew how to intreat,
1986Nor neuer needed that I
should intreate,
staru'd for meate, giddie for lacke of
1988With oathes kept waking, and with brawling fed,
1989And that which
spights me more then all the
se wants,
1990He does it vnder name of perfe
ct loue:
1991As who
say. if I
sleepe or eate
1992'Twere deadly
sse, or el
se pre
sent death.
1993I prethee go, aud get me
some repa
1994I care not what,
so it be hol
some foode.
1995Gru. What
say you to a Neats foote?
1996Kate. 'Tis pa
ssing good, I prethee let me haue it.
1997Gru. I feare it is too chollericke a meate.
say you to a fat Tripe
finely broyl'd?
1999Kate. I like it well, good Grumio fetch it me.
2000Gru. I cannot tell, I feare 'tis chollericke.
say you to a peece of Beefe and Mu
2002Kate. A di
sh that I do loue to feede vpon.
2003Gru. I, but the Mu
stard is too hot a little.
2004Kate. Why then the Beefe, and let the Mu
stard re
2005Gru. Nay then I wil not, you
shal haue the Mu
2006Or el
se you get no beefe of Grumio.
2007Kate. Then both or one, or any thing thou wilt.
2008Gru. Why then the Mu
stard without the beefe.
2009Kate. Go get thee gone, thou fal
se deluding
2011That feed'
st me with the verie name of meate.
2012Sorrow on thee, and all the packe of you
2013That triumph thus vpon my mi
2014Go get thee gone, I
2015Enter Petruchio, and Hortensio with meate. 2016Petr. How fares my Kate, what
sweeting all a-mort?
2017 Hor. Mi
stris, what cheere?
2018Kate. Faith as cold as can be.
2019Pet. Plucke vp thy
spirits, looke cheerfully vpon me.
2020Heere Loue, thou
st how diligent I am,
2021To dre
sse thy meate my
selfe, and bring it thee.
2022I am
sweet Kate, this kindne
sse merites thankes.
2023What, not a word? Nay then, thou lou'
st it not:
2024And all my paines is
sorted to no proofe.
2025Heere take away this di
2026Kate. I pray you let it
2027Pet. The poore
st seruice is repaide with thankes,
shall mine before you touch the meate.
2029Kate. I thanke you
2030Hor. Signior
fie you are too blame:
2031Come Mi
stris Kate, Ile beare you companie.
2032Petr. Eate it vp all
Hortensio, if thou loue
st mee:
2033Much good do it vnto thy gentle heart:
2034Kate eate apace; and now my honie Loue,
2035Will we returne vnto thy Fathers hou
2036And reuell it as brauely as the be
silken coats and caps, and golden Rings,
2038With Ru
ffes and Cu
ffes, and Fardingales, and things:
2039With Scarfes, and Fannes, & double change of brau'ry,
2040With Amber Bracelets, Beades, and all this knau'ry.
2041What ha
st thou din'd? The Tailor
staies thy lea
2042To decke thy bodie with his ruf
fling trea
224The Taming of the Shrew.
2044Come Tailor, let vs
see the
se ornaments.
2046Lay forth the gowne. What newes with you
2047Fel. Heere is the cap your Wor
ship did be
2048Pet. Why this was moulded on a porrenger,
2049A Veluet di
sh: Fie,
fie, 'tis lewd and
2050Why 'tis a cockle or a walnut-
2051A knacke, a toy, a tricke, a babies cap:
2052Away with it, come let me haue a bigger.
2053Kate. Ile haue no bigger, this doth
fit the time,
2054And Gentlewomen weare
such caps as the
2055Pet. When you are gentle, you
shall haue one too,
2057Hor. That will not be in ha
2058Kate. Why
sir I tru
st I may haue leaue to
speake I will. I am no childe, no babe,
2060Your betters haue indur'd me
say my minde,
2061And If you cannot, be
st you
stop your eares.
2062My tongue will tell the anger of my heart,
2063Or els my heart concealing it wil breake,
2064And rather then it
shall, I will be free,
2065Euen to the vttermo
st as I plea
se in words.
2066Pet. Why thou
st true, it is paltrie cap,
2067A cu
stard co
ffen, a bauble, a
silken pie,
2068I loue thee well in that thou lik'
st it not.
2069Kate. Loue me, or loue me not, I like the cap,
2070And it I will haue, or I will haue none.
2071Pet. Thy gowne, why I: come Tailor let vs
2072Oh mercie God, what ma
ffe is heere?
2073Whats this? a
sleeue? 'tis like demi cannon,
2074What, vp and downe caru'd like an apple Tart?
snip, and nip, and cut, and
sh and
2076Like to a Cen
sor in a barbers
2077Why what a deuils name Tailor cal'
st thou this?
2078Hor. I
shees like to haue neither cap nor gowne.
2079Tai. You bid me make it orderlie and well,
2080According to the fa
shion, and the time.
2081Pet. Marrie and did: but if you be remembred,
2082I did not bid you marre it to the time.
2083Go hop me ouer euery kennell home,
2084For you
shall hop without my cu
2085Ile none of it; hence, make your be
st of it.
2086Kate. I neuer
saw a better fa
shion'd gowne,
2087More queint, more plea
sing, nor more commendable:
2088Belike you meane to make a puppet of me.
2089Pet. Why true, he meanes to make a puppet of thee.
2090Tail. She
saies your Wor
ship meanes to make a
2092Pet. Oh mon
strous arrogance:
2093Thou lye
st, thou thred, thou thimble,
2094Thou yard three quarters, halfe yard, quarter, naile,
2095Thou Flea, thou Nit, thou winter cricket thou:
2096Brau'd in mine owne hou
se with a
skeine of thred:
2097Away thou Ragge, thou quantitie, thou remnant,
2098Or I
so be-mete thee with thy yard,
2099As thou
shalt thinke on prating whil'
st thou liu'
2100I tell thee I, that thou ha
st marr'd her gowne.
2101Tail. Your wor
ship is deceiu'd, the gowne is made
st as my ma
ster had dire
2103Grumio gaue order how it
should be done.
2104Gru. I gaue him no order, I gaue him the
2105Tail. But how did you de
sire it
should be made?
2106Gru. Marrie
sir with needle and thred.
2107Tail. But did you not reque
st to haue it cut?
2108Gru. Thou ha
st fac'd many things.
2110Gru. Face not mee: thou ha
st brau'd manie men,
2111braue not me; I will neither bee fac'd nor brau'd. I
2112vnto thee, I bid thy Ma
ster cut out the gowne, but I did
2113not bid him cut it to peeces. Ergo thou lie
2114Tail. Why heere is the note of the fa
shion to te
2116Gru. The note lies in's throate if he
say I
2117Tail. Inprimis, a loo
se bodied gowne.
2118Gru. Ma
ster, if euer I
said loo
se-bodied gowne,
2119me in the
skirts of it, and beate me to death with a bot
- 2120tome of browne thred: I
said a gowne.
2122Tai. With a
small compa
st cape.
2123Gru. I confe
sse the cape.
2124Tai. With a trunke
2125Gru. I confe
sse two
2126Tai: The
sleeues curiou
sly cut.
2127Pet. I there's the villanie.
2128Gru. Error i'th bill
sir, error i'th bill? I commanded
should be cut out, and
sow'd vp againe, and
2130that Ile proue vpon thee, though thy little
finger be ar
- 2132Tail. This is true that I
say, and I had thee in place
2133where thou
st know it.
2134Gru. I am for thee
straight: take thou the bill, giue
2135me thy meat-yard, and
spare not me.
2136Hor. God-a-mercie
Grumio, then hee
shall haue no
2138Pet. Well
sir in breefe the gowne is not for me.
2139Gru. You are i'th right
sir, 'tis for my mi
2140Pet. Go take it vp vnto thy ma
sters v
2141Gru. Villaine, not for thy life: Take vp my Mi
2142gowne for thy ma
sters v
2143Pet. Why
sir, what's your conceit in that?
2144Gru. Oh
sir, the conceit is deeper then you think for:
2145Take vp my Mi
stris gowne to his ma
sters v
2147Pet. Hortensio,
say thou wilt
see the Tailor paide:
2148Go take it hence, be gone, and
say no more.
2149Hor. Tailor, Ile pay thee for thy gowne to morrow,
2150Take no vnkindne
sse of his ha
stie words:
2151Away I
say, commend me to thy ma
Exit Tail. 2152Pet. Well, come my
Kate, we will vnto your fathers,
2153Euen in the
se hone
st meane habiliments:
2154Our pur
shall be proud, our garments poore:
2155For 'tis the minde that makes the bodie rich.
2156And as the Sunne breakes through the darke
st clouds,
2157So honor peereth in the meane
st habit.
2158What is the Iay more precious then the Larke?
se his feathers are more beautifull.
2160Or is the Adder better then the Eele,
se his painted skin contents the eye.
2162Oh no good
Kate: neither art thou the wor
2163For this poore furniture, and meane array.
2164If thou accounted
st it
shame, lay it on me,
2165And therefore frolicke, we will hence forthwith,
2166To fea
st and
sport vs at thy fathers hou
2167Go call my men, and let vs
straight to him,
2168And bring our hor
ses vnto Long-lane end,
2169There wil we mount, and thither walke on foote,
see, I thinke 'tis now
seuen a clocke,
2171And well we may come there by dinner time.
2172Kate. I dare a
ssure you
sir, 'tis almo
st two,
2173And 'twill be
supper time ere you come there.
2174Pet. It
shall be
seuen ere I go to hor
2175Looke what I
speake, or do, or thinke to doe,
The Taming of the Shrew. 225
2176You are
still cro
ssing it,
sirs let't alone,
2177I will not goe to day, and ere I doe,
shall be what a clock I
say it is.
2179Hor. Why
so this gallant will command the