Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 2, 1599)

Enter Frier and Romeo.
Fri. So smile the heauens vpon this holy act,
That after houres, with sorrow chide vs not.
1395Ro. Amen, amen, but come what sorrow can,
It cannot counteruaile the exchange of ioy
of Romeo and Iuliet.
That one short minute giues me in her sight:
Do thou but close our hands with holy words,
Then loue-deuouring death do what he dare,
1400It is inough I may but call her mine.
Fri. These violent delights haue violent endes,
And in their triumph die like fier and powder:
Which as they kisse consume. The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his owne deliciousnesse,
1405And in the taste confoundes the appetite.
Therefore loue moderately, long loue doth so,
Too swift arriues, as tardie as too slowe.
Enter Iuliet.
Here comes the Lady, Oh so light a foote
1410Will nere weare out the euerlasting flint,
A louer may bestride the gossamours,
That ydeles in the wanton sommer ayre,
And yet not fall, so light is vanitie.
Iu. Good euen to my ghostly confessor.
1415 Fri. Romeo shall thanke thee daughter for vs both.
Iu. As much to him, else is his thankes too much.
Ro. Ah Iuliet, if the measure of thy ioy
Be heapt like mine, and that thy skill be more
To blason it, then sweeten with thy breath
1420This neighbour ayre and let rich musicke tongue,
Vnfold the imagind happines that both
Receiue in either, by this deare encounter.
Iu. Conceit more rich in matter then in words,
Brags of his substance, not of ornament,
1425They are but beggers that can count their worth,
But my true loue is growne to such excesse,
I cannot sum vp sum of halfe my wealth.
Fri. Come, come with me, and we will make short (worke.
For by your leaues, you shall not stay alone,
1430Till holy Church incorporate two in one.
F 2 Enter
The most lamentable Tragedie