Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 2, 1599)

of Romeo and Iuliet.
1470 Mer. And but one word with one of vs, couple it with some-
thing, make it a word and a blowe.
Tib. You shall find me apt inough to that sir, and you wil giue
me occasion.
Mercu. Could you not take some occasion without gi-
Tyb. Mercutio, thou consortest with Romeo.
Mer. Consort, what doest thou make vs Minstrels? and thou
make Minstrels of vs, looke to hear nothing but discords: heeres
my fiddlesticke, heeres that shall make you daunce: zounds con-
Ben. We talke here in the publike haunt of men:
Either withdraw vnto some priuate place,
Or reason coldly of your greeuances:
Or else depart, here all eyes gaze on vs.
1485Mer. Mens eyes were made to looke, and let them gaze.
I will not budge for no mans pleasure I.
Enter Romeo.
Tyb. Well peace be with you sir, here comes my man.
Mer. But ile be hangd sir if he weare your liuerie:
1490Marrie go before to field, heele be your follower,
Your worship in that sense may call him man.
Tyb. Romeo, the loue I beare thee, can affoord
No better terme then this: thou art a villaine.
Ro. Tybalt, the reason that I haue to loue thee,
1495Doth much excuse the appertaining rage
To such a greeting: villaine am I none.
Therefore farewell, I see thou knowest me not.
Tyb. Boy, this shall not excuse the iniuries
That thou hast done me, therefore turne and draw.
1500Ro. I do protest I neuer iniuried thee,
But loue thee better then thon canst deuise:
Till thou shalt know the reason of my loue,
And so good Capulet, which name I tender
As dearely as mine owne, be satisfied.
1505Mer. O calme, dishonourable, vile submission:
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