of Romeo and Iuliet.
21222086La. That is becau
se the Traytor murderer liues.
21232087Iu. I Madam from the reach of the
se my hands:
21242088Would none but I might venge my Cozens death.
21252089 La. We will haue vengeance for it, feare thou not.
21262090Then weepe no more, Ile
send to one in
Mantua, 21272091Where that
same banni
sht runnagate doth liue,
21282092Shall giue him
such an vnaccu
stomd dram,
21292093That he
soone keepe
Tybalt companie:
21302094And then I hope thou wilt be
21312095Iu. Indeed I neuer
shall be
Romeo, till I behold him. Dead
21332097Is my poore heart
so for a kin
sman vext:
21342098Madam if you could
find out but a man
21352099To beare a poy
son, I would temper it:
Romeo should vpon receit thereof,
sleepe in quiet. O how my heart abhors
21382102To heare him namde and cannot come to him,
21392103To wreake the loue I bore my Cozen,
21402104Vpon his body that hath
slaughterd him.
21412105 Mo. Find thou the means, and Ile
such a man,
21422106But now ile tell thee ioyfull tidings Gyrle.
21432107Iu. And ioy comes well in
such a needie time,
21442108What are they, be
seech your Lady
21452109M. Well, well, thou ha
st a carefull father child,
21462110One who to put thee from thy heauines,
sorted out a
sudden day of ioy,
21482112That thou expe
cts not, nor I lookt not for.
21492113Iu. Madam in happie time, what day is that?
21502114 M. Marrie my child, early next Thur
sday morne,
21512115The gallant, young, and Noble Gentleman,
21522116The Countie
Paris at Saint
Peters Church,
21532117Shall happily make thee there a ioyfull Bride.
21542118Iu. Now by S.
Peters Church, and
Peter too,
shall not make me there a ioyfull Bride.
21562120I wonder at this ha
ste, that I mu
st wed
21572121Ere he that
should be husband comes to wooe:
I pray