of Romeo and Iuliet.
6482 Tibalt. What art thou drawne among the
se hartle
sse hindes?
6583turne thee
Benuolio, looke vpon thy death.
6684Benuo. I do but keepe the peace, put vp thy
6785or manage it to part the
se men with me.
6886Tib. What drawne and talke of peace? I hate the word,
6987as I hate hell, all
Mountagues and thee:
7189 Enter three of foure Citizens with Clubs or partysons. 7290Offi. Clubs, Bils and Parti
strike, beate them downe,
7391Downe with the Capulets, downe with the Mountagues.
7492 Enter old Capulet in his gowne, and his wife. 7593Capu. What noy
se is this? giue me my long
sword hoe.
7694Wife. A crowch, a crowch, why call you for a
7795Cap. My
sword I
say, old
Mountague is come,
shes his blade in
spight of me.
7997 Enter old Mountague and his wife. 8098Mount. Thou villaine
Capulet, hold me not, let me go.
8199M. Wife. 2. Thou
shalt not
stir one foote to
seeke a foe.
82100 Enter Prince Eskales, with his traine. 83101Prince. Rebellious
cts enemies to peace,
84102Prophaners of this neighbour-
85103Will they not heare? what ho, you men, you bea
86104That quench the
fire of your pernicious rage,
87105With purple fountaines i
ssuing from your veines:
88106On paine of torture from tho
se bloudie hands,
89107Throw your mi
stempered weapons to the ground,
90108And heare the
sentence of your moued Prince.
91109Three ciuill brawles bred of an ayrie word,
92110By thee old
Capulet and
Mountague, 93111Haue thrice di
sturbd the quiet of our
94112And made
Neronas auncient Citizens,
st by their graue be
seeming ornaments,
96114To wield old partizans, in hands as old,
97115Cancred with peace, to part your cancred hate,
98116If euer you di
sturbe our
streets againe,