Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 2, 1599)

of Romeo and Iuliet.
Ile not endure him.
Capu. He shall be endured.
What goodman boy, I say he shall, go too,
Am I the master here or you? go too,
655Youle not endure him, god shall mend my soule,
Youle make a mutinie among my guests:
You wil set cock a hoope, youle be the man.
Ti. Why Vncle, tis a shame.
Capu. Go too, go too,
660You are a sawcie boy, ist so indeed?
This trick may chance to scath you I know what,
You must contrarie me, marrie tis time,
Well said my hearts, you are a princox, go,
Be quiet, or more light, more light for shame,
665Ile make you quiet (what) chearely my hearts.
Ti. Patience perforce, with wilfull choller meeting,
Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting:
I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall
Now seeming sweet, conuert to bittrest gall. Exit.
670Ro. If I prophane with my vnworthiest hand,
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this,
My lips two blushing Pylgrims did readie stand,
To smoothe that rough touch with a tender kis.
Iu. Good Pilgrim you do wrōg your hād too much
Which mannerly deuocion showes in this,
For saints haue hands, that Pilgrims hands do tuch,
And palme to palme is holy Palmers kis.
Ro. Haue not Saints lips and holy Palmers too?
680Iuli. I Pilgrim, lips that they must vse in praire.
Rom. O then deare Saint, let lips do what hands do,
They pray (grant thou) least faith turne to dispaire.
Iu. Saints do not moue, thogh grant for praiers sake.
685Ro. Then moue not while my praiers effect I take,
Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purgd.
Iu. Thē haue my lips the sin that they haue tooke.
Ro. Sin from my lips, ô trespas sweetly vrgd: